(* $Id$ *) Require Le. Section Lists. Variable A : Set. Implicit Arguments On. Inductive list : Set := nil : list | cons : A -> list -> list. (*************************) (* Concatenation *) (*************************) Fixpoint app [l:list] : list -> list := [m:list]Cases l of nil => m | (cons a l1) => (cons a (app l1 m)) end. Infix RIGHTA 7 "^" app. Lemma app_nil_end : (l:list)l=(l^nil). Proof. Induction l ; Simpl ; Auto. (* l : list ============================ (a:A)(y:list) y=(app y nil)->(cons a y)=(cons a (app y nil)) *) Induction 1; Auto. Qed. Hints Resolve app_nil_end. Lemma app_ass : (l,m,n : list)((l^m)^ n)=(l^(m^n)). Proof. Intros l m n ; Elim l ; Simpl ; Auto. (* l : list m : list n : list ============================ (a:A)(y:list)(app (app y m) n)=(app y (app m n)) ->(cons a (app (app y m) n))=(cons a (app y (app m n))) *) Induction 1; Auto. Qed. Hints Resolve app_ass. Lemma ass_app : (l,m,n : list)(l^(m^n))=((l^m)^n). Proof. Auto. Qed. Hints Resolve ass_app. Definition head := [l:list]Cases l of | nil => Error | (cons x _) => (Value x) end. Definition tail : list -> list := [l:list]Cases l of | nil => nil | (cons a m) => m end. Lemma nil_cons : (a:A)(m:list)~(nil=(cons a m)). Intros; Discriminate. Qed. Lemma app_comm_cons : (x,y:list)(a:A) (cons a (x^y))=((cons a x)^y). Proof. Auto. Qed. Lemma app_eq_nil: (x,y:list) (x^y)=nil -> x=nil /\ y=nil. Proof. Destruct x;Destruct y;Simpl;Auto. Intros H;Discriminate H. Intros a0 l0 H;Discriminate H. Qed. Lemma app_cons_not_nil: (x,y:list)(a:A)~nil=(x^(cons a y)). Proof. Unfold not . Induction x;Simpl;Intros. Discriminate H. Discriminate H0. Qed. Lemma app_eq_unit:(x,y:list)(a:A) (x^y)=(cons a nil)-> (x=nil)/\ y=(cons a nil) \/ x=(cons a nil)/\ y=nil. Proof. Destruct x;Destruct y;Simpl. Intros a H;Discriminate H. Left;Split;Auto. Right;Split;Auto. Generalize H . Generalize (app_nil_end l) ;Intros E. Rewrite <- E;Auto. Intros. Injection H. Intro. Cut nil=(l^(cons a0 l0));Auto. Intro. Generalize (app_cons_not_nil H1); Intro. Elim H2. Qed. Lemma app_inj_tail : (x,y:list)(a,b:A) (x^(cons a nil))=(y^(cons b nil)) -> x=y /\ a=b. Proof. Induction x;Induction y;Simpl;Auto. Intros. Injection H. Auto. Intros. Injection H0;Intros. Generalize (app_cons_not_nil H1) ;Induction 1. Intros. Injection H0;Intros. Cut nil=(l^(cons a0 nil));Auto. Intro. Generalize (app_cons_not_nil H3) ;Induction 1. Intros. Injection H1;Intros. Generalize (H l0 a1 b H2) . Induction 1;Split;Auto. Rewrite <- H3;Rewrite <- H5;Auto. Qed. (****************************************) (* Length of lists *) (****************************************) Fixpoint length [l:list] : nat := Cases l of nil => O | (cons _ m) => (S (length m)) end. (******************************) (* Length order of lists *) (******************************) Section length_order. Definition lel := [l,m:list](le (length l) (length m)). Variables a,b:A. Variables l,m,n:list. Lemma lel_refl : (lel l l). Proof. Unfold lel ; Auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_trans : (lel l m)->(lel m n)->(lel l n). Proof. Unfold lel ; Intros. (* H0 : (le (length m) (length n)) H : (le (length l) (length m)) ============================ (le (length l) (length n)) *) Apply le_trans with (length m) ; Auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_cons_cons : (lel l m)->(lel (cons a l) (cons b m)). Proof. Unfold lel ; Simpl ; Auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_cons : (lel l m)->(lel l (cons b m)). Proof. Unfold lel ; Simpl ; Auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_tail : (lel (cons a l) (cons b m)) -> (lel l m). Proof. Unfold lel ; Simpl ; Auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_nil : (l':list)(lel l' nil)->(nil=l'). Proof. Intro l' ; Elim l' ; Auto with arith. Intros a' y H H0. (* l' : list a' : A y : list H : (lel y nil)->nil=y H0 : (lel (cons a' y) nil) ============================ nil=(cons a' y) *) Absurd (le (S (length y)) O); Auto with arith. Qed. End length_order. Hints Resolve lel_refl lel_cons_cons lel_cons lel_nil lel_nil nil_cons . (*********************************) (* The In predicate *) (*********************************) Fixpoint In [a:A;l:list] : Prop := Cases l of nil => False | (cons b m) => (b=a)\/(In a m) end. Lemma in_eq : (a:A)(l:list)(In a (cons a l)). Proof. Simpl ; Auto. Qed. Hints Resolve in_eq. Lemma in_cons : (a,b:A)(l:list)(In b l)->(In b (cons a l)). Proof. Simpl ; Auto. Qed. Hints Resolve in_cons. Lemma in_nil : (a:A)~(In a nil). Proof. Unfold not; Intros a H; Inversion_clear H. Qed. Lemma in_inv : (a,b:A)(l:list) (In b (cons a l)) -> a=b \/ (In b l). Proof. Intros a b l H ; Inversion_clear H ; Auto. Qed. Lemma In_dec : ((x,y:A){x=y}+{~x=y}) -> (a:A)(l:list){(In a l)}+{~(In a l)}. Proof. Induction l. Right; Apply in_nil. Intros; Elim H0; Simpl; Elim (H a0 a); Auto. Right; Unfold not; Intros [Hc1 | Hc2]; Auto. Save. Lemma in_app_or : (l,m:list)(a:A)(In a (l^m))->((In a l)\/(In a m)). Proof. Intros l m a. Elim l ; Simpl ; Auto. Intros a0 y H H0. (* a0=a\/(In a y))\/(In a m) ============================ H0 : a0=a\/(In a (app y m)) H : (In a (app y m))->((In a y)\/(In a m)) y : list a0 : A a : A m : list l : list *) Elim H0 ; Auto. Intro H1. (* (a0=a\/(In a y))\/(In a m) ============================ H1 : (In a (app y m)) *) Elim (H H1) ; Auto. Qed. Hints Immediate in_app_or. Lemma in_or_app : (l,m:list)(a:A)((In a l)\/(In a m))->(In a (l^m)). Proof. Intros l m a. Elim l ; Simpl ; Intro H. (* 1 (In a m) ============================ H : False\/(In a m) a : A m : list l : list *) Elim H ; Auto ; Intro H0. (* (In a m) ============================ H0 : False *) Elim H0. (* subProof completed *) Intros y H0 H1. (* 2 H=a\/(In a (app y m)) ============================ H1 : (H=a\/(In a y))\/(In a m) H0 : ((In a y)\/(In a m))->(In a (app y m)) y : list *) Elim H1 ; Auto 4. Intro H2. (* H=a\/(In a (app y m)) ============================ H2 : H=a\/(In a y) *) Elim H2 ; Auto. Qed. Hints Resolve in_or_app. (**********************) (* Inclusion on list *) (**********************) Definition incl := [l,m:list](a:A)(In a l)->(In a m). Hints Unfold incl. Lemma incl_refl : (l:list)(incl l l). Proof. Auto. Qed. Hints Resolve incl_refl. Lemma incl_tl : (a:A)(l,m:list)(incl l m)->(incl l (cons a m)). Proof. Auto. Qed. Hints Immediate incl_tl. Lemma incl_tran : (l,m,n:list)(incl l m)->(incl m n)->(incl l n). Proof. Auto. Qed. Lemma incl_appl : (l,m,n:list)(incl l n)->(incl l (n^m)). Proof. Auto. Qed. Hints Immediate incl_appl. Lemma incl_appr : (l,m,n:list)(incl l n)->(incl l (m^n)). Proof. Auto. Qed. Hints Immediate incl_appr. Lemma incl_cons : (a:A)(l,m:list)(In a m)->(incl l m)->(incl (cons a l) m). Proof. Unfold incl ; Simpl ; Intros a l m H H0 a0 H1. (* a : A l : list m : list H : (In a m) H0 : (a:A)(In a l)->(In a m) a0 : A H1 : a=a0\/(In a0 l) ============================ (In a0 m) *) Elim H1. (* 1 a=a0->(In a0 m) *) Elim H1 ; Auto ; Intro H2. (* H2 : a=a0 ============================ a=a0->(In a0 m) *) Elim H2 ; Auto. (* solves subgoal *) (* 2 (In a0 l)->(In a0 m) *) Auto. Qed. Hints Resolve incl_cons. Lemma incl_app : (l,m,n:list)(incl l n)->(incl m n)->(incl (l^m) n). Proof. Unfold incl ; Simpl ; Intros l m n H H0 a H1. (* l : list n : list m : list H : (a:A)(In a l)->(In a n) H0 : (a:A)(In a m)->(In a n) a : A H1 : (In a (app l m)) ============================ (In a n) *) Elim (in_app_or H1); Auto. Qed. Hints Resolve incl_app. (*************************) (* Nth element of a list *) (*************************) Fixpoint nth [n:nat; l:list] : A->A := [default]Cases n l of O (cons x l') => x | O other => default | (S m) nil => default | (S m) (cons x t) => (nth m t default) end. Fixpoint nth_ok [n:nat; l:list] : A->bool := [default]Cases n l of O (cons x l') => true | O other => false | (S m) nil => false | (S m) (cons x t) => (nth_ok m t default) end. Lemma nth_in_or_default : (n:nat)(l:list)(d:A){(In (nth n l d) l)}+{(nth n l d)=d}. (** Realizer nth_ok. Program_all. **) Intros n l d; Generalize n; Induction l; Intro n0. Right; Case n0; Trivial. Case n0; Simpl. Auto. Intro n1; Elim (Hrecl n1); Auto. Save. Lemma nth_S_cons : (n:nat)(l:list)(d:A)(a:A)(In (nth n l d) l) ->(In (nth (S n) (cons a l) d) (cons a l)). Simpl; Auto. Save. (***** Lemma nth_In : (n:nat)(l:list)(d:A)(lt n (length l))->(In (nth n l d) l). Unfold lt; Intros n l d Hnl. Inversion Hnl. Generalize H0; Elim l; [ Simpl; Intros; Inversion H1 | ] Unfold lt; Induction l; [ Simpl; Intros; Inversion H | Simpl; Intros; ]. ******) (*********************************************) (* Reverse Induction Principle on Lists *) (*********************************************) Section Reverse_Induction. Variable leA: A->A->Prop. Fixpoint rev [l:list] : list := Cases l of nil => nil | (cons x l') => (rev l')^(cons x nil) end. Lemma distr_rev : (x,y:list) (rev (x^y))=((rev y)^(rev x)). Proof. Induction x. Induction y. Simpl. Auto. Simpl. Intros. Apply app_nil_end;Auto. Intros. Simpl. Generalize (H y) ;Intros E;Rewrite -> E. Apply (app_ass (rev y) (rev l) (cons a nil)). Qed. Remark rev_unit : (l:list)(a:A) (rev l^(cons a nil))= (cons a (rev l)). Proof. Intros. Apply (distr_rev l (cons a nil));Simpl;Auto. Qed. Lemma idempot_rev : (l:list)(rev (rev l))=l. Proof. Induction l. Simpl;Auto. Intros. Simpl. Generalize (rev_unit (rev l0) a); Intros. Rewrite -> H0. Rewrite -> H;Auto. Qed. Implicit Arguments Off. Remark rev_list_ind: (P:list->Prop) (P nil) ->((a:A)(l:list)(P (rev l))->(P (rev (cons a l)))) ->(l:list) (P (rev l)). Proof. Induction l; Auto. Qed. Implicit Arguments On. Lemma rev_ind : (P:list->Prop) (P nil)-> ((x:A)(l:list)(P l)->(P l^(cons x nil))) ->(l:list)(P l). Proof. Intros. Generalize (idempot_rev l) . Intros E;Rewrite <- E. Apply (rev_list_ind P). Auto. Simpl. Intros. Apply (H0 a (rev l0)). Auto. Qed. End Reverse_Induction. End Lists. Hints Resolve nil_cons app_nil_end ass_app app_ass : datatypes v62. Hints Resolve app_comm_cons app_cons_not_nil : datatypes v62. Hints Immediate app_eq_nil : datatypes v62. Hints Resolve app_eq_unit app_inj_tail : datatypes v62. Hints Resolve lel_refl lel_cons_cons lel_cons lel_nil lel_nil nil_cons : datatypes v62. Hints Resolve in_eq in_cons in_inv in_nil in_app_or in_or_app : datatypes v62. Hints Resolve incl_refl incl_tl incl_tran incl_appl incl_appr incl_cons incl_app : datatypes v62. Section Functions_on_lists. (***************************************************************) (* Some generic functions on lists and basic functions of them *) (***************************************************************) Section Map. Variables A,B:Set. Variable f:A->B. Fixpoint map [l:(list A)] : (list B) := Cases l of nil => (nil B) | (cons a t) => (cons (f a) (map t)) end. End Map. Lemma in_map : (A,B:Set)(f:A->B)(l:(list A))(x:A) (In x l) -> (In (f x) (map f l)). Induction l; Simpl; [ Auto | Intros; Elim H0; Intros; [ Left; Apply f_equal with f:=f; Assumption | Auto] ]. Save. Fixpoint flat_map [A,B:Set; f:A->(list B); l:(list A)] : (list B) := Cases l of nil => (nil B) | (cons x t) => (app (f x) (flat_map f t)) end. Fixpoint list_prod [A:Set; B:Set; l:(list A)] : (list B)->(list A*B) := [l']Cases l of nil => (nil A*B) | (cons x t) => (app (map [y:B](x,y) l') (list_prod t l')) end. Lemma in_prod_aux : (A:Set)(B:Set)(x:A)(y:B)(l:(list B)) (In y l) -> (In (x,y) (map [y0:B](x,y0) l)). Induction l; [ Simpl; Auto | Simpl; Intros; Elim H0; [ Left; Rewrite H1; Trivial | Right; Auto] ]. Save. Lemma in_prod : (A:Set)(B:Set)(l:(list A))(l':(list B)) (x:A)(y:B)(In x l)->(In y l')->(In (x,y) (list_prod l l')). Induction l; [ Simpl; Tauto | Simpl; Intros; Apply in_or_app; Elim H0; Clear H0; [ Left; Rewrite H0; Apply in_prod_aux; Assumption | Right; Auto] ]. Save. (* (list_power x y) is y^x, or the set of sequences of elts of y indexed by elts of x, sorted in lexicographic order. *) Fixpoint list_power [A,B:Set; l:(list A)] : (list B)->(list (list A*B)) := [l']Cases l of nil => (cons (nil A*B) (nil ?)) | (cons x t) => (flat_map [f:(list A*B)](map [y:B](cons (x,y) f) l') (list_power t l')) end. Section Fold_Left_Recursor. Variables A,B:Set. Variable f:A->B->A. Fixpoint fold_left[l:(list B)] : A -> A := [a0]Cases l of nil => a0 | (cons b t) => (fold_left t (f a0 b)) end. End Fold_Left_Recursor. Section Fold_Right_Recursor. Variables A,B:Set. Variable f:B->A->A. Variable a0:A. Fixpoint fold_right [l:(list B)] : A := Cases l of nil => a0 | (cons b t) => (f b (fold_right t)) end. End Fold_Right_Recursor. (* Theorem fold_symmetric : (A:Set)(f:A->A->A) ((x,y,z:A)(f x (f y z))=(f (f x y) z)) ->((x,y:A)(f x y)=(f y x)) ->(a0:A)(l:(list A))(fold_left f l a0)=(fold_right f a0 l). Induction l. Reflexivity. Simpl; Intros. Rewrite <- H1. Generalize a0 a. Elim l0; Simpl. Trivial. Intros. Repeat Rewrite H2. Do 2 Rewrite H. Rewrite (H0 a1 a3). Reflexivity. Save. *) End Functions_on_lists. Implicit Arguments Off.