(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* A)->N->A] is the step function: [F f n] should return [phi(n)] when [f] is a function that coincide with [phi] for numbers strictly less than [n]. *) Definition strong_rec (a : A) (f : (N.t -> A) -> N.t -> A) (n : N.t) : A := recursion (fun _ => a) (fun _ => f) (S n) n. (** For convenience, we use in proofs an intermediate definition between [recursion] and [strong_rec]. *) Definition strong_rec0 (a : A) (f : (N.t -> A) -> N.t -> A) : N.t -> N.t -> A := recursion (fun _ => a) (fun _ => f). Lemma strong_rec_alt : forall a f n, strong_rec a f n = strong_rec0 a f (S n) n. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Instance strong_rec0_wd : Proper (Aeq ==> ((N.eq ==> Aeq) ==> N.eq ==> Aeq) ==> N.eq ==> N.eq ==> Aeq) strong_rec0. Proof. unfold strong_rec0; f_equiv'. Qed. Instance strong_rec_wd : Proper (Aeq ==> ((N.eq ==> Aeq) ==> N.eq ==> Aeq) ==> N.eq ==> Aeq) strong_rec. Proof. intros a a' Eaa' f f' Eff' n n' Enn'. rewrite !strong_rec_alt; f_equiv'. Qed. Section FixPoint. Variable f : (N.t -> A) -> N.t -> A. Variable f_wd : Proper ((N.eq==>Aeq)==>N.eq==>Aeq) f. Lemma strong_rec0_0 : forall a m, (strong_rec0 a f 0 m) = a. Proof. intros. unfold strong_rec0. rewrite recursion_0; auto. Qed. Lemma strong_rec0_succ : forall a n m, Aeq (strong_rec0 a f (S n) m) (f (strong_rec0 a f n) m). Proof. intros. unfold strong_rec0. f_equiv. rewrite recursion_succ; f_equiv'. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma strong_rec_0 : forall a, Aeq (strong_rec a f 0) (f (fun _ => a) 0). Proof. intros. rewrite strong_rec_alt, strong_rec0_succ; f_equiv'. rewrite strong_rec0_0. reflexivity. Qed. (* We need an assumption saying that for every n, the step function (f h n) calls h only on the segment [0 ... n - 1]. This means that if h1 and h2 coincide on values < n, then (f h1 n) coincides with (f h2 n) *) Hypothesis step_good : forall (n : N.t) (h1 h2 : N.t -> A), (forall m : N.t, m < n -> Aeq (h1 m) (h2 m)) -> Aeq (f h1 n) (f h2 n). Lemma strong_rec0_more_steps : forall a k n m, m < n -> Aeq (strong_rec0 a f n m) (strong_rec0 a f (n+k) m). Proof. intros a k n. pattern n. apply induction; clear n. intros n n' Hn; setoid_rewrite Hn; auto with *. intros m Hm. destruct (nlt_0_r _ Hm). intros n IH m Hm. rewrite lt_succ_r in Hm. rewrite add_succ_l. rewrite 2 strong_rec0_succ. apply step_good. intros m' Hm'. apply IH. apply lt_le_trans with m; auto. Qed. Lemma strong_rec0_fixpoint : forall (a : A) (n : N.t), Aeq (strong_rec0 a f (S n) n) (f (fun n => strong_rec0 a f (S n) n) n). Proof. intros. rewrite strong_rec0_succ. apply step_good. intros m Hm. symmetry. setoid_replace n with (S m + (n - S m)). apply strong_rec0_more_steps. apply lt_succ_diag_r. rewrite add_comm. symmetry. apply sub_add. rewrite le_succ_l; auto. Qed. Theorem strong_rec_fixpoint : forall (a : A) (n : N.t), Aeq (strong_rec a f n) (f (strong_rec a f) n). Proof. intros. transitivity (f (fun n => strong_rec0 a f (S n) n) n). rewrite strong_rec_alt. apply strong_rec0_fixpoint. f_equiv. intros x x' Hx; rewrite strong_rec_alt, Hx; auto with *. Qed. (** NB: without the [step_good] hypothesis, we have proved that [strong_rec a f 0] is [f (fun _ => a) 0]. Now we can prove that the first argument of [f] is arbitrary in this case... *) Theorem strong_rec_0_any : forall (a : A)(any : N.t->A), Aeq (strong_rec a f 0) (f any 0). Proof. intros. rewrite strong_rec_fixpoint. apply step_good. intros m Hm. destruct (nlt_0_r _ Hm). Qed. (** ... and that first argument of [strong_rec] is always arbitrary. *) Lemma strong_rec_any_fst_arg : forall a a' n, Aeq (strong_rec a f n) (strong_rec a' f n). Proof. intros a a' n. generalize (le_refl n). set (k:=n) at -2. clearbody k. revert k. pattern n. apply induction; clear n. (* compat *) intros n n' Hn. setoid_rewrite Hn; auto with *. (* 0 *) intros k Hk. rewrite le_0_r in Hk. rewrite Hk, strong_rec_0. symmetry. apply strong_rec_0_any. (* S *) intros n IH k Hk. rewrite 2 strong_rec_fixpoint. apply step_good. intros m Hm. apply IH. rewrite succ_le_mono. apply le_trans with k; auto. rewrite le_succ_l; auto. Qed. End FixPoint. End StrongRecursion. Implicit Arguments strong_rec [A]. End NStrongRecProp.