(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Prop := | RBLeaf : avl (Leaf _) | RBNode : forall x e l r h, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 -> h = max (height l) (height r) + 1 -> avl (Node l x e r h). (** * Automation and dedicated tactics about [avl]. *) Hint Constructors avl. Lemma height_non_negative : forall (s : t elt), avl s -> height s >= 0. Proof. induction s; simpl; intros; auto with zarith. inv avl; intuition; omega_max. Qed. Ltac avl_nn_hyp H := let nz := fresh "nz" in assert (nz := height_non_negative H). Ltac avl_nn h := let t := type of h in match type of t with | Prop => avl_nn_hyp h | _ => match goal with H : avl h |- _ => avl_nn_hyp H end end. (* Repeat the previous tactic. Drawback: need to clear the [avl _] hyps ... Thank you Ltac *) Ltac avl_nns := match goal with | H:avl _ |- _ => avl_nn_hyp H; clear H; avl_nns | _ => idtac end. (** * Basic results about [avl], [height] *) Lemma avl_node : forall x e l r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 -> avl (Node l x e r (max (height l) (height r) + 1)). Proof. intros; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve avl_node. (** Results about [height] *) Lemma height_0 : forall l, avl l -> height l = 0 -> l = Leaf _. Proof. destruct 1; intuition; simpl in *. avl_nns; simpl in *; exfalso; omega_max. Qed. (** * Empty map *) Lemma empty_avl : avl (empty elt). Proof. unfold empty; auto. Qed. (** * Helper functions *) Lemma create_avl : forall l x e r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 -> avl (create l x e r). Proof. unfold create; auto. Qed. Lemma create_height : forall l x e r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 -> height (create l x e r) = max (height l) (height r) + 1. Proof. unfold create; intros; auto. Qed. Lemma bal_avl : forall l x e r, avl l -> avl r -> -(3) <= height l - height r <= 3 -> avl (bal l x e r). Proof. intros l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf; inv avl; simpl in *; match goal with |- avl (assert_false _ _ _ _) => avl_nns | _ => repeat apply create_avl; simpl in *; auto end; omega_max. Qed. Lemma bal_height_1 : forall l x e r, avl l -> avl r -> -(3) <= height l - height r <= 3 -> 0 <= height (bal l x e r) - max (height l) (height r) <= 1. Proof. intros l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf; inv avl; avl_nns; simpl in *; omega_max. Qed. Lemma bal_height_2 : forall l x e r, avl l -> avl r -> -(2) <= height l - height r <= 2 -> height (bal l x e r) == max (height l) (height r) +1. Proof. intros l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf; inv avl; avl_nns; simpl in *; omega_max. Qed. Ltac omega_bal := match goal with | H:avl ?l, H':avl ?r |- context [ bal ?l ?x ?e ?r ] => generalize (bal_height_1 x e H H') (bal_height_2 x e H H'); omega_max end. (** * Insertion *) Lemma add_avl_1 : forall m x e, avl m -> avl (add x e m) /\ 0 <= height (add x e m) - height m <= 1. Proof. intros m x e; functional induction (add x e m); intros; inv avl; simpl in *. intuition; try constructor; simpl; auto; try omega_max. (* LT *) destruct IHt; auto. split. apply bal_avl; auto; omega_max. omega_bal. (* EQ *) intuition; omega_max. (* GT *) destruct IHt; auto. split. apply bal_avl; auto; omega_max. omega_bal. Qed. Lemma add_avl : forall m x e, avl m -> avl (add x e m). Proof. intros; generalize (add_avl_1 x e H); intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve add_avl. (** * Extraction of minimum binding *) Lemma remove_min_avl_1 : forall l x e r h, avl (Node l x e r h) -> avl (remove_min l x e r)#1 /\ 0 <= height (Node l x e r h) - height (remove_min l x e r)#1 <= 1. Proof. intros l x e r; functional induction (remove_min l x e r); simpl in *; intros. inv avl; simpl in *; split; auto. avl_nns; omega_max. inversion_clear H. rewrite e0 in IHp;simpl in IHp;destruct (IHp _x); auto. split; simpl in *. apply bal_avl; auto; omega_max. omega_bal. Qed. Lemma remove_min_avl : forall l x e r h, avl (Node l x e r h) -> avl (remove_min l x e r)#1. Proof. intros; generalize (remove_min_avl_1 H); intuition. Qed. (** * Merging two trees *) Lemma merge_avl_1 : forall m1 m2, avl m1 -> avl m2 -> -(2) <= height m1 - height m2 <= 2 -> avl (merge m1 m2) /\ 0<= height (merge m1 m2) - max (height m1) (height m2) <=1. Proof. intros m1 m2; functional induction (merge m1 m2); intros; try factornode _x _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 as m1. simpl; split; auto; avl_nns; omega_max. simpl; split; auto; avl_nns; omega_max. generalize (remove_min_avl_1 H0). rewrite e1; destruct 1. split. apply bal_avl; auto. omega_max. omega_bal. Qed. Lemma merge_avl : forall m1 m2, avl m1 -> avl m2 -> -(2) <= height m1 - height m2 <= 2 -> avl (merge m1 m2). Proof. intros; generalize (merge_avl_1 H H0 H1); intuition. Qed. (** * Deletion *) Lemma remove_avl_1 : forall m x, avl m -> avl (remove x m) /\ 0 <= height m - height (remove x m) <= 1. Proof. intros m x; functional induction (remove x m); intros. split; auto; omega_max. (* LT *) inv avl. destruct (IHt H0). split. apply bal_avl; auto. omega_max. omega_bal. (* EQ *) inv avl. generalize (merge_avl_1 H0 H1 H2). intuition omega_max. (* GT *) inv avl. destruct (IHt H1). split. apply bal_avl; auto. omega_max. omega_bal. Qed. Lemma remove_avl : forall m x, avl m -> avl (remove x m). Proof. intros; generalize (remove_avl_1 x H); intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve remove_avl. (** * Join *) Lemma join_avl_1 : forall l x d r, avl l -> avl r -> avl (join l x d r) /\ 0<= height (join l x d r) - max (height l) (height r) <= 1. Proof. join_tac. split; simpl; auto. destruct (add_avl_1 x d H0). avl_nns; omega_max. set (l:=Node ll lx ld lr lh) in *. split; auto. destruct (add_avl_1 x d H). simpl (height (Leaf elt)). avl_nns; omega_max. inversion_clear H. assert (height (Node rl rx rd rr rh) = rh); auto. set (r := Node rl rx rd rr rh) in *; clearbody r. destruct (Hlr x d r H2 H0); clear Hrl Hlr. set (j := join lr x d r) in *; clearbody j. simpl. assert (-(3) <= height ll - height j <= 3) by omega_max. split. apply bal_avl; auto. omega_bal. inversion_clear H0. assert (height (Node ll lx ld lr lh) = lh); auto. set (l := Node ll lx ld lr lh) in *; clearbody l. destruct (Hrl H H1); clear Hrl Hlr. set (j := join l x d rl) in *; clearbody j. simpl. assert (-(3) <= height j - height rr <= 3) by omega_max. split. apply bal_avl; auto. omega_bal. clear Hrl Hlr. assert (height (Node ll lx ld lr lh) = lh); auto. assert (height (Node rl rx rd rr rh) = rh); auto. set (l := Node ll lx ld lr lh) in *; clearbody l. set (r := Node rl rx rd rr rh) in *; clearbody r. assert (-(2) <= height l - height r <= 2) by omega_max. split. apply create_avl; auto. rewrite create_height; auto; omega_max. Qed. Lemma join_avl : forall l x d r, avl l -> avl r -> avl (join l x d r). Proof. intros; destruct (join_avl_1 x d H H0); auto. Qed. Hint Resolve join_avl. (** concat *) Lemma concat_avl : forall m1 m2, avl m1 -> avl m2 -> avl (concat m1 m2). Proof. intros m1 m2; functional induction (concat m1 m2); auto. intros; apply join_avl; auto. generalize (remove_min_avl H0); rewrite e1; simpl; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve concat_avl. (** split *) Lemma split_avl : forall m x, avl m -> avl (split x m)#l /\ avl (split x m)#r. Proof. intros m x; functional induction (split x m); simpl; auto. rewrite e1 in IHt;simpl in IHt;inversion_clear 1; intuition. simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto. rewrite e1 in IHt;simpl in IHt;inversion_clear 1; intuition. Qed. End Elt. Hint Constructors avl. Section Map. Variable elt elt' : Type. Variable f : elt -> elt'. Lemma map_height : forall m, height (map f m) = height m. Proof. destruct m; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma map_avl : forall m, avl m -> avl (map f m). Proof. induction m; simpl; auto. inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto; do 2 rewrite map_height; auto. Qed. End Map. Section Mapi. Variable elt elt' : Type. Variable f : key -> elt -> elt'. Lemma mapi_height : forall m, height (mapi f m) = height m. Proof. destruct m; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma mapi_avl : forall m, avl m -> avl (mapi f m). Proof. induction m; simpl; auto. inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto; do 2 rewrite mapi_height; auto. Qed. End Mapi. Section Map_option. Variable elt elt' : Type. Variable f : key -> elt -> option elt'. Lemma map_option_avl : forall m, avl m -> avl (map_option f m). Proof. induction m; simpl; auto; intros. inv avl; destruct (f k e); auto using join_avl, concat_avl. Qed. End Map_option. Section Map2_opt. Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type. Variable f : key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''. Variable mapl : t elt -> t elt''. Variable mapr : t elt' -> t elt''. Hypothesis mapl_avl : forall m, avl m -> avl (mapl m). Hypothesis mapr_avl : forall m', avl m' -> avl (mapr m'). Notation map2_opt := (map2_opt f mapl mapr). Lemma map2_opt_avl : forall m1 m2, avl m1 -> avl m2 -> avl (map2_opt m1 m2). Proof. intros m1 m2; functional induction (map2_opt m1 m2); auto; factornode _x0 _x1 _x2 _x3 _x4 as r2; intros; destruct (split_avl x1 H0); rewrite e1 in *; simpl in *; inv avl; auto using join_avl, concat_avl. Qed. End Map2_opt. Section Map2. Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type. Variable f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''. Lemma map2_avl : forall m1 m2, avl m1 -> avl m2 -> avl (map2 f m1 m2). Proof. unfold map2; auto using map2_opt_avl, map_option_avl. Qed. End Map2. End AvlProofs. (** * Encapsulation We can implement [S] with balanced binary search trees. When compared to [FMapAVL], we maintain here two invariants (bst and avl) instead of only bst, which is enough for fulfilling the FMap interface. *) Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X. Module E := X. Module Import AvlProofs := AvlProofs I X. Import Raw. Import Raw.Proofs. Record bbst (elt:Type) := Bbst {this :> tree elt; is_bst : bst this; is_avl: avl this}. Definition t := bbst. Definition key := E.t. Section Elt. Variable elt elt' elt'': Type. Implicit Types m : t elt. Implicit Types x y : key. Implicit Types e : elt. Definition empty : t elt := Bbst (empty_bst elt) (empty_avl elt). Definition is_empty m : bool := is_empty m.(this). Definition add x e m : t elt := Bbst (add_bst x e m.(is_bst)) (add_avl x e m.(is_avl)). Definition remove x m : t elt := Bbst (remove_bst x m.(is_bst)) (remove_avl x m.(is_avl)). Definition mem x m : bool := mem x m.(this). Definition find x m : option elt := find x m.(this). Definition map f m : t elt' := Bbst (map_bst f m.(is_bst)) (map_avl f m.(is_avl)). Definition mapi (f:key->elt->elt') m : t elt' := Bbst (mapi_bst f m.(is_bst)) (mapi_avl f m.(is_avl)). Definition map2 f m (m':t elt') : t elt'' := Bbst (map2_bst f m.(is_bst) m'.(is_bst)) (map2_avl f m.(is_avl) m'.(is_avl)). Definition elements m : list (key*elt) := elements m.(this). Definition cardinal m := cardinal m.(this). Definition fold (A:Type) (f:key->elt->A->A) m i := fold (A:=A) f m.(this) i. Definition equal cmp m m' : bool := equal cmp m.(this) m'.(this). Definition MapsTo x e m : Prop := MapsTo x e m.(this). Definition In x m : Prop := In0 x m.(this). Definition Empty m : Prop := Empty m.(this). Definition eq_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @PX.eqk elt. Definition eq_key_elt : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @PX.eqke elt. Definition lt_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @PX.ltk elt. Lemma MapsTo_1 : forall m x y e, E.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e m. Proof. intros m; exact (@MapsTo_1 _ m.(this)). Qed. Lemma mem_1 : forall m x, In x m -> mem x m = true. Proof. unfold In, mem; intros m x; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mem_1; auto. apply m.(is_bst). Qed. Lemma mem_2 : forall m x, mem x m = true -> In x m. Proof. unfold In, mem; intros m x; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mem_2; auto. Qed. Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty. Proof. exact (@empty_1 elt). Qed. Lemma is_empty_1 : forall m, Empty m -> is_empty m = true. Proof. intros m; exact (@is_empty_1 _ m.(this)). Qed. Lemma is_empty_2 : forall m, is_empty m = true -> Empty m. Proof. intros m; exact (@is_empty_2 _ m.(this)). Qed. Lemma add_1 : forall m x y e, E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m). Proof. intros m x y e; exact (@add_1 elt _ x y e). Qed. Lemma add_2 : forall m x y e e', ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m). Proof. intros m x y e e'; exact (@add_2 elt _ x y e e'). Qed. Lemma add_3 : forall m x y e e', ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e m. Proof. intros m x y e e'; exact (@add_3 elt _ x y e e'). Qed. Lemma remove_1 : forall m x y, E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m). Proof. unfold In, remove; intros m x y; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply remove_1; auto. apply m.(is_bst). Qed. Lemma remove_2 : forall m x y e, ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m). Proof. intros m x y e; exact (@remove_2 elt _ x y e m.(is_bst)). Qed. Lemma remove_3 : forall m x y e, MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e m. Proof. intros m x y e; exact (@remove_3 elt _ x y e m.(is_bst)). Qed. Lemma find_1 : forall m x e, MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some e. Proof. intros m x e; exact (@find_1 elt _ x e m.(is_bst)). Qed. Lemma find_2 : forall m x e, find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e m. Proof. intros m; exact (@find_2 elt m.(this)). Qed. Lemma fold_1 : forall m (A : Type) (i : A) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A), fold f m i = fold_left (fun a p => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) i. Proof. intros m; exact (@fold_1 elt m.(this) m.(is_bst)). Qed. Lemma elements_1 : forall m x e, MapsTo x e m -> InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m). Proof. intros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto. Qed. Lemma elements_2 : forall m x e, InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m) -> MapsTo x e m. Proof. intros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite <- elements_mapsto; auto. Qed. Lemma elements_3 : forall m, sort lt_key (elements m). Proof. intros m; exact (@elements_sort elt m.(this) m.(is_bst)). Qed. Lemma elements_3w : forall m, NoDupA eq_key (elements m). Proof. intros m; exact (@elements_nodup elt m.(this) m.(is_bst)). Qed. Lemma cardinal_1 : forall m, cardinal m = length (elements m). Proof. intro m; exact (@elements_cardinal elt m.(this)). Qed. Definition Equal m m' := forall y, find y m = find y m'. Definition Equiv (eq_elt:elt->elt->Prop) m m' := (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> eq_elt e e'). Definition Equivb cmp := Equiv (Cmp cmp). Lemma Equivb_Equivb : forall cmp m m', Equivb cmp m m' <-> Raw.Proofs.Equivb cmp m m'. Proof. intros; unfold Equivb, Equiv, Raw.Proofs.Equivb, In; intuition. generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite In_alt; intuition. generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite In_alt; intuition. generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite <- In_alt; intuition. generalize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite <- In_alt; intuition. Qed. Lemma equal_1 : forall m m' cmp, Equivb cmp m m' -> equal cmp m m' = true. Proof. unfold equal; intros (m,b,a) (m',b',a') cmp; rewrite Equivb_Equivb; intros; simpl in *; rewrite equal_Equivb; auto. Qed. Lemma equal_2 : forall m m' cmp, equal cmp m m' = true -> Equivb cmp m m'. Proof. unfold equal; intros (m,b,a) (m',b',a') cmp; rewrite Equivb_Equivb; intros; simpl in *; rewrite <-equal_Equivb; auto. Qed. End Elt. Lemma map_1 : forall (elt elt':Type)(m: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt)(f:elt->elt'), MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map f m). Proof. intros elt elt' m x e f; exact (@map_1 elt elt' f m.(this) x e). Qed. Lemma map_2 : forall (elt elt':Type)(m:t elt)(x:key)(f:elt->elt'), In x (map f m) -> In x m. Proof. intros elt elt' m x f; do 2 unfold In in *; do 2 rewrite In_alt; simpl. apply map_2; auto. Qed. Lemma mapi_1 : forall (elt elt':Type)(m: t elt)(x:key)(e:elt) (f:key->elt->elt'), MapsTo x e m -> exists y, E.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m). Proof. intros elt elt' m x e f; exact (@mapi_1 elt elt' f m.(this) x e). Qed. Lemma mapi_2 : forall (elt elt':Type)(m: t elt)(x:key) (f:key->elt->elt'), In x (mapi f m) -> In x m. Proof. intros elt elt' m x f; unfold In in *; do 2 rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mapi_2; auto. Qed. Lemma map2_1 : forall (elt elt' elt'':Type)(m: t elt)(m': t elt') (x:key)(f:option elt->option elt'->option elt''), In x m \/ In x m' -> find x (map2 f m m') = f (find x m) (find x m'). Proof. unfold find, map2, In; intros elt elt' elt'' m m' x f. do 2 rewrite In_alt; intros; simpl; apply map2_1; auto. apply m.(is_bst). apply m'.(is_bst). Qed. Lemma map2_2 : forall (elt elt' elt'':Type)(m: t elt)(m': t elt') (x:key)(f:option elt->option elt'->option elt''), In x (map2 f m m') -> In x m \/ In x m'. Proof. unfold In, map2; intros elt elt' elt'' m m' x f. do 3 rewrite In_alt; intros; simpl in *; eapply map2_2; eauto. apply m.(is_bst). apply m'.(is_bst). Qed. End IntMake. Module IntMake_ord (I:Int)(X: OrderedType)(D : OrderedType) <: Sord with Module Data := D with Module MapS.E := X. Module Data := D. Module Import MapS := IntMake(I)(X). Import AvlProofs. Import Raw.Proofs. Module Import MD := OrderedTypeFacts(D). Module LO := FMapList.Make_ord(X)(D). Definition t := MapS.t D.t. Definition cmp e e' := match D.compare e e' with EQ _ => true | _ => false end. Definition elements (m:t) := LO.MapS.Build_slist (Raw.Proofs.elements_sort m.(is_bst)). (** * As comparison function, we propose here a non-structural version faithful to the code of Ocaml's Map library, instead of the structural version of FMapAVL *) Fixpoint cardinal_e (e:Raw.enumeration D.t) := match e with | Raw.End => 0%nat | Raw.More _ _ r e => S (Raw.cardinal r + cardinal_e e) end. Lemma cons_cardinal_e : forall m e, cardinal_e (Raw.cons m e) = (Raw.cardinal m + cardinal_e e)%nat. Proof. induction m; simpl; intros; auto. rewrite IHm1; simpl; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; auto with arith. Qed. Definition cardinal_e_2 ee := (cardinal_e (fst ee) + cardinal_e (snd ee))%nat. Function compare_aux (ee:Raw.enumeration D.t * Raw.enumeration D.t) { measure cardinal_e_2 ee } : comparison := match ee with | (Raw.End, Raw.End) => Eq | (Raw.End, Raw.More _ _ _ _) => Lt | (Raw.More _ _ _ _, Raw.End) => Gt | (Raw.More x1 d1 r1 e1, Raw.More x2 d2 r2 e2) => match X.compare x1 x2 with | EQ _ => match D.compare d1 d2 with | EQ _ => compare_aux (Raw.cons r1 e1, Raw.cons r2 e2) | LT _ => Lt | GT _ => Gt end | LT _ => Lt | GT _ => Gt end end. Proof. intros; unfold cardinal_e_2; simpl; abstract (do 2 rewrite cons_cardinal_e; romega with * ). Defined. Definition Cmp c := match c with | Eq => LO.eq_list | Lt => LO.lt_list | Gt => (fun l1 l2 => LO.lt_list l2 l1) end. Lemma cons_Cmp : forall c x1 x2 d1 d2 l1 l2, X.eq x1 x2 -> D.eq d1 d2 -> Cmp c l1 l2 -> Cmp c ((x1,d1)::l1) ((x2,d2)::l2). Proof. destruct c; simpl; intros; MX.elim_comp; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve cons_Cmp. Lemma compare_aux_Cmp : forall e, Cmp (compare_aux e) (flatten_e (fst e)) (flatten_e (snd e)). Proof. intros e; functional induction (compare_aux e); simpl in *; auto; intros; try clear e0; try clear e3; try MX.elim_comp; auto. rewrite 2 cons_1 in IHc; auto. Qed. Lemma compare_Cmp : forall m1 m2, Cmp (compare_aux (Raw.cons m1 (Raw.End _), Raw.cons m2 (Raw.End _))) (Raw.elements m1) (Raw.elements m2). Proof. intros. assert (H1:=cons_1 m1 (Raw.End _)). assert (H2:=cons_1 m2 (Raw.End _)). simpl in *; rewrite <- app_nil_end in *; rewrite <-H1,<-H2. apply (@compare_aux_Cmp (Raw.cons m1 (Raw.End _), Raw.cons m2 (Raw.End _))). Qed. Definition eq (m1 m2 : t) := LO.eq_list (Raw.elements m1) (Raw.elements m2). Definition lt (m1 m2 : t) := LO.lt_list (Raw.elements m1) (Raw.elements m2). Definition compare (s s':t) : Compare lt eq s s'. Proof. intros (s,b,a) (s',b',a'). generalize (compare_Cmp s s'). destruct compare_aux; intros; [apply EQ|apply LT|apply GT]; red; auto. Defined. (* Proofs about [eq] and [lt] *) Definition selements (m1 : t) := LO.MapS.Build_slist (elements_sort m1.(is_bst)). Definition seq (m1 m2 : t) := LO.eq (selements m1) (selements m2). Definition slt (m1 m2 : t) := LO.lt (selements m1) (selements m2). Lemma eq_seq : forall m1 m2, eq m1 m2 <-> seq m1 m2. Proof. unfold eq, seq, selements, elements, LO.eq; intuition. Qed. Lemma lt_slt : forall m1 m2, lt m1 m2 <-> slt m1 m2. Proof. unfold lt, slt, selements, elements, LO.lt; intuition. Qed. Lemma eq_1 : forall (m m' : t), MapS.Equivb cmp m m' -> eq m m'. Proof. intros m m'. rewrite eq_seq; unfold seq. rewrite Equivb_Equivb. rewrite Equivb_elements. auto using LO.eq_1. Qed. Lemma eq_2 : forall m m', eq m m' -> MapS.Equivb cmp m m'. Proof. intros m m'. rewrite eq_seq; unfold seq. rewrite Equivb_Equivb. rewrite Equivb_elements. intros. generalize (LO.eq_2 H). auto. Qed. Lemma eq_refl : forall m : t, eq m m. Proof. intros; rewrite eq_seq; unfold seq; intros; apply LO.eq_refl. Qed. Lemma eq_sym : forall m1 m2 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m1. Proof. intros m1 m2; rewrite 2 eq_seq; unfold seq; intros; apply LO.eq_sym; auto. Qed. Lemma eq_trans : forall m1 m2 m3 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m3 -> eq m1 m3. Proof. intros m1 m2 M3; rewrite 3 eq_seq; unfold seq. intros; eapply LO.eq_trans; eauto. Qed. Lemma lt_trans : forall m1 m2 m3 : t, lt m1 m2 -> lt m2 m3 -> lt m1 m3. Proof. intros m1 m2 m3; rewrite 3 lt_slt; unfold slt; intros; eapply LO.lt_trans; eauto. Qed. Lemma lt_not_eq : forall m1 m2 : t, lt m1 m2 -> ~ eq m1 m2. Proof. intros m1 m2; rewrite lt_slt, eq_seq; unfold slt, seq; intros; apply LO.lt_not_eq; auto. Qed. End IntMake_ord. (* For concrete use inside Coq, we propose an instantiation of [Int] by [Z]. *) Module Make (X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X :=IntMake(Z_as_Int)(X). Module Make_ord (X: OrderedType)(D: OrderedType) <: Sord with Module Data := D with Module MapS.E := X :=IntMake_ord(Z_as_Int)(X)(D).