(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* false | Npos na => match Pcompare na b Eq with Lt => false | _ => true end end. Local Notation "a >=? b" := (NPgeb a b) (at level 70). Fixpoint Pdiv_eucl (a b:positive) : N * N := match a with | xH => match b with xH => (1, 0) | _ => (0, 1) end | xO a' => let (q, r) := Pdiv_eucl a' b in let r' := 2 * r in if r' >=? b then (2 * q + 1, r' - Npos b) else (2 * q, r') | xI a' => let (q, r) := Pdiv_eucl a' b in let r' := 2 * r + 1 in if r' >=? b then (2 * q + 1, r' - Npos b) else (2 * q, r') end. Definition Ndiv_eucl (a b:N) : N * N := match a, b with | 0, _ => (0, 0) | _, 0 => (0, a) | Npos na, Npos nb => Pdiv_eucl na nb end. Definition Ndiv a b := fst (Ndiv_eucl a b). Definition Nmod a b := snd (Ndiv_eucl a b). Infix "/" := Ndiv : N_scope. Infix "mod" := Nmod (at level 40, no associativity) : N_scope. (** Auxiliary Results about [NPgeb] *) Lemma NPgeb_ge : forall a b, NPgeb a b = true -> a >= Npos b. Proof. destruct a; simpl; intros. discriminate. unfold Nge, Ncompare. now destruct Pcompare. Qed. Lemma NPgeb_lt : forall a b, NPgeb a b = false -> a < Npos b. Proof. destruct a; simpl; intros. red; auto. unfold Nlt, Ncompare. now destruct Pcompare. Qed. Theorem NPgeb_correct: forall (a:N)(b:positive), if NPgeb a b then a = a - Npos b + Npos b else True. Proof. destruct a as [|a]; simpl; intros b; auto. generalize (Pcompare_Eq_eq a b). case_eq (Pcompare a b Eq); intros; auto. rewrite H0; auto. now rewrite Pminus_mask_diag. destruct (Pminus_mask_Gt a b H) as [d [H2 [H3 _]]]. rewrite H2. rewrite <- H3. simpl; f_equal; apply Pplus_comm. Qed. Lemma Plt_add_cancel_l : forall n m p, (p+n < p+m -> n n NPgeb (2*a) p = true -> 2*a - Npos p < Npos p. Proof. intros a p LT GE. apply Nlt_add_cancel_l with (Npos p). rewrite Nplus_comm. generalize (NPgeb_correct (2*a) p). rewrite GE. intros <-. rewrite <- (Nmult_1_l (Npos p)). rewrite <- Nmult_plus_distr_r. destruct a; auto. Qed. Lemma NPgeb_ineq1 : forall a p, a < Npos p -> NPgeb (2*a+1) p = true -> (2*a+1) - Npos p < Npos p. Proof. intros a p LT GE. apply Nlt_add_cancel_l with (Npos p). rewrite Nplus_comm. generalize (NPgeb_correct (2*a+1) p). rewrite GE. intros <-. rewrite <- (Nmult_1_l (Npos p)). rewrite <- Nmult_plus_distr_r. destruct a; auto. red; simpl. apply Pcompare_eq_Lt; auto. Qed. (* Proofs of specifications for these euclidean divisions. *) Theorem Pdiv_eucl_correct: forall a b, let (q,r) := Pdiv_eucl a b in Npos a = q * Npos b + r. Proof. induction a; cbv beta iota delta [Pdiv_eucl]; fold Pdiv_eucl; cbv zeta. intros b; generalize (IHa b); case Pdiv_eucl. intros q1 r1 Hq1. assert (Npos a~1 = 2*q1*Npos b + (2*r1+1)) by now rewrite Nplus_assoc, <- Nmult_assoc, <- Nmult_plus_distr_l, <- Hq1. generalize (NPgeb_correct (2 * r1 + 1) b); case NPgeb; intros H'; auto. rewrite Nmult_plus_distr_r, Nmult_1_l. rewrite <- Nplus_assoc, (Nplus_comm (Npos b)), <- H'; auto. intros b; generalize (IHa b); case Pdiv_eucl. intros q1 r1 Hq1. assert (Npos a~0 = 2*q1*Npos b + 2*r1) by now rewrite <- Nmult_assoc, <- Nmult_plus_distr_l, <- Hq1. generalize (NPgeb_correct (2 * r1) b); case NPgeb; intros H'; auto. rewrite Nmult_plus_distr_r, Nmult_1_l. rewrite <- Nplus_assoc, (Nplus_comm (Npos b)), <- H'; auto. destruct b; auto. Qed. Theorem Ndiv_eucl_correct: forall a b, let (q,r) := Ndiv_eucl a b in a = b * q + r. Proof. destruct a as [|a]; destruct b as [|b]; simpl; auto. generalize (Pdiv_eucl_correct a b); case Pdiv_eucl; intros q r. destruct q. simpl; auto. rewrite Nmult_comm. intro EQ; exact EQ. Qed. Theorem Ndiv_mod_eq : forall a b, a = b * (a/b) + (a mod b). Proof. intros; generalize (Ndiv_eucl_correct a b). unfold Ndiv, Nmod; destruct Ndiv_eucl; simpl; auto. Qed. Theorem Pdiv_eucl_remainder : forall a b:positive, snd (Pdiv_eucl a b) < Npos b. Proof. induction a; cbv beta iota delta [Pdiv_eucl]; fold Pdiv_eucl; cbv zeta. intros b; generalize (IHa b); case Pdiv_eucl. intros q1 r1 Hr1; simpl in Hr1. case_eq (NPgeb (2*r1+1) b); intros; unfold snd. apply NPgeb_ineq1; auto. apply NPgeb_lt; auto. intros b; generalize (IHa b); case Pdiv_eucl. intros q1 r1 Hr1; simpl in Hr1. case_eq (NPgeb (2*r1) b); intros; unfold snd. apply NPgeb_ineq0; auto. apply NPgeb_lt; auto. destruct b; simpl; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nmod_lt : forall (a b:N), b<>0 -> a mod b < b. Proof. destruct b as [ |b]; intro H; try solve [elim H;auto]. destruct a as [ |a]; try solve [compute;auto]; unfold Nmod, Ndiv_eucl. generalize (Pdiv_eucl_remainder a b); destruct Pdiv_eucl; simpl; auto. Qed.