(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* n < m -> q <= 0 -> p < q -> m * q < n * p. Proof. intros n m p q H1 H2 H3 H4. apply le_lt_trans with (m * p). apply mul_le_mono_nonpos_l; [assumption | now apply lt_le_incl]. apply -> mul_lt_mono_neg_r; [assumption | now apply lt_le_trans with q]. Qed. Theorem mul_le_mono_nonpos : forall n m p q, m <= 0 -> n <= m -> q <= 0 -> p <= q -> m * q <= n * p. Proof. intros n m p q H1 H2 H3 H4. apply le_trans with (m * p). now apply mul_le_mono_nonpos_l. apply mul_le_mono_nonpos_r; [now apply le_trans with q | assumption]. Qed. Theorem mul_nonpos_nonpos : forall n m, n <= 0 -> m <= 0 -> 0 <= n * m. Proof. intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (mul_0_l m). now apply mul_le_mono_nonpos_r. Qed. Theorem mul_nonneg_nonpos : forall n m, 0 <= n -> m <= 0 -> n * m <= 0. Proof. intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (mul_0_l m). now apply mul_le_mono_nonpos_r. Qed. Theorem mul_nonpos_nonneg : forall n m, n <= 0 -> 0 <= m -> n * m <= 0. Proof. intros; rewrite mul_comm; now apply mul_nonneg_nonpos. Qed. Notation mul_pos := lt_0_mul (only parsing). Theorem lt_mul_0 : forall n m, n * m < 0 <-> n < 0 /\ m > 0 \/ n > 0 /\ m < 0. Proof. intros n m; split; [intro H | intros [[H1 H2] | [H1 H2]]]. destruct (lt_trichotomy n 0) as [H1 | [H1 | H1]]; [| rewrite H1 in H; rewrite mul_0_l in H; false_hyp H lt_irrefl |]; (destruct (lt_trichotomy m 0) as [H2 | [H2 | H2]]; [| rewrite H2 in H; rewrite mul_0_r in H; false_hyp H lt_irrefl |]); try (left; now split); try (right; now split). assert (H3 : n * m > 0) by now apply mul_neg_neg. exfalso; now apply (lt_asymm (n * m) 0). assert (H3 : n * m > 0) by now apply mul_pos_pos. exfalso; now apply (lt_asymm (n * m) 0). now apply mul_neg_pos. now apply mul_pos_neg. Qed. Notation mul_neg := lt_mul_0 (only parsing). Theorem le_0_mul : forall n m, 0 <= n * m -> 0 <= n /\ 0 <= m \/ n <= 0 /\ m <= 0. Proof. assert (R : forall n, 0 == n <-> n == 0) by (intros; split; apply eq_sym). intros n m. repeat rewrite lt_eq_cases. repeat rewrite R. rewrite lt_0_mul, eq_mul_0. pose proof (lt_trichotomy n 0); pose proof (lt_trichotomy m 0). tauto. Qed. Notation mul_nonneg := le_0_mul (only parsing). Theorem le_mul_0 : forall n m, n * m <= 0 -> 0 <= n /\ m <= 0 \/ n <= 0 /\ 0 <= m. Proof. assert (R : forall n, 0 == n <-> n == 0) by (intros; split; apply eq_sym). intros n m. repeat rewrite lt_eq_cases. repeat rewrite R. rewrite lt_mul_0, eq_mul_0. pose proof (lt_trichotomy n 0); pose proof (lt_trichotomy m 0). tauto. Qed. Notation mul_nonpos := le_mul_0 (only parsing). Theorem le_0_square : forall n, 0 <= n * n. Proof. intro n; destruct (neg_nonneg_cases n). apply lt_le_incl; now apply mul_neg_neg. now apply mul_nonneg_nonneg. Qed. Notation square_nonneg := le_0_square (only parsing). Theorem nlt_square_0 : forall n, ~ n * n < 0. Proof. intros n H. apply -> lt_nge in H. apply H. apply square_nonneg. Qed. Theorem square_lt_mono_nonpos : forall n m, n <= 0 -> m < n -> n * n < m * m. Proof. intros n m H1 H2. now apply mul_lt_mono_nonpos. Qed. Theorem square_le_mono_nonpos : forall n m, n <= 0 -> m <= n -> n * n <= m * m. Proof. intros n m H1 H2. now apply mul_le_mono_nonpos. Qed. Theorem square_lt_simpl_nonpos : forall n m, m <= 0 -> n * n < m * m -> m < n. Proof. intros n m H1 H2. destruct (le_gt_cases n 0). destruct (lt_ge_cases m n). assumption. assert (F : m * m <= n * n) by now apply square_le_mono_nonpos. apply -> le_ngt in F. false_hyp H2 F. now apply le_lt_trans with 0. Qed. Theorem square_le_simpl_nonpos : forall n m, m <= 0 -> n * n <= m * m -> m <= n. Proof. intros n m H1 H2. destruct (le_gt_cases n 0). destruct (le_gt_cases m n). assumption. assert (F : m * m < n * n) by now apply square_lt_mono_nonpos. apply -> lt_nge in F. false_hyp H2 F. apply lt_le_incl; now apply le_lt_trans with 0. Qed. Theorem lt_1_mul_neg : forall n m, n < -1 -> m < 0 -> 1 < n * m. Proof. intros n m H1 H2. apply -> (mul_lt_mono_neg_r m) in H1. apply <- opp_pos_neg in H2. rewrite mul_opp_l, mul_1_l in H1. now apply lt_1_l with (- m). assumption. Qed. Theorem lt_mul_n1_neg : forall n m, 1 < n -> m < 0 -> n * m < -1. Proof. intros n m H1 H2. apply -> (mul_lt_mono_neg_r m) in H1. rewrite mul_1_l in H1. now apply lt_n1_r with m. assumption. Qed. Theorem lt_mul_n1_pos : forall n m, n < -1 -> 0 < m -> n * m < -1. Proof. intros n m H1 H2. apply -> (mul_lt_mono_pos_r m) in H1. rewrite mul_opp_l, mul_1_l in H1. apply <- opp_neg_pos in H2. now apply lt_n1_r with (- m). assumption. Qed. Theorem lt_1_mul_l : forall n m, 1 < n -> n * m < -1 \/ n * m == 0 \/ 1 < n * m. Proof. intros n m H; destruct (lt_trichotomy m 0) as [H1 | [H1 | H1]]. left. now apply lt_mul_n1_neg. right; left; now rewrite H1, mul_0_r. right; right; now apply lt_1_mul_pos. Qed. Theorem lt_n1_mul_r : forall n m, n < -1 -> n * m < -1 \/ n * m == 0 \/ 1 < n * m. Proof. intros n m H; destruct (lt_trichotomy m 0) as [H1 | [H1 | H1]]. right; right. now apply lt_1_mul_neg. right; left; now rewrite H1, mul_0_r. left. now apply lt_mul_n1_pos. Qed. Theorem eq_mul_1 : forall n m, n * m == 1 -> n == 1 \/ n == -1. Proof. assert (F : ~ 1 < -1). intro H. assert (H1 : -1 < 0). apply <- opp_neg_pos. apply lt_succ_diag_r. assert (H2 : 1 < 0) by now apply lt_trans with (-1). false_hyp H2 nlt_succ_diag_l. zero_pos_neg n. intros m H; rewrite mul_0_l in H; false_hyp H neq_succ_diag_r. intros n H; split; apply <- le_succ_l in H; le_elim H. intros m H1; apply (lt_1_mul_l n m) in H. rewrite H1 in H; destruct H as [H | [H | H]]. false_hyp H F. false_hyp H neq_succ_diag_l. false_hyp H lt_irrefl. intros; now left. intros m H1; apply (lt_1_mul_l n m) in H. rewrite mul_opp_l in H1; apply -> eq_opp_l in H1. rewrite H1 in H; destruct H as [H | [H | H]]. false_hyp H lt_irrefl. apply -> eq_opp_l in H. rewrite opp_0 in H. false_hyp H neq_succ_diag_l. false_hyp H F. intros; right; symmetry; now apply opp_wd. Qed. Theorem lt_mul_diag_l : forall n m, n < 0 -> (1 < m <-> n * m < n). Proof. intros n m H. stepr (n * m < n * 1) by now rewrite mul_1_r. now apply mul_lt_mono_neg_l. Qed. Theorem lt_mul_diag_r : forall n m, 0 < n -> (1 < m <-> n < n * m). Proof. intros n m H. stepr (n * 1 < n * m) by now rewrite mul_1_r. now apply mul_lt_mono_pos_l. Qed. Theorem le_mul_diag_l : forall n m, n < 0 -> (1 <= m <-> n * m <= n). Proof. intros n m H. stepr (n * m <= n * 1) by now rewrite mul_1_r. now apply mul_le_mono_neg_l. Qed. Theorem le_mul_diag_r : forall n m, 0 < n -> (1 <= m <-> n <= n * m). Proof. intros n m H. stepr (n * 1 <= n * m) by now rewrite mul_1_r. now apply mul_le_mono_pos_l. Qed. Theorem lt_mul_r : forall n m p, 0 < n -> 1 < p -> n < m -> n < m * p. Proof. intros. stepl (n * 1) by now rewrite mul_1_r. apply mul_lt_mono_nonneg. now apply lt_le_incl. assumption. apply le_0_1. assumption. Qed. End ZMulOrderProp.