(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* tac H end. (** Try to apply [JMeq_eq] to get back a regular equality when the two types are equal. *) Ltac simpl_one_JMeq := on_JMeq ltac:(fun H => let H' := fresh "H" in assert (H' := JMeq_eq H) ; clear H ; rename H' into H). (** Repeat it for every possible hypothesis. *) Ltac simpl_JMeq := repeat simpl_one_JMeq. (** Just simplify an h.eq. without clearing it. *) Ltac simpl_one_dep_JMeq := on_JMeq ltac:(fun H => let H' := fresh "H" in assert (H' := JMeq_eq H)). Require Import Eqdep. (** Tries to eliminate a call to [eq_rect] (the substitution principle) by any means available. *) Ltac elim_eq_rect := match goal with | [ |- ?t ] => match t with | context [ @eq_rect _ _ _ _ _ ?p ] => let P := fresh "P" in set (P := p); simpl in P ; ((case P ; clear P) || (clearbody P; rewrite (UIP_refl _ _ P); clear P)) | context [ @eq_rect _ _ _ _ _ ?p _ ] => let P := fresh "P" in set (P := p); simpl in P ; ((case P ; clear P) || (clearbody P; rewrite (UIP_refl _ _ P); clear P)) end end. (** Rewrite using uniqueness of indentity proofs [H = refl_equal X]. *) Ltac simpl_uip := match goal with [ H : ?X = ?X |- _ ] => rewrite (UIP_refl _ _ H) in *; clear H end. (** Simplify equalities appearing in the context and goal. *) Ltac simpl_eq := simpl ; repeat (elim_eq_rect ; simpl) ; repeat (simpl_uip ; simpl). (** Try to abstract a proof of equality, if no proof of the same equality is present in the context. *) Ltac abstract_eq_hyp H' p := let ty := type of p in let tyred := eval simpl in ty in match tyred with ?X = ?Y => match goal with | [ H : X = Y |- _ ] => fail 1 | _ => set (H':=p) ; try (change p with H') ; clearbody H' ; simpl in H' end end. (** Apply the tactic tac to proofs of equality appearing as coercion arguments. Just redefine this tactic (using [Ltac on_coerce_proof tac ::=]) to handle custom coercion operators. *) Ltac on_coerce_proof tac T := match T with | context [ eq_rect _ _ _ _ ?p ] => tac p end. Ltac on_coerce_proof_gl tac := match goal with [ |- ?T ] => on_coerce_proof tac T end. (** Abstract proofs of equalities of coercions. *) Ltac abstract_eq_proof := on_coerce_proof_gl ltac:(fun p => let H := fresh "eqH" in abstract_eq_hyp H p). Ltac abstract_eq_proofs := repeat abstract_eq_proof. (** Factorize proofs, by using proof irrelevance so that two proofs of the same equality in the goal become convertible. *) Ltac pi_eq_proof_hyp p := let ty := type of p in let tyred := eval simpl in ty in match tyred with ?X = ?Y => match goal with | [ H : X = Y |- _ ] => match p with | H => fail 2 | _ => rewrite (proof_irrelevance (X = Y) p H) end | _ => fail " No hypothesis with same type " end end. (** Factorize proofs of equality appearing as coercion arguments. *) Ltac pi_eq_proof := on_coerce_proof_gl pi_eq_proof_hyp. Ltac pi_eq_proofs := repeat pi_eq_proof. (** The two preceding tactics in sequence. *) Ltac clear_eq_proofs := abstract_eq_proofs ; pi_eq_proofs. Hint Rewrite <- eq_rect_eq : refl_id. (** The refl_id database should be populated with lemmas of the form [coerce_* t (refl_equal _) = t]. *) Ltac rewrite_refl_id := autorewrite with refl_id. (** Clear the context and goal of equality proofs. *) Ltac clear_eq_ctx := rewrite_refl_id ; clear_eq_proofs. (** Reapeated elimination of [eq_rect] applications. Abstracting equalities makes it run much faster than an naive implementation. *) Ltac simpl_eqs := repeat (elim_eq_rect ; simpl ; clear_eq_ctx). (** Clear unused reflexivity proofs. *) Ltac clear_refl_eq := match goal with [ H : ?X = ?X |- _ ] => clear H end. Ltac clear_refl_eqs := repeat clear_refl_eq. (** Clear unused equality proofs. *) Ltac clear_eq := match goal with [ H : _ = _ |- _ ] => clear H end. Ltac clear_eqs := repeat clear_eq. (** Combine all the tactics to simplify goals containing coercions. *) Ltac simplify_eqs := simpl ; simpl_eqs ; clear_eq_ctx ; clear_refl_eqs ; try subst ; simpl ; repeat simpl_uip ; rewrite_refl_id. (** A tactic to remove trivial equality guards in hypotheses. *) Ltac simpl_IH_eq H := let tac H' := clear H ; rename H' into H in let H' := fresh "H" in match type of H with | JMeq _ _ -> _ => assert (H' := H (JMeq_refl _)) ; tac H' | _ = _ -> _ => assert (H' := H (refl_equal _)) ; tac H' end. Ltac simpl_IH_eqs H := repeat simpl_IH_eq H. Ltac simpl_IHs_eqs := match goal with | [ H : JMeq _ _ -> _ |- _ ] => simpl_IH_eqs H | [ H : _ = _ -> _ |- _ ] => simpl_IH_eqs H end. Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics. (** The following tactics allow to do induction on an already instantiated inductive predicate by first generalizing it and adding the proper equalities to the context, in a maner similar to the BasicElim tactic of "Elimination with a motive" by Conor McBride. *) Tactic Notation "dependent" "induction" ident(H) := generalize_eqs H ; clear H ; (intros until 1 || intros until H) ; induction H ; intros ; subst* ; try discriminates ; try simpl_IHs_eqs. (** This tactic also generalizes the goal by the given variables before the induction. *) Tactic Notation "dependent" "induction" ident(H) "generalizing" ne_hyp_list(l) := generalize_eqs H ; clear H ; (intros until 1 || intros until H) ; generalize l ; clear l ; induction H ; intros ; subst* ; try discriminates ; try simpl_IHs_eqs.