(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* let (x,y) := anonymous in P)) (x ident, y ident) : type_scope. (** Generates an obligation to prove False. *) Notation " ! " := (False_rect _ _). (** Abbreviation for first projection and hiding of proofs of subset objects. *) Notation " ` t " := (proj1_sig t) (at level 10) : core_scope. Notation "( x & ? )" := (@exist _ _ x _) : core_scope. (** Coerces objects to their support before comparing them. *) Notation " x '`=' y " := ((x :>) = (y :>)) (at level 70). (** Quantifying over subsets. *) Notation "'fun' { x : A | P } => Q" := (fun x:{x:A|P} => Q) (at level 200, x ident, right associativity). Notation "'forall' { x : A | P } , Q" := (forall x:{x:A|P}, Q) (at level 200, x ident, right associativity). Require Import Coq.Bool.Sumbool. (** Construct a dependent disjunction from a boolean. *) Notation "'dec'" := (sumbool_of_bool) (at level 0). (** The notations [in_right] and [in_left] construct objects of a dependent disjunction. *) Notation in_right := (@right _ _ _). Notation in_left := (@left _ _ _). (** Extraction directives *) Extraction Inline proj1_sig. Extract Inductive unit => "unit" [ "()" ]. Extract Inductive bool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ]. Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ]. (* Extract Inductive prod "'a" "'b" => " 'a * 'b " [ "(,)" ]. *) (* Extract Inductive sigT => "prod" [ "" ]. *) (** The scope in which programs are typed (not their types). *) Delimit Scope program_scope with prg.