(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* A. CoFixpoint memo_make (n:nat) : Stream A := Cons (f n) (memo_make (S n)). Definition memo_list := memo_make 0. Fixpoint memo_get (n:nat) (l:Stream A) : A := match n with | O => hd l | S n1 => memo_get n1 (tl l) end. Theorem memo_get_correct: forall n, memo_get n memo_list = f n. Proof. assert (F1: forall n m, memo_get n (memo_make m) = f (n + m)). induction n as [| n Hrec]; try (intros m; refine (refl_equal _)). intros m; simpl; rewrite Hrec. rewrite plus_n_Sm; auto. intros n; apply trans_equal with (f (n + 0)); try exact (F1 n 0). rewrite <- plus_n_O; auto. Qed. (** Building with possible sharing using a iterator [g] : We now suppose in addition that [f n] is in fact the [n]-th iterate of a function [g]. *) Variable g: A -> A. Hypothesis Hg_correct: forall n, f (S n) = g (f n). CoFixpoint imemo_make (fn:A) : Stream A := let fn1 := g fn in Cons fn1 (imemo_make fn1). Definition imemo_list := let f0 := f 0 in Cons f0 (imemo_make f0). Theorem imemo_get_correct: forall n, memo_get n imemo_list = f n. Proof. assert (F1: forall n m, memo_get n (imemo_make (f m)) = f (S (n + m))). induction n as [| n Hrec]; try (intros m; exact (sym_equal (Hg_correct m))). simpl; intros m; rewrite <- Hg_correct; rewrite Hrec; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; auto. destruct n as [| n]; try apply refl_equal. unfold imemo_list; simpl; rewrite F1. rewrite <- plus_n_O; auto. Qed. End MemoFunction. (** For a dependent function, the previous solution is reused thanks to a temporarly hiding of the dependency in a "container" [memo_val]. *) Section DependentMemoFunction. Variable A: nat -> Type. Variable f: forall n, A n. Inductive memo_val: Type := memo_mval: forall n, A n -> memo_val. Fixpoint is_eq (n m : nat) {struct n}: {n = m} + {True} := match n, m return {n = m} + {True} with | 0, 0 =>left True (refl_equal 0) | 0, S m1 => right (0 = S m1) I | S n1, 0 => right (S n1 = 0) I | S n1, S m1 => match is_eq n1 m1 with | left H => left True (f_equal S H) | right _ => right (S n1 = S m1) I end end. Definition memo_get_val n (v: memo_val): A n := match v with | memo_mval m x => match is_eq n m with | left H => match H in (eq _ y) return (A y -> A n) with | refl_equal => fun v1 : A n => v1 end | right _ => fun _ : A m => f n end x end. Let mf n := memo_mval n (f n). Definition dmemo_list := memo_list _ mf. Definition dmemo_get n l := memo_get_val n (memo_get _ n l). Theorem dmemo_get_correct: forall n, dmemo_get n dmemo_list = f n. Proof. intros n; unfold dmemo_get, dmemo_list. rewrite (memo_get_correct memo_val mf n); simpl. case (is_eq n n); simpl; auto; intros e. assert (e = refl_equal n). apply eq_proofs_unicity. induction x as [| x Hx]; destruct y as [| y]. left; auto. right; intros HH; discriminate HH. right; intros HH; discriminate HH. case (Hx y). intros HH; left; case HH; auto. intros HH; right; intros HH1; case HH. injection HH1; auto. rewrite H; auto. Qed. (** Finally, a version with both dependency and iterator *) Variable g: forall n, A n -> A (S n). Hypothesis Hg_correct: forall n, f (S n) = g n (f n). Let mg v := match v with memo_mval n1 v1 => memo_mval (S n1) (g n1 v1) end. Definition dimemo_list := imemo_list _ mf mg. Theorem dimemo_get_correct: forall n, dmemo_get n dimemo_list = f n. Proof. intros n; unfold dmemo_get, dimemo_list. rewrite (imemo_get_correct memo_val mf mg); simpl. case (is_eq n n); simpl; auto; intros e. assert (e = refl_equal n). apply eq_proofs_unicity. induction x as [| x Hx]; destruct y as [| y]. left; auto. right; intros HH; discriminate HH. right; intros HH; discriminate HH. case (Hx y). intros HH; left; case HH; auto. intros HH; right; intros HH1; case HH. injection HH1; auto. rewrite H; auto. intros n1; unfold mf; rewrite Hg_correct; auto. Qed. End DependentMemoFunction. (** An example with the memo function on factorial *) (* Require Import ZArith. Open Scope Z_scope. Fixpoint tfact (n: nat) := match n with | O => 1 | S n1 => Z_of_nat n * tfact n1 end. Definition lfact_list := dimemo_list _ tfact (fun n z => (Z_of_nat (S n) * z)). Definition lfact n := dmemo_get _ tfact n lfact_list. Theorem lfact_correct n: lfact n = tfact n. Proof. intros n; unfold lfact, lfact_list. rewrite dimemo_get_correct; auto. Qed. Fixpoint nop p := match p with | xH => 0 | xI p1 => nop p1 | xO p1 => nop p1 end. Fixpoint test z := match z with | Z0 => 0 | Zpos p1 => nop p1 | Zneg p1 => nop p1 end. Time Eval vm_compute in test (lfact 2000). Time Eval vm_compute in test (lfact 2000). Time Eval vm_compute in test (lfact 1500). Time Eval vm_compute in (lfact 1500). *)