(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* B) : relation A := fun a a' => R (f a) (f a'). Infix "@@" := RelCompFun (at level 30, right associativity) : signature_scope. Notation "R @@1" := (R @@ Fst)%signature (at level 30) : signature_scope. Notation "R @@2" := (R @@ Snd)%signature (at level 30) : signature_scope. (** We declare measures to the system using the [Measure] class. Otherwise the instances would easily introduce loops, never instantiating the [f] function. *) Class Measure {A B} (f : A -> B). (** Standard measures. *) Instance fst_measure : @Measure (A * B) A Fst. Instance snd_measure : @Measure (A * B) B Snd. (** We define a product relation over [A*B]: each components should satisfy the corresponding initial relation. *) Polymorphic Definition RelProd {A : Type} {B : Type} (RA:relation A)(RB:relation B) : relation (A*B) := relation_conjunction (@RelCompFun (A * B) A RA fst) (RB @@2). Infix "*" := RelProd : signature_scope. Section RelCompFun_Instances. Context {A : Type} {B : Type} (R : relation B). Global Instance RelCompFun_Reflexive `(Measure A B f, Reflexive _ R) : Reflexive (R@@f). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance RelCompFun_Symmetric `(Measure A B f, Symmetric _ R) : Symmetric (R@@f). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance RelCompFun_Transitive `(Measure A B f, Transitive _ R) : Transitive (R@@f). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance RelCompFun_Irreflexive `(Measure A B f, Irreflexive _ R) : Irreflexive (R@@f). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Program Instance RelCompFun_Equivalence `(Measure A B f, Equivalence _ R) : Equivalence (R@@f). Global Program Instance RelCompFun_StrictOrder `(Measure A B f, StrictOrder _ R) : StrictOrder (R@@f). End RelCompFun_Instances. Section RelProd_Instances. Context {A : Type} {B : Type} (RA : relation A) (RB : relation B). Global Instance RelProd_Reflexive `(Reflexive _ RA, Reflexive _ RB) : Reflexive (RA*RB). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance RelProd_Symmetric `(Symmetric _ RA, Symmetric _ RB) : Symmetric (RA*RB). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance RelProd_Transitive `(Transitive _ RA, Transitive _ RB) : Transitive (RA*RB). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Program Instance RelProd_Equivalence `(Equivalence _ RA, Equivalence _ RB) : Equivalence (RA*RB). Lemma FstRel_ProdRel : relation_equivalence (RA @@1) (RA*(fun _ _ : B => True)). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Lemma SndRel_ProdRel : relation_equivalence (RB @@2) ((fun _ _ : A =>True) * RB). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance FstRel_sub : subrelation (RA*RB) (RA @@1). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance SndRel_sub : subrelation (RA*RB) (RB @@2). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance pair_compat : Proper (RA==>RB==> RA*RB) (@pair _ _). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Global Instance fst_compat : Proper (RA*RB ==> RA) Fst. Proof. intros (x,y) (x',y') (Hx,Hy); compute in *; auto. Qed. Global Instance snd_compat : Proper (RA*RB ==> RB) Snd. Proof. intros (x,y) (x',y') (Hx,Hy); compute in *; auto. Qed. Global Instance RelCompFun_compat (f:A->B) `(Proper _ (Ri==>Ri==>Ro) RB) : Proper (Ri@@f==>Ri@@f==>Ro) (RB@@f)%signature. Proof. unfold RelCompFun; firstorder. Qed. End RelProd_Instances. Hint Unfold RelProd RelCompFun. Hint Extern 2 (RelProd _ _ _ _) => split.