(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (a=(plus (mult q b) r))->(diveucl a b). Lemma eucl_dev : (b:nat)(gt b O)->(a:nat)(diveucl a b). Intros b H a; Pattern a; Apply gt_wf_rec; Intros n H0. Elim (le_gt_dec b n). Intro lebn. Elim (H0 (minus n b)); Auto with arith. Intros q r g e. Apply divex with (S q) r; Simpl; Auto with arith. Elim plus_assoc_l. Elim e; Auto with arith. Intros gtbn. Apply divex with O n; Simpl; Auto with arith. Save. Lemma quotient : (b:nat)(gt b O)-> (a:nat){q:nat|(EX r:nat | (a=(plus (mult q b) r))/\(gt b r))}. Intros b H a; Pattern a; Apply gt_wf_rec; Intros n H0. Elim (le_gt_dec b n). Intro lebn. Elim (H0 (minus n b)); Auto with arith. Intros q Hq; Exists (S q). Elim Hq; Intros r Hr. Exists r; Simpl; Elim Hr; Intros. Elim plus_assoc_l. Elim H1; Auto with arith. Intros gtbn. Exists O; Exists n; Simpl; Auto with arith. Save. Lemma modulo : (b:nat)(gt b O)-> (a:nat){r:nat|(EX q:nat | (a=(plus (mult q b) r))/\(gt b r))}. Intros b H a; Pattern a; Apply gt_wf_rec; Intros n H0. Elim (le_gt_dec b n). Intro lebn. Elim (H0 (minus n b)); Auto with arith. Intros r Hr; Exists r. Elim Hr; Intros q Hq. Elim Hq; Intros; Exists (S q); Simpl. Elim plus_assoc_l. Elim H1; Auto with arith. Intros gtbn. Exists n; Exists O; Simpl; Auto with arith. Save.