(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* nat. (** [Empty_set] has no inhabitant *) Inductive Empty_set:Set :=. (** [identity A a] is the family of datatypes on [A] whose sole non-empty member is the singleton datatype [identity A a a] whose sole inhabitant is denoted [refl_identity A a] *) Inductive identity [A:Set; a:A] : A->Set := refl_identity: (identity A a a). Hints Resolve refl_identity : core v62. (** [option A] is the extension of A with a dummy element None *) Inductive option [A:Set] : Set := Some : A -> (option A) | None : (option A). Arguments Scope option [ type_scope ]. (** [sum A B], equivalently [A + B], is the disjoint sum of [A] and [B] *) (* Syntax defined in Specif.v *) Inductive sum [A,B:Set] : Set := inl : A -> (sum A B) | inr : B -> (sum A B). Notation "x + y" := (sum x y) : type_scope. Arguments Scope sum [type_scope type_scope]. (** [prod A B], written [A * B], is the product of [A] and [B]; the pair [pair A B a b] of [a] and [b] is abbreviated [(a,b)] *) Inductive prod [A,B:Set] : Set := pair : A -> B -> (prod A B). Add Printing Let prod. Arguments Scope prod [type_scope type_scope]. Notation "x * y" := (prod x y) : type_scope. Notation "( x , y )" := (pair ? ? x y) V8only "x , y". Section projections. Variables A,B:Set. Definition fst := [p:(prod A B)]Cases p of (pair x y) => x end. Definition snd := [p:(prod A B)]Cases p of (pair x y) => y end. End projections. Notation Fst := (fst ? ?). Notation Snd := (snd ? ?). Hints Resolve pair inl inr : core v62. (** Parsing only of things in [Datatypes.v] *) V7only[ Notation "< A , B > ( x , y )" := (pair A B x y) (at level 1, only parsing, A annot). Notation "< A , B > 'Fst' ( p )" := (fst A B p) (at level 1, only parsing, A annot). Notation "< A , B > 'Snd' ( p )" := (snd A B p) (at level 1, only parsing, A annot). ].