Require Import Bool. (* To get the negb function *) Require Import NAxioms. Require Import NStrongRec. Require Import NPlus. Require Import NTimes. Require Import NLt. Require Import NPlusLt. Require Import NTimesLt. Module MiscFunctFunctor (NatMod : NatSignature). Module Export NatPropertiesModule := NatProperties NatMod. Module Export StrongRecPropertiesModule := StrongRecProperties NatMod. Open Local Scope NScope. (*****************************************************) (** Addition *) Definition plus (x y : N) := recursion y (fun _ p => S p) x. Lemma plus_step_wd : fun2_wd E E E (fun _ p => S p). Proof. unfold fun2_wd; intros _ _ _ p p' H; now rewrite H. Qed. Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd. Proof. unfold plus. intros x x' Exx' y y' Eyy'. apply recursion_wd with (EA := E). assumption. unfold eq_fun2; intros _ _ _ p p' Epp'; now rewrite Epp'. assumption. Qed. Theorem plus_0 : forall y, plus 0 y == y. Proof. intro y. unfold plus. (*pose proof (recursion_0 E y (fun _ p => S p)) as H.*) rewrite recursion_0. apply (proj1 E_equiv). Qed. Theorem plus_S : forall x y, plus (S x) y == S (plus x y). Proof. intros x y; unfold plus. now rewrite (recursion_S E); [|apply plus_step_wd|]. Qed. (*****************************************************) (** Multiplication *) Definition times (x y : N) := recursion 0 (fun x p => plus y p) x. Lemma times_step_wd : forall y, fun2_wd E E E (fun x p => plus y p). Proof. unfold fun2_wd. intros y _ _ _ p p' Ezz'. now apply plus_wd. Qed. Lemma times_step_equal : forall y y', y == y' -> eq_fun2 E E E (fun x p => plus y p) (fun x p => plus y' p). Proof. unfold eq_fun2; intros; apply plus_wd; assumption. Qed. Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd. Proof. unfold times. intros x x' Exx' y y' Eyy'. apply recursion_wd with (EA := E). reflexivity. apply times_step_equal. assumption. assumption. Qed. Theorem times_0 : forall y, times 0 y == 0. Proof. intro y. unfold times. now rewrite recursion_0. Qed. Theorem times_S : forall x y, times (S x) y == plus y (times x y). Proof. intros x y; unfold times. now rewrite (recursion_S E); [| apply times_step_wd |]. Qed. (*****************************************************) (** Less Than *) Definition lt (m : N) : N -> bool := recursion (if_zero false true) (fun _ f => fun n => recursion false (fun n' _ => f n') n) m. Lemma lt_base_wd : eq_fun E eq_bool (if_zero false true) (if_zero false true). unfold eq_fun, eq_bool; intros; apply if_zero_wd; now unfold LE_Set. Qed. Lemma lt_step_wd : let step := (fun _ f => fun n => recursion false (fun n' _ => f n') n) in eq_fun2 E (eq_fun E eq_bool) (eq_fun E eq_bool) step step. Proof. unfold eq_fun2, eq_fun, eq_bool. intros x x' Exx' f f' Eff' y y' Eyy'. apply recursion_wd with (EA := eq_bool); unfold eq_bool. reflexivity. unfold eq_fun2; intros; now apply Eff'. assumption. Qed. Lemma lt_curry_wd : forall m m', m == m' -> eq_fun E eq_bool (lt m) (lt m'). Proof. unfold lt. intros m m' Emm'. apply recursion_wd with (EA := eq_fun E eq_bool). apply lt_base_wd. apply lt_step_wd. assumption. Qed. Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd. Proof. unfold eq_fun; intros m m' Emm' n n' Enn'. now apply lt_curry_wd. Qed. (* Note that if we unfold lt along with eq_fun above, then "apply" signals as error "Impossible to unify", not just, e.g., "Cannot solve second-order unification problem". Something is probably wrong. *) Theorem lt_base_eq : forall n, lt 0 n = if_zero false true n. Proof. intro n; unfold lt; now rewrite recursion_0. Qed. Theorem lt_step_eq : forall m n, lt (S m) n = recursion false (fun n' _ => lt m n') n. Proof. intros m n; unfold lt. pose proof (recursion_S (eq_fun E eq_bool) (if_zero false true) (fun _ f => fun n => recursion false (fun n' _ => f n') n) lt_base_wd lt_step_wd m n n) as H. unfold eq_bool in H. assert (H1 : n == n); [reflexivity | apply H in H1; now rewrite H1]. Qed. Theorem lt_0 : forall n, ~ lt n 0. Proof. nondep_induct n. rewrite lt_base_eq; rewrite if_zero_0; now intro. intros n; rewrite lt_step_eq. rewrite recursion_0. now intro. Qed. (* Above, we rewrite applications of function. Is it possible to rewrite functions themselves, i.e., rewrite (recursion lt_base lt_step (S n)) to lt_step n (recursion lt_base lt_step n)? *) Lemma lt_0_1 : lt 0 1. Proof. rewrite lt_base_eq; now rewrite if_zero_S. Qed. Lemma lt_0_Sn : forall n, lt 0 (S n). Proof. intro n; rewrite lt_base_eq; now rewrite if_zero_S. Qed. Lemma lt_Sn_Sm : forall n m, lt (S n) (S m) <-> lt n m. Proof. intros n m. rewrite lt_step_eq. rewrite (recursion_S eq_bool). reflexivity. now unfold eq_bool. unfold fun2_wd; intros; now apply lt_wd. Qed. Theorem lt_S : forall m n, lt m (S n) <-> lt m n \/ m == n. Proof. induct m. nondep_induct n; [split; intro; [now right | apply lt_0_1] | intro n; split; intro; [left |]; apply lt_0_Sn]. intros n IH. nondep_induct n0. split. intro. assert (H1 : lt n 0); [now apply -> lt_Sn_Sm | false_hyp H1 lt_0]. intro H; destruct H as [H | H]. false_hyp H lt_0. false_hyp H S_0. intro m. pose proof (IH m) as H; clear IH. assert (lt (S n) (S (S m)) <-> lt n (S m)); [apply lt_Sn_Sm |]. assert (lt (S n) (S m) <-> lt n m); [apply lt_Sn_Sm |]. assert (S n == S m <-> n == m); [split; [ apply S_inj | apply S_wd]|]. tauto. Qed. (*****************************************************) (** Even *) Definition even (x : N) := recursion true (fun _ p => negb p) x. Lemma even_step_wd : fun2_wd E eq_bool eq_bool (fun x p => if p then false else true). Proof. unfold fun2_wd. intros x x' Exx' b b' Ebb'. unfold eq_bool; destruct b; destruct b'; now simpl. Qed. Add Morphism even with signature E ==> eq_bool as even_wd. Proof. unfold even; intros. apply recursion_wd with (A := bool) (EA := eq_bool). now unfold eq_bool. unfold eq_fun2. intros _ _ _ b b' Ebb'. unfold eq_bool; destruct b; destruct b'; now simpl. assumption. Qed. Theorem even_0 : even 0 = true. Proof. unfold even. now rewrite recursion_0. Qed. Theorem even_S : forall x : N, even (S x) = negb (even x). Proof. unfold even. intro x; rewrite (recursion_S (@eq bool)); try reflexivity. unfold fun2_wd. intros _ _ _ b b' Ebb'. destruct b; destruct b'; now simpl. Qed. (*****************************************************) (** Division by 2 *) Definition half_aux (x : N) : N * N := recursion (0, 0) (fun _ p => let (x1, x2) := p in ((S x2, x1))) x. Definition half (x : N) := snd (half_aux x). Definition E2 := prod_rel E E. Add Relation (prod N N) E2 reflexivity proved by (prod_rel_refl N N E E E_equiv E_equiv) symmetry proved by (prod_rel_symm N N E E E_equiv E_equiv) transitivity proved by (prod_rel_trans N N E E E_equiv E_equiv) as E2_rel. Lemma half_step_wd: fun2_wd E E2 E2 (fun _ p => let (x1, x2) := p in ((S x2, x1))). Proof. unfold fun2_wd, E2, prod_rel. intros _ _ _ p1 p2 [H1 H2]. destruct p1; destruct p2; simpl in *. now split; [rewrite H2 |]. Qed. Add Morphism half with signature E ==> E as half_wd. Proof. unfold half. assert (H: forall x y, x == y -> E2 (half_aux x) (half_aux y)). intros x y Exy; unfold half_aux; apply recursion_wd with (EA := E2); unfold E2. unfold E2. unfold prod_rel; simpl; now split. unfold eq_fun2, prod_rel; simpl. intros _ _ _ p1 p2; destruct p1; destruct p2; simpl. intros [H1 H2]; split; [rewrite H2 | assumption]. reflexivity. assumption. unfold E2, prod_rel in H. intros x y Exy; apply H in Exy. exact (proj2 Exy). Qed. (*****************************************************) (** Logarithm for the base 2 *) Definition log (x : N) : N := strong_rec 0 (fun x g => if (e x 0) then 0 else if (e x 1) then 0 else S (g (half x))) x. Add Morphism log with signature E ==> E as log_wd. Proof. intros x x' Exx'. unfold log. apply strong_rec_wd with (EA := E); try (reflexivity || assumption). unfold eq_fun2. intros y y' Eyy' g g' Egg'. assert (H : e y 0 = e y' 0); [now apply e_wd|]. rewrite <- H; clear H. assert (H : e y 1 = e y' 1); [now apply e_wd|]. rewrite <- H; clear H. assert (H : S (g (half y)) == S (g' (half y'))); [apply S_wd; apply Egg'; now apply half_wd|]. now destruct (e y 0); destruct (e y 1). Qed. (*********************************************************) (** To get the properties of plus, times and lt defined *) (** via recursion, we form the corresponding modules and *) (** apply the properties functors to these modules *) Module DefaultPlusModule <: PlusSignature. Module NatModule := NatMod. (* If we used the name NatModule instead of NatMod then this would produce many warnings like "Trying to mask the absolute name NatModule", "Trying to mask the absolute name Nat.O" etc. *) Definition plus := plus. Add Morphism plus with signature E ==> E ==> E as plus_wd. Proof. exact plus_wd. Qed. Theorem plus_0_n : forall n, plus 0 n == n. Proof. exact plus_0. Qed. Theorem plus_Sn_m : forall n m, plus (S n) m == S (plus n m). Proof. exact plus_S. Qed. End DefaultPlusModule. Module DefaultTimesModule <: TimesSignature. Module Import PlusModule := DefaultPlusModule. Definition times := times. Add Morphism times with signature E ==> E ==> E as times_wd. Proof. exact times_wd. Qed. Theorem times_0_n : forall n, times 0 n == 0. Proof. exact times_0. Qed. Theorem times_Sn_m : forall n m, times (S n) m == plus m (times n m). Proof. exact times_S. Qed. End DefaultTimesModule. Module DefaultLtModule <: LtSignature. Module NatModule := NatMod. Definition lt := lt. Add Morphism lt with signature E ==> E ==> eq_bool as lt_wd. Proof. exact lt_wd. Qed. Theorem lt_0 : forall x, ~ (lt x 0). Proof. exact lt_0. Qed. Theorem lt_S : forall x y, lt x (S y) <-> lt x y \/ x == y. Proof. exact lt_S. Qed. End DefaultLtModule. Module Import DefaultPlusProperties := PlusProperties DefaultPlusModule. Module Import DefaultTimesProperties := TimesProperties DefaultTimesModule. Module Import DefaultLtProperties := LtProperties DefaultLtModule. Module Import DefaultPlusLtProperties := PlusLtProperties DefaultPlusModule DefaultLtModule. Module Import DefaultTimesLtProperties := TimesLtProperties DefaultTimesModule DefaultLtModule. (*Opaque Check plus_comm. (* This produces the following *) Eval compute in (forall n m : PlusModule.NatModule.DomainModule.N, plus n m == plus m n).*) End MiscFunctFunctor.