(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Set. Inductive eq_dep [p:U;x:(P p)] : (q:U)(P q)->Prop := eq_dep_intro : (eq_dep p x p x). Hint constr_eq_dep : core v62 := Constructors eq_dep. Lemma eq_dep_sym : (p,q:U)(x:(P p))(y:(P q))(eq_dep p x q y)->(eq_dep q y p x). Proof. Induction 1; Auto. Qed. Hints Immediate eq_dep_sym : core v62. Lemma eq_dep_trans : (p,q,r:U)(x:(P p))(y:(P q))(z:(P r)) (eq_dep p x q y)->(eq_dep q y r z)->(eq_dep p x r z). Proof. Induction 1; Auto. Qed. Inductive eq_dep1 [p:U;x:(P p);q:U;y:(P q)] : Prop := eq_dep1_intro : (h:q=p) (x=(eq_rec U q P y p h))->(eq_dep1 p x q y). Axiom eq_rec_eq : (p:U)(Q:U->Set)(x:(Q p))(h:p=p) x=(eq_rec U p Q x p h). Lemma eq_dep1_dep : (p:U)(x:(P p))(q:U)(y:(P q))(eq_dep1 p x q y)->(eq_dep p x q y). Proof. Induction 1; Intros eq_qp. Cut (h:q=p)(y0:(P q)) (x=(eq_rec U q P y0 p h))->(eq_dep p x q y0). Intros; Apply H0 with eq_qp; Auto. Rewrite eq_qp; Intros h y0. Elim eq_rec_eq. Induction 1; Auto. Qed. Lemma eq_dep_dep1 : (p,q:U)(x:(P p))(y:(P q))(eq_dep p x q y)->(eq_dep1 p x q y). Proof. Induction 1; Intros. Apply eq_dep1_intro with (refl_equal U p). Simpl; Trivial. Qed. Lemma eq_dep1_eq : (p:U)(x,y:(P p))(eq_dep1 p x p y)->x=y. Proof. Induction 1; Intro. Elim eq_rec_eq; Auto. Qed. Lemma eq_dep_eq : (p:U)(x,y:(P p))(eq_dep p x p y)->x=y. Proof. Intros; Apply eq_dep1_eq; Apply eq_dep_dep1; Trivial. Qed. Lemma equiv_eqex_eqdep : (p,q:U)(x:(P p))(y:(P q)) (existS U P p x)=(existS U P q y) <-> (eq_dep p x q y). Proof. Split. Intros. Generalize (eq_ind (sigS U P) (existS U P q y) [pr:(sigS U P)] (eq_dep (projS1 U P pr) (projS2 U P pr) q y)) . Proof. Simpl. Intro. Generalize (H0 (eq_dep_intro q y)) . Intro. Apply (H1 (existS U P p x)). Auto. Intros. Elim H. Auto. Qed. Lemma inj_pair2: (p:U)(x,y:(P p)) (existS U P p x)=(existS U P p y)-> x=y. Proof. Intros. Apply eq_dep_eq. Generalize (equiv_eqex_eqdep p p x y) . Induction 1. Intros. Auto. Qed. End Dependent_Equality. Hints Resolve eq_dep_intro : core v62. Hints Immediate eq_dep_sym eq_dep_eq : core v62.