(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Q ; canon : Qred this = this }. Delimit Scope Qc_scope with Qc. Bind Scope Qc_scope with Qc. Arguments Qcmake this%Q _. Open Scope Qc_scope. Lemma Qred_identity : forall q:Q, Z.gcd (Qnum q) (QDen q) = 1%Z -> Qred q = q. Proof. unfold Qred; intros (a,b); simpl. generalize (Z.ggcd_gcd a ('b)) (Z.ggcd_correct_divisors a ('b)). intros. rewrite H1 in H; clear H1. destruct (Z.ggcd a ('b)) as (g,(aa,bb)); simpl in *; subst. destruct H0. rewrite Z.mul_1_l in H, H0. subst; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma Qred_identity2 : forall q:Q, Qred q = q -> Z.gcd (Qnum q) (QDen q) = 1%Z. Proof. unfold Qred; intros (a,b); simpl. generalize (Z.ggcd_gcd a ('b)) (Z.ggcd_correct_divisors a ('b)) (Z.gcd_nonneg a ('b)). intros. rewrite <- H; rewrite <- H in H1; clear H. destruct (Z.ggcd a ('b)) as (g,(aa,bb)); simpl in *; subst. injection H2; intros; clear H2. destruct H0. clear H0 H3. destruct g as [|g|g]; destruct bb as [|bb|bb]; simpl in *; try discriminate. f_equal. apply Pos.mul_reg_r with bb. injection H2; intros. rewrite <- H0. rewrite H; simpl; auto. elim H1; auto. Qed. Lemma Qred_iff : forall q:Q, Qred q = q <-> Z.gcd (Qnum q) (QDen q) = 1%Z. Proof. split; intros. apply Qred_identity2; auto. apply Qred_identity; auto. Qed. Lemma Qred_involutive : forall q:Q, Qred (Qred q) = Qred q. Proof. intros; apply Qred_complete. apply Qred_correct. Qed. Definition Q2Qc (q:Q) : Qc := Qcmake (Qred q) (Qred_involutive q). Arguments Q2Qc q%Q. Notation " !! " := Q2Qc : Qc_scope. Lemma Qc_is_canon : forall q q' : Qc, q == q' -> q = q'. Proof. intros (q,proof_q) (q',proof_q'). simpl. intros H. assert (H0:=Qred_complete _ _ H). assert (q = q') by congruence. subst q'. assert (proof_q = proof_q'). apply eq_proofs_unicity; auto; intros. repeat decide equality. congruence. Qed. Hint Resolve Qc_is_canon. Notation " 0 " := (!!0) : Qc_scope. Notation " 1 " := (!!1) : Qc_scope. Definition Qcle (x y : Qc) := (x <= y)%Q. Definition Qclt (x y : Qc) := (x < y)%Q. Notation Qcgt := (fun x y : Qc => Qlt y x). Notation Qcge := (fun x y : Qc => Qle y x). Infix "<" := Qclt : Qc_scope. Infix "<=" := Qcle : Qc_scope. Infix ">" := Qcgt : Qc_scope. Infix ">=" := Qcge : Qc_scope. Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x<=y/\y<=z) : Qc_scope. Notation "x < y < z" := (x (p ?= q) = Eq. Proof. unfold Qccompare. intros; rewrite <- Qeq_alt. split; auto. intro H; rewrite H; auto with qarith. Qed. Lemma Qclt_alt : forall p q, (p (p?=q = Lt). Proof. intros; exact (Qlt_alt p q). Qed. Lemma Qcgt_alt : forall p q, (p>q) <-> (p?=q = Gt). Proof. intros; exact (Qgt_alt p q). Qed. Lemma Qle_alt : forall p q, (p<=q) <-> (p?=q <> Gt). Proof. intros; exact (Qle_alt p q). Qed. Lemma Qge_alt : forall p q, (p>=q) <-> (p?=q <> Lt). Proof. intros; exact (Qge_alt p q). Qed. (** equality on [Qc] is decidable: *) Theorem Qc_eq_dec : forall x y:Qc, {x=y} + {x<>y}. Proof. intros. destruct (Qeq_dec x y) as [H|H]; auto. right; contradict H; subst; auto with qarith. Defined. (** The addition, multiplication and opposite are defined in the straightforward way: *) Definition Qcplus (x y : Qc) := !!(x+y). Infix "+" := Qcplus : Qc_scope. Definition Qcmult (x y : Qc) := !!(x*y). Infix "*" := Qcmult : Qc_scope. Definition Qcopp (x : Qc) := !!(-x). Notation "- x" := (Qcopp x) : Qc_scope. Definition Qcminus (x y : Qc) := x+-y. Infix "-" := Qcminus : Qc_scope. Definition Qcinv (x : Qc) := !!(/x). Notation "/ x" := (Qcinv x) : Qc_scope. Definition Qcdiv (x y : Qc) := x*/y. Infix "/" := Qcdiv : Qc_scope. (** [0] and [1] are apart *) Lemma Q_apart_0_1 : 1 <> 0. Proof. unfold Q2Qc. intros H; discriminate H. Qed. Ltac qc := match goal with | q:Qc |- _ => destruct q; qc | _ => apply Qc_is_canon; simpl; repeat rewrite Qred_correct end. Opaque Qred. (** Addition is associative: *) Theorem Qcplus_assoc : forall x y z, x+(y+z)=(x+y)+z. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qplus_assoc. Qed. (** [0] is a neutral element for addition: *) Lemma Qcplus_0_l : forall x, 0+x = x. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qplus_0_l. Qed. Lemma Qcplus_0_r : forall x, x+0 = x. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qplus_0_r. Qed. (** Commutativity of addition: *) Theorem Qcplus_comm : forall x y, x+y = y+x. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qplus_comm. Qed. (** Properties of [Qopp] *) Lemma Qcopp_involutive : forall q, - -q = q. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qopp_involutive. Qed. Theorem Qcplus_opp_r : forall q, q+(-q) = 0. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qplus_opp_r. Qed. (** Multiplication is associative: *) Theorem Qcmult_assoc : forall n m p, n*(m*p)=(n*m)*p. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qmult_assoc. Qed. (** [1] is a neutral element for multiplication: *) Lemma Qcmult_1_l : forall n, 1*n = n. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qmult_1_l. Qed. Theorem Qcmult_1_r : forall n, n*1=n. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qmult_1_r. Qed. (** Commutativity of multiplication *) Theorem Qcmult_comm : forall x y, x*y=y*x. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qmult_comm. Qed. (** Distributivity *) Theorem Qcmult_plus_distr_r : forall x y z, x*(y+z)=(x*y)+(x*z). Proof. intros; qc; apply Qmult_plus_distr_r. Qed. Theorem Qcmult_plus_distr_l : forall x y z, (x+y)*z=(x*z)+(y*z). Proof. intros; qc; apply Qmult_plus_distr_l. Qed. (** Integrality *) Theorem Qcmult_integral : forall x y, x*y=0 -> x=0 \/ y=0. Proof. intros. destruct (Qmult_integral x y); try qc; auto. injection H; clear H; intros. rewrite <- (Qred_correct (x*y)). rewrite <- (Qred_correct 0). rewrite H; auto with qarith. Qed. Theorem Qcmult_integral_l : forall x y, ~ x = 0 -> x*y = 0 -> y = 0. Proof. intros; destruct (Qcmult_integral _ _ H0); tauto. Qed. (** Inverse and division. *) Theorem Qcmult_inv_r : forall x, x<>0 -> x*(/x) = 1. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qmult_inv_r; auto. Qed. Theorem Qcmult_inv_l : forall x, x<>0 -> (/x)*x = 1. Proof. intros. rewrite Qcmult_comm. apply Qcmult_inv_r; auto. Qed. Lemma Qcinv_mult_distr : forall p q, / (p * q) = /p * /q. Proof. intros; qc; apply Qinv_mult_distr. Qed. Theorem Qcdiv_mult_l : forall x y, y<>0 -> (x*y)/y = x. Proof. unfold Qcdiv. intros. rewrite <- Qcmult_assoc. rewrite Qcmult_inv_r; auto. apply Qcmult_1_r. Qed. Theorem Qcmult_div_r : forall x y, ~ y = 0 -> y*(x/y) = x. Proof. unfold Qcdiv. intros. rewrite Qcmult_assoc. rewrite Qcmult_comm. rewrite Qcmult_assoc. rewrite Qcmult_inv_l; auto. apply Qcmult_1_l. Qed. (** Properties of order upon Q. *) Lemma Qcle_refl : forall x, x<=x. Proof. unfold Qcle; intros; simpl; apply Qle_refl. Qed. Lemma Qcle_antisym : forall x y, x<=y -> y<=x -> x=y. Proof. unfold Qcle; intros; simpl in *. apply Qc_is_canon; apply Qle_antisym; auto. Qed. Lemma Qcle_trans : forall x y z, x<=y -> y<=z -> x<=z. Proof. unfold Qcle; intros; eapply Qle_trans; eauto. Qed. Lemma Qclt_not_eq : forall x y, x x<>y. Proof. unfold Qclt; intros; simpl in *. intro; destruct (Qlt_not_eq _ _ H). subst; auto with qarith. Qed. (** Large = strict or equal *) Lemma Qclt_le_weak : forall x y, x x<=y. Proof. unfold Qcle, Qclt; intros; apply Qlt_le_weak; auto. Qed. Lemma Qcle_lt_trans : forall x y z, x<=y -> y x y<=z -> x y x y<=x. Proof. unfold Qcle, Qclt; intros; apply Qnot_lt_le; auto. Qed. Lemma Qcnot_le_lt : forall x y, ~ x<=y -> y ~ y<=x. Proof. unfold Qcle, Qclt; intros; apply Qlt_not_le; auto. Qed. Lemma Qcle_not_lt : forall x y, x<=y -> ~ y x -q <= -p. Proof. unfold Qcle, Qcopp; intros; simpl in *. repeat rewrite Qred_correct. apply Qopp_le_compat; auto. Qed. Lemma Qcle_minus_iff : forall p q, p <= q <-> 0 <= q+-p. Proof. unfold Qcle, Qcminus; intros; simpl in *. repeat rewrite Qred_correct. apply Qle_minus_iff; auto. Qed. Lemma Qclt_minus_iff : forall p q, p < q <-> 0 < q+-p. Proof. unfold Qclt, Qcplus, Qcopp; intros; simpl in *. repeat rewrite Qred_correct. apply Qlt_minus_iff; auto. Qed. Lemma Qcplus_le_compat : forall x y z t, x<=y -> z<=t -> x+z <= y+t. Proof. unfold Qcplus, Qcle; intros; simpl in *. repeat rewrite Qred_correct. apply Qplus_le_compat; auto. Qed. Lemma Qcmult_le_compat_r : forall x y z, x <= y -> 0 <= z -> x*z <= y*z. Proof. unfold Qcmult, Qcle; intros; simpl in *. repeat rewrite Qred_correct. apply Qmult_le_compat_r; auto. Qed. Lemma Qcmult_lt_0_le_reg_r : forall x y z, 0 < z -> x*z <= y*z -> x <= y. Proof. unfold Qcmult, Qcle, Qclt; intros; simpl in *. rewrite !Qred_correct in * |-. eapply Qmult_lt_0_le_reg_r; eauto. Qed. Lemma Qcmult_lt_compat_r : forall x y z, 0 < z -> x < y -> x*z < y*z. Proof. unfold Qcmult, Qclt; intros; simpl in *. rewrite !Qred_correct in *. eapply Qmult_lt_compat_r; eauto. Qed. (** Rational to the n-th power *) Fixpoint Qcpower (q:Qc)(n:nat) : Qc := match n with | O => 1 | S n => q * (Qcpower q n) end. Notation " q ^ n " := (Qcpower q n) : Qc_scope. Lemma Qcpower_1 : forall n, 1^n = 1. Proof. induction n; simpl; auto with qarith. rewrite IHn; auto with qarith. Qed. Lemma Qcpower_0 : forall n, n<>O -> 0^n = 0. Proof. destruct n; simpl. destruct 1; auto. intros. now apply Qc_is_canon. Qed. Lemma Qcpower_pos : forall p n, 0 <= p -> 0 <= p^n. Proof. induction n; simpl; auto with qarith. easy. intros. apply Qcle_trans with (0*(p^n)). easy. apply Qcmult_le_compat_r; auto. Qed. (** And now everything is easier concerning tactics: *) (** A ring tactic for rational numbers *) Definition Qc_eq_bool (x y : Qc) := if Qc_eq_dec x y then true else false. Lemma Qc_eq_bool_correct : forall x y : Qc, Qc_eq_bool x y = true -> x=y. Proof. intros x y; unfold Qc_eq_bool; case (Qc_eq_dec x y); simpl; auto. intros _ H; inversion H. Qed. Definition Qcrt : ring_theory 0 1 Qcplus Qcmult Qcminus Qcopp (eq(A:=Qc)). Proof. constructor. exact Qcplus_0_l. exact Qcplus_comm. exact Qcplus_assoc. exact Qcmult_1_l. exact Qcmult_comm. exact Qcmult_assoc. exact Qcmult_plus_distr_l. reflexivity. exact Qcplus_opp_r. Qed. Definition Qcft : field_theory 0%Qc 1%Qc Qcplus Qcmult Qcminus Qcopp Qcdiv Qcinv (eq(A:=Qc)). Proof. constructor. exact Qcrt. exact Q_apart_0_1. reflexivity. exact Qcmult_inv_l. Qed. Add Field Qcfield : Qcft. (** A field tactic for rational numbers *) Example test_field : (forall x y : Qc, y<>0 -> (x/y)*y = x)%Qc. intros. field. auto. Qed. Theorem Qc_decomp: forall x y: Qc, (Qred x = x -> Qred y = y -> (x:Q) = y)-> x = y. Proof. intros (q, Hq) (q', Hq'); simpl; intros H. assert (H1 := H Hq Hq'). subst q'. assert (Hq = Hq'). apply Eqdep_dec.eq_proofs_unicity; auto; intros. repeat decide equality. congruence. Qed.