(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* N. (** Declare binding key for scope positive_scope *) Delimit Scope N_scope with N. (** Automatically open scope positive_scope for the constructors of N *) Bind Scope N_scope with N. Arguments Scope Npos [positive_scope]. Local Open Scope N_scope. Definition Ndiscr : forall n:N, { p:positive | n = Npos p } + { n = N0 }. Proof. destruct n; auto. left; exists p; auto. Defined. (** Operation x -> 2*x+1 *) Definition Ndouble_plus_one x := match x with | N0 => Npos 1 | Npos p => Npos (xI p) end. (** Operation x -> 2*x *) Definition Ndouble n := match n with | N0 => N0 | Npos p => Npos (xO p) end. (** Successor *) Definition Nsucc n := match n with | N0 => Npos 1 | Npos p => Npos (Psucc p) end. (** Predecessor *) Definition Npred (n : N) := match n with | N0 => N0 | Npos p => match p with | xH => N0 | _ => Npos (Ppred p) end end. (** Addition *) Definition Nplus n m := match n, m with | N0, _ => m | _, N0 => n | Npos p, Npos q => Npos (p + q) end. Infix "+" := Nplus : N_scope. (** Subtraction *) Definition Nminus (n m : N) := match n, m with | N0, _ => N0 | n, N0 => n | Npos n', Npos m' => match Pminus_mask n' m' with | IsPos p => Npos p | _ => N0 end end. Infix "-" := Nminus : N_scope. (** Multiplication *) Definition Nmult n m := match n, m with | N0, _ => N0 | _, N0 => N0 | Npos p, Npos q => Npos (p * q) end. Infix "*" := Nmult : N_scope. (** Boolean Equality *) Definition Neqb n m := match n, m with | N0, N0 => true | Npos n, Npos m => Peqb n m | _,_ => false end. (** Order *) Definition Ncompare n m := match n, m with | N0, N0 => Eq | N0, Npos m' => Lt | Npos n', N0 => Gt | Npos n', Npos m' => (n' ?= m')%positive Eq end. Infix "?=" := Ncompare (at level 70, no associativity) : N_scope. Definition Nlt (x y:N) := (x ?= y) = Lt. Definition Ngt (x y:N) := (x ?= y) = Gt. Definition Nle (x y:N) := (x ?= y) <> Gt. Definition Nge (x y:N) := (x ?= y) <> Lt. Infix "<=" := Nle : N_scope. Infix "<" := Nlt : N_scope. Infix ">=" := Nge : N_scope. Infix ">" := Ngt : N_scope. Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x <= y /\ y <= z) : N_scope. Notation "x <= y < z" := (x <= y /\ y < z) : N_scope. Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) : N_scope. Notation "x < y <= z" := (x < y /\ y <= z) : N_scope. (** Min and max *) Definition Nmin (n n' : N) := match Ncompare n n' with | Lt | Eq => n | Gt => n' end. Definition Nmax (n n' : N) := match Ncompare n n' with | Lt | Eq => n' | Gt => n end. (** Decidability of equality. *) Definition N_eq_dec : forall n m : N, { n = m } + { n <> m }. Proof. decide equality. apply positive_eq_dec. Defined. (** convenient induction principles *) Lemma N_ind_double : forall (a:N) (P:N -> Prop), P N0 -> (forall a, P a -> P (Ndouble a)) -> (forall a, P a -> P (Ndouble_plus_one a)) -> P a. Proof. intros; elim a. trivial. simple induction p. intros. apply (H1 (Npos p0)); trivial. intros; apply (H0 (Npos p0)); trivial. intros; apply (H1 N0); assumption. Qed. Lemma N_rec_double : forall (a:N) (P:N -> Set), P N0 -> (forall a, P a -> P (Ndouble a)) -> (forall a, P a -> P (Ndouble_plus_one a)) -> P a. Proof. intros; elim a. trivial. simple induction p. intros. apply (H1 (Npos p0)); trivial. intros; apply (H0 (Npos p0)); trivial. intros; apply (H1 N0); assumption. Qed. (** Peano induction on binary natural numbers *) Definition Nrect (P : N -> Type) (a : P N0) (f : forall n : N, P n -> P (Nsucc n)) (n : N) : P n := let f' (p : positive) (x : P (Npos p)) := f (Npos p) x in let P' (p : positive) := P (Npos p) in match n return (P n) with | N0 => a | Npos p => Prect P' (f N0 a) f' p end. Theorem Nrect_base : forall P a f, Nrect P a f N0 = a. Proof. intros P a f; simpl; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nrect_step : forall P a f n, Nrect P a f (Nsucc n) = f n (Nrect P a f n). Proof. intros P a f; destruct n as [| p]; simpl; [rewrite Prect_base | rewrite Prect_succ]; reflexivity. Qed. Definition Nind (P : N -> Prop) := Nrect P. Definition Nrec (P : N -> Set) := Nrect P. Theorem Nrec_base : forall P a f, Nrec P a f N0 = a. Proof. intros P a f; unfold Nrec; apply Nrect_base. Qed. Theorem Nrec_step : forall P a f n, Nrec P a f (Nsucc n) = f n (Nrec P a f n). Proof. intros P a f; unfold Nrec; apply Nrect_step. Qed. (** Properties of successor and predecessor *) Theorem Npred_succ : forall n : N, Npred (Nsucc n) = n. Proof. destruct n as [| p]; simpl. reflexivity. case_eq (Psucc p); try (intros q H; rewrite <- H; now rewrite Ppred_succ). intro H; false_hyp H Psucc_not_one. Qed. (** Properties of addition *) Theorem Nplus_0_l : forall n:N, N0 + n = n. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nplus_0_r : forall n:N, n + N0 = n. Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nplus_comm : forall n m:N, n + m = m + n. Proof. intros. destruct n; destruct m; simpl in |- *; try reflexivity. rewrite Pplus_comm; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nplus_assoc : forall n m p:N, n + (m + p) = n + m + p. Proof. intros. destruct n; try reflexivity. destruct m; try reflexivity. destruct p; try reflexivity. simpl in |- *; rewrite Pplus_assoc; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nplus_succ : forall n m:N, Nsucc n + m = Nsucc (n + m). Proof. destruct n; destruct m. simpl in |- *; reflexivity. unfold Nsucc, Nplus in |- *; rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l; reflexivity. simpl in |- *; reflexivity. simpl in |- *; rewrite Pplus_succ_permute_l; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nsucc_0 : forall n : N, Nsucc n <> N0. Proof. intro n; elim n; simpl Nsucc; intros; discriminate. Qed. Theorem Nsucc_inj : forall n m:N, Nsucc n = Nsucc m -> n = m. Proof. destruct n; destruct m; simpl in |- *; intro H; reflexivity || injection H; clear H; intro H. symmetry in H; contradiction Psucc_not_one with p. contradiction Psucc_not_one with p. rewrite Psucc_inj with (1 := H); reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nplus_reg_l : forall n m p:N, n + m = n + p -> m = p. Proof. intro n; pattern n in |- *; apply Nind; clear n; simpl in |- *. trivial. intros n IHn m p H0; do 2 rewrite Nplus_succ in H0. apply IHn; apply Nsucc_inj; assumption. Qed. (** Properties of subtraction. *) Lemma Nminus_N0_Nle : forall n n' : N, n - n' = N0 <-> n <= n'. Proof. destruct n as [| p]; destruct n' as [| q]; unfold Nle; simpl; split; intro H; try discriminate; try reflexivity. now elim H. intro H1; apply Pminus_mask_Gt in H1. destruct H1 as [h [H1 _]]. rewrite H1 in H; discriminate. case_eq (Pcompare p q Eq); intro H1; rewrite H1 in H; try now elim H. assert (H2 : p = q); [now apply Pcompare_Eq_eq |]. now rewrite H2, Pminus_mask_diag. now rewrite Pminus_mask_Lt. Qed. Theorem Nminus_0_r : forall n : N, n - N0 = n. Proof. now destruct n. Qed. Theorem Nminus_succ_r : forall n m : N, n - (Nsucc m) = Npred (n - m). Proof. destruct n as [| p]; destruct m as [| q]; try reflexivity. now destruct p. simpl. rewrite Pminus_mask_succ_r, Pminus_mask_carry_spec. now destruct (Pminus_mask p q) as [| r |]; [| destruct r |]. Qed. (** Properties of multiplication *) Theorem Nmult_0_l : forall n:N, N0 * n = N0. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nmult_1_l : forall n:N, Npos 1 * n = n. Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nmult_Sn_m : forall n m : N, (Nsucc n) * m = m + n * m. Proof. destruct n as [| n]; destruct m as [| m]; simpl; auto. rewrite Pmult_Sn_m; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nmult_1_r : forall n:N, n * Npos 1%positive = n. Proof. destruct n; simpl in |- *; try reflexivity. rewrite Pmult_1_r; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nmult_comm : forall n m:N, n * m = m * n. Proof. intros. destruct n; destruct m; simpl in |- *; try reflexivity. rewrite Pmult_comm; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nmult_assoc : forall n m p:N, n * (m * p) = n * m * p. Proof. intros. destruct n; try reflexivity. destruct m; try reflexivity. destruct p; try reflexivity. simpl in |- *; rewrite Pmult_assoc; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nmult_plus_distr_r : forall n m p:N, (n + m) * p = n * p + m * p. Proof. intros. destruct n; try reflexivity. destruct m; destruct p; try reflexivity. simpl in |- *; rewrite Pmult_plus_distr_r; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nmult_plus_distr_l : forall n m p:N, p * (n + m) = p * n + p * m. Proof. intros. rewrite ! (Nmult_comm p); apply Nmult_plus_distr_r. Qed. Theorem Nmult_reg_r : forall n m p:N, p <> N0 -> n * p = m * p -> n = m. Proof. destruct p; intros Hp H. contradiction Hp; reflexivity. destruct n; destruct m; reflexivity || (try discriminate H). injection H; clear H; intro H; rewrite Pmult_reg_r with (1 := H); reflexivity. Qed. (** Properties of boolean order. *) Lemma Neqb_eq : forall n m, Neqb n m = true <-> n=m. Proof. destruct n as [|n], m as [|m]; simpl; split; auto; try discriminate. intros; f_equal. apply (Peqb_eq n m); auto. intros. apply (Peqb_eq n m). congruence. Qed. (** Properties of comparison *) Lemma Ncompare_refl : forall n, (n ?= n) = Eq. Proof. destruct n; simpl; auto. apply Pcompare_refl. Qed. Theorem Ncompare_Eq_eq : forall n m:N, (n ?= m) = Eq -> n = m. Proof. destruct n as [| n]; destruct m as [| m]; simpl in |- *; intro H; reflexivity || (try discriminate H). rewrite (Pcompare_Eq_eq n m H); reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Ncompare_eq_correct : forall n m:N, (n ?= m) = Eq <-> n = m. Proof. split; intros; [ apply Ncompare_Eq_eq; auto | subst; apply Ncompare_refl ]. Qed. Lemma Ncompare_antisym : forall n m, CompOpp (n ?= m) = (m ?= n). Proof. destruct n; destruct m; simpl; auto. exact (Pcompare_antisym p p0 Eq). Qed. Lemma Ngt_Nlt : forall n m, n > m -> m < n. Proof. unfold Ngt, Nlt; intros n m GT. rewrite <- Ncompare_antisym, GT; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem Nlt_irrefl : forall n : N, ~ n < n. Proof. intro n; unfold Nlt; now rewrite Ncompare_refl. Qed. Theorem Nlt_trans : forall n m q, n < m -> m < q -> n < q. Proof. destruct n; destruct m; try discriminate; destruct q; try discriminate; auto. eapply Plt_trans; eauto. Qed. Theorem Nlt_not_eq : forall n m, n < m -> ~ n = m. Proof. intros n m LT EQ. subst m. elim (Nlt_irrefl n); auto. Qed. Theorem Ncompare_n_Sm : forall n m : N, Ncompare n (Nsucc m) = Lt <-> Ncompare n m = Lt \/ n = m. Proof. intros n m; split; destruct n as [| p]; destruct m as [| q]; simpl; auto. destruct p; simpl; intros; discriminate. pose proof (Pcompare_p_Sq p q) as (?,_). assert (p = q <-> Npos p = Npos q); [split; congruence | tauto]. intros H; destruct H; discriminate. pose proof (Pcompare_p_Sq p q) as (_,?); assert (p = q <-> Npos p = Npos q); [split; congruence | tauto]. Qed. Lemma Nle_lteq : forall x y, x <= y <-> x < y \/ x=y. Proof. unfold Nle, Nlt; intros. generalize (Ncompare_eq_correct x y). destruct (x ?= y); intuition; discriminate. Qed. Lemma Ncompare_spec : forall x y, CompSpec eq Nlt x y (Ncompare x y). Proof. intros. destruct (Ncompare x y) as [ ]_eqn; constructor; auto. apply Ncompare_Eq_eq; auto. apply Ngt_Nlt; auto. Qed. (** Order and operations *) (** NB : Many more results will come from NBinary, the Number instantiation. The next lemma is useful for proving the correctness of the division. *) Lemma Nplus_lt_cancel_l : forall n m p, p+n < p+m -> n Lt. Proof. destruct n; discriminate. Qed. (** Dividing by 2 *) Definition Ndiv2 (n:N) := match n with | N0 => N0 | Npos 1 => N0 | Npos (xO p) => Npos p | Npos (xI p) => Npos p end. Lemma Ndouble_div2 : forall n:N, Ndiv2 (Ndouble n) = n. Proof. destruct n; trivial. Qed. Lemma Ndouble_plus_one_div2 : forall n:N, Ndiv2 (Ndouble_plus_one n) = n. Proof. destruct n; trivial. Qed. Lemma Ndouble_inj : forall n m, Ndouble n = Ndouble m -> n = m. Proof. intros. rewrite <- (Ndouble_div2 n). rewrite H. apply Ndouble_div2. Qed. Lemma Ndouble_plus_one_inj : forall n m, Ndouble_plus_one n = Ndouble_plus_one m -> n = m. Proof. intros. rewrite <- (Ndouble_plus_one_div2 n). rewrite H. apply Ndouble_plus_one_div2. Qed. (** Power *) Definition Npow n p := match p with | N0 => Npos 1 | Npos p => Piter_op Nmult p n end. Infix "^" := Npow : N_scope. Lemma Npow_0_r : forall n, n ^ N0 = Npos 1. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Npow_succ_r : forall n p, n^(Nsucc p) = n * n^p. Proof. intros n p; destruct p; simpl. now rewrite Nmult_1_r. apply Piter_op_succ. apply Nmult_assoc. Qed. (** Parity *) Definition Neven n := match n with | N0 => true | Npos (xO _) => true | _ => false end. Definition Nodd n := negb (Neven n). Local Notation "1" := (Npos xH) : N_scope. Local Notation "2" := (Npos (xO xH)) : N_scope. Lemma Neven_spec : forall n, Neven n = true <-> exists m, n=2*m. Proof. destruct n. split. now exists N0. trivial. destruct p; simpl; split; trivial; try discriminate. intros (m,H). now destruct m. now exists (Npos p). intros (m,H). now destruct m. Qed. Lemma Nodd_spec : forall n, Nodd n = true <-> exists m, n=2*m+1. Proof. destruct n. split. discriminate. intros (m,H). now destruct m. destruct p; simpl; split; trivial; try discriminate. exists (Npos p). reflexivity. intros (m,H). now destruct m. exists N0. reflexivity. Qed.