(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* > *) Set Implicit Arguments. Section Berardis_paradox. (** Excluded middle *) Hypothesis EM : (P:Prop) P \/ ~P. (** Conditional on any proposition. *) Definition IFProp := [P,B:Prop][e1,e2:P] Cases (EM B) of (or_introl _) => e1 | (or_intror _) => e2 end. (** Axiom of choice applied to disjunction. Provable in Coq because of dependent elimination. *) Lemma AC_IF : (P,B:Prop)(e1,e2:P)(Q:P->Prop) ( B -> (Q e1))-> (~B -> (Q e2))-> (Q (IFProp B e1 e2)). Proof. Intros P B e1 e2 Q p1 p2. Unfold IFProp. Case (EM B); Assumption. Qed. (** We assume a type with two elements. They play the role of booleans. The main theorem under the current assumptions is that [T=F] *) Variable Bool: Prop. Variable T: Bool. Variable F: Bool. (** The powerset operator *) Definition pow [P:Prop] :=P->Bool. (** A piece of theory about retracts *) Section Retracts. Variable A,B: Prop. Record retract : Prop := { i: A->B; j: B->A; inv: (a:A)(j (i a))==a }. Record retract_cond : Prop := { i2: A->B; j2: B->A; inv2: retract -> (a:A)(j2 (i2 a))==a }. (** The dependent elimination above implies the axiom of choice: *) Lemma AC: (r:retract_cond) retract -> (a:A)((j2 r) ((i2 r) a))==a. Proof. Intros r. Case r; Simpl. Trivial. Qed. End Retracts. (** This lemma is basically a commutation of implication and existential quantification: (EX x | A -> P(x)) <=> (A -> EX x | P(x)) which is provable in classical logic ( => is already provable in intuitionnistic logic). *) Lemma L1 : (A,B:Prop)(retract_cond (pow A) (pow B)). Proof. Intros A B. Elim (EM (retract (pow A) (pow B))). Intros (f0, g0, e). Exists f0 g0. Trivial. Intros hf. Exists ([x:(pow A); y:B]F) ([x:(pow B); y:A]F). Intros; Elim hf; Auto. Qed. (** The paradoxical set *) Definition U := (P:Prop)(pow P). (** Bijection between [U] and [(pow U)] *) Definition f : U -> (pow U) := [u](u U). Definition g : (pow U) -> U := [h,X] let lX = (j2 (L1 X U)) in let rU = (i2 (L1 U U)) in (lX (rU h)). (** We deduce that the powerset of [U] is a retract of [U]. This lemma is stated in Berardi's article, but is not used afterwards. *) Lemma retract_pow_U_U : (retract (pow U) U). Proof. Exists g f. Intro a. Unfold f g; Simpl. Apply AC. Exists ([x:(pow U)]x) ([x:(pow U)]x). Trivial. Qed. (** Encoding of Russel's paradox *) (** The boolean negation. *) Definition Not_b := [b:Bool](IFProp b==T F T). (** the set of elements not belonging to itself *) Definition R : U := (g ([u:U](Not_b (u U u)))). Lemma not_has_fixpoint : (R R)==(Not_b (R R)). Proof. Unfold 1 R. Unfold g. Rewrite AC with r:=(L1 U U) a:=[u:U](Not_b (u U u)). Trivial. Exists ([x:(pow U)]x) ([x:(pow U)]x); Trivial. Qed. Theorem classical_proof_irrelevence : T==F. Proof. Generalize not_has_fixpoint. Unfold Not_b. Apply AC_IF. Intros is_true is_false. Elim is_true; Elim is_false; Trivial. Intros not_true is_true. Elim not_true; Trivial. Qed. End Berardis_paradox.