(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* false | y :: l => match X.compare x y with | Lt => false | Eq => true | Gt => mem x l end end. Fixpoint add x s := match s with | nil => x :: nil | y :: l => match X.compare x y with | Lt => x :: s | Eq => s | Gt => y :: add x l end end. Definition singleton (x : elt) := x :: nil. Fixpoint remove x s := match s with | nil => nil | y :: l => match X.compare x y with | Lt => s | Eq => l | Gt => y :: remove x l end end. Fixpoint union (s : t) : t -> t := match s with | nil => fun s' => s' | x :: l => (fix union_aux (s' : t) : t := match s' with | nil => s | x' :: l' => match X.compare x x' with | Lt => x :: union l s' | Eq => x :: union l l' | Gt => x' :: union_aux l' end end) end. Fixpoint inter (s : t) : t -> t := match s with | nil => fun _ => nil | x :: l => (fix inter_aux (s' : t) : t := match s' with | nil => nil | x' :: l' => match X.compare x x' with | Lt => inter l s' | Eq => x :: inter l l' | Gt => inter_aux l' end end) end. Fixpoint diff (s : t) : t -> t := match s with | nil => fun _ => nil | x :: l => (fix diff_aux (s' : t) : t := match s' with | nil => s | x' :: l' => match X.compare x x' with | Lt => x :: diff l s' | Eq => diff l l' | Gt => diff_aux l' end end) end. Fixpoint equal (s : t) : t -> bool := fun s' : t => match s, s' with | nil, nil => true | x :: l, x' :: l' => match X.compare x x' with | Eq => equal l l' | _ => false end | _, _ => false end. Fixpoint subset s s' := match s, s' with | nil, _ => true | x :: l, x' :: l' => match X.compare x x' with | Lt => false | Eq => subset l l' | Gt => subset s l' end | _, _ => false end. Definition fold (B : Type) (f : elt -> B -> B) (s : t) (i : B) : B := fold_left (flip f) s i. Fixpoint filter (f : elt -> bool) (s : t) : t := match s with | nil => nil | x :: l => if f x then x :: filter f l else filter f l end. Fixpoint for_all (f : elt -> bool) (s : t) : bool := match s with | nil => true | x :: l => if f x then for_all f l else false end. Fixpoint exists_ (f : elt -> bool) (s : t) : bool := match s with | nil => false | x :: l => if f x then true else exists_ f l end. Fixpoint partition (f : elt -> bool) (s : t) : t * t := match s with | nil => (nil, nil) | x :: l => let (s1, s2) := partition f l in if f x then (x :: s1, s2) else (s1, x :: s2) end. Definition cardinal (s : t) : nat := length s. Definition elements (x : t) : list elt := x. Definition min_elt (s : t) : option elt := match s with | nil => None | x :: _ => Some x end. Fixpoint max_elt (s : t) : option elt := match s with | nil => None | x :: nil => Some x | _ :: l => max_elt l end. Definition choose := min_elt. Fixpoint compare s s' := match s, s' with | nil, nil => Eq | nil, _ => Lt | _, nil => Gt | x::s, x'::s' => match X.compare x x' with | Eq => compare s s' | Lt => Lt | Gt => Gt end end. End Ops. Module MakeRaw (X: OrderedType) <: RawSets X. Module Import MX := OrderedTypeFacts X. Module Import ML := OrderedTypeLists X. Include Ops X. (** ** Proofs of set operation specifications. *) Section ForNotations. Notation Sort := (sort X.lt). Notation Inf := (lelistA X.lt). Notation In := (InA X.eq). (* TODO: modify proofs in order to avoid these hints *) Hint Resolve (@Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ X.eq_equiv). Hint Immediate (@Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ X.eq_equiv). Hint Resolve (@Equivalence_Transitive _ _ X.eq_equiv). Definition IsOk := Sort. Class Ok (s:t) : Prop := { ok : Sort s }. Hint Resolve @ok. Hint Constructors Ok. Instance Sort_Ok s `(Hs : Sort s) : Ok s := { ok := Hs }. Ltac inv_ok := match goal with | H:Ok (_ :: _) |- _ => apply @ok in H; inversion_clear H; inv_ok | H:Ok nil |- _ => clear H; inv_ok | H:Sort ?l |- _ => generalize (Build_Ok H); clear H; intro H; inv_ok | _ => idtac end. Ltac inv := invlist InA; inv_ok; invlist lelistA. Ltac constructors := repeat constructor. Ltac sort_inf_in := match goal with | H:Inf ?x ?l, H':In ?y ?l |- _ => cut (X.lt x y); [ intro | apply Sort_Inf_In with l; auto] | _ => fail end. Definition inf x l := match l with | nil => true | y::_ => match X.compare x y with Lt => true | _ => false end end. Fixpoint isok l := match l with | nil => true | x::l => inf x l && isok l end. Lemma inf_iff : forall x l, Inf x l <-> inf x l = true. Proof. induction l as [ | y l IH]. simpl; split; auto. simpl. elim_compare x y; intuition; try discriminate. inv; order. inv; order. Qed. Lemma isok_iff : forall l, Ok l <-> isok l = true. Proof. induction l as [ | x l IH]. simpl; split; auto; constructor. simpl. rewrite andb_true_iff, <- inf_iff, <- IH. split. intros; inv; auto. constructor; intuition. Qed. Global Instance isok_Ok s `(isok s = true) : Ok s | 10. Proof. intros. apply <- isok_iff. auto. Qed. Definition Equal s s' := forall a : elt, In a s <-> In a s'. Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, In a s -> In a s'. Definition Empty s := forall a : elt, ~ In a s. Definition For_all (P : elt -> Prop) s := forall x, In x s -> P x. Definition Exists (P : elt -> Prop) (s : t) := exists x, In x s /\ P x. Lemma mem_spec : forall (s : t) (x : elt) (Hs : Ok s), mem x s = true <-> In x s. Proof. induction s; intros; inv; simpl. intuition. discriminate. inv. elim_compare x a; rewrite InA_cons; intuition; try order. discriminate. sort_inf_in. order. rewrite <- IHs; auto. rewrite IHs; auto. Qed. Lemma add_inf : forall (s : t) (x a : elt), Inf a s -> X.lt a x -> Inf a (add x s). Proof. simple induction s; simpl. intuition. intros; elim_compare x a; inv; intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve add_inf. Global Instance add_ok s x `(Ok s) : Ok (add x s). Proof. simple induction s; simpl. intuition. intros; elim_compare x a; inv; auto. Qed. Lemma add_spec : forall (s : t) (x y : elt) (Hs : Ok s), In y (add x s) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y s. Proof. induction s; simpl; intros. intuition. inv; auto. elim_compare x a; inv; rewrite !InA_cons, ?IHs; intuition. left; order. Qed. Lemma remove_inf : forall (s : t) (x a : elt) (Hs : Ok s), Inf a s -> Inf a (remove x s). Proof. induction s; simpl. intuition. intros; elim_compare x a; inv; auto. apply Inf_lt with a; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve remove_inf. Global Instance remove_ok s x `(Ok s) : Ok (remove x s). Proof. induction s; simpl. intuition. intros; elim_compare x a; inv; auto. Qed. Lemma remove_spec : forall (s : t) (x y : elt) (Hs : Ok s), In y (remove x s) <-> In y s /\ ~X.eq y x. Proof. induction s; simpl; intros. intuition; inv; auto. elim_compare x a; inv; rewrite !InA_cons, ?IHs; intuition; try sort_inf_in; try order. Qed. Global Instance singleton_ok x : Ok (singleton x). Proof. unfold singleton; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma singleton_spec : forall x y : elt, In y (singleton x) <-> X.eq y x. Proof. unfold singleton; simpl; split; intros; inv; auto. Qed. Ltac induction2 := simple induction s; [ simpl; auto; try solve [ intros; inv ] | intros x l Hrec; simple induction s'; [ simpl; auto; try solve [ intros; inv ] | intros x' l' Hrec'; simpl; elim_compare x x'; intros; inv; auto ]]. Lemma union_inf : forall (s s' : t) (a : elt) (Hs : Ok s) (Hs' : Ok s'), Inf a s -> Inf a s' -> Inf a (union s s'). Proof. induction2. Qed. Hint Resolve union_inf. Global Instance union_ok s s' `(Ok s, Ok s') : Ok (union s s'). Proof. induction2; constructors; try apply @ok; auto. apply Inf_eq with x'; auto; apply union_inf; auto; apply Inf_eq with x; auto. change (Inf x' (union (x :: l) l')); auto. Qed. Lemma union_spec : forall (s s' : t) (x : elt) (Hs : Ok s) (Hs' : Ok s'), In x (union s s') <-> In x s \/ In x s'. Proof. induction2; try rewrite ?InA_cons, ?Hrec, ?Hrec'; intuition; inv; auto. left; order. Qed. Lemma inter_inf : forall (s s' : t) (a : elt) (Hs : Ok s) (Hs' : Ok s'), Inf a s -> Inf a s' -> Inf a (inter s s'). Proof. induction2. apply Inf_lt with x; auto. apply Hrec'; auto. apply Inf_lt with x'; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve inter_inf. Global Instance inter_ok s s' `(Ok s, Ok s') : Ok (inter s s'). Proof. induction2. constructors; auto. apply Inf_eq with x'; auto; apply inter_inf; auto; apply Inf_eq with x; auto. Qed. Lemma inter_spec : forall (s s' : t) (x : elt) (Hs : Ok s) (Hs' : Ok s'), In x (inter s s') <-> In x s /\ In x s'. Proof. induction2; try rewrite ?InA_cons, ?Hrec, ?Hrec'; intuition; inv; auto; try sort_inf_in; try order. left; order. Qed. Lemma diff_inf : forall (s s' : t) (Hs : Ok s) (Hs' : Ok s') (a : elt), Inf a s -> Inf a s' -> Inf a (diff s s'). Proof. induction2. apply Hrec; trivial. apply Inf_lt with x; auto. apply Inf_lt with x'; auto. apply Hrec'; auto. apply Inf_lt with x'; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve diff_inf. Global Instance diff_ok s s' `(Ok s, Ok s') : Ok (diff s s'). Proof. induction2. constructors; auto. apply @ok; auto. Qed. Lemma diff_spec : forall (s s' : t) (x : elt) (Hs : Ok s) (Hs' : Ok s'), In x (diff s s') <-> In x s /\ ~In x s'. Proof. induction2; try rewrite ?InA_cons, ?Hrec, ?Hrec'; intuition; inv; auto; try sort_inf_in; try order. right; intuition; inv; auto. Qed. Lemma equal_spec : forall (s s' : t) (Hs : Ok s) (Hs' : Ok s'), equal s s' = true <-> Equal s s'. Proof. induction s as [ | x s IH]; intros [ | x' s'] Hs Hs'; simpl. intuition. split; intros H. discriminate. assert (In x' nil) by (rewrite H; auto). inv. split; intros H. discriminate. assert (In x nil) by (rewrite <-H; auto). inv. inv. elim_compare x x' as C; try discriminate. (* x=x' *) rewrite IH; auto. split; intros E y; specialize (E y). rewrite !InA_cons, E, C; intuition. rewrite !InA_cons, C in E. intuition; try sort_inf_in; order. (* xx' *) split; intros E. discriminate. assert (In x' (x::s)) by (rewrite E; auto). inv; try sort_inf_in; order. Qed. Lemma subset_spec : forall (s s' : t) (Hs : Ok s) (Hs' : Ok s'), subset s s' = true <-> Subset s s'. Proof. intros s s'; revert s. induction s' as [ | x' s' IH]; intros [ | x s] Hs Hs'; simpl; auto. split; try red; intros; auto. split; intros H. discriminate. assert (In x nil) by (apply H; auto). inv. split; try red; intros; auto. inv. inv. elim_compare x x' as C. (* x=x' *) rewrite IH; auto. split; intros S y; specialize (S y). rewrite !InA_cons, C. intuition. rewrite !InA_cons, C in S. intuition; try sort_inf_in; order. (* xx' *) rewrite IH; auto. split; intros S y; specialize (S y). rewrite !InA_cons. intuition. rewrite !InA_cons in S. rewrite !InA_cons. intuition; try sort_inf_in; order. Qed. Global Instance empty_ok : Ok empty. Proof. constructors. Qed. Lemma empty_spec : Empty empty. Proof. unfold Empty, empty; intuition; inv. Qed. Lemma is_empty_spec : forall s : t, is_empty s = true <-> Empty s. Proof. intros [ | x s]; simpl. split; auto. intros _ x H. inv. split. discriminate. intros H. elim (H x); auto. Qed. Lemma elements_spec1 : forall (s : t) (x : elt), In x (elements s) <-> In x s. Proof. intuition. Qed. Lemma elements_spec2 : forall (s : t) (Hs : Ok s), Sort (elements s). Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma elements_spec2w : forall (s : t) (Hs : Ok s), NoDupA X.eq (elements s). Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma min_elt_spec1 : forall (s : t) (x : elt), min_elt s = Some x -> In x s. Proof. destruct s; simpl; inversion 1; auto. Qed. Lemma min_elt_spec2 : forall (s : t) (x y : elt) (Hs : Ok s), min_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ X.lt y x. Proof. induction s as [ | x s IH]; simpl; inversion 2; subst. intros; inv; try sort_inf_in; order. Qed. Lemma min_elt_spec3 : forall s : t, min_elt s = None -> Empty s. Proof. destruct s; simpl; red; intuition. inv. discriminate. Qed. Lemma max_elt_spec1 : forall (s : t) (x : elt), max_elt s = Some x -> In x s. Proof. induction s as [ | x s IH]. inversion 1. destruct s as [ | y s]. simpl. inversion 1; subst; auto. right; apply IH; auto. Qed. Lemma max_elt_spec2 : forall (s : t) (x y : elt) (Hs : Ok s), max_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ X.lt x y. Proof. induction s as [ | a s IH]. inversion 2. destruct s as [ | b s]. inversion 2; subst. intros; inv; order. intros. inv; auto. assert (~X.lt x b) by (apply IH; auto). assert (X.lt a b) by auto. order. Qed. Lemma max_elt_spec3 : forall s : t, max_elt s = None -> Empty s. Proof. induction s as [ | a s IH]. red; intuition; inv. destruct s as [ | b s]. inversion 1. intros; elim IH with b; auto. Qed. Definition choose_spec1 : forall (s : t) (x : elt), choose s = Some x -> In x s := min_elt_spec1. Definition choose_spec2 : forall s : t, choose s = None -> Empty s := min_elt_spec3. Lemma choose_spec3: forall s s' x x', Ok s -> Ok s' -> choose s = Some x -> choose s' = Some x' -> Equal s s' -> X.eq x x'. Proof. unfold choose; intros s s' x x' Hs Hs' Hx Hx' H. assert (~X.lt x x'). apply min_elt_spec2 with s'; auto. rewrite <-H; auto using min_elt_spec1. assert (~X.lt x' x). apply min_elt_spec2 with s; auto. rewrite H; auto using min_elt_spec1. order. Qed. Lemma fold_spec : forall (s : t) (A : Type) (i : A) (f : elt -> A -> A), fold f s i = fold_left (flip f) (elements s) i. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma cardinal_spec : forall (s : t) (Hs : Ok s), cardinal s = length (elements s). Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma filter_inf : forall (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt -> bool) (Hs : Ok s), Inf x s -> Inf x (filter f s). Proof. simple induction s; simpl. intuition. intros x l Hrec a f Hs Ha; inv. case (f x); auto. apply Hrec; auto. apply Inf_lt with x; auto. Qed. Global Instance filter_ok s f `(Ok s) : Ok (filter f s). Proof. simple induction s; simpl. auto. intros x l Hrec f Hs; inv. case (f x); auto. constructors; auto. apply filter_inf; auto. Qed. Lemma filter_spec : forall (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt -> bool), Proper (X.eq==>eq) f -> (In x (filter f s) <-> In x s /\ f x = true). Proof. induction s; simpl; intros. split; intuition; inv. destruct (f a) as [ ]_eqn:F; rewrite !InA_cons, ?IHs; intuition. setoid_replace x with a; auto. setoid_replace a with x in F; auto; congruence. Qed. Lemma for_all_spec : forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), Proper (X.eq==>eq) f -> (for_all f s = true <-> For_all (fun x => f x = true) s). Proof. unfold For_all; induction s; simpl; intros. split; intros; auto. inv. destruct (f a) as [ ]_eqn:F. rewrite IHs; auto. firstorder. inv; auto. setoid_replace x with a; auto. split; intros H'. discriminate. rewrite H' in F; auto. Qed. Lemma exists_spec : forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), Proper (X.eq==>eq) f -> (exists_ f s = true <-> Exists (fun x => f x = true) s). Proof. unfold Exists; induction s; simpl; intros. firstorder. discriminate. inv. destruct (f a) as [ ]_eqn:F. firstorder. rewrite IHs; auto. firstorder. inv. setoid_replace a with x in F; auto; congruence. exists x; auto. Qed. Lemma partition_inf1 : forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool) (x : elt) (Hs : Ok s), Inf x s -> Inf x (fst (partition f s)). Proof. simple induction s; simpl. intuition. intros x l Hrec f a Hs Ha; inv. generalize (Hrec f a H). case (f x); case (partition f l); simpl. auto. intros; apply H2; apply Inf_lt with x; auto. Qed. Lemma partition_inf2 : forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool) (x : elt) (Hs : Ok s), Inf x s -> Inf x (snd (partition f s)). Proof. simple induction s; simpl. intuition. intros x l Hrec f a Hs Ha; inv. generalize (Hrec f a H). case (f x); case (partition f l); simpl. intros; apply H2; apply Inf_lt with x; auto. auto. Qed. Global Instance partition_ok1 s f `(Ok s) : Ok (fst (partition f s)). Proof. simple induction s; simpl. auto. intros x l Hrec f Hs; inv. generalize (Hrec f H); generalize (@partition_inf1 l f x). case (f x); case (partition f l); simpl; auto. Qed. Global Instance partition_ok2 s f `(Ok s) : Ok (snd (partition f s)). Proof. simple induction s; simpl. auto. intros x l Hrec f Hs; inv. generalize (Hrec f H); generalize (@partition_inf2 l f x). case (f x); case (partition f l); simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma partition_spec1 : forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), Proper (X.eq==>eq) f -> Equal (fst (partition f s)) (filter f s). Proof. simple induction s; simpl; auto; unfold Equal. split; auto. intros x l Hrec f Hf. generalize (Hrec f Hf); clear Hrec. destruct (partition f l) as [s1 s2]; simpl; intros. case (f x); simpl; auto. split; inversion_clear 1; auto. constructor 2; rewrite <- H; auto. constructor 2; rewrite H; auto. Qed. Lemma partition_spec2 : forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), Proper (X.eq==>eq) f -> Equal (snd (partition f s)) (filter (fun x => negb (f x)) s). Proof. simple induction s; simpl; auto; unfold Equal. split; auto. intros x l Hrec f Hf. generalize (Hrec f Hf); clear Hrec. destruct (partition f l) as [s1 s2]; simpl; intros. case (f x); simpl; auto. split; inversion_clear 1; auto. constructor 2; rewrite <- H; auto. constructor 2; rewrite H; auto. Qed. End ForNotations. Definition In := InA X.eq. Instance In_compat : Proper (X.eq==>eq==> iff) In. Proof. repeat red; intros; rewrite H, H0; auto. Qed. Module L := MakeListOrdering X. Definition eq := L.eq. Definition eq_equiv := L.eq_equiv. Definition lt l1 l2 := exists l1', exists l2', Ok l1' /\ Ok l2' /\ eq l1 l1' /\ eq l2 l2' /\ L.lt l1' l2'. Instance lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt. Proof. split. intros s (s1 & s2 & B1 & B2 & E1 & E2 & L). assert (eqlistA X.eq s1 s2). apply SortA_equivlistA_eqlistA with (ltA:=X.lt); auto using @ok with *. transitivity s; auto. symmetry; auto. rewrite H in L. apply (StrictOrder_Irreflexive s2); auto. intros s1 s2 s3 (s1' & s2' & B1 & B2 & E1 & E2 & L12) (s2'' & s3' & B2' & B3 & E2' & E3 & L23). exists s1', s3'; do 4 (split; trivial). assert (eqlistA X.eq s2' s2''). apply SortA_equivlistA_eqlistA with (ltA:=X.lt); auto using @ok with *. transitivity s2; auto. symmetry; auto. transitivity s2'; auto. rewrite H; auto. Qed. Instance lt_compat : Proper (eq==>eq==>iff) lt. Proof. intros s1 s2 E12 s3 s4 E34. split. intros (s1' & s3' & B1 & B3 & E1 & E3 & LT). exists s1', s3'; do 2 (split; trivial). split. transitivity s1; auto. symmetry; auto. split; auto. transitivity s3; auto. symmetry; auto. intros (s1' & s3' & B1 & B3 & E1 & E3 & LT). exists s1', s3'; do 2 (split; trivial). split. transitivity s2; auto. split; auto. transitivity s4; auto. Qed. Lemma compare_spec_aux : forall s s', CompSpec eq L.lt s s' (compare s s'). Proof. induction s as [|x s IH]; intros [|x' s']; simpl; intuition. elim_compare x x'; auto. Qed. Lemma compare_spec : forall s s', Ok s -> Ok s' -> CompSpec eq lt s s' (compare s s'). Proof. intros s s' Hs Hs'. generalize (compare_spec_aux s s'). destruct (compare s s'); inversion_clear 1; auto. apply CompLt. exists s, s'; repeat split; auto using @ok. apply CompGt. exists s', s; repeat split; auto using @ok. Qed. End MakeRaw. (** * Encapsulation Now, in order to really provide a functor implementing [S], we need to encapsulate everything into a type of strictly ordered lists. *) Module Make (X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X. Module Raw := MakeRaw X. Include Raw2Sets X Raw. End Make.