(* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- *) (***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* 0 | Node h _ _ _ => h end. (** ** Singleton set *) Definition singleton x := Node 1 Leaf x Leaf. (** ** Helper functions *) (** [create l x r] creates a node, assuming [l] and [r] to be balanced and [|height l - height r| <= 2]. *) Definition create l x r := Node (max (height l) (height r) + 1) l x r. (** [bal l x r] acts as [create], but performs one step of rebalancing if necessary, i.e. assumes [|height l - height r| <= 3]. *) Definition assert_false := create. Definition bal l x r := let hl := height l in let hr := height r in if gt_le_dec hl (hr+2) then match l with | Leaf => assert_false l x r | Node _ ll lx lr => if ge_lt_dec (height ll) (height lr) then create ll lx (create lr x r) else match lr with | Leaf => assert_false l x r | Node _ lrl lrx lrr => create (create ll lx lrl) lrx (create lrr x r) end end else if gt_le_dec hr (hl+2) then match r with | Leaf => assert_false l x r | Node _ rl rx rr => if ge_lt_dec (height rr) (height rl) then create (create l x rl) rx rr else match rl with | Leaf => assert_false l x r | Node _ rll rlx rlr => create (create l x rll) rlx (create rlr rx rr) end end else create l x r. (** ** Insertion *) Fixpoint add x s := match s with | Leaf => Node 1 Leaf x Leaf | Node h l y r => match X.compare x y with | Lt => bal (add x l) y r | Eq => Node h l y r | Gt => bal l y (add x r) end end. (** ** Join Same as [bal] but does not assume anything regarding heights of [l] and [r]. *) Fixpoint join l : elt -> t -> t := match l with | Leaf => add | Node lh ll lx lr => fun x => fix join_aux (r:t) : t := match r with | Leaf => add x l | Node rh rl rx rr => if gt_le_dec lh (rh+2) then bal ll lx (join lr x r) else if gt_le_dec rh (lh+2) then bal (join_aux rl) rx rr else create l x r end end. (** ** Extraction of minimum element Morally, [remove_min] is to be applied to a non-empty tree [t = Node h l x r]. Since we can't deal here with [assert false] for [t=Leaf], we pre-unpack [t] (and forget about [h]). *) Fixpoint remove_min l x r : t*elt := match l with | Leaf => (r,x) | Node lh ll lx lr => let (l',m) := remove_min ll lx lr in (bal l' x r, m) end. (** ** Merging two trees [merge t1 t2] builds the union of [t1] and [t2] assuming all elements of [t1] to be smaller than all elements of [t2], and [|height t1 - height t2| <= 2]. *) Definition merge s1 s2 := match s1,s2 with | Leaf, _ => s2 | _, Leaf => s1 | _, Node _ l2 x2 r2 => let (s2',m) := remove_min l2 x2 r2 in bal s1 m s2' end. (** ** Deletion *) Fixpoint remove x s := match s with | Leaf => Leaf | Node _ l y r => match X.compare x y with | Lt => bal (remove x l) y r | Eq => merge l r | Gt => bal l y (remove x r) end end. (** ** Concatenation Same as [merge] but does not assume anything about heights. *) Definition concat s1 s2 := match s1, s2 with | Leaf, _ => s2 | _, Leaf => s1 | _, Node _ l2 x2 r2 => let (s2',m) := remove_min l2 x2 r2 in join s1 m s2' end. (** ** Splitting [split x s] returns a triple [(l, present, r)] where - [l] is the set of elements of [s] that are [< x] - [r] is the set of elements of [s] that are [> x] - [present] is [true] if and only if [s] contains [x]. *) Record triple := mktriple { t_left:t; t_in:bool; t_right:t }. Notation "<< l , b , r >>" := (mktriple l b r) (at level 9). Fixpoint split x s : triple := match s with | Leaf => << Leaf, false, Leaf >> | Node _ l y r => match X.compare x y with | Lt => let (ll,b,rl) := split x l in << ll, b, join rl y r >> | Eq => << l, true, r >> | Gt => let (rl,b,rr) := split x r in << join l y rl, b, rr >> end end. (** ** Intersection *) Fixpoint inter s1 s2 := match s1, s2 with | Leaf, _ => Leaf | _, Leaf => Leaf | Node _ l1 x1 r1, _ => let (l2',pres,r2') := split x1 s2 in if pres then join (inter l1 l2') x1 (inter r1 r2') else concat (inter l1 l2') (inter r1 r2') end. (** ** Difference *) Fixpoint diff s1 s2 := match s1, s2 with | Leaf, _ => Leaf | _, Leaf => s1 | Node _ l1 x1 r1, _ => let (l2',pres,r2') := split x1 s2 in if pres then concat (diff l1 l2') (diff r1 r2') else join (diff l1 l2') x1 (diff r1 r2') end. (** ** Union *) (** In ocaml, heights of [s1] and [s2] are compared each time in order to recursively perform the split on the smaller set. Unfortunately, this leads to a non-structural algorithm. The following code is a simplification of the ocaml version: no comparison of heights. It might be slightly slower, but experimentally all the tests I've made in ocaml have shown this potential slowdown to be non-significant. Anyway, the exact code of ocaml has also been formalized thanks to Function+measure, see [ocaml_union] in [MSetFullAVL]. *) Fixpoint union s1 s2 := match s1, s2 with | Leaf, _ => s2 | _, Leaf => s1 | Node _ l1 x1 r1, _ => let (l2',_,r2') := split x1 s2 in join (union l1 l2') x1 (union r1 r2') end. (** ** Filter *) Fixpoint filter (f:elt->bool) s := match s with | Leaf => Leaf | Node _ l x r => let l' := filter f l in let r' := filter f r in if f x then join l' x r' else concat l' r' end. (** ** Partition *) Fixpoint partition (f:elt->bool)(s : t) : t*t := match s with | Leaf => (Leaf, Leaf) | Node _ l x r => let (l1,l2) := partition f l in let (r1,r2) := partition f r in if f x then (join l1 x r1, concat l2 r2) else (concat l1 r1, join l2 x r2) end. End Ops. (** * MakeRaw Functor of pure functions + a posteriori proofs of invariant preservation *) Module MakeRaw (Import I:Int)(X:OrderedType) <: RawSets X. Include Ops I X. (** Generic definition of binary-search-trees and proofs of specifications for generic functions such as mem or fold. *) Include MSetGenTree.Props X I. (** Automation and dedicated tactics *) Local Hint Immediate MX.eq_sym. Local Hint Unfold In lt_tree gt_tree Ok. Local Hint Constructors InT bst. Local Hint Resolve MX.eq_refl MX.eq_trans MX.lt_trans ok. Local Hint Resolve lt_leaf gt_leaf lt_tree_node gt_tree_node. Local Hint Resolve lt_tree_not_in lt_tree_trans gt_tree_not_in gt_tree_trans. Local Hint Resolve elements_spec2. (* Sometimes functional induction will expose too much of a tree structure. The following tactic allows to factor back a Node whose internal parts occurs nowhere else. *) (* TODO: why Ltac instead of Tactic Notation don't work ? why clear ? *) Tactic Notation "factornode" ident(s) := try clear s; match goal with | |- context [Node ?l ?x ?r ?h] => set (s:=Node l x r h) in *; clearbody s; clear l x r h | _ : context [Node ?l ?x ?r ?h] |- _ => set (s:=Node l x r h) in *; clearbody s; clear l x r h end. (** Inductions principles for some of the set operators *) Functional Scheme bal_ind := Induction for bal Sort Prop. Functional Scheme remove_min_ind := Induction for remove_min Sort Prop. Functional Scheme merge_ind := Induction for merge Sort Prop. Functional Scheme concat_ind := Induction for concat Sort Prop. Functional Scheme inter_ind := Induction for inter Sort Prop. Functional Scheme diff_ind := Induction for diff Sort Prop. Functional Scheme union_ind := Induction for union Sort Prop. (** Notations and helper lemma about pairs and triples *) Notation "s #1" := (fst s) (at level 9, format "s '#1'") : pair_scope. Notation "s #2" := (snd s) (at level 9, format "s '#2'") : pair_scope. Notation "t #l" := (t_left t) (at level 9, format "t '#l'") : pair_scope. Notation "t #b" := (t_in t) (at level 9, format "t '#b'") : pair_scope. Notation "t #r" := (t_right t) (at level 9, format "t '#r'") : pair_scope. Local Open Scope pair_scope. (** ** Singleton set *) Lemma singleton_spec : forall x y, InT y (singleton x) <-> X.eq y x. Proof. unfold singleton; intuition_in. Qed. Instance singleton_ok x : Ok (singleton x). Proof. unfold singleton; auto. Qed. (** ** Helper functions *) Lemma create_spec : forall l x r y, InT y (create l x r) <-> X.eq y x \/ InT y l \/ InT y r. Proof. unfold create; split; [ inversion_clear 1 | ]; intuition. Qed. Instance create_ok l x r `(Ok l, Ok r, lt_tree x l, gt_tree x r) : Ok (create l x r). Proof. unfold create; auto. Qed. Lemma bal_spec : forall l x r y, InT y (bal l x r) <-> X.eq y x \/ InT y l \/ InT y r. Proof. intros l x r; functional induction bal l x r; intros; try clear e0; rewrite !create_spec; intuition_in. Qed. Instance bal_ok l x r `(Ok l, Ok r, lt_tree x l, gt_tree x r) : Ok (bal l x r). Proof. functional induction bal l x r; intros; inv; repeat apply create_ok; auto; unfold create; (apply lt_tree_node || apply gt_tree_node); auto; (eapply lt_tree_trans || eapply gt_tree_trans); eauto. Qed. (** ** Insertion *) Lemma add_spec' : forall s x y, InT y (add x s) <-> X.eq y x \/ InT y s. Proof. induct s x; try rewrite ?bal_spec, ?IHl, ?IHr; intuition_in. setoid_replace y with x'; eauto. Qed. Lemma add_spec : forall s x y `{Ok s}, InT y (add x s) <-> X.eq y x \/ InT y s. Proof. intros; apply add_spec'. Qed. Instance add_ok s x `(Ok s) : Ok (add x s). Proof. induct s x; auto; apply bal_ok; auto; intros y; rewrite add_spec'; intuition; order. Qed. Local Open Scope Int_scope. (** ** Join *) (** Function/Functional Scheme can't deal with internal fix. Let's do its job by hand: *) Ltac join_tac := intro l; induction l as [| lh ll _ lx lr Hlr]; [ | intros x r; induction r as [| rh rl Hrl rx rr _]; unfold join; [ | destruct (gt_le_dec lh (rh+2)) as [GT|LE]; [ match goal with |- context b [ bal ?a ?b ?c] => replace (bal a b c) with (bal ll lx (join lr x (Node rh rl rx rr))); [ | auto] end | destruct (gt_le_dec rh (lh+2)) as [GT'|LE']; [ match goal with |- context b [ bal ?a ?b ?c] => replace (bal a b c) with (bal (join (Node lh ll lx lr) x rl) rx rr); [ | auto] end | ] ] ] ]; intros. Lemma join_spec : forall l x r y, InT y (join l x r) <-> X.eq y x \/ InT y l \/ InT y r. Proof. join_tac. simpl. rewrite add_spec'; intuition_in. rewrite add_spec'; intuition_in. rewrite bal_spec, Hlr; clear Hlr Hrl; intuition_in. rewrite bal_spec, Hrl; clear Hlr Hrl; intuition_in. apply create_spec. Qed. Instance join_ok : forall l x r `(Ok l, Ok r, lt_tree x l, gt_tree x r), Ok (join l x r). Proof. join_tac; auto with *; inv; apply bal_ok; auto; clear Hrl Hlr; intro; intros; rewrite join_spec in *. intuition; [ setoid_replace y with x | ]; eauto. intuition; [ setoid_replace y with x | ]; eauto. Qed. (** ** Extraction of minimum element *) Lemma remove_min_spec : forall l x r y h, InT y (Node h l x r) <-> X.eq y (remove_min l x r)#2 \/ InT y (remove_min l x r)#1. Proof. intros l x r; functional induction (remove_min l x r); simpl in *; intros. intuition_in. rewrite bal_spec, In_node_iff, IHp, e0; simpl; intuition. Qed. Instance remove_min_ok l x r : forall h `(Ok (Node h l x r)), Ok (remove_min l x r)#1. Proof. functional induction (remove_min l x r); simpl; intros. inv; auto. assert (O : Ok (Node _x ll lx lr)) by (inv; auto). assert (L : lt_tree x (Node _x ll lx lr)) by (inv; auto). specialize IHp with (1:=O); rewrite e0 in IHp; auto; simpl in *. apply bal_ok; auto. inv; auto. intro y; specialize (L y). rewrite remove_min_spec, e0 in L; simpl in L; intuition. inv; auto. Qed. Lemma remove_min_gt_tree : forall l x r h `{Ok (Node h l x r)}, gt_tree (remove_min l x r)#2 (remove_min l x r)#1. Proof. intros l x r; functional induction (remove_min l x r); simpl; intros. inv; auto. assert (O : Ok (Node _x ll lx lr)) by (inv; auto). assert (L : lt_tree x (Node _x ll lx lr)) by (inv; auto). specialize IHp with (1:=O); rewrite e0 in IHp; simpl in IHp. intro y; rewrite bal_spec; intuition; specialize (L m); rewrite remove_min_spec, e0 in L; simpl in L; [setoid_replace y with x|inv]; eauto. Qed. Local Hint Resolve remove_min_gt_tree. (** ** Merging two trees *) Lemma merge_spec : forall s1 s2 y, InT y (merge s1 s2) <-> InT y s1 \/ InT y s2. Proof. intros s1 s2; functional induction (merge s1 s2); intros; try factornode s1. intuition_in. intuition_in. rewrite bal_spec, remove_min_spec, e1; simpl; intuition. Qed. Instance merge_ok s1 s2 : forall `(Ok s1, Ok s2) `(forall y1 y2 : elt, InT y1 s1 -> InT y2 s2 -> X.lt y1 y2), Ok (merge s1 s2). Proof. functional induction (merge s1 s2); intros; auto; try factornode s1. apply bal_ok; auto. change s2' with ((s2',m)#1); rewrite <-e1; eauto with *. intros y Hy. apply H1; auto. rewrite remove_min_spec, e1; simpl; auto. change (gt_tree (s2',m)#2 (s2',m)#1); rewrite <-e1; eauto. Qed. (** ** Deletion *) Lemma remove_spec : forall s x y `{Ok s}, (InT y (remove x s) <-> InT y s /\ ~ X.eq y x). Proof. induct s x. intuition_in. rewrite merge_spec; intuition; [order|order|intuition_in]. elim H2; eauto. rewrite bal_spec, IHl; clear IHl IHr; intuition; [order|order|intuition_in]. rewrite bal_spec, IHr; clear IHl IHr; intuition; [order|order|intuition_in]. Qed. Instance remove_ok s x `(Ok s) : Ok (remove x s). Proof. induct s x. auto. (* EQ *) apply merge_ok; eauto. (* LT *) apply bal_ok; auto. intro z; rewrite remove_spec; auto; destruct 1; eauto. (* GT *) apply bal_ok; auto. intro z; rewrite remove_spec; auto; destruct 1; eauto. Qed. (** ** Concatenation *) Lemma concat_spec : forall s1 s2 y, InT y (concat s1 s2) <-> InT y s1 \/ InT y s2. Proof. intros s1 s2; functional induction (concat s1 s2); intros; try factornode s1. intuition_in. intuition_in. rewrite join_spec, remove_min_spec, e1; simpl; intuition. Qed. Instance concat_ok s1 s2 : forall `(Ok s1, Ok s2) `(forall y1 y2 : elt, InT y1 s1 -> InT y2 s2 -> X.lt y1 y2), Ok (concat s1 s2). Proof. functional induction (concat s1 s2); intros; auto; try factornode s1. apply join_ok; auto. change (Ok (s2',m)#1); rewrite <-e1; eauto with *. intros y Hy. apply H1; auto. rewrite remove_min_spec, e1; simpl; auto. change (gt_tree (s2',m)#2 (s2',m)#1); rewrite <-e1; eauto. Qed. (** ** Splitting *) Lemma split_spec1 : forall s x y `{Ok s}, (InT y (split x s)#l <-> InT y s /\ X.lt y x). Proof. induct s x. intuition_in. intuition_in; order. specialize (IHl x y). destruct (split x l); simpl in *. rewrite IHl; intuition_in; order. specialize (IHr x y). destruct (split x r); simpl in *. rewrite join_spec, IHr; intuition_in; order. Qed. Lemma split_spec2 : forall s x y `{Ok s}, (InT y (split x s)#r <-> InT y s /\ X.lt x y). Proof. induct s x. intuition_in. intuition_in; order. specialize (IHl x y). destruct (split x l); simpl in *. rewrite join_spec, IHl; intuition_in; order. specialize (IHr x y). destruct (split x r); simpl in *. rewrite IHr; intuition_in; order. Qed. Lemma split_spec3 : forall s x `{Ok s}, ((split x s)#b = true <-> InT x s). Proof. induct s x. intuition_in; try discriminate. intuition. specialize (IHl x). destruct (split x l); simpl in *. rewrite IHl; intuition_in; order. specialize (IHr x). destruct (split x r); simpl in *. rewrite IHr; intuition_in; order. Qed. Lemma split_ok : forall s x `{Ok s}, Ok (split x s)#l /\ Ok (split x s)#r. Proof. induct s x; simpl; auto. specialize (IHl x). generalize (fun y => @split_spec2 l x y _). destruct (split x l); simpl in *; intuition. apply join_ok; auto. intros y; rewrite H; intuition. specialize (IHr x). generalize (fun y => @split_spec1 r x y _). destruct (split x r); simpl in *; intuition. apply join_ok; auto. intros y; rewrite H; intuition. Qed. Instance split_ok1 s x `(Ok s) : Ok (split x s)#l. Proof. intros; destruct (@split_ok s x); auto. Qed. Instance split_ok2 s x `(Ok s) : Ok (split x s)#r. Proof. intros; destruct (@split_ok s x); auto. Qed. (** ** Intersection *) Ltac destruct_split := match goal with | H : split ?x ?s = << ?u, ?v, ?w >> |- _ => assert ((split x s)#l = u) by (rewrite H; auto); assert ((split x s)#b = v) by (rewrite H; auto); assert ((split x s)#r = w) by (rewrite H; auto); clear H; subst u w end. Lemma inter_spec_ok : forall s1 s2 `{Ok s1, Ok s2}, Ok (inter s1 s2) /\ (forall y, InT y (inter s1 s2) <-> InT y s1 /\ InT y s2). Proof. intros s1 s2; functional induction inter s1 s2; intros B1 B2; [intuition_in|intuition_in | | ]; factornode s2; destruct_split; inv; destruct IHt0 as (IHo1,IHi1), IHt1 as (IHo2,IHi2); auto with *; split; intros. - (* Ok join *) apply join_ok; auto with *; intro y; rewrite ?IHi1, ?IHi2; intuition. - (* InT join *) rewrite join_spec, IHi1, IHi2, split_spec1, split_spec2; intuition_in. setoid_replace y with x1; auto. rewrite <- split_spec3; auto. - (* Ok concat *) apply concat_ok; auto with *; intros y1 y2; rewrite IHi1, IHi2; intuition; order. - (* InT concat *) rewrite concat_spec, IHi1, IHi2, split_spec1, split_spec2; auto. intuition_in. absurd (InT x1 s2). rewrite <- split_spec3; auto; congruence. setoid_replace x1 with y; auto. Qed. Lemma inter_spec : forall s1 s2 y `{Ok s1, Ok s2}, (InT y (inter s1 s2) <-> InT y s1 /\ InT y s2). Proof. intros; destruct (@inter_spec_ok s1 s2); auto. Qed. Instance inter_ok s1 s2 `(Ok s1, Ok s2) : Ok (inter s1 s2). Proof. intros; destruct (@inter_spec_ok s1 s2); auto. Qed. (** ** Difference *) Lemma diff_spec_ok : forall s1 s2 `{Ok s1, Ok s2}, Ok (diff s1 s2) /\ (forall y, InT y (diff s1 s2) <-> InT y s1 /\ ~InT y s2). Proof. intros s1 s2; functional induction diff s1 s2; intros B1 B2; [intuition_in|intuition_in | | ]; factornode s2; destruct_split; inv; destruct IHt0 as (IHb1,IHi1), IHt1 as (IHb2,IHi2); auto with *; split; intros. - (* Ok concat *) apply concat_ok; auto; intros y1 y2; rewrite IHi1, IHi2; intuition; order. - (* InT concat *) rewrite concat_spec, IHi1, IHi2, split_spec1, split_spec2; intuition_in. absurd (InT x1 s2). + setoid_replace x1 with y; auto. + rewrite <- split_spec3; auto; congruence. - (* Ok join *) apply join_ok; auto; intro y; rewrite ?IHi1, ?IHi2; intuition. - (* InT join *) rewrite join_spec, IHi1, IHi2, split_spec1, split_spec2; auto with *. intuition_in. absurd (InT x1 s2); auto. * rewrite <- split_spec3; auto; congruence. * setoid_replace x1 with y; auto. Qed. Lemma diff_spec : forall s1 s2 y `{Ok s1, Ok s2}, (InT y (diff s1 s2) <-> InT y s1 /\ ~InT y s2). Proof. intros; destruct (@diff_spec_ok s1 s2); auto. Qed. Instance diff_ok s1 s2 `(Ok s1, Ok s2) : Ok (diff s1 s2). Proof. intros; destruct (@diff_spec_ok s1 s2); auto. Qed. (** ** Union *) Lemma union_spec : forall s1 s2 y `{Ok s1, Ok s2}, (InT y (union s1 s2) <-> InT y s1 \/ InT y s2). Proof. intros s1 s2; functional induction union s1 s2; intros y B1 B2. intuition_in. intuition_in. factornode s2; destruct_split; inv. rewrite join_spec, IHt0, IHt1, split_spec1, split_spec2; auto with *. destruct (X.compare_spec y x1); intuition_in. Qed. Instance union_ok s1 s2 : forall `(Ok s1, Ok s2), Ok (union s1 s2). Proof. functional induction union s1 s2; intros B1 B2; auto. factornode s2; destruct_split; inv. apply join_ok; auto with *. intro y; rewrite union_spec, split_spec1; intuition_in. intro y; rewrite union_spec, split_spec2; intuition_in. Qed. (** * Filter *) Lemma filter_spec : forall s x f, Proper (X.eq==>Logic.eq) f -> (InT x (filter f s) <-> InT x s /\ f x = true). Proof. induction s as [ |h l Hl x0 r Hr]; intros x f Hf; simpl. - intuition_in. - case_eq (f x0); intros Hx0. * rewrite join_spec, Hl, Hr; intuition_in. now setoid_replace x with x0. * rewrite concat_spec, Hl, Hr; intuition_in. assert (f x = f x0) by auto. congruence. Qed. Lemma filter_weak_spec : forall s x f, InT x (filter f s) -> InT x s. Proof. induction s as [ |h l Hl x0 r Hr]; intros x f; simpl. - trivial. - destruct (f x0). * rewrite join_spec; intuition_in; eauto. * rewrite concat_spec; intuition_in; eauto. Qed. Instance filter_ok s f `(H : Ok s) : Ok (filter f s). Proof. induction H as [ | h x l r Hl Hfl Hr Hfr Hlt Hgt ]. - constructor. - simpl. assert (lt_tree x (filter f l)) by (eauto using filter_weak_spec). assert (gt_tree x (filter f r)) by (eauto using filter_weak_spec). destruct (f x); eauto using concat_ok, join_ok. Qed. (** * Partition *) Lemma partition_spec1' s f : (partition f s)#1 = filter f s. Proof. induction s as [ | h l Hl x r Hr ]; simpl. - trivial. - rewrite <- Hl, <- Hr. now destruct (partition f l), (partition f r), (f x). Qed. Lemma partition_spec2' s f : (partition f s)#2 = filter (fun x => negb (f x)) s. Proof. induction s as [ | h l Hl x r Hr ]; simpl. - trivial. - rewrite <- Hl, <- Hr. now destruct (partition f l), (partition f r), (f x). Qed. Lemma partition_spec1 s f : Proper (X.eq==>Logic.eq) f -> Equal (partition f s)#1 (filter f s). Proof. now rewrite partition_spec1'. Qed. Lemma partition_spec2 s f : Proper (X.eq==>Logic.eq) f -> Equal (partition f s)#2 (filter (fun x => negb (f x)) s). Proof. now rewrite partition_spec2'. Qed. Instance partition_ok1 s f `(Ok s) : Ok (partition f s)#1. Proof. rewrite partition_spec1'; now apply filter_ok. Qed. Instance partition_ok2 s f `(Ok s) : Ok (partition f s)#2. Proof. rewrite partition_spec2'; now apply filter_ok. Qed. End MakeRaw. (** * Encapsulation Now, in order to really provide a functor implementing [S], we need to encapsulate everything into a type of binary search trees. They also happen to be well-balanced, but this has no influence on the correctness of operations, so we won't state this here, see [MSetFullAVL] if you need more than just the MSet interface. *) Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X. Module Raw := MakeRaw I X. Include Raw2Sets X Raw. End IntMake. (* For concrete use inside Coq, we propose an instantiation of [Int] by [Z]. *) Module Make (X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X :=IntMake(Z_as_Int)(X).