(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* WW w_0 p | C1 p => WW w_1 p end. Let _ww_digits := xO w_digits. Let _ww_zdigits := w_add2 w_zdigits w_zdigits. Let to_Z := zn2z_to_Z wB w_to_Z. Let w_W0 (x:t) := ZnZ.WO x. Let w_0W (x:t) := ZnZ.OW x. Let w_WW (x y:t) := ZnZ.WW x y. Let ww_of_pos p := match w_of_pos p with | (N0, l) => (N0, WW w_0 l) | (Npos ph,l) => let (n,h) := w_of_pos ph in (n, w_WW h l) end. Let head0 := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_head0] in ww_head0 w_0 w_0W w_compare w_head0 w_add2 w_zdigits _ww_zdigits. Let tail0 := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_tail0] in ww_tail0 w_0 w_0W w_compare w_tail0 w_add2 w_zdigits _ww_zdigits. Let ww_WW := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_WW] in (@ww_WW t). Let ww_0W := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_0W] in (@ww_0W t). Let ww_W0 := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_W0] in (@ww_W0 t). (* ** Comparison ** *) Let compare := Eval lazy beta delta[ww_compare] in ww_compare w_0 w_compare. Let eq0 (x:zn2z t) := match x with | W0 => true | _ => false end. (* ** Opposites ** *) Let opp_c := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_opp_c] in ww_opp_c w_0 w_opp_c w_opp_carry. Let opp := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_opp] in ww_opp w_0 w_opp_c w_opp_carry w_opp. Let opp_carry := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_opp_carry] in ww_opp_carry w_WW ww_Bm1 w_opp_carry. (* ** Additions ** *) Let succ_c := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_succ_c] in ww_succ_c w_0 ww_1 w_succ_c. Let add_c := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_add_c] in ww_add_c w_WW w_add_c w_add_carry_c. Let add_carry_c := Eval lazy beta iota delta [ww_add_carry_c ww_succ_c] in ww_add_carry_c w_0 w_WW ww_1 w_succ_c w_add_c w_add_carry_c. Let succ := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_succ] in ww_succ w_W0 ww_1 w_succ_c w_succ. Let add := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_add] in ww_add w_add_c w_add w_add_carry. Let add_carry := Eval lazy beta iota delta [ww_add_carry ww_succ] in ww_add_carry w_W0 ww_1 w_succ_c w_add_carry_c w_succ w_add w_add_carry. (* ** Subtractions ** *) Let pred_c := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_pred_c] in ww_pred_c w_Bm1 w_WW ww_Bm1 w_pred_c. Let sub_c := Eval lazy beta iota delta [ww_sub_c ww_opp_c] in ww_sub_c w_0 w_WW w_opp_c w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_sub_carry_c. Let sub_carry_c := Eval lazy beta iota delta [ww_sub_carry_c ww_pred_c ww_opp_carry] in ww_sub_carry_c w_Bm1 w_WW ww_Bm1 w_opp_carry w_pred_c w_sub_c w_sub_carry_c. Let pred := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_pred] in ww_pred w_Bm1 w_WW ww_Bm1 w_pred_c w_pred. Let sub := Eval lazy beta iota delta [ww_sub ww_opp] in ww_sub w_0 w_WW w_opp_c w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_opp w_sub w_sub_carry. Let sub_carry := Eval lazy beta iota delta [ww_sub_carry ww_pred ww_opp_carry] in ww_sub_carry w_Bm1 w_WW ww_Bm1 w_opp_carry w_pred_c w_sub_carry_c w_pred w_sub w_sub_carry. (* ** Multiplication ** *) Let mul_c := Eval lazy beta iota delta [ww_mul_c double_mul_c] in ww_mul_c w_0 w_1 w_WW w_W0 w_mul_c add_c add add_carry. Let karatsuba_c := Eval lazy beta iota delta [ww_karatsuba_c double_mul_c kara_prod] in ww_karatsuba_c w_0 w_1 w_WW w_W0 w_compare w_add w_sub w_mul_c add_c add add_carry sub_c sub. Let mul := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_mul] in ww_mul w_W0 w_add w_mul_c w_mul add. Let square_c := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_square_c] in ww_square_c w_0 w_1 w_WW w_W0 w_mul_c w_square_c add_c add add_carry. (* Division operation *) Let div32 := Eval lazy beta iota delta [w_div32] in w_div32 w_0 w_Bm1 w_Bm2 w_WW w_compare w_add_c w_add_carry_c w_add w_add_carry w_pred w_sub w_mul_c w_div21 sub_c. Let div21 := Eval lazy beta iota delta [ww_div21] in ww_div21 w_0 w_0W div32 ww_1 compare sub. Let low (p: zn2z t) := match p with WW _ p1 => p1 | _ => w_0 end. Let add_mul_div := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_add_mul_div] in ww_add_mul_div w_0 w_WW w_W0 w_0W compare w_add_mul_div sub w_zdigits low. Let div_gt := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_div_gt] in ww_div_gt w_0 w_WW w_0W w_compare w_eq0 w_opp_c w_opp w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_sub w_sub_carry w_div_gt w_add_mul_div w_head0 w_div21 div32 _ww_zdigits ww_1 add_mul_div w_zdigits. Let div := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_div] in ww_div ww_1 compare div_gt. Let mod_gt := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_mod_gt] in ww_mod_gt w_0 w_WW w_0W w_compare w_eq0 w_opp_c w_opp w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_sub w_sub_carry w_mod_gt w_add_mul_div w_head0 w_div21 div32 _ww_zdigits add_mul_div w_zdigits. Let mod_ := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_mod] in ww_mod compare mod_gt. Let pos_mod := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_pos_mod] in ww_pos_mod w_0 w_zdigits w_WW w_pos_mod compare w_0W low sub _ww_zdigits. Let is_even := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_is_even] in ww_is_even w_is_even. Let sqrt2 := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_sqrt2] in ww_sqrt2 w_is_even w_compare w_0 w_1 w_Bm1 w_0W w_sub w_square_c w_div21 w_add_mul_div w_zdigits w_add_c w_sqrt2 w_pred pred_c pred add_c add sub_c add_mul_div. Let sqrt := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_sqrt] in ww_sqrt w_is_even w_0 w_sub w_add_mul_div w_zdigits _ww_zdigits w_sqrt2 pred add_mul_div head0 compare low. Let gcd_gt_fix := Eval cbv beta delta [ww_gcd_gt_aux ww_gcd_gt_body] in ww_gcd_gt_aux w_0 w_WW w_0W w_compare w_opp_c w_opp w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_sub w_sub_carry w_gcd_gt w_add_mul_div w_head0 w_div21 div32 _ww_zdigits add_mul_div w_zdigits. Let gcd_cont := Eval lazy beta delta [gcd_cont] in gcd_cont ww_1 w_1 w_compare. Let gcd_gt := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_gcd_gt] in ww_gcd_gt w_0 w_eq0 w_gcd_gt _ww_digits gcd_gt_fix gcd_cont. Let gcd := Eval lazy beta delta [ww_gcd] in ww_gcd compare w_0 w_eq0 w_gcd_gt _ww_digits gcd_gt_fix gcd_cont. (* ** Record of operators on 2 words *) Global Instance mk_zn2z_ops : ZnZ.Ops (zn2z t) := ZnZ.MkOps _ww_digits _ww_zdigits to_Z ww_of_pos head0 tail0 W0 ww_1 ww_Bm1 compare eq0 opp_c opp opp_carry succ_c add_c add_carry_c succ add add_carry pred_c sub_c sub_carry_c pred sub sub_carry mul_c mul square_c div21 div_gt div mod_gt mod_ gcd_gt gcd add_mul_div pos_mod is_even sqrt2 sqrt. Global Instance mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba : ZnZ.Ops (zn2z t) := ZnZ.MkOps _ww_digits _ww_zdigits to_Z ww_of_pos head0 tail0 W0 ww_1 ww_Bm1 compare eq0 opp_c opp opp_carry succ_c add_c add_carry_c succ add add_carry pred_c sub_c sub_carry_c pred sub sub_carry karatsuba_c mul square_c div21 div_gt div mod_gt mod_ gcd_gt gcd add_mul_div pos_mod is_even sqrt2 sqrt. (* Proof *) Context {specs : ZnZ.Specs ops}. Hint Resolve ZnZ.spec_to_Z ZnZ.spec_of_pos ZnZ.spec_0 ZnZ.spec_1 ZnZ.spec_m1 ZnZ.spec_compare ZnZ.spec_eq0 ZnZ.spec_opp_c ZnZ.spec_opp ZnZ.spec_opp_carry ZnZ.spec_succ_c ZnZ.spec_add_c ZnZ.spec_add_carry_c ZnZ.spec_succ ZnZ.spec_add ZnZ.spec_add_carry ZnZ.spec_pred_c ZnZ.spec_sub_c ZnZ.spec_sub_carry_c ZnZ.spec_pred ZnZ.spec_sub ZnZ.spec_sub_carry ZnZ.spec_mul_c ZnZ.spec_mul ZnZ.spec_square_c ZnZ.spec_div21 ZnZ.spec_div_gt ZnZ.spec_div ZnZ.spec_modulo_gt ZnZ.spec_modulo ZnZ.spec_gcd_gt ZnZ.spec_gcd ZnZ.spec_head0 ZnZ.spec_tail0 ZnZ.spec_add_mul_div ZnZ.spec_pos_mod ZnZ.spec_is_even ZnZ.spec_sqrt2 ZnZ.spec_sqrt ZnZ.spec_WO ZnZ.spec_OW ZnZ.spec_WW. Ltac wwauto := unfold ww_to_Z; auto. Let wwB := base _ww_digits. Notation "[| x |]" := (to_Z x) (at level 0, x at level 99). Notation "[+| c |]" := (interp_carry 1 wwB to_Z c) (at level 0, x at level 99). Notation "[-| c |]" := (interp_carry (-1) wwB to_Z c) (at level 0, x at level 99). Notation "[[ x ]]" := (zn2z_to_Z wwB to_Z x) (at level 0, x at level 99). Let spec_ww_to_Z : forall x, 0 <= [| x |] < wwB. Proof. refine (spec_ww_to_Z w_digits w_to_Z _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_of_pos : forall p, Zpos p = (Z_of_N (fst (ww_of_pos p)))*wwB + [|(snd (ww_of_pos p))|]. Proof. unfold ww_of_pos;intros. rewrite (ZnZ.spec_of_pos p). unfold w_of_pos. case (ZnZ.of_pos p); intros. simpl. destruct n; simpl ZnZ.to_Z. simpl;unfold w_to_Z,w_0; rewrite ZnZ.spec_0;trivial. unfold Z_of_N. rewrite (ZnZ.spec_of_pos p0). case (ZnZ.of_pos p0); intros. simpl. unfold fst, snd,Z_of_N, to_Z, wB, w_digits, w_to_Z, w_WW. rewrite ZnZ.spec_WW. replace wwB with (wB*wB). unfold wB,w_to_Z,w_digits;destruct n;ring. symmetry. rewrite <- Zpower_2; exact (wwB_wBwB w_digits). Qed. Let spec_ww_0 : [|W0|] = 0. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Let spec_ww_1 : [|ww_1|] = 1. Proof. refine (spec_ww_1 w_0 w_1 w_digits w_to_Z _ _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_Bm1 : [|ww_Bm1|] = wwB - 1. Proof. refine (spec_ww_Bm1 w_Bm1 w_digits w_to_Z _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_compare : forall x y, compare x y = Zcompare [|x|] [|y|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_compare w_0 w_digits w_to_Z w_compare _ _ _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_eq0 : forall x, eq0 x = true -> [|x|] = 0. Proof. destruct x;simpl;intros;trivial;discriminate. Qed. Let spec_ww_opp_c : forall x, [-|opp_c x|] = -[|x|]. Proof. refine(spec_ww_opp_c w_0 w_0 W0 w_opp_c w_opp_carry w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _); auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_opp : forall x, [|opp x|] = (-[|x|]) mod wwB. Proof. refine(spec_ww_opp w_0 w_0 W0 w_opp_c w_opp_carry w_opp w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _); auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_opp_carry : forall x, [|opp_carry x|] = wwB - [|x|] - 1. Proof. refine (spec_ww_opp_carry w_WW ww_Bm1 w_opp_carry w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _); wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_succ_c : forall x, [+|succ_c x|] = [|x|] + 1. Proof. refine (spec_ww_succ_c w_0 w_0 ww_1 w_succ_c w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_add_c : forall x y, [+|add_c x y|] = [|x|] + [|y|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_add_c w_WW w_add_c w_add_carry_c w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_add_carry_c : forall x y, [+|add_carry_c x y|] = [|x|]+[|y|]+1. Proof. refine (spec_ww_add_carry_c w_0 w_0 w_WW ww_1 w_succ_c w_add_c w_add_carry_c w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_succ : forall x, [|succ x|] = ([|x|] + 1) mod wwB. Proof. refine (spec_ww_succ w_W0 ww_1 w_succ_c w_succ w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _); wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_add : forall x y, [|add x y|] = ([|x|] + [|y|]) mod wwB. Proof. refine (spec_ww_add w_add_c w_add w_add_carry w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_add_carry : forall x y, [|add_carry x y|]=([|x|]+[|y|]+1)mod wwB. Proof. refine (spec_ww_add_carry w_W0 ww_1 w_succ_c w_add_carry_c w_succ w_add w_add_carry w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_pred_c : forall x, [-|pred_c x|] = [|x|] - 1. Proof. refine (spec_ww_pred_c w_0 w_Bm1 w_WW ww_Bm1 w_pred_c w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_sub_c : forall x y, [-|sub_c x y|] = [|x|] - [|y|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_sub_c w_0 w_0 w_WW W0 w_opp_c w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_sub_carry_c w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_sub_carry_c : forall x y, [-|sub_carry_c x y|] = [|x|]-[|y|]-1. Proof. refine (spec_ww_sub_carry_c w_0 w_Bm1 w_WW ww_Bm1 w_opp_carry w_pred_c w_sub_c w_sub_carry_c w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_pred : forall x, [|pred x|] = ([|x|] - 1) mod wwB. Proof. refine (spec_ww_pred w_0 w_Bm1 w_WW ww_Bm1 w_pred_c w_pred w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_sub : forall x y, [|sub x y|] = ([|x|] - [|y|]) mod wwB. Proof. refine (spec_ww_sub w_0 w_0 w_WW W0 w_opp_c w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_opp w_sub w_sub_carry w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_sub_carry : forall x y, [|sub_carry x y|]=([|x|]-[|y|]-1) mod wwB. Proof. refine (spec_ww_sub_carry w_0 w_Bm1 w_WW ww_Bm1 w_opp_carry w_pred_c w_sub_carry_c w_pred w_sub w_sub_carry w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_mul_c : forall x y, [[mul_c x y ]] = [|x|] * [|y|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_mul_c w_0 w_1 w_WW w_W0 w_mul_c add_c add add_carry w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_karatsuba_c : forall x y, [[karatsuba_c x y ]] = [|x|] * [|y|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_karatsuba_c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); wwauto. unfold w_digits; apply ZnZ.spec_more_than_1_digit; auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_mul : forall x y, [|mul x y|] = ([|x|] * [|y|]) mod wwB. Proof. refine (spec_ww_mul w_W0 w_add w_mul_c w_mul add w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _); wwauto. Qed. Let spec_ww_square_c : forall x, [[square_c x]] = [|x|] * [|x|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_square_c w_0 w_1 w_WW w_W0 w_mul_c w_square_c add_c add add_carry w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_w_div32 : forall a1 a2 a3 b1 b2, wB / 2 <= (w_to_Z b1) -> [|WW a1 a2|] < [|WW b1 b2|] -> let (q, r) := div32 a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 in (w_to_Z a1) * wwB + (w_to_Z a2) * wB + (w_to_Z a3) = (w_to_Z q) * ((w_to_Z b1)*wB + (w_to_Z b2)) + [|r|] /\ 0 <= [|r|] < (w_to_Z b1)*wB + w_to_Z b2. Proof. refine (spec_w_div32 w_0 w_Bm1 w_Bm2 w_WW w_compare w_add_c w_add_carry_c w_add w_add_carry w_pred w_sub w_mul_c w_div21 sub_c w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. unfold w_Bm2, w_to_Z, w_pred, w_Bm1. rewrite ZnZ.spec_pred, ZnZ.spec_m1. unfold w_digits;rewrite Zmod_small. ring. assert (H:= wB_pos(ZnZ.digits)). omega. exact ZnZ.spec_div21. Qed. Let spec_ww_div21 : forall a1 a2 b, wwB/2 <= [|b|] -> [|a1|] < [|b|] -> let (q,r) := div21 a1 a2 b in [|a1|] *wwB+ [|a2|] = [|q|] * [|b|] + [|r|] /\ 0 <= [|r|] < [|b|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_div21 w_0 w_0W div32 ww_1 compare sub w_digits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. Qed. Let spec_add2: forall x y, [|w_add2 x y|] = w_to_Z x + w_to_Z y. unfold w_add2. intros xh xl; generalize (ZnZ.spec_add_c xh xl). unfold w_add_c; case ZnZ.add_c; unfold interp_carry; simpl ww_to_Z. intros w0 Hw0; simpl; unfold w_to_Z; rewrite Hw0. unfold w_0; rewrite ZnZ.spec_0; simpl; auto with zarith. intros w0; rewrite Zmult_1_l; simpl. unfold w_to_Z, w_1; rewrite ZnZ.spec_1; auto with zarith. rewrite Zmult_1_l; auto. Qed. Let spec_low: forall x, w_to_Z (low x) = [|x|] mod wB. intros x; case x; simpl low. unfold ww_to_Z, w_to_Z, w_0; rewrite ZnZ.spec_0; simpl; auto. intros xh xl; simpl. rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite Z_mod_plus; auto with zarith. rewrite Zmod_small; auto with zarith. unfold wB, base; auto with zarith. Qed. Let spec_ww_digits: [|_ww_zdigits|] = Zpos (xO w_digits). Proof. unfold w_to_Z, _ww_zdigits. rewrite spec_add2. unfold w_to_Z, w_zdigits, w_digits. rewrite ZnZ.spec_zdigits; auto. rewrite Zpos_xO; auto with zarith. Qed. Let spec_ww_head00 : forall x, [|x|] = 0 -> [|head0 x|] = Zpos _ww_digits. Proof. refine (spec_ww_head00 w_0 w_0W w_compare w_head0 w_add2 w_zdigits _ww_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ (refl_equal _ww_digits) _ _ _ _); auto. exact ZnZ.spec_head00. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. Qed. Let spec_ww_head0 : forall x, 0 < [|x|] -> wwB/ 2 <= 2 ^ [|head0 x|] * [|x|] < wwB. Proof. refine (spec_ww_head0 w_0 w_0W w_compare w_head0 w_add2 w_zdigits _ww_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. Qed. Let spec_ww_tail00 : forall x, [|x|] = 0 -> [|tail0 x|] = Zpos _ww_digits. Proof. refine (spec_ww_tail00 w_0 w_0W w_compare w_tail0 w_add2 w_zdigits _ww_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ (refl_equal _ww_digits) _ _ _ _); wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_tail00. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. Qed. Let spec_ww_tail0 : forall x, 0 < [|x|] -> exists y, 0 <= y /\ [|x|] = (2 * y + 1) * 2 ^ [|tail0 x|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_tail0 (w_digits := w_digits) w_0 w_0W w_compare w_tail0 w_add2 w_zdigits _ww_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. Qed. Lemma spec_ww_add_mul_div : forall x y p, [|p|] <= Zpos _ww_digits -> [| add_mul_div p x y |] = ([|x|] * (2 ^ [|p|]) + [|y|] / (2 ^ ((Zpos _ww_digits) - [|p|]))) mod wwB. Proof. refine (@spec_ww_add_mul_div t w_0 w_WW w_W0 w_0W compare w_add_mul_div sub w_digits w_zdigits low w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. Qed. Let spec_ww_div_gt : forall a b, [|a|] > [|b|] -> 0 < [|b|] -> let (q,r) := div_gt a b in [|a|] = [|q|] * [|b|] + [|r|] /\ 0 <= [|r|] < [|b|]. Proof. refine (@spec_ww_div_gt t w_digits w_0 w_WW w_0W w_compare w_eq0 w_opp_c w_opp w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_sub w_sub_carry w_div_gt w_add_mul_div w_head0 w_div21 div32 _ww_zdigits ww_1 add_mul_div w_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ). exact ZnZ.spec_0. exact ZnZ.spec_to_Z. wwauto. wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_compare. exact ZnZ.spec_eq0. exact ZnZ.spec_opp_c. exact ZnZ.spec_opp. exact ZnZ.spec_opp_carry. exact ZnZ.spec_sub_c. exact ZnZ.spec_sub. exact ZnZ.spec_sub_carry. exact ZnZ.spec_div_gt. exact ZnZ.spec_add_mul_div. exact ZnZ.spec_head0. exact ZnZ.spec_div21. exact spec_w_div32. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. exact spec_ww_digits. exact spec_ww_1. exact spec_ww_add_mul_div. Qed. Let spec_ww_div : forall a b, 0 < [|b|] -> let (q,r) := div a b in [|a|] = [|q|] * [|b|] + [|r|] /\ 0 <= [|r|] < [|b|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_div w_digits ww_1 compare div_gt w_to_Z _ _ _ _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_mod_gt : forall a b, [|a|] > [|b|] -> 0 < [|b|] -> [|mod_gt a b|] = [|a|] mod [|b|]. Proof. refine (@spec_ww_mod_gt t w_digits w_0 w_WW w_0W w_compare w_eq0 w_opp_c w_opp w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_sub w_sub_carry w_div_gt w_mod_gt w_add_mul_div w_head0 w_div21 div32 _ww_zdigits ww_1 add_mul_div w_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_div_gt. exact ZnZ.spec_div21. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. exact spec_ww_add_mul_div. Qed. Let spec_ww_mod : forall a b, 0 < [|b|] -> [|mod_ a b|] = [|a|] mod [|b|]. Proof. refine (spec_ww_mod w_digits W0 compare mod_gt w_to_Z _ _ _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_gcd_gt : forall a b, [|a|] > [|b|] -> Zis_gcd [|a|] [|b|] [|gcd_gt a b|]. Proof. refine (@spec_ww_gcd_gt t w_digits W0 w_to_Z _ w_0 w_0 w_eq0 w_gcd_gt _ww_digits _ gcd_gt_fix _ _ _ _ gcd_cont _);auto. refine (@spec_ww_gcd_gt_aux t w_digits w_0 w_WW w_0W w_compare w_opp_c w_opp w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_sub w_sub_carry w_gcd_gt w_add_mul_div w_head0 w_div21 div32 _ww_zdigits ww_1 add_mul_div w_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_div21. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. exact spec_ww_add_mul_div. refine (@spec_gcd_cont t w_digits ww_1 w_to_Z _ _ w_0 w_1 w_compare _ _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_gcd : forall a b, Zis_gcd [|a|] [|b|] [|gcd a b|]. Proof. refine (@spec_ww_gcd t w_digits W0 compare w_to_Z _ _ w_0 w_0 w_eq0 w_gcd_gt _ww_digits _ gcd_gt_fix _ _ _ _ gcd_cont _);auto. refine (@spec_ww_gcd_gt_aux t w_digits w_0 w_WW w_0W w_compare w_opp_c w_opp w_opp_carry w_sub_c w_sub w_sub_carry w_gcd_gt w_add_mul_div w_head0 w_div21 div32 _ww_zdigits ww_1 add_mul_div w_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_div21. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. exact spec_ww_add_mul_div. refine (@spec_gcd_cont t w_digits ww_1 w_to_Z _ _ w_0 w_1 w_compare _ _);auto. Qed. Let spec_ww_is_even : forall x, match is_even x with true => [|x|] mod 2 = 0 | false => [|x|] mod 2 = 1 end. Proof. refine (@spec_ww_is_even t w_is_even w_0 w_1 w_Bm1 w_digits _ _ _ _ _); auto. exact ZnZ.spec_is_even. Qed. Let spec_ww_sqrt2 : forall x y, wwB/ 4 <= [|x|] -> let (s,r) := sqrt2 x y in [[WW x y]] = [|s|] ^ 2 + [+|r|] /\ [+|r|] <= 2 * [|s|]. Proof. intros x y H. refine (@spec_ww_sqrt2 t w_is_even w_compare w_0 w_1 w_Bm1 w_0W w_sub w_square_c w_div21 w_add_mul_div w_digits w_zdigits _ww_zdigits w_add_c w_sqrt2 w_pred pred_c pred add_c add sub_c add_mul_div _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. exact ZnZ.spec_more_than_1_digit. exact ZnZ.spec_is_even. exact ZnZ.spec_div21. exact spec_ww_add_mul_div. exact ZnZ.spec_sqrt2. Qed. Let spec_ww_sqrt : forall x, [|sqrt x|] ^ 2 <= [|x|] < ([|sqrt x|] + 1) ^ 2. Proof. refine (@spec_ww_sqrt t w_is_even w_0 w_1 w_Bm1 w_sub w_add_mul_div w_digits w_zdigits _ww_zdigits w_sqrt2 pred add_mul_div head0 compare _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. exact ZnZ.spec_more_than_1_digit. exact ZnZ.spec_is_even. exact spec_ww_add_mul_div. exact ZnZ.spec_sqrt2. Qed. Global Instance mk_zn2z_specs : ZnZ.Specs mk_zn2z_ops. Proof. apply ZnZ.MkSpecs; auto. exact spec_ww_add_mul_div. refine (@spec_ww_pos_mod t w_0 w_digits w_zdigits w_WW w_pos_mod compare w_0W low sub _ww_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. unfold w_to_Z, w_zdigits. rewrite ZnZ.spec_zdigits. rewrite <- Zpos_xO; exact spec_ww_digits. Qed. Global Instance mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba : ZnZ.Specs mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba. Proof. apply ZnZ.MkSpecs; auto. exact spec_ww_add_mul_div. refine (@spec_ww_pos_mod t w_0 w_digits w_zdigits w_WW w_pos_mod compare w_0W low sub _ww_zdigits w_to_Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);wwauto. exact ZnZ.spec_zdigits. unfold w_to_Z, w_zdigits. rewrite ZnZ.spec_zdigits. rewrite <- Zpos_xO; exact spec_ww_digits. Qed. End Z_2nZ. Section MulAdd. Context {t : Type}{ops : ZnZ.Ops t}{specs : ZnZ.Specs ops}. Definition mul_add:= w_mul_add ZnZ.zero ZnZ.succ ZnZ.add_c ZnZ.mul_c. Notation "[| x |]" := (ZnZ.to_Z x) (at level 0, x at level 99). Notation "[|| x ||]" := (zn2z_to_Z (base ZnZ.digits) ZnZ.to_Z x) (at level 0, x at level 99). Lemma spec_mul_add: forall x y z, let (zh, zl) := mul_add x y z in [||WW zh zl||] = [|x|] * [|y|] + [|z|]. Proof. intros x y z. refine (spec_w_mul_add _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x y z); auto. exact ZnZ.spec_0. exact ZnZ.spec_to_Z. exact ZnZ.spec_succ. exact ZnZ.spec_add_c. exact ZnZ.spec_mul_c. Qed. End MulAdd. (** Modular versions of DoubleCyclic *) Module DoubleCyclic (C:CyclicType) <: CyclicType. Definition t := zn2z C.t. Instance ops : ZnZ.Ops t := mk_zn2z_ops. Instance specs : ZnZ.Specs ops := mk_zn2z_specs. End DoubleCyclic. Module DoubleCyclicKaratsuba (C:CyclicType) <: CyclicType. Definition t := zn2z C.t. Definition ops : ZnZ.Ops t := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba. Definition specs : ZnZ.Specs ops := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba. End DoubleCyclicKaratsuba.