(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Prop := is_eq_true : eq_true true.*) (* This has been added to theories/Datatypes.v *) (*Coercion eq_true : bool >-> Sortclass.*) (*Theorem eq_true_unfold_pos : forall b : bool, b <-> b = true. Proof. intro b; split; intro H. now inversion H. now rewrite H. Qed. Theorem eq_true_unfold_neg : forall b : bool, ~ b <-> b = false. Proof. intros b; destruct b; simpl; rewrite eq_true_unfold_pos. split; intro H; [elim (H (refl_equal true)) | discriminate H]. split; intro H; [reflexivity | discriminate]. Qed. Theorem eq_true_or : forall b1 b2 : bool, b1 || b2 <-> b1 \/ b2. Proof. destruct b1; destruct b2; simpl; tauto. Qed. Theorem eq_true_and : forall b1 b2 : bool, b1 && b2 <-> b1 /\ b2. Proof. destruct b1; destruct b2; simpl; tauto. Qed. Theorem eq_true_neg : forall b : bool, negb b <-> ~ b. Proof. destruct b; simpl; rewrite eq_true_unfold_pos; rewrite eq_true_unfold_neg; split; now intro. Qed. Theorem eq_true_iff : forall b1 b2 : bool, b1 = b2 <-> (b1 <-> b2). Proof. intros b1 b2; split; intro H. now rewrite H. destruct b1; destruct b2; simpl; try reflexivity. apply -> eq_true_unfold_neg. rewrite H. now intro. symmetry; apply -> eq_true_unfold_neg. rewrite <- H; now intro. Qed.*) (** Extension of the tactics stepl and stepr to make them applicable to hypotheses *) Tactic Notation "stepl" constr(t1') "in" hyp(H) := match (type of H) with | ?R ?t1 ?t2 => let H1 := fresh in cut (R t1' t2); [clear H; intro H | stepl t1; [assumption |]] | _ => fail 1 ": the hypothesis" H "does not have the form (R t1 t2)" end. Tactic Notation "stepl" constr(t1') "in" hyp(H) "by" tactic(r) := stepl t1' in H; [| r]. Tactic Notation "stepr" constr(t2') "in" hyp(H) := match (type of H) with | ?R ?t1 ?t2 => let H1 := fresh in cut (R t1 t2'); [clear H; intro H | stepr t2; [assumption |]] | _ => fail 1 ": the hypothesis" H "does not have the form (R t1 t2)" end. Tactic Notation "stepr" constr(t2') "in" hyp(H) "by" tactic(r) := stepr t2' in H; [| r]. (** Predicates, relations, functions *) Definition predicate (A : Type) := A -> Prop. Instance well_founded_wd A : Proper (@relation_equivalence A ==> iff) (@well_founded A). Proof. intros A R1 R2 H. split; intros WF a; induction (WF a) as [x _ WF']; constructor; intros y Ryx; apply WF'; destruct (H y x); auto. Qed. (** [solve_predicate_wd] solves the goal [Proper (?==>iff) P] for P consisting of morphisms and quantifiers *) Ltac solve_predicate_wd := let x := fresh "x" in let y := fresh "y" in let H := fresh "H" in intros x y H; setoid_rewrite H; reflexivity. (** [solve_relation_wd] solves the goal [Proper (?==>?==>iff) R] for R consisting of morphisms and quantifiers *) Ltac solve_relation_wd := let x1 := fresh "x" in let y1 := fresh "y" in let H1 := fresh "H" in let x2 := fresh "x" in let y2 := fresh "y" in let H2 := fresh "H" in intros x1 y1 H1 x2 y2 H2; rewrite H1; setoid_rewrite H2; reflexivity. (* The following tactic uses solve_predicate_wd to solve the goals relating to well-defidedness that are produced by applying induction. We declare it to take the tactic that applies the induction theorem and not the induction theorem itself because the tactic may, for example, supply additional arguments, as does NZinduct_center in NZBase.v *) Ltac induction_maker n t := try intros until n; pattern n; t; clear n; [solve_predicate_wd | ..].