(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* n} + {n = m} + {n > m}. Proof lt_eq_lt_dec. Lemma le_lt_dec : forall n m, {n <= m} + {m < n}. Proof. induction n. auto with arith. induction m. auto with arith. elim (IHn m); auto with arith. Defined. Definition le_le_S_dec : forall n m, {n <= m} + {S m <= n}. Proof. exact le_lt_dec. Defined. Definition le_ge_dec : forall n m, {n <= m} + {n >= m}. Proof. intros; elim (le_lt_dec n m); auto with arith. Defined. Definition le_gt_dec : forall n m, {n <= m} + {n > m}. Proof. exact le_lt_dec. Defined. Definition le_lt_eq_dec : forall n m, n <= m -> {n < m} + {n = m}. Proof. intros; elim (lt_eq_lt_dec n m); auto with arith. intros; absurd (m < n); auto with arith. Defined. (** Proofs of decidability *) Theorem dec_le : forall n m, decidable (n <= m). intros x y; unfold decidable in |- *; elim (le_gt_dec x y); [ auto with arith | intro; right; apply gt_not_le; assumption ]. Qed. Theorem dec_lt : forall n m, decidable (n < m). intros x y; unfold lt in |- *; apply dec_le. Qed. Theorem dec_gt : forall n m, decidable (n > m). intros x y; unfold gt in |- *; apply dec_lt. Qed. Theorem dec_ge : forall n m, decidable (n >= m). intros x y; unfold ge in |- *; apply dec_le. Qed. Theorem not_eq : forall n m, n <> m -> n < m \/ m < n. intros x y H; elim (lt_eq_lt_dec x y); [ intros H1; elim H1; [ auto with arith | intros H2; absurd (x = y); assumption ] | auto with arith ]. Qed. Theorem not_le : forall n m, ~ n <= m -> n > m. intros x y H; elim (le_gt_dec x y); [ intros H1; absurd (x <= y); assumption | trivial with arith ]. Qed. Theorem not_gt : forall n m, ~ n > m -> n <= m. intros x y H; elim (le_gt_dec x y); [ trivial with arith | intros H1; absurd (x > y); assumption ]. Qed. Theorem not_ge : forall n m, ~ n >= m -> n < m. intros x y H; exact (not_le y x H). Qed. Theorem not_lt : forall n m, ~ n < m -> n >= m. intros x y H; exact (not_gt y x H). Qed.