(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* carry | C1 : A -> carry. Definition interp_carry (sign:Z)(B:Z)(interp:A -> Z) c := match c with | C0 x => interp x | C1 x => sign*B + interp x end. End Carry. Section Zn2Z. Variable znz : Set. (** From a type [znz] representing a cyclic structure Z/nZ, we produce a representation of Z/2nZ by pairs of elements of [znz] (plus a special case for zero). High half of the new number comes first. *) Inductive zn2z : Set := | W0 : zn2z | WW : znz -> znz -> zn2z. Definition zn2z_to_Z (wB:Z) (w_to_Z:znz->Z) (x:zn2z) := match x with | W0 => 0 | WW xh xl => w_to_Z xh * wB + w_to_Z xl end. End Zn2Z. Implicit Arguments W0 [znz]. (** From a cyclic representation [w], we iterate the [zn2z] construct [n] times, gaining the type of binary trees of depth at most [n], whose leafs are either W0 (if depth < n) or elements of w (if depth = n). *) Fixpoint word (w:Set) (n:nat) {struct n} : Set := match n with | O => w | S n => zn2z (word w n) end.