Require Export QArith. Require Export Qreduction. Hint Resolve Qlt_le_weak : qarith. Definition Qabs (x:Q) := let (n,d):=x in (Zabs n#d). Lemma Qabs_case : forall (x:Q) (P : Q -> Type), (0 <= x -> P x) -> (x <= 0 -> P (- x)) -> P (Qabs x). Proof. intros x P H1 H2. destruct x as [[|xn|xn] xd]; [apply H1|apply H1|apply H2]; abstract (compute; discriminate). Defined. Add Morphism Qabs with signature Qeq ==> Qeq as Qabs_wd. intros [xn xd] [yn yd] H. simpl. unfold Qeq in *. simpl in *. change (' yd)%Z with (Zabs (' yd)). change (' xd)%Z with (Zabs (' xd)). repeat rewrite <- Zabs_Zmult. congruence. Qed. Lemma Qabs_pos : forall x, 0 <= x -> Qabs x == x. Proof. intros x H. apply Qabs_case. reflexivity. intros H0. setoid_replace x with 0. reflexivity. apply Qle_antisym; assumption. Qed. Lemma Qabs_neg : forall x, x <= 0 -> Qabs x == - x. Proof. intros x H. apply Qabs_case. intros H0. setoid_replace x with 0. reflexivity. apply Qle_antisym; assumption. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Qabs_nonneg : forall x, 0 <= (Qabs x). intros x. apply Qabs_case. auto. apply (Qopp_le_compat x 0). Qed. Lemma Zabs_Qabs : forall n d, (Zabs n#d)==Qabs (n#d). Proof. intros [|n|n]; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Qabs_opp : forall x, Qabs (-x) == Qabs x. Proof. intros x. do 2 apply Qabs_case; try (intros; ring); (intros H0 H1; setoid_replace x with 0;[reflexivity|]; apply Qle_antisym);try assumption; rewrite Qle_minus_iff in *; ring_simplify; ring_simplify in H1; assumption. Qed. Lemma Qabs_triangle : forall x y, Qabs (x+y) <= Qabs x + Qabs y. Proof. intros [xn xd] [yn yd]. unfold Qplus. unfold Qle. simpl. apply Zmult_le_compat_r;auto with *. change (' yd)%Z with (Zabs (' yd)). change (' xd)%Z with (Zabs (' xd)). repeat rewrite <- Zabs_Zmult. apply Zabs_triangle. Qed. Lemma Qabs_Qmult : forall a b, Qabs (a*b) == (Qabs a)*(Qabs b). Proof. intros [an ad] [bn bd]. simpl. rewrite Zabs_Zmult. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Qle_Qabs : forall a, a <= Qabs a. Proof. intros a. apply Qabs_case; auto with *. intros H. apply Qle_trans with 0; try assumption. change 0 with (-0). apply Qopp_le_compat. assumption. Qed. Lemma Qabs_triangle_reverse : forall x y, Qabs x - Qabs y <= Qabs (x - y). Proof. intros x y. rewrite Qle_minus_iff. setoid_replace (Qabs (x - y) + - (Qabs x - Qabs y)) with ((Qabs (x - y) + Qabs y) + - Qabs x) by ring. rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff. setoid_replace (Qabs x) with (Qabs (x-y+y)). apply Qabs_triangle. apply Qabs_wd. ring. Qed.