(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* A -> Prop. (** Being in a list modulo an equality relation over type [A]. *) Inductive InA (x : A) : list A -> Prop := | InA_cons_hd : forall y l, eqA x y -> InA x (y :: l) | InA_cons_tl : forall y l, InA x l -> InA x (y :: l). Hint Constructors InA. (** TODO: it would be nice to have a generic definition instead of the previous one. Having [InA = Exists eqA] raises too many compatibility issues. For now, we only state the equivalence: *) Lemma InA_altdef : forall x l, InA x l <-> Exists (eqA x) l. Proof. split; induction 1; auto. Qed. Lemma InA_cons : forall x y l, InA x (y::l) <-> eqA x y \/ InA x l. Proof. intuition. invlist InA; auto. Qed. Lemma InA_nil : forall x, InA x nil <-> False. Proof. intuition. invlist InA. Qed. (** An alternative definition of [InA]. *) Lemma InA_alt : forall x l, InA x l <-> exists y, eqA x y /\ In y l. Proof. intros; rewrite InA_altdef, Exists_exists; firstorder. Qed. (** A list without redundancy modulo the equality over [A]. *) Inductive NoDupA : list A -> Prop := | NoDupA_nil : NoDupA nil | NoDupA_cons : forall x l, ~ InA x l -> NoDupA l -> NoDupA (x::l). Hint Constructors NoDupA. (** An alternative definition of [NoDupA] based on [ForallOrdPairs] *) Lemma NoDupA_altdef : forall l, NoDupA l <-> ForallOrdPairs (complement eqA) l. Proof. split; induction 1; constructor; auto. rewrite Forall_forall. intros b Hb. intro Eq; elim H. rewrite InA_alt. exists b; auto. rewrite InA_alt; intros (a' & Haa' & Ha'). rewrite Forall_forall in H. exact (H a' Ha' Haa'). Qed. (** lists with same elements modulo [eqA] *) Definition inclA l l' := forall x, InA x l -> InA x l'. Definition equivlistA l l' := forall x, InA x l <-> InA x l'. Lemma incl_nil l : inclA nil l. Proof. intro. intros. inversion H. Qed. Hint Resolve incl_nil : list. (** lists with same elements modulo [eqA] at the same place *) Inductive eqlistA : list A -> list A -> Prop := | eqlistA_nil : eqlistA nil nil | eqlistA_cons : forall x x' l l', eqA x x' -> eqlistA l l' -> eqlistA (x::l) (x'::l'). Hint Constructors eqlistA. (** We could also have written [eqlistA = Forall2 eqA]. *) Lemma eqlistA_altdef : forall l l', eqlistA l l' <-> Forall2 eqA l l'. Proof. split; induction 1; auto. Qed. (** Results concerning lists modulo [eqA] *) Hypothesis eqA_equiv : Equivalence eqA. Hint Resolve (@Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ eqA_equiv). Hint Resolve (@Equivalence_Transitive _ _ eqA_equiv). Hint Immediate (@Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ eqA_equiv). Ltac inv := invlist InA; invlist sort; invlist lelistA; invlist NoDupA. (** First, the two notions [equivlistA] and [eqlistA] are indeed equivlances *) Global Instance equivlist_equiv : Equivalence equivlistA. Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance eqlistA_equiv : Equivalence eqlistA. Proof. constructor; red. induction x; auto. induction 1; auto. intros x y z H; revert z; induction H; auto. inversion 1; subst; auto. invlist eqlistA; eauto with *. Qed. (** Moreover, [eqlistA] implies [equivlistA]. A reverse result will be proved later for sorted list without duplicates. *) Global Instance eqlistA_equivlistA : subrelation eqlistA equivlistA. Proof. intros x x' H. induction H. intuition. red; intros. rewrite 2 InA_cons. rewrite (IHeqlistA x0), H; intuition. Qed. (** InA is compatible with eqA (for its first arg) and with equivlistA (and hence eqlistA) for its second arg *) Global Instance InA_compat : Proper (eqA==>equivlistA==>iff) InA. Proof. intros x x' Hxx' l l' Hll'. rewrite (Hll' x). rewrite 2 InA_alt; firstorder. Qed. (** For compatibility, an immediate consequence of [InA_compat] *) Lemma InA_eqA : forall l x y, eqA x y -> InA x l -> InA y l. Proof. intros l x y H H'. rewrite <- H; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate InA_eqA. Lemma In_InA : forall l x, In x l -> InA x l. Proof. simple induction l; simpl; intuition. subst; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve In_InA. Lemma InA_split : forall l x, InA x l -> exists l1 y l2, eqA x y /\ l = l1++y::l2. Proof. induction l; intros; inv. exists (@nil A); exists a; exists l; auto. destruct (IHl x H0) as (l1,(y,(l2,(H1,H2)))). exists (a::l1); exists y; exists l2; auto. split; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed. Lemma InA_app : forall l1 l2 x, InA x (l1 ++ l2) -> InA x l1 \/ InA x l2. Proof. induction l1; simpl in *; intuition. inv; auto. elim (IHl1 l2 x H0); auto. Qed. Lemma InA_app_iff : forall l1 l2 x, InA x (l1 ++ l2) <-> InA x l1 \/ InA x l2. Proof. split. apply InA_app. destruct 1; generalize H; do 2 rewrite InA_alt. destruct 1 as (y,(H1,H2)); exists y; split; auto. apply in_or_app; auto. destruct 1 as (y,(H1,H2)); exists y; split; auto. apply in_or_app; auto. Qed. Lemma InA_rev : forall p m, InA p (rev m) <-> InA p m. Proof. intros; do 2 rewrite InA_alt. split; intros (y,H); exists y; intuition. rewrite In_rev; auto. rewrite <- In_rev; auto. Qed. (** Some more facts about InA *) Lemma InA_singleton x y : InA x (y::nil) <-> eqA x y. Proof. rewrite InA_cons, InA_nil; tauto. Qed. Lemma InA_double_head x y l : InA x (y :: y :: l) <-> InA x (y :: l). Proof. rewrite !InA_cons; tauto. Qed. Lemma InA_permute_heads x y z l : InA x (y :: z :: l) <-> InA x (z :: y :: l). Proof. rewrite !InA_cons; tauto. Qed. Lemma InA_app_idem x l : InA x (l ++ l) <-> InA x l. Proof. rewrite InA_app_iff; tauto. Qed. Section NoDupA. Lemma NoDupA_app : forall l l', NoDupA l -> NoDupA l' -> (forall x, InA x l -> InA x l' -> False) -> NoDupA (l++l'). Proof. induction l; simpl; auto; intros. inv. constructor. rewrite InA_alt; intros (y,(H4,H5)). destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H5). elim H2. rewrite InA_alt. exists y; auto. apply (H1 a). auto. rewrite InA_alt. exists y; auto. apply IHl; auto. intros. apply (H1 x); auto. Qed. Lemma NoDupA_rev : forall l, NoDupA l -> NoDupA (rev l). Proof. induction l. simpl; auto. simpl; intros. inv. apply NoDupA_app; auto. constructor; auto. intro; inv. intros x. rewrite InA_alt. intros (x1,(H2,H3)). intro; inv. destruct H0. rewrite <- H4, H2. apply In_InA. rewrite In_rev; auto. Qed. Lemma NoDupA_split : forall l l' x, NoDupA (l++x::l') -> NoDupA (l++l'). Proof. induction l; simpl in *; intros; inv; auto. constructor; eauto. contradict H0. rewrite InA_app_iff in *. rewrite InA_cons. intuition. Qed. Lemma NoDupA_swap : forall l l' x, NoDupA (l++x::l') -> NoDupA (x::l++l'). Proof. induction l; simpl in *; intros; inv; auto. constructor; eauto. assert (H2:=IHl _ _ H1). inv. rewrite InA_cons. red; destruct 1. apply H0. rewrite InA_app_iff in *; rewrite InA_cons; auto. apply H; auto. constructor. contradict H0. rewrite InA_app_iff in *; rewrite InA_cons; intuition. eapply NoDupA_split; eauto. Qed. Lemma NoDupA_singleton x : NoDupA (x::nil). Proof. repeat constructor. inversion 1. Qed. End NoDupA. Section EquivlistA. Global Instance equivlistA_cons_proper: Proper (eqA ==> equivlistA ==> equivlistA) (@cons A). Proof. intros ? ? E1 ? ? E2 ?; now rewrite !InA_cons, E1, E2. Qed. Global Instance equivlistA_app_proper: Proper (equivlistA ==> equivlistA ==> equivlistA) (@app A). Proof. intros ? ? E1 ? ? E2 ?. now rewrite !InA_app_iff, E1, E2. Qed. Lemma equivlistA_cons_nil x l : ~ equivlistA (x :: l) nil. Proof. intros E. now eapply InA_nil, E, InA_cons_hd. Qed. Lemma equivlistA_nil_eq l : equivlistA l nil -> l = nil. Proof. destruct l. - trivial. - intros H. now apply equivlistA_cons_nil in H. Qed. Lemma equivlistA_double_head x l : equivlistA (x :: x :: l) (x :: l). Proof. intro. apply InA_double_head. Qed. Lemma equivlistA_permute_heads x y l : equivlistA (x :: y :: l) (y :: x :: l). Proof. intro. apply InA_permute_heads. Qed. Lemma equivlistA_app_idem l : equivlistA (l ++ l) l. Proof. intro. apply InA_app_idem. Qed. Lemma equivlistA_NoDupA_split l l1 l2 x y : eqA x y -> NoDupA (x::l) -> NoDupA (l1++y::l2) -> equivlistA (x::l) (l1++y::l2) -> equivlistA l (l1++l2). Proof. intros; intro a. generalize (H2 a). rewrite !InA_app_iff, !InA_cons. inv. assert (SW:=NoDupA_swap H1). inv. rewrite InA_app_iff in H0. split; intros. assert (~eqA a x) by (contradict H3; rewrite <- H3; auto). assert (~eqA a y) by (rewrite <- H; auto). tauto. assert (OR : eqA a x \/ InA a l) by intuition. clear H6. destruct OR as [EQN|INA]; auto. elim H0. rewrite <-H,<-EQN; auto. Qed. End EquivlistA. Section Fold. Variable B:Type. Variable eqB:B->B->Prop. Variable st:Equivalence eqB. Variable f:A->B->B. Variable i:B. Variable Comp:Proper (eqA==>eqB==>eqB) f. Lemma fold_right_eqlistA : forall s s', eqlistA s s' -> eqB (fold_right f i s) (fold_right f i s'). Proof. induction 1; simpl; auto with relations. apply Comp; auto. Qed. (** Fold with restricted [transpose] hypothesis. *) Section Fold_With_Restriction. Variable R : A -> A -> Prop. Hypothesis R_sym : Symmetric R. Hypothesis R_compat : Proper (eqA==>eqA==>iff) R. (* (** [ForallOrdPairs R] is compatible with [equivlistA] over the lists without duplicates, as long as the relation [R] is symmetric and compatible with [eqA]. To prove this fact, we use an auxiliary notion: "forall distinct pairs, ...". *) Definition ForallNeqPairs := ForallPairs (fun a b => ~eqA a b -> R a b). (** [ForallOrdPairs] and [ForallNeqPairs] are related, but not completely equivalent. For proving one implication, we need to know that the list has no duplicated elements... *) Lemma ForallNeqPairs_ForallOrdPairs : forall l, NoDupA l -> ForallNeqPairs l -> ForallOrdPairs R l. Proof. induction l; auto. constructor. inv. rewrite Forall_forall; intros b Hb. apply H0; simpl; auto. contradict H1; rewrite H1; auto. apply IHl. inv; auto. intros b c Hb Hc Hneq. apply H0; simpl; auto. Qed. (** ... and for proving the other implication, we need to be able to reverse relation [R]. *) Lemma ForallOrdPairs_ForallNeqPairs : forall l, ForallOrdPairs R l -> ForallNeqPairs l. Proof. intros l Hl x y Hx Hy N. destruct (ForallOrdPairs_In Hl x y Hx Hy) as [H|[H|H]]. subst; elim N; auto. assumption. apply R_sym; assumption. Qed. *) (** Compatibility of [ForallOrdPairs] with respect to [inclA]. *) Lemma ForallOrdPairs_inclA : forall l l', NoDupA l' -> inclA l' l -> ForallOrdPairs R l -> ForallOrdPairs R l'. Proof. induction l' as [|x l' IH]. constructor. intros ND Incl FOP. apply FOP_cons; inv; unfold inclA in *; auto. rewrite Forall_forall; intros y Hy. assert (Ix : InA x (x::l')) by (rewrite InA_cons; auto). apply Incl in Ix. rewrite InA_alt in Ix. destruct Ix as (x' & Hxx' & Hx'). assert (Iy : InA y (x::l')) by (apply In_InA; simpl; auto). apply Incl in Iy. rewrite InA_alt in Iy. destruct Iy as (y' & Hyy' & Hy'). rewrite Hxx', Hyy'. destruct (ForallOrdPairs_In FOP x' y' Hx' Hy') as [E|[?|?]]; auto. absurd (InA x l'); auto. rewrite Hxx', E, <- Hyy'; auto. Qed. (** Two-argument functions that allow to reorder their arguments. *) Definition transpose (f : A -> B -> B) := forall (x y : A) (z : B), eqB (f x (f y z)) (f y (f x z)). (** A version of transpose with restriction on where it should hold *) Definition transpose_restr (R : A -> A -> Prop)(f : A -> B -> B) := forall (x y : A) (z : B), R x y -> eqB (f x (f y z)) (f y (f x z)). Variable TraR :transpose_restr R f. Lemma fold_right_commutes_restr : forall s1 s2 x, ForallOrdPairs R (s1++x::s2) -> eqB (fold_right f i (s1++x::s2)) (f x (fold_right f i (s1++s2))). Proof. induction s1; simpl; auto; intros. reflexivity. transitivity (f a (f x (fold_right f i (s1++s2)))). apply Comp; auto. apply IHs1. invlist ForallOrdPairs; auto. apply TraR. invlist ForallOrdPairs; auto. rewrite Forall_forall in H0; apply H0. apply in_or_app; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma fold_right_equivlistA_restr : forall s s', NoDupA s -> NoDupA s' -> ForallOrdPairs R s -> equivlistA s s' -> eqB (fold_right f i s) (fold_right f i s'). Proof. simple induction s. destruct s'; simpl. intros; reflexivity. unfold equivlistA; intros. destruct (H2 a). assert (InA a nil) by auto; inv. intros x l Hrec s' N N' F E; simpl in *. assert (InA x s') by (rewrite <- (E x); auto). destruct (InA_split H) as (s1,(y,(s2,(H1,H2)))). subst s'. transitivity (f x (fold_right f i (s1++s2))). apply Comp; auto. apply Hrec; auto. inv; auto. eapply NoDupA_split; eauto. invlist ForallOrdPairs; auto. eapply equivlistA_NoDupA_split; eauto. transitivity (f y (fold_right f i (s1++s2))). apply Comp; auto. reflexivity. symmetry; apply fold_right_commutes_restr. apply ForallOrdPairs_inclA with (x::l); auto. red; intros; rewrite E; auto. Qed. Lemma fold_right_add_restr : forall s' s x, NoDupA s -> NoDupA s' -> ForallOrdPairs R s' -> ~ InA x s -> equivlistA s' (x::s) -> eqB (fold_right f i s') (f x (fold_right f i s)). Proof. intros; apply (@fold_right_equivlistA_restr s' (x::s)); auto. Qed. End Fold_With_Restriction. (** we now state similar results, but without restriction on transpose. *) Variable Tra :transpose f. Lemma fold_right_commutes : forall s1 s2 x, eqB (fold_right f i (s1++x::s2)) (f x (fold_right f i (s1++s2))). Proof. induction s1; simpl; auto; intros. reflexivity. transitivity (f a (f x (fold_right f i (s1++s2)))); auto. apply Comp; auto. Qed. Lemma fold_right_equivlistA : forall s s', NoDupA s -> NoDupA s' -> equivlistA s s' -> eqB (fold_right f i s) (fold_right f i s'). Proof. intros; apply fold_right_equivlistA_restr with (R:=fun _ _ => True); repeat red; auto. apply ForallPairs_ForallOrdPairs; try red; auto. Qed. Lemma fold_right_add : forall s' s x, NoDupA s -> NoDupA s' -> ~ InA x s -> equivlistA s' (x::s) -> eqB (fold_right f i s') (f x (fold_right f i s)). Proof. intros; apply (@fold_right_equivlistA s' (x::s)); auto. Qed. End Fold. Section Remove. Hypothesis eqA_dec : forall x y : A, {eqA x y}+{~(eqA x y)}. Lemma InA_dec : forall x l, { InA x l } + { ~ InA x l }. Proof. induction l. right; auto. intro; inv. destruct (eqA_dec x a). left; auto. destruct IHl. left; auto. right; intro; inv; contradiction. Defined. Fixpoint removeA (x : A) (l : list A) : list A := match l with | nil => nil | y::tl => if (eqA_dec x y) then removeA x tl else y::(removeA x tl) end. Lemma removeA_filter : forall x l, removeA x l = filter (fun y => if eqA_dec x y then false else true) l. Proof. induction l; simpl; auto. destruct (eqA_dec x a); auto. rewrite IHl; auto. Qed. Lemma removeA_InA : forall l x y, InA y (removeA x l) <-> InA y l /\ ~eqA x y. Proof. induction l; simpl; auto. split. intro; inv. destruct 1; inv. intros. destruct (eqA_dec x a); simpl; auto. rewrite IHl; split; destruct 1; split; auto. inv; auto. destruct H0; transitivity a; auto. split. intro; inv. split; auto. contradict n. transitivity y; auto. rewrite (IHl x y) in H0; destruct H0; auto. destruct 1; inv; auto. right; rewrite IHl; auto. Qed. Lemma removeA_NoDupA : forall s x, NoDupA s -> NoDupA (removeA x s). Proof. simple induction s; simpl; intros. auto. inv. destruct (eqA_dec x a); simpl; auto. constructor; auto. rewrite removeA_InA. intuition. Qed. Lemma removeA_equivlistA : forall l l' x, ~InA x l -> equivlistA (x :: l) l' -> equivlistA l (removeA x l'). Proof. unfold equivlistA; intros. rewrite removeA_InA. split; intros. rewrite <- H0; split; auto. contradict H. apply InA_eqA with x0; auto. rewrite <- (H0 x0) in H1. destruct H1. inv; auto. elim H2; auto. Qed. End Remove. (** Results concerning lists modulo [eqA] and [ltA] *) Variable ltA : A -> A -> Prop. Hypothesis ltA_strorder : StrictOrder ltA. Hypothesis ltA_compat : Proper (eqA==>eqA==>iff) ltA. Hint Resolve (@StrictOrder_Transitive _ _ ltA_strorder). Notation InfA:=(lelistA ltA). Notation SortA:=(sort ltA). Hint Constructors lelistA sort. Lemma InfA_ltA : forall l x y, ltA x y -> InfA y l -> InfA x l. Proof. destruct l; constructor. inv; eauto. Qed. Global Instance InfA_compat : Proper (eqA==>eqlistA==>iff) InfA. Proof using eqA_equiv ltA_compat. (* and not ltA_strorder *) intros x x' Hxx' l l' Hll'. inversion_clear Hll'. intuition. split; intro; inv; constructor. rewrite <- Hxx', <- H; auto. rewrite Hxx', H; auto. Qed. (** For compatibility, can be deduced from [InfA_compat] *) Lemma InfA_eqA l x y : eqA x y -> InfA y l -> InfA x l. Proof using eqA_equiv ltA_compat. intros H; now rewrite H. Qed. Hint Immediate InfA_ltA InfA_eqA. Lemma SortA_InfA_InA : forall l x a, SortA l -> InfA a l -> InA x l -> ltA a x. Proof. simple induction l. intros. inv. intros. inv. setoid_replace x with a; auto. eauto. Qed. Lemma In_InfA : forall l x, (forall y, In y l -> ltA x y) -> InfA x l. Proof. simple induction l; simpl; intros; constructor; auto. Qed. Lemma InA_InfA : forall l x, (forall y, InA y l -> ltA x y) -> InfA x l. Proof. simple induction l; simpl; intros; constructor; auto. Qed. (* In fact, this may be used as an alternative definition for InfA: *) Lemma InfA_alt : forall l x, SortA l -> (InfA x l <-> (forall y, InA y l -> ltA x y)). Proof. split. intros; eapply SortA_InfA_InA; eauto. apply InA_InfA. Qed. Lemma InfA_app : forall l1 l2 a, InfA a l1 -> InfA a l2 -> InfA a (l1++l2). Proof. induction l1; simpl; auto. intros; inv; auto. Qed. Lemma SortA_app : forall l1 l2, SortA l1 -> SortA l2 -> (forall x y, InA x l1 -> InA y l2 -> ltA x y) -> SortA (l1 ++ l2). Proof. induction l1; simpl in *; intuition. inv. constructor; auto. apply InfA_app; auto. destruct l2; auto. Qed. Lemma SortA_NoDupA : forall l, SortA l -> NoDupA l. Proof. simple induction l; auto. intros x l' H H0. inv. constructor; auto. intro. apply (StrictOrder_Irreflexive x). eapply SortA_InfA_InA; eauto. Qed. (** Some results about [eqlistA] *) Section EqlistA. Lemma eqlistA_length : forall l l', eqlistA l l' -> length l = length l'. Proof. induction 1; auto; simpl; congruence. Qed. Global Instance app_eqlistA_compat : Proper (eqlistA==>eqlistA==>eqlistA) (@app A). Proof. repeat red; induction 1; simpl; auto. Qed. (** For compatibility, can be deduced from app_eqlistA_compat **) Lemma eqlistA_app : forall l1 l1' l2 l2', eqlistA l1 l1' -> eqlistA l2 l2' -> eqlistA (l1++l2) (l1'++l2'). Proof. intros l1 l1' l2 l2' H H'; rewrite H, H'; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma eqlistA_rev_app : forall l1 l1', eqlistA l1 l1' -> forall l2 l2', eqlistA l2 l2' -> eqlistA ((rev l1)++l2) ((rev l1')++l2'). Proof. induction 1; auto. simpl; intros. do 2 rewrite app_ass; simpl; auto. Qed. Global Instance rev_eqlistA_compat : Proper (eqlistA==>eqlistA) (@rev A). Proof. repeat red. intros. rewrite (app_nil_end (rev x)), (app_nil_end (rev y)). apply eqlistA_rev_app; auto. Qed. Lemma eqlistA_rev : forall l1 l1', eqlistA l1 l1' -> eqlistA (rev l1) (rev l1'). Proof. apply rev_eqlistA_compat. Qed. Lemma SortA_equivlistA_eqlistA : forall l l', SortA l -> SortA l' -> equivlistA l l' -> eqlistA l l'. Proof. induction l; destruct l'; simpl; intros; auto. destruct (H1 a); assert (InA a nil) by auto; inv. destruct (H1 a); assert (InA a nil) by auto; inv. inv. assert (forall y, InA y l -> ltA a y). intros; eapply SortA_InfA_InA with (l:=l); eauto. assert (forall y, InA y l' -> ltA a0 y). intros; eapply SortA_InfA_InA with (l:=l'); eauto. clear H3 H4. assert (eqA a a0). destruct (H1 a). destruct (H1 a0). assert (InA a (a0::l')) by auto. inv; auto. assert (InA a0 (a::l)) by auto. inv; auto. elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive a); eauto. constructor; auto. apply IHl; auto. split; intros. destruct (H1 x). assert (InA x (a0::l')) by auto. inv; auto. rewrite H9,<-H3 in H4. elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive a); eauto. destruct (H1 x). assert (InA x (a::l)) by auto. inv; auto. rewrite H9,H3 in H4. elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive a0); eauto. Qed. End EqlistA. (** A few things about [filter] *) Section Filter. Lemma filter_sort : forall f l, SortA l -> SortA (List.filter f l). Proof. induction l; simpl; auto. intros; inv; auto. destruct (f a); auto. constructor; auto. apply In_InfA; auto. intros. rewrite filter_In in H; destruct H. eapply SortA_InfA_InA; eauto. Qed. Arguments eq {A} x _. Lemma filter_InA : forall f, Proper (eqA==>eq) f -> forall l x, InA x (List.filter f l) <-> InA x l /\ f x = true. Proof. clear ltA ltA_compat ltA_strorder. intros; do 2 rewrite InA_alt; intuition. destruct H0 as (y,(H0,H1)); rewrite filter_In in H1; exists y; intuition. destruct H0 as (y,(H0,H1)); rewrite filter_In in H1; intuition. rewrite (H _ _ H0); auto. destruct H1 as (y,(H0,H1)); exists y; rewrite filter_In; intuition. rewrite <- (H _ _ H0); auto. Qed. Lemma filter_split : forall f, (forall x y, f x = true -> f y = false -> ltA x y) -> forall l, SortA l -> l = filter f l ++ filter (fun x=>negb (f x)) l. Proof. induction l; simpl; intros; auto. inv. rewrite IHl at 1; auto. case_eq (f a); simpl; intros; auto. assert (forall e, In e l -> f e = false). intros. assert (H4:=SortA_InfA_InA H1 H2 (In_InA H3)). case_eq (f e); simpl; intros; auto. elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive e). transitivity a; auto. replace (List.filter f l) with (@nil A); auto. generalize H3; clear; induction l; simpl; auto. case_eq (f a); auto; intros. rewrite H3 in H; auto; try discriminate. Qed. End Filter. End Type_with_equality. Hint Constructors InA eqlistA NoDupA sort lelistA. Arguments equivlistA_cons_nil {A} eqA {eqA_equiv} x l _. Arguments equivlistA_nil_eq {A} eqA {eqA_equiv} l _. Section Find. Variable A B : Type. Variable eqA : A -> A -> Prop. Hypothesis eqA_equiv : Equivalence eqA. Hypothesis eqA_dec : forall x y : A, {eqA x y}+{~(eqA x y)}. Fixpoint findA (f : A -> bool) (l:list (A*B)) : option B := match l with | nil => None | (a,b)::l => if f a then Some b else findA f l end. Lemma findA_NoDupA : forall l a b, NoDupA (fun p p' => eqA (fst p) (fst p')) l -> (InA (fun p p' => eqA (fst p) (fst p') /\ snd p = snd p') (a,b) l <-> findA (fun a' => if eqA_dec a a' then true else false) l = Some b). Proof. set (eqk := fun p p' : A*B => eqA (fst p) (fst p')). set (eqke := fun p p' : A*B => eqA (fst p) (fst p') /\ snd p = snd p'). induction l; intros; simpl. split; intros; try discriminate. invlist InA. destruct a as (a',b'); rename a0 into a. invlist NoDupA. split; intros. invlist InA. compute in H2; destruct H2. subst b'. destruct (eqA_dec a a'); intuition. destruct (eqA_dec a a'); simpl. contradict H0. revert e H2; clear - eqA_equiv. induction l. intros; invlist InA. intros; invlist InA; auto. destruct a0. compute in H; destruct H. subst b. left; auto. compute. transitivity a; auto. symmetry; auto. rewrite <- IHl; auto. destruct (eqA_dec a a'); simpl in *. left; split; simpl; congruence. right. rewrite IHl; auto. Qed. End Find. (** Permutations of list modulo a setoid equality. *) (** Section contributed by Robbert Krebbers (Nijmegen University). *) Section Permutation. Context {A : Type} (eqA : relation A) (e : Equivalence eqA). Inductive PermutationA : list A -> list A -> Prop := | permA_nil: PermutationA nil nil | permA_skip x₁ x₂ l₁ l₂ : eqA x₁ x₂ -> PermutationA l₁ l₂ -> PermutationA (x₁ :: l₁) (x₂ :: l₂) | permA_swap x y l : PermutationA (y :: x :: l) (x :: y :: l) | permA_trans l₁ l₂ l₃ : PermutationA l₁ l₂ -> PermutationA l₂ l₃ -> PermutationA l₁ l₃. Local Hint Constructors PermutationA. Global Instance: Equivalence PermutationA. Proof. constructor. - intro l. induction l; intuition. - intros l₁ l₂. induction 1; eauto. apply permA_skip; intuition. - exact permA_trans. Qed. Global Instance PermutationA_cons : Proper (eqA ==> PermutationA ==> PermutationA) (@cons A). Proof. repeat intro. now apply permA_skip. Qed. Lemma PermutationA_app_head l₁ l₂ l : PermutationA l₁ l₂ -> PermutationA (l ++ l₁) (l ++ l₂). Proof. induction l; trivial; intros. apply permA_skip; intuition. Qed. Global Instance PermutationA_app : Proper (PermutationA ==> PermutationA ==> PermutationA) (@app A). Proof. intros l₁ l₂ Pl k₁ k₂ Pk. induction Pl. - easy. - now apply permA_skip. - etransitivity. * rewrite <-!app_comm_cons. now apply permA_swap. * rewrite !app_comm_cons. now apply PermutationA_app_head. - do 2 (etransitivity; try eassumption). apply PermutationA_app_head. now symmetry. Qed. Lemma PermutationA_app_tail l₁ l₂ l : PermutationA l₁ l₂ -> PermutationA (l₁ ++ l) (l₂ ++ l). Proof. intros E. now rewrite E. Qed. Lemma PermutationA_cons_append l x : PermutationA (x :: l) (l ++ x :: nil). Proof. induction l. - easy. - simpl. rewrite <-IHl. intuition. Qed. Lemma PermutationA_app_comm l₁ l₂ : PermutationA (l₁ ++ l₂) (l₂ ++ l₁). Proof. induction l₁. - now rewrite app_nil_r. - rewrite <-app_comm_cons, IHl₁, app_comm_cons. now rewrite PermutationA_cons_append, <-app_assoc. Qed. Lemma PermutationA_cons_app l l₁ l₂ x : PermutationA l (l₁ ++ l₂) -> PermutationA (x :: l) (l₁ ++ x :: l₂). Proof. intros E. rewrite E. now rewrite app_comm_cons, PermutationA_cons_append, <-app_assoc. Qed. Lemma PermutationA_middle l₁ l₂ x : PermutationA (x :: l₁ ++ l₂) (l₁ ++ x :: l₂). Proof. now apply PermutationA_cons_app. Qed. Lemma PermutationA_equivlistA l₁ l₂ : PermutationA l₁ l₂ -> equivlistA eqA l₁ l₂. Proof. induction 1. - reflexivity. - now apply equivlistA_cons_proper. - now apply equivlistA_permute_heads. - etransitivity; eassumption. Qed. Lemma NoDupA_equivlistA_PermutationA l₁ l₂ : NoDupA eqA l₁ -> NoDupA eqA l₂ -> equivlistA eqA l₁ l₂ -> PermutationA l₁ l₂. Proof. intros Pl₁. revert l₂. induction Pl₁ as [|x l₁ E1]. - intros l₂ _ H₂. symmetry in H₂. now rewrite (equivlistA_nil_eq eqA). - intros l₂ Pl₂ E2. destruct (@InA_split _ eqA l₂ x) as [l₂h [y [l₂t [E3 ?]]]]. { rewrite <-E2. intuition. } subst. transitivity (y :: l₁); [intuition |]. apply PermutationA_cons_app, IHPl₁. now apply NoDupA_split with y. apply equivlistA_NoDupA_split with x y; intuition. Qed. End Permutation. (** Compatibility aliases. [Proper] is rather to be used directly now.*) Definition compat_bool {A} (eqA:A->A->Prop)(f:A->bool) := Proper (eqA==>Logic.eq) f. Definition compat_nat {A} (eqA:A->A->Prop)(f:A->nat) := Proper (eqA==>Logic.eq) f. Definition compat_P {A} (eqA:A->A->Prop)(P:A->Prop) := Proper (eqA==>impl) P. Definition compat_op {A B} (eqA:A->A->Prop)(eqB:B->B->Prop)(f:A->B->B) := Proper (eqA==>eqB==>eqB) f.