(* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- *) (************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Gt. Definition ge x y := (x ?= y) <> Lt. Infix "<=" := le : positive_scope. Infix "<" := lt : positive_scope. Infix ">=" := ge : positive_scope. Infix ">" := gt : positive_scope. Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x <= y /\ y <= z) : positive_scope. Notation "x <= y < z" := (x <= y /\ y < z) : positive_scope. Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) : positive_scope. Notation "x < y <= z" := (x < y /\ y <= z) : positive_scope. (**********************************************************************) (** * Properties of operations over positive numbers *) (** ** Decidability of equality on binary positive numbers *) Lemma eq_dec : forall x y:positive, {x = y} + {x <> y}. Proof. decide equality. Defined. (**********************************************************************) (** * Properties of successor on binary positive numbers *) (** ** Specification of [xI] in term of [succ] and [xO] *) Lemma xI_succ_xO p : p~1 = succ p~0. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma succ_discr p : p <> succ p. Proof. now destruct p. Qed. (** ** Successor and double *) Lemma pred_double_spec p : pred_double p = pred (p~0). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma succ_pred_double p : succ (pred_double p) = p~0. Proof. induction p; simpl; now f_equal. Qed. Lemma pred_double_succ p : pred_double (succ p) = p~1. Proof. induction p; simpl; now f_equal. Qed. Lemma double_succ p : (succ p)~0 = succ (succ p~0). Proof. now destruct p. Qed. Lemma pred_double_xO_discr p : pred_double p <> p~0. Proof. now destruct p. Qed. (** ** Successor and predecessor *) Lemma succ_not_1 p : succ p <> 1. Proof. now destruct p. Qed. Lemma pred_succ p : pred (succ p) = p. Proof. destruct p; simpl; trivial. apply pred_double_succ. Qed. Lemma succ_pred_or p : p = 1 \/ succ (pred p) = p. Proof. destruct p; simpl; auto. right; apply succ_pred_double. Qed. Lemma succ_pred p : p <> 1 -> succ (pred p) = p. Proof. destruct p; intros H; simpl; trivial. apply succ_pred_double. now destruct H. Qed. (** ** Injectivity of successor *) Lemma succ_inj p q : succ p = succ q -> p = q. Proof. revert q. induction p; intros [q|q| ] H; simpl in H; destr_eq H; f_equal; auto. elim (succ_not_1 p); auto. elim (succ_not_1 q); auto. Qed. (** ** Predecessor to [N] *) Lemma pred_N_succ p : pred_N (succ p) = Npos p. Proof. destruct p; simpl; trivial. f_equal. apply pred_double_succ. Qed. (**********************************************************************) (** * Properties of addition on binary positive numbers *) (** ** Specification of [succ] in term of [add] *) Lemma add_1_r p : p + 1 = succ p. Proof. now destruct p. Qed. Lemma add_1_l p : 1 + p = succ p. Proof. now destruct p. Qed. (** ** Specification of [add_carry] *) Theorem add_carry_spec p q : add_carry p q = succ (p + q). Proof. revert q. induction p; destruct q; simpl; now f_equal. Qed. (** ** Commutativity *) Theorem add_comm p q : p + q = q + p. Proof. revert q. induction p; destruct q; simpl; f_equal; trivial. rewrite 2 add_carry_spec; now f_equal. Qed. (** ** Permutation of [add] and [succ] *) Theorem add_succ_r p q : p + succ q = succ (p + q). Proof. revert q. induction p; destruct q; simpl; f_equal; auto using add_1_r; rewrite add_carry_spec; auto. Qed. Theorem add_succ_l p q : succ p + q = succ (p + q). Proof. rewrite add_comm, (add_comm p). apply add_succ_r. Qed. (** ** No neutral elements for addition *) Lemma add_no_neutral p q : q + p <> p. Proof. revert q. induction p as [p IHp|p IHp| ]; intros [q|q| ] H; destr_eq H; apply (IHp q H). Qed. (** ** Simplification *) Lemma add_carry_add p q r s : add_carry p r = add_carry q s -> p + r = q + s. Proof. intros H; apply succ_inj; now rewrite <- 2 add_carry_spec. Qed. Lemma add_reg_r p q r : p + r = q + r -> p = q. Proof. revert p q. induction r. intros [p|p| ] [q|q| ] H; simpl; destr_eq H; f_equal; auto using add_carry_add; contradict H; rewrite add_carry_spec, <- add_succ_r; auto using add_no_neutral. intros [p|p| ] [q|q| ] H; simpl; destr_eq H; f_equal; auto; contradict H; auto using add_no_neutral. intros p q H. apply succ_inj. now rewrite <- 2 add_1_r. Qed. Lemma add_reg_l p q r : p + q = p + r -> q = r. Proof. rewrite 2 (add_comm p). now apply add_reg_r. Qed. Lemma add_cancel_r p q r : p + r = q + r <-> p = q. Proof. split. apply add_reg_r. congruence. Qed. Lemma add_cancel_l p q r : r + p = r + q <-> p = q. Proof. split. apply add_reg_l. congruence. Qed. Lemma add_carry_reg_r p q r : add_carry p r = add_carry q r -> p = q. Proof. intros H. apply add_reg_r with (r:=r); now apply add_carry_add. Qed. Lemma add_carry_reg_l p q r : add_carry p q = add_carry p r -> q = r. Proof. intros H; apply add_reg_r with (r:=p); rewrite (add_comm r), (add_comm q); now apply add_carry_add. Qed. (** ** Addition is associative *) Theorem add_assoc p q r : p + (q + r) = p + q + r. Proof. revert q r. induction p. intros [q|q| ] [r|r| ]; simpl; f_equal; trivial; rewrite ?add_carry_spec, ?add_succ_r, ?add_succ_l, ?add_1_r; f_equal; trivial. intros [q|q| ] [r|r| ]; simpl; f_equal; trivial; rewrite ?add_carry_spec, ?add_succ_r, ?add_succ_l, ?add_1_r; f_equal; trivial. intros q r; rewrite 2 add_1_l, add_succ_l; auto. Qed. (** ** Commutation of addition and double *) Lemma add_xO p q : (p + q)~0 = p~0 + q~0. Proof. now destruct p, q. Qed. Lemma add_xI_pred_double p q : (p + q)~0 = p~1 + pred_double q. Proof. change (p~1) with (p~0 + 1). now rewrite <- add_assoc, add_1_l, succ_pred_double. Qed. Lemma add_xO_pred_double p q : pred_double (p + q) = p~0 + pred_double q. Proof. revert q. induction p as [p IHp| p IHp| ]; destruct q; simpl; rewrite ?add_carry_spec, ?pred_double_succ, ?add_xI_pred_double; try reflexivity. rewrite IHp; auto. rewrite <- succ_pred_double, <- add_1_l. reflexivity. Qed. (** ** Miscellaneous *) Lemma add_diag p : p + p = p~0. Proof. induction p as [p IHp| p IHp| ]; simpl; now rewrite ?add_carry_spec, ?IHp. Qed. (**********************************************************************) (** * Peano induction and recursion on binary positive positive numbers *) (** The Peano-like recursor function for [positive] (due to Daniel Schepler) *) Fixpoint peano_rect (P:positive->Type) (a:P 1) (f: forall p:positive, P p -> P (succ p)) (p:positive) : P p := let f2 := peano_rect (fun p:positive => P (p~0)) (f _ a) (fun (p:positive) (x:P (p~0)) => f _ (f _ x)) in match p with | q~1 => f _ (f2 q) | q~0 => f2 q | 1 => a end. Theorem peano_rect_succ (P:positive->Type) (a:P 1) (f:forall p, P p -> P (succ p)) (p:positive) : peano_rect P a f (succ p) = f _ (peano_rect P a f p). Proof. revert P a f. induction p; trivial. intros. simpl. now rewrite IHp. Qed. Theorem peano_rect_base (P:positive->Type) (a:P 1) (f:forall p, P p -> P (succ p)) : peano_rect P a f 1 = a. Proof. trivial. Qed. Definition peano_rec (P:positive->Set) := peano_rect P. (** Peano induction *) Definition peano_ind (P:positive->Prop) := peano_rect P. (** Peano case analysis *) Theorem peano_case : forall P:positive -> Prop, P 1 -> (forall n:positive, P (succ n)) -> forall p:positive, P p. Proof. intros; apply peano_ind; auto. Qed. (** Earlier, the Peano-like recursor was built and proved in a way due to Conor McBride, see "The view from the left" *) Inductive PeanoView : positive -> Type := | PeanoOne : PeanoView 1 | PeanoSucc : forall p, PeanoView p -> PeanoView (succ p). Fixpoint peanoView_xO p (q:PeanoView p) : PeanoView (p~0) := match q in PeanoView x return PeanoView (x~0) with | PeanoOne => PeanoSucc _ PeanoOne | PeanoSucc _ q => PeanoSucc _ (PeanoSucc _ (peanoView_xO _ q)) end. Fixpoint peanoView_xI p (q:PeanoView p) : PeanoView (p~1) := match q in PeanoView x return PeanoView (x~1) with | PeanoOne => PeanoSucc _ (PeanoSucc _ PeanoOne) | PeanoSucc _ q => PeanoSucc _ (PeanoSucc _ (peanoView_xI _ q)) end. Fixpoint peanoView p : PeanoView p := match p return PeanoView p with | 1 => PeanoOne | p~0 => peanoView_xO p (peanoView p) | p~1 => peanoView_xI p (peanoView p) end. Definition PeanoView_iter (P:positive->Type) (a:P 1) (f:forall p, P p -> P (succ p)) := (fix iter p (q:PeanoView p) : P p := match q in PeanoView p return P p with | PeanoOne => a | PeanoSucc _ q => f _ (iter _ q) end). Theorem eq_dep_eq_positive : forall (P:positive->Type) (p:positive) (x y:P p), eq_dep positive P p x p y -> x = y. Proof. apply eq_dep_eq_dec. decide equality. Qed. Theorem PeanoViewUnique : forall p (q q':PeanoView p), q = q'. Proof. intros. induction q as [ | p q IHq ]. apply eq_dep_eq_positive. cut (1=1). pattern 1 at 1 2 5, q'. destruct q'. trivial. destruct p; intros; discriminate. trivial. apply eq_dep_eq_positive. cut (succ p=succ p). pattern (succ p) at 1 2 5, q'. destruct q'. intro. destruct p; discriminate. intro. apply succ_inj in H. generalize q'. rewrite H. intro. rewrite (IHq q'0). trivial. trivial. Qed. Lemma peano_equiv (P:positive->Type) (a:P 1) (f:forall p, P p -> P (succ p)) p : PeanoView_iter P a f p (peanoView p) = peano_rect P a f p. Proof. revert P a f. induction p using peano_rect. trivial. intros; simpl. rewrite peano_rect_succ. rewrite (PeanoViewUnique _ (peanoView (succ p)) (PeanoSucc _ (peanoView p))). simpl; now f_equal. Qed. (**********************************************************************) (** * Properties of multiplication on binary positive numbers *) (** ** One is neutral for multiplication *) Lemma mul_1_l p : 1 * p = p. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mul_1_r p : p * 1 = p. Proof. induction p; simpl; now f_equal. Qed. (** ** Right reduction properties for multiplication *) Lemma mul_xO_r p q : p * q~0 = (p * q)~0. Proof. induction p; simpl; f_equal; f_equal; trivial. Qed. Lemma mul_xI_r p q : p * q~1 = p + (p * q)~0. Proof. induction p as [p IHp|p IHp| ]; simpl; f_equal; trivial. now rewrite IHp, 2 add_assoc, (add_comm p). Qed. (** ** Commutativity of multiplication *) Theorem mul_comm p q : p * q = q * p. Proof. induction q as [q IHq|q IHq| ]; simpl; rewrite <- ? IHq; auto using mul_xI_r, mul_xO_r, mul_1_r. Qed. (** ** Distributivity of multiplication over addition *) Theorem mul_add_distr_l p q r : p * (q + r) = p * q + p * r. Proof. induction p as [p IHp|p IHp| ]; simpl. rewrite IHp. set (m:=(p*q)~0). set (n:=(p*r)~0). change ((p*q+p*r)~0) with (m+n). rewrite 2 add_assoc; f_equal. rewrite <- 2 add_assoc; f_equal. apply add_comm. f_equal; auto. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem mul_add_distr_r p q r : (p + q) * r = p * r + q * r. Proof. rewrite 3 (mul_comm _ r); apply mul_add_distr_l. Qed. (** ** Associativity of multiplication *) Theorem mul_assoc p q r : p * (q * r) = p * q * r. Proof. induction p as [p IHp| p IHp | ]; simpl; rewrite ?IHp; trivial. now rewrite mul_add_distr_r. Qed. (** ** Successor and multiplication *) Lemma mul_succ_l p q : (succ p) * q = q + p * q. Proof. induction p as [p IHp | p IHp | ]; simpl; trivial. now rewrite IHp, add_assoc, add_diag, <-add_xO. symmetry; apply add_diag. Qed. Lemma mul_succ_r p q : p * (succ q) = p + p * q. Proof. rewrite mul_comm, mul_succ_l. f_equal. apply mul_comm. Qed. (** ** Parity properties of multiplication *) Lemma mul_xI_mul_xO_discr p q r : p~1 * r <> q~0 * r. Proof. induction r; try discriminate. rewrite 2 mul_xO_r; intro H; destr_eq H; auto. Qed. Lemma mul_xO_discr p q : p~0 * q <> q. Proof. induction q; try discriminate. rewrite mul_xO_r; injection; assumption. Qed. (** ** Simplification properties of multiplication *) Theorem mul_reg_r p q r : p * r = q * r -> p = q. Proof. revert q r. induction p as [p IHp| p IHp| ]; intros [q|q| ] r H; reflexivity || apply f_equal || exfalso. apply IHp with (r~0). simpl in *. rewrite 2 mul_xO_r. apply add_reg_l with (1:=H). contradict H. apply mul_xI_mul_xO_discr. contradict H. simpl. rewrite add_comm. apply add_no_neutral. symmetry in H. contradict H. apply mul_xI_mul_xO_discr. apply IHp with (r~0). simpl. now rewrite 2 mul_xO_r. contradict H. apply mul_xO_discr. symmetry in H. contradict H. simpl. rewrite add_comm. apply add_no_neutral. symmetry in H. contradict H. apply mul_xO_discr. Qed. Theorem mul_reg_l p q r : r * p = r * q -> p = q. Proof. rewrite 2 (mul_comm r). apply mul_reg_r. Qed. Lemma mul_cancel_r p q r : p * r = q * r <-> p = q. Proof. split. apply mul_reg_r. congruence. Qed. Lemma mul_cancel_l p q r : r * p = r * q <-> p = q. Proof. split. apply mul_reg_l. congruence. Qed. (** ** Inversion of multiplication *) Lemma mul_eq_1_l p q : p * q = 1 -> p = 1. Proof. now destruct p, q. Qed. Lemma mul_eq_1_r p q : p * q = 1 -> q = 1. Proof. now destruct p, q. Qed. Notation mul_eq_1 := mul_eq_1_l. (** ** Square *) Lemma square_xO p : p~0 * p~0 = (p*p)~0~0. Proof. simpl. now rewrite mul_comm. Qed. Lemma square_xI p : p~1 * p~1 = (p*p+p)~0~1. Proof. simpl. rewrite mul_comm. simpl. f_equal. rewrite add_assoc, add_diag. simpl. now rewrite add_comm. Qed. (** ** Properties of [iter] *) Lemma iter_swap_gen : forall A B (f:A->B)(g:A->A)(h:B->B), (forall a, f (g a) = h (f a)) -> forall p a, f (iter p g a) = iter p h (f a). Proof. induction p; simpl; intros; now rewrite ?H, ?IHp. Qed. Theorem iter_swap : forall p (A:Type) (f:A -> A) (x:A), iter p f (f x) = f (iter p f x). Proof. intros. symmetry. now apply iter_swap_gen. Qed. Theorem iter_succ : forall p (A:Type) (f:A -> A) (x:A), iter (succ p) f x = f (iter p f x). Proof. induction p as [p IHp|p IHp|]; intros; simpl; trivial. now rewrite !IHp, iter_swap. Qed. Theorem iter_add : forall p q (A:Type) (f:A -> A) (x:A), iter (p+q) f x = iter p f (iter q f x). Proof. induction p using peano_ind; intros. now rewrite add_1_l, iter_succ. now rewrite add_succ_l, !iter_succ, IHp. Qed. Theorem iter_invariant : forall (p:positive) (A:Type) (f:A -> A) (Inv:A -> Prop), (forall x:A, Inv x -> Inv (f x)) -> forall x:A, Inv x -> Inv (iter p f x). Proof. induction p as [p IHp|p IHp|]; simpl; trivial. intros A f Inv H x H0. apply H, IHp, IHp; trivial. intros A f Inv H x H0. apply IHp, IHp; trivial. Qed. (** ** Properties of power *) Lemma pow_1_r p : p^1 = p. Proof. unfold pow. simpl. now rewrite mul_comm. Qed. Lemma pow_succ_r p q : p^(succ q) = p * p^q. Proof. unfold pow. now rewrite iter_succ. Qed. (** ** Properties of square *) Lemma square_spec p : square p = p * p. Proof. induction p. - rewrite square_xI. simpl. now rewrite IHp. - rewrite square_xO. simpl. now rewrite IHp. - trivial. Qed. (** ** Properties of [sub_mask] *) Lemma sub_mask_succ_r p q : sub_mask p (succ q) = sub_mask_carry p q. Proof. revert q. induction p; destruct q; simpl; f_equal; trivial; now destruct p. Qed. Theorem sub_mask_carry_spec p q : sub_mask_carry p q = pred_mask (sub_mask p q). Proof. revert q. induction p as [p IHp|p IHp| ]; destruct q; simpl; try reflexivity; try rewrite IHp; destruct (sub_mask p q) as [|[r|r| ]|] || destruct p; auto. Qed. Inductive SubMaskSpec (p q : positive) : mask -> Prop := | SubIsNul : p = q -> SubMaskSpec p q IsNul | SubIsPos : forall r, q + r = p -> SubMaskSpec p q (IsPos r) | SubIsNeg : forall r, p + r = q -> SubMaskSpec p q IsNeg. Theorem sub_mask_spec p q : SubMaskSpec p q (sub_mask p q). Proof. revert q. induction p; destruct q; simpl; try constructor; trivial. (* p~1 q~1 *) destruct (IHp q); subst; try now constructor. now apply SubIsNeg with r~0. (* p~1 q~0 *) destruct (IHp q); subst; try now constructor. apply SubIsNeg with (pred_double r). symmetry. apply add_xI_pred_double. (* p~0 q~1 *) rewrite sub_mask_carry_spec. destruct (IHp q); subst; try constructor. now apply SubIsNeg with 1. destruct r; simpl; try constructor; simpl. now rewrite add_carry_spec, <- add_succ_r. now rewrite add_carry_spec, <- add_succ_r, succ_pred_double. now rewrite add_1_r. now apply SubIsNeg with r~1. (* p~0 q~0 *) destruct (IHp q); subst; try now constructor. now apply SubIsNeg with r~0. (* p~0 1 *) now rewrite add_1_l, succ_pred_double. (* 1 q~1 *) now apply SubIsNeg with q~0. (* 1 q~0 *) apply SubIsNeg with (pred_double q). now rewrite add_1_l, succ_pred_double. Qed. Theorem sub_mask_nul_iff p q : sub_mask p q = IsNul <-> p = q. Proof. split. now case sub_mask_spec. intros <-. induction p; simpl; now rewrite ?IHp. Qed. Theorem sub_mask_diag p : sub_mask p p = IsNul. Proof. now apply sub_mask_nul_iff. Qed. Lemma sub_mask_add p q r : sub_mask p q = IsPos r -> q + r = p. Proof. case sub_mask_spec; congruence. Qed. Lemma sub_mask_add_diag_l p q : sub_mask (p+q) p = IsPos q. Proof. case sub_mask_spec. intros H. rewrite add_comm in H. elim (add_no_neutral _ _ H). intros r H. apply add_cancel_l in H. now f_equal. intros r H. rewrite <- add_assoc, add_comm in H. elim (add_no_neutral _ _ H). Qed. Lemma sub_mask_pos_iff p q r : sub_mask p q = IsPos r <-> q + r = p. Proof. split. apply sub_mask_add. intros <-; apply sub_mask_add_diag_l. Qed. Lemma sub_mask_add_diag_r p q : sub_mask p (p+q) = IsNeg. Proof. case sub_mask_spec; trivial. intros H. symmetry in H; rewrite add_comm in H. elim (add_no_neutral _ _ H). intros r H. rewrite <- add_assoc, add_comm in H. elim (add_no_neutral _ _ H). Qed. Lemma sub_mask_neg_iff p q : sub_mask p q = IsNeg <-> exists r, p + r = q. Proof. split. case sub_mask_spec; try discriminate. intros r Hr _; now exists r. intros (r,<-). apply sub_mask_add_diag_r. Qed. (*********************************************************************) (** * Properties of boolean comparisons *) Theorem eqb_eq p q : (p =? q) = true <-> p=q. Proof. revert q. induction p; destruct q; simpl; rewrite ?IHp; split; congruence. Qed. Theorem ltb_lt p q : (p p < q. Proof. unfold ltb, lt. destruct compare; easy'. Qed. Theorem leb_le p q : (p <=? q) = true <-> p <= q. Proof. unfold leb, le. destruct compare; easy'. Qed. (** More about [eqb] *) Include BoolEqualityFacts. (**********************************************************************) (** * Properties of comparison on binary positive numbers *) (** First, we express [compare_cont] in term of [compare] *) Definition switch_Eq c c' := match c' with | Eq => c | Lt => Lt | Gt => Gt end. Lemma compare_cont_spec p q c : compare_cont p q c = switch_Eq c (p ?= q). Proof. unfold compare. revert q c. induction p; destruct q; simpl; trivial. intros c. rewrite 2 IHp. now destruct (compare_cont p q Eq). intros c. rewrite 2 IHp. now destruct (compare_cont p q Eq). Qed. (** From this general result, we now describe particular cases of [compare_cont p q c = c'] : - When [c=Eq], this is directly [compare] - When [c<>Eq], we'll show first that [c'<>Eq] - That leaves only 4 lemmas for [c] and [c'] being [Lt] or [Gt] *) Theorem compare_cont_Eq p q c : compare_cont p q c = Eq -> c = Eq. Proof. rewrite compare_cont_spec. now destruct (p ?= q). Qed. Lemma compare_cont_Lt_Gt p q : compare_cont p q Lt = Gt <-> p > q. Proof. rewrite compare_cont_spec. unfold gt. destruct (p ?= q); now split. Qed. Lemma compare_cont_Lt_Lt p q : compare_cont p q Lt = Lt <-> p <= q. Proof. rewrite compare_cont_spec. unfold le. destruct (p ?= q); easy'. Qed. Lemma compare_cont_Gt_Lt p q : compare_cont p q Gt = Lt <-> p < q. Proof. rewrite compare_cont_spec. unfold lt. destruct (p ?= q); now split. Qed. Lemma compare_cont_Gt_Gt p q : compare_cont p q Gt = Gt <-> p >= q. Proof. rewrite compare_cont_spec. unfold ge. destruct (p ?= q); easy'. Qed. (** We can express recursive equations for [compare] *) Lemma compare_xO_xO p q : (p~0 ?= q~0) = (p ?= q). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma compare_xI_xI p q : (p~1 ?= q~1) = (p ?= q). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma compare_xI_xO p q : (p~1 ?= q~0) = switch_Eq Gt (p ?= q). Proof. exact (compare_cont_spec p q Gt). Qed. Lemma compare_xO_xI p q : (p~0 ?= q~1) = switch_Eq Lt (p ?= q). Proof. exact (compare_cont_spec p q Lt). Qed. Hint Rewrite compare_xO_xO compare_xI_xI compare_xI_xO compare_xO_xI : compare. Ltac simpl_compare := autorewrite with compare. Ltac simpl_compare_in H := autorewrite with compare in H. (** Relation between [compare] and [sub_mask] *) Definition mask2cmp (p:mask) : comparison := match p with | IsNul => Eq | IsPos _ => Gt | IsNeg => Lt end. Lemma compare_sub_mask p q : (p ?= q) = mask2cmp (sub_mask p q). Proof. revert q. induction p as [p IHp| p IHp| ]; intros [q|q| ]; simpl; trivial; specialize (IHp q); rewrite ?sub_mask_carry_spec; destruct (sub_mask p q) as [|r|]; simpl in *; try clear r; try destruct r; simpl; trivial; simpl_compare; now rewrite IHp. Qed. (** Alternative characterisation of strict order in term of addition *) Lemma lt_iff_add p q : p < q <-> exists r, p + r = q. Proof. unfold "<". rewrite <- sub_mask_neg_iff, compare_sub_mask. destruct sub_mask; now split. Qed. Lemma gt_iff_add p q : p > q <-> exists r, q + r = p. Proof. unfold ">". rewrite compare_sub_mask. split. case_eq (sub_mask p q); try discriminate; intros r Hr _. exists r. now apply sub_mask_pos_iff. intros (r,Hr). apply sub_mask_pos_iff in Hr. now rewrite Hr. Qed. (** Basic facts about [compare_cont] *) Theorem compare_cont_refl p c : compare_cont p p c = c. Proof. now induction p. Qed. Lemma compare_cont_antisym p q c : CompOpp (compare_cont p q c) = compare_cont q p (CompOpp c). Proof. revert q c. induction p as [p IHp|p IHp| ]; intros [q|q| ] c; simpl; trivial; apply IHp. Qed. (** Basic facts about [compare] *) Lemma compare_eq_iff p q : (p ?= q) = Eq <-> p = q. Proof. rewrite compare_sub_mask, <- sub_mask_nul_iff. destruct sub_mask; now split. Qed. Lemma compare_antisym p q : (q ?= p) = CompOpp (p ?= q). Proof. unfold compare. now rewrite compare_cont_antisym. Qed. Lemma compare_lt_iff p q : (p ?= q) = Lt <-> p < q. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma compare_le_iff p q : (p ?= q) <> Gt <-> p <= q. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (** More properties about [compare] and boolean comparisons, including [compare_spec] and [lt_irrefl] and [lt_eq_cases]. *) Include BoolOrderFacts. Definition le_lteq := lt_eq_cases. (** ** Facts about [gt] and [ge] *) (** The predicates [lt] and [le] are now favored in the statements of theorems, the use of [gt] and [ge] is hence not recommended. We provide here the bare minimal results to related them with [lt] and [le]. *) Lemma gt_lt_iff p q : p > q <-> q < p. Proof. unfold lt, gt. now rewrite compare_antisym, CompOpp_iff. Qed. Lemma gt_lt p q : p > q -> q < p. Proof. apply gt_lt_iff. Qed. Lemma lt_gt p q : p < q -> q > p. Proof. apply gt_lt_iff. Qed. Lemma ge_le_iff p q : p >= q <-> q <= p. Proof. unfold le, ge. now rewrite compare_antisym, CompOpp_iff. Qed. Lemma ge_le p q : p >= q -> q <= p. Proof. apply ge_le_iff. Qed. Lemma le_ge p q : p <= q -> q >= p. Proof. apply ge_le_iff. Qed. (** ** Comparison and the successor *) Lemma compare_succ_r p q : switch_Eq Gt (p ?= succ q) = switch_Eq Lt (p ?= q). Proof. revert q. induction p as [p IH|p IH| ]; intros [q|q| ]; simpl; simpl_compare; rewrite ?IH; trivial; (now destruct compare) || (now destruct p). Qed. Lemma compare_succ_l p q : switch_Eq Lt (succ p ?= q) = switch_Eq Gt (p ?= q). Proof. rewrite 2 (compare_antisym q). generalize (compare_succ_r q p). now do 2 destruct compare. Qed. Theorem lt_succ_r p q : p < succ q <-> p <= q. Proof. unfold lt, le. generalize (compare_succ_r p q). do 2 destruct compare; try discriminate; now split. Qed. Lemma lt_succ_diag_r p : p < succ p. Proof. rewrite lt_iff_add. exists 1. apply add_1_r. Qed. Lemma compare_succ_succ p q : (succ p ?= succ q) = (p ?= q). Proof. revert q. induction p; destruct q; simpl; simpl_compare; trivial; apply compare_succ_l || apply compare_succ_r || (now destruct p) || (now destruct q). Qed. (** ** 1 is the least positive number *) Lemma le_1_l p : 1 <= p. Proof. now destruct p. Qed. Lemma nlt_1_r p : ~ p < 1. Proof. now destruct p. Qed. Lemma lt_1_succ p : 1 < succ p. Proof. apply lt_succ_r, le_1_l. Qed. (** ** Properties of the order *) Lemma le_nlt p q : p <= q <-> ~ q < p. Proof. now rewrite <- ge_le_iff. Qed. Lemma lt_nle p q : p < q <-> ~ q <= p. Proof. intros. unfold lt, le. rewrite compare_antisym. destruct compare; split; auto; easy'. Qed. Lemma lt_le_incl p q : p p<=q. Proof. intros. apply le_lteq. now left. Qed. Lemma lt_lt_succ n m : n < m -> n < succ m. Proof. intros. now apply lt_succ_r, lt_le_incl. Qed. Lemma succ_lt_mono n m : n < m <-> succ n < succ m. Proof. unfold lt. now rewrite compare_succ_succ. Qed. Lemma succ_le_mono n m : n <= m <-> succ n <= succ m. Proof. unfold le. now rewrite compare_succ_succ. Qed. Lemma lt_trans n m p : n < m -> m < p -> n < p. Proof. rewrite 3 lt_iff_add. intros (r,Hr) (s,Hs). exists (r+s). now rewrite add_assoc, Hr, Hs. Qed. Theorem lt_ind : forall (A : positive -> Prop) (n : positive), A (succ n) -> (forall m : positive, n < m -> A m -> A (succ m)) -> forall m : positive, n < m -> A m. Proof. intros A n AB AS m. induction m using peano_ind; intros H. elim (nlt_1_r _ H). apply lt_succ_r, le_lteq in H. destruct H as [H|H]; subst; auto. Qed. Instance lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt. Proof. split. exact lt_irrefl. exact lt_trans. Qed. Instance lt_compat : Proper (Logic.eq==>Logic.eq==>iff) lt. Proof. repeat red. intros. subst; auto. Qed. Lemma lt_total p q : p < q \/ p = q \/ q < p. Proof. case (compare_spec p q); intuition. Qed. Lemma le_refl p : p <= p. Proof. intros. unfold le. now rewrite compare_refl. Qed. Lemma le_lt_trans n m p : n <= m -> m < p -> n < p. Proof. intros H H'. apply le_lteq in H. destruct H. now apply lt_trans with m. now subst. Qed. Lemma lt_le_trans n m p : n < m -> m <= p -> n < p. Proof. intros H H'. apply le_lteq in H'. destruct H'. now apply lt_trans with m. now subst. Qed. Lemma le_trans n m p : n <= m -> m <= p -> n <= p. Proof. intros H H'. apply le_lteq in H. destruct H. apply le_lteq; left. now apply lt_le_trans with m. now subst. Qed. Lemma le_succ_l n m : succ n <= m <-> n < m. Proof. rewrite <- lt_succ_r. symmetry. apply succ_lt_mono. Qed. Lemma le_antisym p q : p <= q -> q <= p -> p = q. Proof. rewrite le_lteq; destruct 1; auto. rewrite le_lteq; destruct 1; auto. elim (lt_irrefl p). now transitivity q. Qed. Instance le_preorder : PreOrder le. Proof. split. exact le_refl. exact le_trans. Qed. Instance le_partorder : PartialOrder Logic.eq le. Proof. intros x y. change (x=y <-> x <= y <= x). split. intros; now subst. destruct 1; now apply le_antisym. Qed. (** ** Comparison and addition *) Lemma add_compare_mono_l p q r : (p+q ?= p+r) = (q ?= r). Proof. revert p q r. induction p using peano_ind; intros q r. rewrite 2 add_1_l. apply compare_succ_succ. now rewrite 2 add_succ_l, compare_succ_succ. Qed. Lemma add_compare_mono_r p q r : (q+p ?= r+p) = (q ?= r). Proof. rewrite 2 (add_comm _ p). apply add_compare_mono_l. Qed. (** ** Order and addition *) Lemma lt_add_diag_r p q : p < p + q. Proof. rewrite lt_iff_add. now exists q. Qed. Lemma add_lt_mono_l p q r : q p+q < p+r. Proof. unfold lt. rewrite add_compare_mono_l. apply iff_refl. Qed. Lemma add_lt_mono_r p q r : q q+p < r+p. Proof. unfold lt. rewrite add_compare_mono_r. apply iff_refl. Qed. Lemma add_lt_mono p q r s : p r p+r p+q<=p+r. Proof. unfold le. rewrite add_compare_mono_l. apply iff_refl. Qed. Lemma add_le_mono_r p q r : q<=r <-> q+p<=r+p. Proof. unfold le. rewrite add_compare_mono_r. apply iff_refl. Qed. Lemma add_le_mono p q r s : p<=q -> r<=s -> p+r <= q+s. Proof. intros. apply le_trans with (p+s). now apply add_le_mono_l. now apply add_le_mono_r. Qed. (** ** Comparison and multiplication *) Lemma mul_compare_mono_l p q r : (p*q ?= p*r) = (q ?= r). Proof. revert q r. induction p; simpl; trivial. intros q r. specialize (IHp q r). destruct (compare_spec q r). subst. apply compare_refl. now apply add_lt_mono. now apply lt_gt, add_lt_mono, gt_lt. Qed. Lemma mul_compare_mono_r p q r : (q*p ?= r*p) = (q ?= r). Proof. rewrite 2 (mul_comm _ p). apply mul_compare_mono_l. Qed. (** ** Order and multiplication *) Lemma mul_lt_mono_l p q r : q p*q < p*r. Proof. unfold lt. rewrite mul_compare_mono_l. apply iff_refl. Qed. Lemma mul_lt_mono_r p q r : q q*p < r*p. Proof. unfold lt. rewrite mul_compare_mono_r. apply iff_refl. Qed. Lemma mul_lt_mono p q r s : p r p*r < q*s. Proof. intros. apply lt_trans with (p*s). now apply mul_lt_mono_l. now apply mul_lt_mono_r. Qed. Lemma mul_le_mono_l p q r : q<=r <-> p*q<=p*r. Proof. unfold le. rewrite mul_compare_mono_l. apply iff_refl. Qed. Lemma mul_le_mono_r p q r : q<=r <-> q*p<=r*p. Proof. unfold le. rewrite mul_compare_mono_r. apply iff_refl. Qed. Lemma mul_le_mono p q r s : p<=q -> r<=s -> p*r <= q*s. Proof. intros. apply le_trans with (p*s). now apply mul_le_mono_l. now apply mul_le_mono_r. Qed. Lemma lt_add_r p q : p < p+q. Proof. induction q using peano_ind. rewrite add_1_r. apply lt_succ_diag_r. apply lt_trans with (p+q); auto. apply add_lt_mono_l, lt_succ_diag_r. Qed. Lemma lt_not_add_l p q : ~ p+q < p. Proof. intro H. elim (lt_irrefl p). apply lt_trans with (p+q); auto using lt_add_r. Qed. Lemma pow_gt_1 n p : 1 1 exists r, sub_mask p q = IsPos r /\ q + r = p. Proof. rewrite lt_iff_add. intros (r,Hr). exists r. split; trivial. now apply sub_mask_pos_iff. Qed. Lemma sub_mask_pos p q : q < p -> exists r, sub_mask p q = IsPos r. Proof. intros H. destruct (sub_mask_pos' p q H) as (r & Hr & _). now exists r. Qed. Theorem sub_add p q : q < p -> (p-q)+q = p. Proof. intros H. destruct (sub_mask_pos p q H) as (r,U). unfold sub. rewrite U. rewrite add_comm. now apply sub_mask_add. Qed. Lemma add_sub p q : (p+q)-q = p. Proof. intros. apply add_reg_r with q. rewrite sub_add; trivial. rewrite add_comm. apply lt_add_r. Qed. Lemma mul_sub_distr_l p q r : r p*(q-r) = p*q-p*r. Proof. intros H. apply add_reg_r with (p*r). rewrite <- mul_add_distr_l. rewrite sub_add; trivial. symmetry. apply sub_add; trivial. now apply mul_lt_mono_l. Qed. Lemma mul_sub_distr_r p q r : q

(p-q)*r = p*r-q*r. Proof. intros H. rewrite 3 (mul_comm _ r). now apply mul_sub_distr_l. Qed. Lemma sub_lt_mono_l p q r: q

p r-p < r-q. Proof. intros Hqp Hpr. apply (add_lt_mono_r p). rewrite sub_add by trivial. apply le_lt_trans with ((r-q)+q). rewrite sub_add by (now apply lt_trans with p). apply le_refl. now apply add_lt_mono_l. Qed. Lemma sub_compare_mono_l p q r : q


(p-q ?= p-r) = (r ?= q). Proof. intros Hqp Hrp. case (compare_spec r q); intros H. subst. apply compare_refl. apply sub_lt_mono_l; trivial. apply lt_gt, sub_lt_mono_l; trivial. Qed. Lemma sub_compare_mono_r p q r : p p (q-p ?= r-p) = (q ?= r). Proof. intros. rewrite <- (add_compare_mono_r p), 2 sub_add; trivial. Qed. Lemma sub_lt_mono_r p q r : q

r q-r < p-r. Proof. intros. unfold lt. rewrite sub_compare_mono_r; trivial. now apply lt_trans with q. Qed. Lemma sub_decr n m : m n-m < n. Proof. intros. apply add_lt_mono_r with m. rewrite sub_add; trivial. apply lt_add_r. Qed. Lemma add_sub_assoc p q r : r p+(q-r) = p+q-r. Proof. intros. apply add_reg_r with r. rewrite <- add_assoc, !sub_add; trivial. rewrite add_comm. apply lt_trans with q; trivial using lt_add_r. Qed. Lemma sub_add_distr p q r : q+r < p -> p-(q+r) = p-q-r. Proof. intros. assert (q < p) by (apply lt_trans with (q+r); trivial using lt_add_r). rewrite (add_comm q r) in *. apply add_reg_r with (r+q). rewrite sub_add by trivial. rewrite add_assoc, !sub_add; trivial. apply (add_lt_mono_r q). rewrite sub_add; trivial. Qed. Lemma sub_sub_distr p q r : r q-r < p -> p-(q-r) = p+r-q. Proof. intros. apply add_reg_r with ((q-r)+r). rewrite add_assoc, !sub_add; trivial. rewrite <- (sub_add q r); trivial. now apply add_lt_mono_r. Qed. (** Recursive equations for [sub] *) Lemma sub_xO_xO n m : m n~0 - m~0 = (n-m)~0. Proof. intros H. unfold sub. simpl. now destruct (sub_mask_pos n m H) as (p, ->). Qed. Lemma sub_xI_xI n m : m n~1 - m~1 = (n-m)~0. Proof. intros H. unfold sub. simpl. now destruct (sub_mask_pos n m H) as (p, ->). Qed. Lemma sub_xI_xO n m : m n~1 - m~0 = (n-m)~1. Proof. intros H. unfold sub. simpl. now destruct (sub_mask_pos n m) as (p, ->). Qed. Lemma sub_xO_xI n m : n~0 - m~1 = pred_double (n-m). Proof. unfold sub. simpl. rewrite sub_mask_carry_spec. now destruct (sub_mask n m) as [|[r|r|]|]. Qed. (** Properties of subtraction with underflow *) Lemma sub_mask_neg_iff' p q : sub_mask p q = IsNeg <-> p < q. Proof. rewrite lt_iff_add. apply sub_mask_neg_iff. Qed. Lemma sub_mask_neg p q : p sub_mask p q = IsNeg. Proof. apply sub_mask_neg_iff'. Qed. Lemma sub_le p q : p<=q -> p-q = 1. Proof. unfold le, sub. rewrite compare_sub_mask. destruct sub_mask; easy'. Qed. Lemma sub_lt p q : p p-q = 1. Proof. intros. now apply sub_le, lt_le_incl. Qed. Lemma sub_diag p : p-p = 1. Proof. unfold sub. now rewrite sub_mask_diag. Qed. (** ** Results concerning [size] and [size_nat] *) Lemma size_nat_monotone p q : p (size_nat p <= size_nat q)%nat. Proof. assert (le0 : forall n, (0<=n)%nat) by (induction n; auto). assert (leS : forall n m, (n<=m -> S n <= S m)%nat) by (induction 1; auto). revert q. induction p; destruct q; simpl; intros; auto; easy || apply leS; red in H; simpl_compare_in H. apply IHp. red. now destruct (p?=q). destruct (compare_spec p q); subst; now auto. Qed. Lemma size_gt p : p < 2^(size p). Proof. induction p; simpl; try rewrite pow_succ_r; try easy. apply le_succ_l in IHp. now apply le_succ_l. Qed. Lemma size_le p : 2^(size p) <= p~0. Proof. induction p; simpl; try rewrite pow_succ_r; try easy. apply mul_le_mono_l. apply le_lteq; left. rewrite xI_succ_xO. apply lt_succ_r, IHp. Qed. (** ** Properties of [min] and [max] *) (** First, the specification *) Lemma max_l : forall x y, y<=x -> max x y = x. Proof. intros x y H. unfold max. case compare_spec; auto. intros H'. apply le_nlt in H. now elim H. Qed. Lemma max_r : forall x y, x<=y -> max x y = y. Proof. unfold le, max. intros x y. destruct compare; easy'. Qed. Lemma min_l : forall x y, x<=y -> min x y = x. Proof. unfold le, min. intros x y. destruct compare; easy'. Qed. Lemma min_r : forall x y, y<=x -> min x y = y. Proof. intros x y H. unfold min. case compare_spec; auto. intros H'. apply le_nlt in H. now elim H'. Qed. (** We hence obtain all the generic properties of [min] and [max]. *) Include !UsualMinMaxLogicalProperties. Include !UsualMinMaxDecProperties. (** Minimum, maximum and constant one *) Lemma max_1_l n : max 1 n = n. Proof. unfold max. case compare_spec; auto. intros H. apply lt_nle in H. elim H. apply le_1_l. Qed. Lemma max_1_r n : max n 1 = n. Proof. rewrite max_comm. apply max_1_l. Qed. Lemma min_1_l n : min 1 n = 1. Proof. unfold min. case compare_spec; auto. intros H. apply lt_nle in H. elim H. apply le_1_l. Qed. Lemma min_1_r n : min n 1 = 1. Proof. rewrite min_comm. apply min_1_l. Qed. (** Minimum, maximum and operations (consequences of monotonicity) *) Lemma succ_max_distr n m : succ (max n m) = max (succ n) (succ m). Proof. symmetry. apply max_monotone. intros x x'. apply succ_le_mono. Qed. Lemma succ_min_distr n m : succ (min n m) = min (succ n) (succ m). Proof. symmetry. apply min_monotone. intros x x'. apply succ_le_mono. Qed. Lemma add_max_distr_l n m p : max (p + n) (p + m) = p + max n m. Proof. apply max_monotone. intros x x'. apply add_le_mono_l. Qed. Lemma add_max_distr_r n m p : max (n + p) (m + p) = max n m + p. Proof. rewrite 3 (add_comm _ p). apply add_max_distr_l. Qed. Lemma add_min_distr_l n m p : min (p + n) (p + m) = p + min n m. Proof. apply min_monotone. intros x x'. apply add_le_mono_l. Qed. Lemma add_min_distr_r n m p : min (n + p) (m + p) = min n m + p. Proof. rewrite 3 (add_comm _ p). apply add_min_distr_l. Qed. Lemma mul_max_distr_l n m p : max (p * n) (p * m) = p * max n m. Proof. apply max_monotone. intros x x'. apply mul_le_mono_l. Qed. Lemma mul_max_distr_r n m p : max (n * p) (m * p) = max n m * p. Proof. rewrite 3 (mul_comm _ p). apply mul_max_distr_l. Qed. Lemma mul_min_distr_l n m p : min (p * n) (p * m) = p * min n m. Proof. apply min_monotone. intros x x'. apply mul_le_mono_l. Qed. Lemma mul_min_distr_r n m p : min (n * p) (m * p) = min n m * p. Proof. rewrite 3 (mul_comm _ p). apply mul_min_distr_l. Qed. (** ** Results concerning [iter_op] *) Lemma iter_op_succ : forall A (op:A->A->A), (forall x y z, op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z) -> forall p a, iter_op op (succ p) a = op a (iter_op op p a). Proof. induction p; simpl; intros; trivial. rewrite H. apply IHp. Qed. (** ** Results about [of_nat] and [of_succ_nat] *) Lemma of_nat_succ (n:nat) : of_succ_nat n = of_nat (S n). Proof. induction n. trivial. simpl. f_equal. now rewrite IHn. Qed. Lemma pred_of_succ_nat (n:nat) : pred (of_succ_nat n) = of_nat n. Proof. destruct n. trivial. simpl pred. rewrite pred_succ. apply of_nat_succ. Qed. Lemma succ_of_nat (n:nat) : n<>O -> succ (of_nat n) = of_succ_nat n. Proof. rewrite of_nat_succ. destruct n; trivial. now destruct 1. Qed. (** ** Correctness proofs for the square root function *) Inductive SqrtSpec : positive*mask -> positive -> Prop := | SqrtExact s x : x=s*s -> SqrtSpec (s,IsNul) x | SqrtApprox s r x : x=s*s+r -> r <= s~0 -> SqrtSpec (s,IsPos r) x. Lemma sqrtrem_step_spec f g p x : (f=xO \/ f=xI) -> (g=xO \/ g=xI) -> SqrtSpec p x -> SqrtSpec (sqrtrem_step f g p) (g (f x)). Proof. intros Hf Hg [ s _ -> | s r _ -> Hr ]. (* exact *) unfold sqrtrem_step. destruct Hf,Hg; subst; simpl; constructor; now rewrite ?square_xO. (* approx *) assert (Hfg : forall p q, g (f (p+q)) = p~0~0 + g (f q)) by (intros; destruct Hf, Hg; now subst). unfold sqrtrem_step, leb. case compare_spec; [intros EQ | intros LT | intros GT]. (* - EQ *) rewrite <- EQ, sub_mask_diag. constructor. destruct Hg; subst g; destr_eq EQ. destruct Hf; subst f; destr_eq EQ. subst. now rewrite square_xI. (* - LT *) destruct (sub_mask_pos' _ _ LT) as (y & -> & H). constructor. rewrite Hfg, <- H. now rewrite square_xI, add_assoc. clear Hfg. rewrite <- lt_succ_r in Hr. change (r < s~1) in Hr. rewrite <- lt_succ_r, (add_lt_mono_l (s~0~1)), H. simpl. rewrite add_carry_spec, add_diag. simpl. destruct Hf,Hg; subst; red; simpl_compare; now rewrite Hr. (* - GT *) constructor. now rewrite Hfg, square_xO. apply lt_succ_r, GT. Qed. Lemma sqrtrem_spec p : SqrtSpec (sqrtrem p) p. Proof. revert p. fix 1. destruct p; try destruct p; try (constructor; easy); apply sqrtrem_step_spec; auto. Qed. Lemma sqrt_spec p : let s := sqrt p in s*s <= p < (succ s)*(succ s). Proof. simpl. assert (H:=sqrtrem_spec p). unfold sqrt in *. destruct sqrtrem as (s,rm); simpl. inversion_clear H; subst. (* exact *) split. reflexivity. apply mul_lt_mono; apply lt_succ_diag_r. (* approx *) split. apply lt_le_incl, lt_add_r. rewrite <- add_1_l, mul_add_distr_r, !mul_add_distr_l, !mul_1_r, !mul_1_l. rewrite add_assoc, (add_comm _ r). apply add_lt_mono_r. now rewrite <- add_assoc, add_diag, add_1_l, lt_succ_r. Qed. (** ** Correctness proofs for the gcd function *) Lemma divide_add_cancel_l p q r : (p | r) -> (p | q + r) -> (p | q). Proof. intros (s,Hs) (t,Ht). exists (t-s). rewrite mul_sub_distr_r. rewrite <- Hs, <- Ht. symmetry. apply add_sub. apply mul_lt_mono_r with p. rewrite <- Hs, <- Ht, add_comm. apply lt_add_r. Qed. Lemma divide_xO_xI p q r : (p | q~0) -> (p | r~1) -> (p | q). Proof. intros (s,Hs) (t,Ht). destruct p. destruct s; try easy. simpl in Hs. destr_eq Hs. now exists s. rewrite mul_xO_r in Ht; discriminate. exists q; now rewrite mul_1_r. Qed. Lemma divide_xO_xO p q : (p~0|q~0) <-> (p|q). Proof. split; intros (r,H); simpl in *. rewrite mul_xO_r in H. destr_eq H. now exists r. exists r; simpl. rewrite mul_xO_r. f_equal; auto. Qed. Lemma divide_mul_l p q r : (p|q) -> (p|q*r). Proof. intros (s,H). exists (s*r). rewrite <- mul_assoc, (mul_comm r p), mul_assoc. now f_equal. Qed. Lemma divide_mul_r p q r : (p|r) -> (p|q*r). Proof. rewrite mul_comm. apply divide_mul_l. Qed. (** The first component of ggcd is gcd *) Lemma ggcdn_gcdn : forall n a b, fst (ggcdn n a b) = gcdn n a b. Proof. induction n. simpl; auto. destruct a, b; simpl; auto; try case compare_spec; simpl; trivial; rewrite <- IHn; destruct ggcdn as (g,(u,v)); simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma ggcd_gcd : forall a b, fst (ggcd a b) = gcd a b. Proof. unfold ggcd, gcd. intros. apply ggcdn_gcdn. Qed. (** The other components of ggcd are indeed the correct factors. *) Ltac destr_pggcdn IHn := match goal with |- context [ ggcdn _ ?x ?y ] => generalize (IHn x y); destruct ggcdn as (g,(u,v)); simpl end. Lemma ggcdn_correct_divisors : forall n a b, let '(g,(aa,bb)) := ggcdn n a b in a = g*aa /\ b = g*bb. Proof. induction n. simpl; auto. destruct a, b; simpl; auto; try case compare_spec; try destr_pggcdn IHn. (* Eq *) intros ->. now rewrite mul_comm. (* Lt *) intros (H',H) LT; split; auto. rewrite mul_add_distr_l, mul_xO_r, <- H, <- H'. simpl. f_equal. symmetry. rewrite add_comm. now apply sub_add. (* Gt *) intros (H',H) LT; split; auto. rewrite mul_add_distr_l, mul_xO_r, <- H, <- H'. simpl. f_equal. symmetry. rewrite add_comm. now apply sub_add. (* Then... *) intros (H,H'); split; auto. rewrite mul_xO_r, H'; auto. intros (H,H'); split; auto. rewrite mul_xO_r, H; auto. intros (H,H'); split; subst; auto. Qed. Lemma ggcd_correct_divisors : forall a b, let '(g,(aa,bb)) := ggcd a b in a=g*aa /\ b=g*bb. Proof. unfold ggcd. intros. apply ggcdn_correct_divisors. Qed. (** We can use this fact to prove a part of the gcd correctness *) Lemma gcd_divide_l : forall a b, (gcd a b | a). Proof. intros a b. rewrite <- ggcd_gcd. generalize (ggcd_correct_divisors a b). destruct ggcd as (g,(aa,bb)); simpl. intros (H,_). exists aa. now rewrite mul_comm. Qed. Lemma gcd_divide_r : forall a b, (gcd a b | b). Proof. intros a b. rewrite <- ggcd_gcd. generalize (ggcd_correct_divisors a b). destruct ggcd as (g,(aa,bb)); simpl. intros (_,H). exists bb. now rewrite mul_comm. Qed. (** We now prove directly that gcd is the greatest amongst common divisors *) Lemma gcdn_greatest : forall n a b, (size_nat a + size_nat b <= n)%nat -> forall p, (p|a) -> (p|b) -> (p|gcdn n a b). Proof. induction n. destruct a, b; simpl; inversion 1. destruct a, b; simpl; try case compare_spec; simpl; auto. (* Lt *) intros LT LE p Hp1 Hp2. apply IHn; clear IHn; trivial. apply le_S_n in LE. eapply Le.le_trans; [|eapply LE]. rewrite plus_comm, <- plus_n_Sm, <- plus_Sn_m. apply plus_le_compat; trivial. apply size_nat_monotone, sub_decr, LT. apply divide_xO_xI with a; trivial. apply (divide_add_cancel_l p _ a~1); trivial. now rewrite <- sub_xI_xI, sub_add. (* Gt *) intros LT LE p Hp1 Hp2. apply IHn; clear IHn; trivial. apply le_S_n in LE. eapply Le.le_trans; [|eapply LE]. apply plus_le_compat; trivial. apply size_nat_monotone, sub_decr, LT. apply divide_xO_xI with b; trivial. apply (divide_add_cancel_l p _ b~1); trivial. now rewrite <- sub_xI_xI, sub_add. (* a~1 b~0 *) intros LE p Hp1 Hp2. apply IHn; clear IHn; trivial. apply le_S_n in LE. simpl. now rewrite plus_n_Sm. apply divide_xO_xI with a; trivial. (* a~0 b~1 *) intros LE p Hp1 Hp2. apply IHn; clear IHn; trivial. simpl. now apply le_S_n. apply divide_xO_xI with b; trivial. (* a~0 b~0 *) intros LE p Hp1 Hp2. destruct p. change (gcdn n a b)~0 with (2*(gcdn n a b)). apply divide_mul_r. apply IHn; clear IHn. apply le_S_n in LE. apply le_Sn_le. now rewrite plus_n_Sm. apply divide_xO_xI with p; trivial. now exists 1. apply divide_xO_xI with p; trivial. now exists 1. apply divide_xO_xO. apply IHn; clear IHn. apply le_S_n in LE. apply le_Sn_le. now rewrite plus_n_Sm. now apply divide_xO_xO. now apply divide_xO_xO. exists (gcdn n a b)~0. now rewrite mul_1_r. Qed. Lemma gcd_greatest : forall a b p, (p|a) -> (p|b) -> (p|gcd a b). Proof. intros. apply gcdn_greatest; auto. Qed. (** As a consequence, the rests after division by gcd are relatively prime *) Lemma ggcd_greatest : forall a b, let (aa,bb) := snd (ggcd a b) in forall p, (p|aa) -> (p|bb) -> p=1. Proof. intros. generalize (gcd_greatest a b) (ggcd_correct_divisors a b). rewrite <- ggcd_gcd. destruct ggcd as (g,(aa,bb)); simpl. intros H (EQa,EQb) p Hp1 Hp2; subst. assert (H' : (g*p | g)). apply H. destruct Hp1 as (r,Hr). exists r. now rewrite mul_assoc, (mul_comm r g), <- mul_assoc, <- Hr. destruct Hp2 as (r,Hr). exists r. now rewrite mul_assoc, (mul_comm r g), <- mul_assoc, <- Hr. destruct H' as (q,H'). rewrite (mul_comm g p), mul_assoc in H'. apply mul_eq_1 with q; rewrite mul_comm. now apply mul_reg_r with g. Qed. End Pos. (** Exportation of notations *) Infix "+" := Pos.add : positive_scope. Infix "-" := Pos.sub : positive_scope. Infix "*" := Pos.mul : positive_scope. Infix "^" := Pos.pow : positive_scope. Infix "?=" := Pos.compare (at level 70, no associativity) : positive_scope. Infix "=?" := Pos.eqb (at level 70, no associativity) : positive_scope. Infix "<=?" := Pos.leb (at level 70, no associativity) : positive_scope. Infix "=" := Pos.ge : positive_scope. Infix ">" := Pos.gt : positive_scope. Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x <= y /\ y <= z) : positive_scope. Notation "x <= y < z" := (x <= y /\ y < z) : positive_scope. Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) : positive_scope. Notation "x < y <= z" := (x < y /\ y <= z) : positive_scope. Notation "( p | q )" := (Pos.divide p q) (at level 0) : positive_scope. (** Compatibility notations *) Notation positive := positive (only parsing). Notation positive_rect := positive_rect (only parsing). Notation positive_rec := positive_rec (only parsing). Notation positive_ind := positive_ind (only parsing). Notation xI := xI (only parsing). Notation xO := xO (only parsing). Notation xH := xH (only parsing). Notation Psucc := Pos.succ (only parsing). Notation Pplus := Pos.add (only parsing). Notation Pplus_carry := Pos.add_carry (only parsing). Notation Ppred := Pos.pred (only parsing). Notation Piter_op := Pos.iter_op (only parsing). Notation Piter_op_succ := Pos.iter_op_succ (only parsing). Notation Pmult_nat := (Pos.iter_op plus) (only parsing). Notation nat_of_P := Pos.to_nat (only parsing). Notation P_of_succ_nat := Pos.of_succ_nat (only parsing). Notation Pdouble_minus_one := Pos.pred_double (only parsing). Notation positive_mask := Pos.mask (only parsing). Notation IsNul := Pos.IsNul (only parsing). Notation IsPos := Pos.IsPos (only parsing). Notation IsNeg := Pos.IsNeg (only parsing). Notation positive_mask_rect := Pos.mask_rect (only parsing). Notation positive_mask_ind := Pos.mask_ind (only parsing). Notation positive_mask_rec := Pos.mask_rec (only parsing). Notation Pdouble_plus_one_mask := Pos.succ_double_mask (only parsing). Notation Pdouble_mask := Pos.double_mask (only parsing). Notation Pdouble_minus_two := Pos.double_pred_mask (only parsing). Notation Pminus_mask := Pos.sub_mask (only parsing). Notation Pminus_mask_carry := Pos.sub_mask_carry (only parsing). Notation Pminus := Pos.sub (only parsing). Notation Pmult := Pos.mul (only parsing). Notation iter_pos := @Pos.iter (only parsing). Notation Ppow := Pos.pow (only parsing). Notation Pdiv2 := Pos.div2 (only parsing). Notation Pdiv2_up := Pos.div2_up (only parsing). Notation Psize := Pos.size_nat (only parsing). Notation Psize_pos := Pos.size (only parsing). Notation Pcompare := Pos.compare_cont (only parsing). Notation Plt := Pos.lt (only parsing). Notation Pgt := Pos.gt (only parsing). Notation Ple := Pos.le (only parsing). Notation Pge := Pos.ge (only parsing). Notation Pmin := Pos.min (only parsing). Notation Pmax := Pos.max (only parsing). Notation Peqb := Pos.eqb (only parsing). Notation positive_eq_dec := Pos.eq_dec (only parsing). Notation xI_succ_xO := Pos.xI_succ_xO (only parsing). Notation Psucc_discr := Pos.succ_discr (only parsing). Notation Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO := Pos.succ_pred_double (only parsing). Notation Pdouble_minus_one_o_succ_eq_xI := Pos.pred_double_succ (only parsing). Notation xO_succ_permute := Pos.double_succ (only parsing). Notation double_moins_un_xO_discr := Pos.pred_double_xO_discr (only parsing). Notation Psucc_not_one := Pos.succ_not_1 (only parsing). Notation Ppred_succ := Pos.pred_succ (only parsing). Notation Psucc_pred := Pos.succ_pred_or (only parsing). Notation Psucc_inj := Pos.succ_inj (only parsing). Notation Pplus_carry_spec := Pos.add_carry_spec (only parsing). Notation Pplus_comm := Pos.add_comm (only parsing). Notation Pplus_succ_permute_r := Pos.add_succ_r (only parsing). Notation Pplus_succ_permute_l := Pos.add_succ_l (only parsing). Notation Pplus_no_neutral := Pos.add_no_neutral (only parsing). Notation Pplus_carry_plus := Pos.add_carry_add (only parsing). Notation Pplus_reg_r := Pos.add_reg_r (only parsing). Notation Pplus_reg_l := Pos.add_reg_l (only parsing). Notation Pplus_carry_reg_r := Pos.add_carry_reg_r (only parsing). Notation Pplus_carry_reg_l := Pos.add_carry_reg_l (only parsing). Notation Pplus_assoc := Pos.add_assoc (only parsing). Notation Pplus_xO := Pos.add_xO (only parsing). Notation Pplus_xI_double_minus_one := Pos.add_xI_pred_double (only parsing). Notation Pplus_xO_double_minus_one := Pos.add_xO_pred_double (only parsing). Notation Pplus_diag := Pos.add_diag (only parsing). Notation PeanoView := Pos.PeanoView (only parsing). Notation PeanoOne := Pos.PeanoOne (only parsing). Notation PeanoSucc := Pos.PeanoSucc (only parsing). Notation PeanoView_rect := Pos.PeanoView_rect (only parsing). Notation PeanoView_ind := Pos.PeanoView_ind (only parsing). Notation PeanoView_rec := Pos.PeanoView_rec (only parsing). Notation peanoView_xO := Pos.peanoView_xO (only parsing). Notation peanoView_xI := Pos.peanoView_xI (only parsing). Notation peanoView := Pos.peanoView (only parsing). Notation PeanoView_iter := Pos.PeanoView_iter (only parsing). Notation eq_dep_eq_positive := Pos.eq_dep_eq_positive (only parsing). Notation PeanoViewUnique := Pos.PeanoViewUnique (only parsing). Notation Prect := Pos.peano_rect (only parsing). Notation Prect_succ := Pos.peano_rect_succ (only parsing). Notation Prect_base := Pos.peano_rect_base (only parsing). Notation Prec := Pos.peano_rec (only parsing). Notation Pind := Pos.peano_ind (only parsing). Notation Pcase := Pos.peano_case (only parsing). Notation Pmult_1_r := Pos.mul_1_r (only parsing). Notation Pmult_Sn_m := Pos.mul_succ_l (only parsing). Notation Pmult_xO_permute_r := Pos.mul_xO_r (only parsing). Notation Pmult_xI_permute_r := Pos.mul_xI_r (only parsing). Notation Pmult_comm := Pos.mul_comm (only parsing). Notation Pmult_plus_distr_l := Pos.mul_add_distr_l (only parsing). Notation Pmult_plus_distr_r := Pos.mul_add_distr_r (only parsing). Notation Pmult_assoc := Pos.mul_assoc (only parsing). Notation Pmult_xI_mult_xO_discr := Pos.mul_xI_mul_xO_discr (only parsing). Notation Pmult_xO_discr := Pos.mul_xO_discr (only parsing). Notation Pmult_reg_r := Pos.mul_reg_r (only parsing). Notation Pmult_reg_l := Pos.mul_reg_l (only parsing). Notation Pmult_1_inversion_l := Pos.mul_eq_1_l (only parsing). Notation Psquare_xO := Pos.square_xO (only parsing). Notation Psquare_xI := Pos.square_xI (only parsing). Notation iter_pos_swap_gen := Pos.iter_swap_gen (only parsing). Notation iter_pos_swap := Pos.iter_swap (only parsing). Notation iter_pos_succ := Pos.iter_succ (only parsing). Notation iter_pos_plus := Pos.iter_add (only parsing). Notation iter_pos_invariant := Pos.iter_invariant (only parsing). Notation Ppow_1_r := Pos.pow_1_r (only parsing). Notation Ppow_succ_r := Pos.pow_succ_r (only parsing). Notation Peqb_refl := Pos.eqb_refl (only parsing). Notation Peqb_eq := Pos.eqb_eq (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_refl_id := Pos.compare_cont_refl (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_eq_iff := Pos.compare_eq_iff (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_Gt_Lt := Pos.compare_cont_Gt_Lt (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_eq_Lt := Pos.compare_lt_iff (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_Lt_Gt := Pos.compare_cont_Lt_Gt (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_antisym := Pos.compare_cont_antisym (only parsing). Notation ZC1 := Pos.gt_lt (only parsing). Notation ZC2 := Pos.lt_gt (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_spec := Pos.compare_spec (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_p_Sp := Pos.lt_succ_diag_r (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_succ_succ := Pos.compare_succ_succ (only parsing). Notation Pcompare_1 := Pos.nlt_1_r (only parsing). Notation Plt_1 := Pos.nlt_1_r (only parsing). Notation Plt_1_succ := Pos.lt_1_succ (only parsing). Notation Plt_lt_succ := Pos.lt_lt_succ (only parsing). Notation Plt_irrefl := Pos.lt_irrefl (only parsing). Notation Plt_trans := Pos.lt_trans (only parsing). Notation Plt_ind := Pos.lt_ind (only parsing). Notation Ple_lteq := Pos.le_lteq (only parsing). Notation Ple_refl := Pos.le_refl (only parsing). Notation Ple_lt_trans := Pos.le_lt_trans (only parsing). Notation Plt_le_trans := Pos.lt_le_trans (only parsing). Notation Ple_trans := Pos.le_trans (only parsing). Notation Plt_succ_r := Pos.lt_succ_r (only parsing). Notation Ple_succ_l := Pos.le_succ_l (only parsing). Notation Pplus_compare_mono_l := Pos.add_compare_mono_l (only parsing). Notation Pplus_compare_mono_r := Pos.add_compare_mono_r (only parsing). Notation Pplus_lt_mono_l := Pos.add_lt_mono_l (only parsing). Notation Pplus_lt_mono_r := Pos.add_lt_mono_r (only parsing). Notation Pplus_lt_mono := Pos.add_lt_mono (only parsing). Notation Pplus_le_mono_l := Pos.add_le_mono_l (only parsing). Notation Pplus_le_mono_r := Pos.add_le_mono_r (only parsing). Notation Pplus_le_mono := Pos.add_le_mono (only parsing). Notation Pmult_compare_mono_l := Pos.mul_compare_mono_l (only parsing). Notation Pmult_compare_mono_r := Pos.mul_compare_mono_r (only parsing). Notation Pmult_lt_mono_l := Pos.mul_lt_mono_l (only parsing). Notation Pmult_lt_mono_r := Pos.mul_lt_mono_r (only parsing). Notation Pmult_lt_mono := Pos.mul_lt_mono (only parsing). Notation Pmult_le_mono_l := Pos.mul_le_mono_l (only parsing). Notation Pmult_le_mono_r := Pos.mul_le_mono_r (only parsing). Notation Pmult_le_mono := Pos.mul_le_mono (only parsing). Notation Plt_plus_r := Pos.lt_add_r (only parsing). Notation Plt_not_plus_l := Pos.lt_not_add_l (only parsing). Notation Ppow_gt_1 := Pos.pow_gt_1 (only parsing). Notation Ppred_mask := Pos.pred_mask (only parsing). Notation Pminus_mask_succ_r := Pos.sub_mask_succ_r (only parsing). Notation Pminus_mask_carry_spec := Pos.sub_mask_carry_spec (only parsing). Notation Pminus_succ_r := Pos.sub_succ_r (only parsing). Notation Pminus_mask_diag := Pos.sub_mask_diag (only parsing). Notation Pplus_minus_eq := Pos.add_sub (only parsing). Notation Pmult_minus_distr_l := Pos.mul_sub_distr_l (only parsing). Notation Pminus_lt_mono_l := Pos.sub_lt_mono_l (only parsing). Notation Pminus_compare_mono_l := Pos.sub_compare_mono_l (only parsing). Notation Pminus_compare_mono_r := Pos.sub_compare_mono_r (only parsing). Notation Pminus_lt_mono_r := Pos.sub_lt_mono_r (only parsing). Notation Pminus_decr := Pos.sub_decr (only parsing). Notation Pminus_xI_xI := Pos.sub_xI_xI (only parsing). Notation Pplus_minus_assoc := Pos.add_sub_assoc (only parsing). Notation Pminus_plus_distr := Pos.sub_add_distr (only parsing). Notation Pminus_minus_distr := Pos.sub_sub_distr (only parsing). Notation Pminus_mask_Lt := Pos.sub_mask_neg (only parsing). Notation Pminus_Lt := Pos.sub_lt (only parsing). Notation Pminus_Eq := Pos.sub_diag (only parsing). Notation Psize_monotone := Pos.size_nat_monotone (only parsing). Notation Psize_pos_gt := Pos.size_gt (only parsing). Notation Psize_pos_le := Pos.size_le (only parsing). (** More complex compatibility facts, expressed as lemmas (to preserve scopes for instance) *) Lemma Peqb_true_eq x y : Pos.eqb x y = true -> x=y. Proof. apply Pos.eqb_eq. Qed. Lemma Pcompare_eq_Gt p q : (p ?= q) = Gt <-> p > q. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Pplus_one_succ_r p : Psucc p = p + 1. Proof (eq_sym (Pos.add_1_r p)). Lemma Pplus_one_succ_l p : Psucc p = 1 + p. Proof (eq_sym (Pos.add_1_l p)). Lemma Pcompare_refl p : Pcompare p p Eq = Eq. Proof (Pos.compare_cont_refl p Eq). Lemma Pcompare_Eq_eq : forall p q, Pcompare p q Eq = Eq -> p = q. Proof Pos.compare_eq. Lemma ZC4 p q : Pcompare p q Eq = CompOpp (Pcompare q p Eq). Proof (Pos.compare_antisym q p). Lemma Ppred_minus p : Ppred p = p - 1. Proof (eq_sym (Pos.sub_1_r p)). Lemma Pminus_mask_Gt p q : p > q -> exists h : positive, Pminus_mask p q = IsPos h /\ q + h = p /\ (h = 1 \/ Pminus_mask_carry p q = IsPos (Ppred h)). Proof. intros H. apply Pos.gt_lt in H. destruct (Pos.sub_mask_pos p q H) as (r & U). exists r. repeat split; trivial. now apply Pos.sub_mask_pos_iff. destruct (Pos.eq_dec r 1) as [EQ|NE]; [now left|right]. rewrite Pos.sub_mask_carry_spec, U. destruct r; trivial. now elim NE. Qed. Lemma Pplus_minus : forall p q, p > q -> q+(p-q) = p. Proof. intros. rewrite Pos.add_comm. now apply Pos.sub_add, Pos.gt_lt. Qed. (** Discontinued results of little interest and little/zero use in user contributions: Pplus_carry_no_neutral Pplus_carry_pred_eq_plus Pcompare_not_Eq Pcompare_Lt_Lt Pcompare_Lt_eq_Lt Pcompare_Gt_Gt Pcompare_Gt_eq_Gt Psucc_lt_compat Psucc_le_compat ZC3 Pcompare_p_Sq Pminus_mask_carry_diag Pminus_mask_IsNeg ZL10 ZL11 double_eq_zero_inversion double_plus_one_zero_discr double_plus_one_eq_one_inversion double_eq_one_discr Infix "/" := Pdiv2 : positive_scope. *) (** Old stuff, to remove someday *) Lemma Dcompare : forall r:comparison, r = Eq \/ r = Lt \/ r = Gt. Proof. destruct r; auto. Qed. (** Incompatibilities : - [(_ ?= _)%positive] expects no arg now, and designates [Pos.compare] which is convertible but syntactically distinct to [Pos.compare_cont .. .. Eq]. - [Pmult_nat] cannot be unfolded (unfold [Pos.iter_op] instead). *)