(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* list -> list. Infix "::" := cons (at level 60, right associativity) : list_scope. Open Scope list_scope. (*************************) (** Discrimination *) (*************************) Lemma nil_cons : forall (a:A) (m:list), nil <> a :: m. Proof. intros; discriminate. Qed. (*************************) (** Concatenation *) (*************************) Fixpoint app (l m:list) {struct l} : list := match l with | nil => m | a :: l1 => a :: app l1 m end. Infix "++" := app (right associativity, at level 60) : list_scope. Lemma app_nil_end : forall l:list, l = l ++ nil. Proof. induction l; simpl in |- *; auto. rewrite <- IHl; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve app_nil_end. Ltac now_show c := change c in |- *. Lemma app_ass : forall l m n:list, (l ++ m) ++ n = l ++ m ++ n. Proof. intros. induction l; simpl in |- *; auto. now_show (a :: (l ++ m) ++ n = a :: l ++ m ++ n). rewrite <- IHl; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve app_ass. Lemma ass_app : forall l m n:list, l ++ m ++ n = (l ++ m) ++ n. Proof. auto. Qed. Hint Resolve ass_app. Lemma app_comm_cons : forall (x y:list) (a:A), a :: x ++ y = (a :: x) ++ y. Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma app_eq_nil : forall x y:list, x ++ y = nil -> x = nil /\ y = nil. Proof. destruct x as [| a l]; [ destruct y as [| a l] | destruct y as [| a0 l0] ]; simpl in |- *; auto. intros H; discriminate H. intros; discriminate H. Qed. Lemma app_cons_not_nil : forall (x y:list) (a:A), nil <> x ++ a :: y. Proof. unfold not in |- *. destruct x as [| a l]; simpl in |- *; intros. discriminate H. discriminate H. Qed. Lemma app_eq_unit : forall (x y:list) (a:A), x ++ y = a :: nil -> x = nil /\ y = a :: nil \/ x = a :: nil /\ y = nil. Proof. destruct x as [| a l]; [ destruct y as [| a l] | destruct y as [| a0 l0] ]; simpl in |- *. intros a H; discriminate H. left; split; auto. right; split; auto. generalize H. generalize (app_nil_end l); intros E. rewrite <- E; auto. intros. injection H. intro. cut (nil = l ++ a0 :: l0); auto. intro. generalize (app_cons_not_nil _ _ _ H1); intro. elim H2. Qed. Lemma app_inj_tail : forall (x y:list) (a b:A), x ++ a :: nil = y ++ b :: nil -> x = y /\ a = b. Proof. induction x as [| x l IHl]; [ destruct y as [| a l] | destruct y as [| a l0] ]; simpl in |- *; auto. intros a b H. injection H. auto. intros a0 b H. injection H; intros. generalize (app_cons_not_nil _ _ _ H0); destruct 1. intros a b H. injection H; intros. cut (nil = l ++ a :: nil); auto. intro. generalize (app_cons_not_nil _ _ _ H2); destruct 1. intros a0 b H. injection H; intros. destruct (IHl l0 a0 b H0). split; auto. rewrite <- H1; rewrite <- H2; reflexivity. Qed. (*************************) (** Head and tail *) (*************************) Definition head (l:list) := match l with | nil => error | x :: _ => value x end. Definition tail (l:list) : list := match l with | nil => nil | a :: m => m end. (****************************************) (** Length of lists *) (****************************************) Fixpoint length (l:list) : nat := match l with | nil => 0 | _ :: m => S (length m) end. (******************************) (** Length order of lists *) (******************************) Section length_order. Definition lel (l m:list) := length l <= length m. Variables a b : A. Variables l m n : list. Lemma lel_refl : lel l l. Proof. unfold lel in |- *; auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_trans : lel l m -> lel m n -> lel l n. Proof. unfold lel in |- *; intros. now_show (length l <= length n). apply le_trans with (length m); auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_cons_cons : lel l m -> lel (a :: l) (b :: m). Proof. unfold lel in |- *; simpl in |- *; auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_cons : lel l m -> lel l (b :: m). Proof. unfold lel in |- *; simpl in |- *; auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_tail : lel (a :: l) (b :: m) -> lel l m. Proof. unfold lel in |- *; simpl in |- *; auto with arith. Qed. Lemma lel_nil : forall l':list, lel l' nil -> nil = l'. Proof. intro l'; elim l'; auto with arith. intros a' y H H0. now_show (nil = a' :: y). absurd (S (length y) <= 0); auto with arith. Qed. End length_order. Hint Resolve lel_refl lel_cons_cons lel_cons lel_nil lel_nil nil_cons. (*********************************) (** The [In] predicate *) (*********************************) Fixpoint In (a:A) (l:list) {struct l} : Prop := match l with | nil => False | b :: m => b = a \/ In a m end. Lemma in_eq : forall (a:A) (l:list), In a (a :: l). Proof. simpl in |- *; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve in_eq. Lemma in_cons : forall (a b:A) (l:list), In b l -> In b (a :: l). Proof. simpl in |- *; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve in_cons. Lemma in_nil : forall a:A, ~ In a nil. Proof. unfold not in |- *; intros a H; inversion_clear H. Qed. Lemma in_inv : forall (a b:A) (l:list), In b (a :: l) -> a = b \/ In b l. Proof. intros a b l H; inversion_clear H; auto. Qed. Lemma In_dec : (forall x y:A, {x = y} + {x <> y}) -> forall (a:A) (l:list), {In a l} + {~ In a l}. Proof. induction l as [| a0 l IHl]. right; apply in_nil. destruct (H a0 a); simpl in |- *; auto. destruct IHl; simpl in |- *; auto. right; unfold not in |- *; intros [Hc1| Hc2]; auto. Defined. Lemma in_app_or : forall (l m:list) (a:A), In a (l ++ m) -> In a l \/ In a m. Proof. intros l m a. elim l; simpl in |- *; auto. intros a0 y H H0. now_show ((a0 = a \/ In a y) \/ In a m). elim H0; auto. intro H1. now_show ((a0 = a \/ In a y) \/ In a m). elim (H H1); auto. Qed. Hint Immediate in_app_or. Lemma in_or_app : forall (l m:list) (a:A), In a l \/ In a m -> In a (l ++ m). Proof. intros l m a. elim l; simpl in |- *; intro H. now_show (In a m). elim H; auto; intro H0. now_show (In a m). elim H0. (* subProof completed *) intros y H0 H1. now_show (H = a \/ In a (y ++ m)). elim H1; auto 4. intro H2. now_show (H = a \/ In a (y ++ m)). elim H2; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve in_or_app. (***************************) (** Set inclusion on list *) (***************************) Definition incl (l m:list) := forall a:A, In a l -> In a m. Hint Unfold incl. Lemma incl_refl : forall l:list, incl l l. Proof. auto. Qed. Hint Resolve incl_refl. Lemma incl_tl : forall (a:A) (l m:list), incl l m -> incl l (a :: m). Proof. auto. Qed. Hint Immediate incl_tl. Lemma incl_tran : forall l m n:list, incl l m -> incl m n -> incl l n. Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma incl_appl : forall l m n:list, incl l n -> incl l (n ++ m). Proof. auto. Qed. Hint Immediate incl_appl. Lemma incl_appr : forall l m n:list, incl l n -> incl l (m ++ n). Proof. auto. Qed. Hint Immediate incl_appr. Lemma incl_cons : forall (a:A) (l m:list), In a m -> incl l m -> incl (a :: l) m. Proof. unfold incl in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros a l m H H0 a0 H1. now_show (In a0 m). elim H1. now_show (a = a0 -> In a0 m). elim H1; auto; intro H2. now_show (a = a0 -> In a0 m). elim H2; auto. (* solves subgoal *) now_show (In a0 l -> In a0 m). auto. Qed. Hint Resolve incl_cons. Lemma incl_app : forall l m n:list, incl l n -> incl m n -> incl (l ++ m) n. Proof. unfold incl in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros l m n H H0 a H1. now_show (In a n). elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H1); auto. Qed. Hint Resolve incl_app. (**************************) (** Nth element of a list *) (**************************) Fixpoint nth (n:nat) (l:list) (default:A) {struct l} : A := match n, l with | O, x :: l' => x | O, other => default | S m, nil => default | S m, x :: t => nth m t default end. Fixpoint nth_ok (n:nat) (l:list) (default:A) {struct l} : bool := match n, l with | O, x :: l' => true | O, other => false | S m, nil => false | S m, x :: t => nth_ok m t default end. Lemma nth_in_or_default : forall (n:nat) (l:list) (d:A), {In (nth n l d) l} + {nth n l d = d}. (* Realizer nth_ok. Program_all. *) Proof. intros n l d; generalize n; induction l; intro n0. right; case n0; trivial. case n0; simpl in |- *. auto. intro n1; elim (IHl n1); auto. Qed. Lemma nth_S_cons : forall (n:nat) (l:list) (d a:A), In (nth n l d) l -> In (nth (S n) (a :: l) d) (a :: l). Proof. simpl in |- *; auto. Qed. Fixpoint nth_error (l:list) (n:nat) {struct n} : Exc A := match n, l with | O, x :: _ => value x | S n, _ :: l => nth_error l n | _, _ => error end. Definition nth_default (default:A) (l:list) (n:nat) : A := match nth_error l n with | Some x => x | None => default end. Lemma nth_In : forall (n:nat) (l:list) (d:A), n < length l -> In (nth n l d) l. Proof. unfold lt in |- *; induction n as [| n hn]; simpl in |- *. destruct l; simpl in |- *; [ inversion 2 | auto ]. destruct l as [| a l hl]; simpl in |- *. inversion 2. intros d ie; right; apply hn; auto with arith. Qed. (********************************) (** Decidable equality on lists *) (********************************) Lemma list_eq_dec : (forall x y:A, {x = y} + {x <> y}) -> forall x y:list, {x = y} + {x <> y}. Proof. induction x as [| a l IHl]; destruct y as [| a0 l0]; auto. destruct (H a a0) as [e| e]. destruct (IHl l0) as [e'| e']. left; rewrite e; rewrite e'; trivial. right; red in |- *; intro. apply e'; injection H0; trivial. right; red in |- *; intro. apply e; injection H0; trivial. Qed. (*************************) (** Reverse *) (*************************) Fixpoint rev (l:list) : list := match l with | nil => nil | x :: l' => rev l' ++ x :: nil end. Lemma distr_rev : forall x y:list, rev (x ++ y) = rev y ++ rev x. Proof. induction x as [| a l IHl]. destruct y as [| a l]. simpl in |- *. auto. simpl in |- *. apply app_nil_end; auto. intro y. simpl in |- *. rewrite (IHl y). apply (app_ass (rev y) (rev l) (a :: nil)). Qed. Remark rev_unit : forall (l:list) (a:A), rev (l ++ a :: nil) = a :: rev l. Proof. intros. apply (distr_rev l (a :: nil)); simpl in |- *; auto. Qed. Lemma rev_involutive : forall l:list, rev (rev l) = l. Proof. induction l as [| a l IHl]. simpl in |- *; auto. simpl in |- *. rewrite (rev_unit (rev l) a). rewrite IHl; auto. Qed. (*********************************************) (** Reverse Induction Principle on Lists *) (*********************************************) Section Reverse_Induction. Unset Implicit Arguments. Remark rev_list_ind : forall P:list -> Prop, P nil -> (forall (a:A) (l:list), P (rev l) -> P (rev (a :: l))) -> forall l:list, P (rev l). Proof. induction l; auto. Qed. Set Implicit Arguments. Lemma rev_ind : forall P:list -> Prop, P nil -> (forall (x:A) (l:list), P l -> P (l ++ x :: nil)) -> forall l:list, P l. Proof. intros. generalize (rev_involutive l). intros E; rewrite <- E. apply (rev_list_ind P). auto. simpl in |- *. intros. apply (H0 a (rev l0)). auto. Qed. End Reverse_Induction. End Lists. Implicit Arguments nil [A]. Hint Resolve nil_cons app_nil_end ass_app app_ass: datatypes v62. Hint Resolve app_comm_cons app_cons_not_nil: datatypes v62. Hint Immediate app_eq_nil: datatypes v62. Hint Resolve app_eq_unit app_inj_tail: datatypes v62. Hint Resolve lel_refl lel_cons_cons lel_cons lel_nil lel_nil nil_cons: datatypes v62. Hint Resolve in_eq in_cons in_inv in_nil in_app_or in_or_app: datatypes v62. Hint Resolve incl_refl incl_tl incl_tran incl_appl incl_appr incl_cons incl_app: datatypes v62. Section Functions_on_lists. (****************************************************************) (** Some generic functions on lists and basic functions of them *) (****************************************************************) Section Map. Variables A B : Set. Variable f : A -> B. Fixpoint map (l:list A) : list B := match l with | nil => nil | cons a t => cons (f a) (map t) end. End Map. Lemma in_map : forall (A B:Set) (f:A -> B) (l:list A) (x:A), In x l -> In (f x) (map f l). Proof. induction l as [| a l IHl]; simpl in |- *; [ auto | destruct 1; [ left; apply f_equal with (f := f); assumption | auto ] ]. Qed. Fixpoint flat_map (A B:Set) (f:A -> list B) (l:list A) {struct l} : list B := match l with | nil => nil | cons x t => app (f x) (flat_map f t) end. Fixpoint list_prod (A B:Set) (l:list A) (l':list B) {struct l} : list (A * B) := match l with | nil => nil | cons x t => app (map (fun y:B => (x, y)) l') (list_prod t l') end. Lemma in_prod_aux : forall (A B:Set) (x:A) (y:B) (l:list B), In y l -> In (x, y) (map (fun y0:B => (x, y0)) l). Proof. induction l; [ simpl in |- *; auto | simpl in |- *; destruct 1 as [H1| ]; [ left; rewrite H1; trivial | right; auto ] ]. Qed. Lemma in_prod : forall (A B:Set) (l:list A) (l':list B) (x:A) (y:B), In x l -> In y l' -> In (x, y) (list_prod l l'). Proof. induction l; [ simpl in |- *; tauto | simpl in |- *; intros; apply in_or_app; destruct H; [ left; rewrite H; apply in_prod_aux; assumption | right; auto ] ]. Qed. (** [(list_power x y)] is [y^x], or the set of sequences of elts of [y] indexed by elts of [x], sorted in lexicographic order. *) Fixpoint list_power (A B:Set) (l:list A) (l':list B) {struct l} : list (list (A * B)) := match l with | nil => cons nil nil | cons x t => flat_map (fun f:list (A * B) => map (fun y:B => cons (x, y) f) l') (list_power t l') end. (************************************) (** Left-to-right iterator on lists *) (************************************) Section Fold_Left_Recursor. Variables A B : Set. Variable f : A -> B -> A. Fixpoint fold_left (l:list B) (a0:A) {struct l} : A := match l with | nil => a0 | cons b t => fold_left t (f a0 b) end. End Fold_Left_Recursor. (************************************) (** Right-to-left iterator on lists *) (************************************) Section Fold_Right_Recursor. Variables A B : Set. Variable f : B -> A -> A. Variable a0 : A. Fixpoint fold_right (l:list B) : A := match l with | nil => a0 | cons b t => f b (fold_right t) end. End Fold_Right_Recursor. Theorem fold_symmetric : forall (A:Set) (f:A -> A -> A), (forall x y z:A, f x (f y z) = f (f x y) z) -> (forall x y:A, f x y = f y x) -> forall (a0:A) (l:list A), fold_left f l a0 = fold_right f a0 l. Proof. destruct l as [| a l]. reflexivity. simpl in |- *. rewrite <- H0. generalize a0 a. induction l as [| a3 l IHl]; simpl in |- *. trivial. intros. rewrite H. rewrite (H0 a2). rewrite <- (H a1). rewrite (H0 a1). rewrite IHl. reflexivity. Qed. End Functions_on_lists. (** Exporting list notations *) Infix "::" := cons (at level 60, right associativity) : list_scope. Infix "++" := app (right associativity, at level 60) : list_scope. Open Scope list_scope. (** Declare Scope list_scope with key list *) Delimit Scope list_scope with list. Bind Scope list_scope with list.