(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ({(lt n m)}+{n=m}). Proof. Intros; Elim (lt_eq_lt_dec n m); Auto with arith. Intros; Absurd (lt m n); Auto with arith. Qed. (* Proofs of decidability *) Theorem dec_le:(x,y:nat)(decidable (le x y)). Intros x y; Unfold decidable ; Elim (le_gt_dec x y); [ Auto with arith | Intro; Right; Apply gt_not_le; Assumption]. Save. Theorem dec_lt:(x,y:nat)(decidable (lt x y)). Intros x y; Unfold lt; Apply dec_le. Save. Theorem dec_gt:(x,y:nat)(decidable (gt x y)). Intros x y; Unfold gt; Apply dec_lt. Save. Theorem dec_ge:(x,y:nat)(decidable (ge x y)). Intros x y; Unfold ge; Apply dec_le. Save. Theorem not_eq : (x,y:nat) ~ x=y -> (lt x y) \/ (lt y x). Intros x y H; Elim (lt_eq_lt_dec x y); [ Intros H1; Elim H1; [ Auto with arith | Intros H2; Absurd x=y; Assumption] | Auto with arith]. Save. Theorem not_le : (x,y:nat) ~(le x y) -> (gt x y). Intros x y H; Elim (le_gt_dec x y); [ Intros H1; Absurd (le x y); Assumption | Trivial with arith ]. Save. Theorem not_gt : (x,y:nat) ~(gt x y) -> (le x y). Intros x y H; Elim (le_gt_dec x y); [ Trivial with arith | Intros H1; Absurd (gt x y); Assumption]. Save. Theorem not_ge : (x,y:nat) ~(ge x y) -> (lt x y). Intros x y H; Exact (not_le y x H). Save. Theorem not_lt : (x,y:nat) ~(lt x y) -> (ge x y). Intros x y H; Exact (not_gt y x H). Save.