(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* false in Set. [1] Laurent Chicli, Loïc Pottier, Carlos Simpson, Mathematical Quotients and Quotient Types in Coq, Proceedings of TYPES 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2646, Springer Verlag. *) Require Export Classical. Axiom dependent_description : (A:Type;B:A->Type;R: (x:A)(B x)->Prop) ((x:A)(EX y:(B x)|(R x y)/\ ((y':(B x))(R x y') -> y=y'))) -> (EX f:(x:A)(B x) | (x:A)(R x (f x))). (** Principle of definite description (aka axiom of unique choice) *) Theorem description : (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop) ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)/\ ((y':B)(R x y') -> y=y'))) -> (EX f:A->B | (x:A)(R x (f x))). Proof. Intros A B. Apply (dependent_description A [_]B). Qed. (** The followig proof comes from [1] *) Theorem classic_set : (((P:Prop){P}+{~P}) -> False) -> False. Proof. Intro HnotEM. Pose R:=[A,b]A/\true=b \/ ~A/\false=b. Assert H:(EX f:Prop->bool|(A:Prop)(R A (f A))). Apply description. Intro A. NewDestruct (classic A) as [Ha|Hnota]. Exists true; Split. Left; Split; [Assumption|Reflexivity]. Intros y [[_ Hy]|[Hna _]]. Assumption. Contradiction. Exists false; Split. Right; Split; [Assumption|Reflexivity]. Intros y [[Ha _]|[_ Hy]]. Contradiction. Assumption. NewDestruct H as [f Hf]. Apply HnotEM. Intro P. Assert HfP := (Hf P). (* Elimination from Hf to Set is not allowed but from f to Set yes ! *) NewDestruct (f P). Left. NewDestruct HfP as [[Ha _]|[_ Hfalse]]. Assumption. Discriminate. Right. NewDestruct HfP as [[_ Hfalse]|[Hna _]]. Discriminate. Assumption. Qed.