(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Equivalence equiv }. (* Too dangerous instance *) (* Program Instance [ eqa : Equivalence A eqA ] => *) (* equivalence_setoid : Setoid A := *) (* equiv := eqA ; setoid_equiv := eqa. *) (** Shortcuts to make proof search easier. *) Definition setoid_refl `(sa : Setoid A) : Reflexive equiv. Proof. typeclasses eauto. Qed. Definition setoid_sym `(sa : Setoid A) : Symmetric equiv. Proof. typeclasses eauto. Qed. Definition setoid_trans `(sa : Setoid A) : Transitive equiv. Proof. typeclasses eauto. Qed. Existing Instance setoid_refl. Existing Instance setoid_sym. Existing Instance setoid_trans. (** Standard setoids. *) (* Program Instance eq_setoid : Setoid A := *) (* equiv := eq ; setoid_equiv := eq_equivalence. *) Program Instance iff_setoid : Setoid Prop := { equiv := iff ; setoid_equiv := iff_equivalence }. (** Overloaded notations for setoid equivalence and inequivalence. Not to be confused with [eq] and [=]. *) (** Subset objects should be first coerced to their underlying type, but that notation doesn't work in the standard case then. *) (* Notation " x == y " := (equiv (x :>) (y :>)) (at level 70, no associativity) : type_scope. *) Notation " x == y " := (equiv x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : type_scope. Notation " x =/= y " := (complement equiv x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : type_scope. (** Use the [clsubstitute] command which substitutes an equality in every hypothesis. *) Ltac clsubst H := match type of H with ?x == ?y => substitute H ; clear H x end. Ltac clsubst_nofail := match goal with | [ H : ?x == ?y |- _ ] => clsubst H ; clsubst_nofail | _ => idtac end. (** [subst*] will try its best at substituting every equality in the goal. *) Tactic Notation "clsubst" "*" := clsubst_nofail. Lemma nequiv_equiv_trans : forall `{Setoid A} (x y z : A), x =/= y -> y == z -> x =/= z. Proof with auto. intros; intro. assert(z == y) by (symmetry ; auto). assert(x == y) by (transitivity z ; eauto). contradiction. Qed. Lemma equiv_nequiv_trans : forall `{Setoid A} (x y z : A), x == y -> y =/= z -> x =/= z. Proof. intros; intro. assert(y == x) by (symmetry ; auto). assert(y == z) by (transitivity x ; eauto). contradiction. Qed. Ltac setoid_simplify_one := match goal with | [ H : (?x == ?x)%type |- _ ] => clear H | [ H : (?x == ?y)%type |- _ ] => clsubst H | [ |- (?x =/= ?y)%type ] => let name:=fresh "Hneq" in intro name end. Ltac setoid_simplify := repeat setoid_simplify_one. Ltac setoidify_tac := match goal with | [ s : Setoid ?A, H : ?R ?x ?y |- _ ] => change R with (@equiv A R s) in H | [ s : Setoid ?A |- context C [ ?R ?x ?y ] ] => change (R x y) with (@equiv A R s x y) end. Ltac setoidify := repeat setoidify_tac. (** Every setoid relation gives rise to a morphism, in fact every partial setoid does. *) Program Instance setoid_morphism `(sa : Setoid A) : Proper (equiv ++> equiv ++> iff) equiv := proper. Program Instance setoid_partial_app_morphism `(sa : Setoid A) (x : A) : Proper (equiv ++> iff) (equiv x) := proper. (** Partial setoids don't require reflexivity so we can build a partial setoid on the function space. *) Class PartialSetoid (A : Type) := { pequiv : relation A ; pequiv_prf :> PER pequiv }. (** Overloaded notation for partial setoid equivalence. *) Infix "=~=" := pequiv (at level 70, no associativity) : type_scope. (** Reset the default Program tactic. *) Obligation Tactic := program_simpl.