(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (y=x). Axiom eq_trans : (x,y,z:N)(x=y)->(y=z)->(x=z). (** Axioms for [add] *) Axiom add_sym : (x,y:N)(x+y)=(y+x). Axiom add_assoc_l : (x,y,z:N)((x+y)+z)=(x+(y+z)). Axiom add_0_x : (x:N)(zero+x)=x. (** Axioms for [S] *) Axiom add_Sx_y : (x,y:N)((S x)+y)=(S (x+y)). (** Axioms for [one] *) Axiom S_0_1 : (S zero)=one. (** Axioms for [<], properties of [>], [<=] and [>=] will be derived from [<] *) Axiom lt_trans : (x,y,z:N)xyx(S x)<(S y). Axiom lt_add_compat_l : (x,y,z:N)(x((x+z)<(y+z)). Hints Resolve add_sym add_assoc_l add_0_x add_Sx_y S_0_1 lt_x_Sx lt_S_compat lt_trans lt_anti_refl lt_add_compat_l : num.