(** PARSER TESTS *) (** Check correct separation of identifiers followed by unicode symbols *) Notation "x ⊕ w" := (plus x w) (at level 30). Check fun x => x⊕x. (** Check Greek letters *) Definition test_greek : nat -> nat := fun Δ => Δ. Parameter ℝ : Set. Parameter π : ℝ. (** Check indices *) Definition test_indices : nat -> nat := fun x₁ => x₁. Definition π₂ := snd. (** More unicode in identifiers *) Definition αβ_áà_אב := 0. Notation "C 'ᵒᵖ'" := C (at level 30). (** UNICODE IN STRINGS *) Require Import List Ascii String. Open Scope string_scope. Definition test_string := "azertyαβ∀ééé". Eval compute in length test_string. (** last six "chars" are unicode, hence represented by 2 bytes, except the forall which is 3 bytes *) Fixpoint string_to_list s := match s with | EmptyString => nil | String c s => c :: string_to_list s end. Eval compute in (string_to_list test_string). (** for instance, α is \206\177 whereas ∀ is \226\136\128 *) Close Scope string_scope. (** INTERFACE TESTS *) Require Import Utf8. (** Printing of unicode notation, in *goals* *) Lemma test : forall A:Prop, A -> A. Proof. auto. Qed. (** Parsing of unicode notation, in *goals* *) Lemma test2 : ∀A:Prop, A → A. Proof. intro. intro. auto. Qed. (** Printing of unicode notation, in *response* *) Check fun (X:Type)(x:X) => x. (** Parsing of unicode notation, in *response* *) Check ∀Δ, Δ → Δ. Check ∀x, x=0 ∨ x=0 → x=0. (** ISSUES: *) Notation "x ≠ y" := (x<>y) (at level 70). Notation "x ≤ y" := (x<=y) (at level 70, no associativity). (** First Issue : ≤ is attached to "le" of nat, not to notation <= *) Require Import ZArith. Open Scope Z_scope. Locate "≤". (* still le, not Z.le *) Notation "x ≤ y" := (x<=y) (at level 70, no associativity). Locate "≤". Close Scope Z_scope. (** ==> How to proceed modularly ? *) (** Second Issue : notation for -> generates useless parenthesis if followed by a binder *) Check 0≠0 → ∀x:nat,x=x. (** Example of real situation : *) Definition pred : ∀x, x≠0 → ∃y, x = S y. Proof. destruct x. destruct 1; auto. intros _. exists x; auto. Defined. Print pred.