(* Refine and let-in's *) Goal exists x : nat, x = 0. refine (let y := 0 + 0 in _). exists y; auto. Save test1. Goal exists x : nat, x = 0. refine (let y := 0 + 0 in ex_intro _ (y + y) _). auto. Save test2. Goal nat. refine (let y := 0 in 0 + _). exact 1. Save test3. (* Example submitted by Yves on coqdev *) Require Import List. Goal forall l : list nat, l = l. Proof. refine (fun l => match l return (l = l) with | nil => _ | O :: l0 => _ | S _ :: l0 => _ end). Abort. (* Submitted by Roland Zumkeller (bug #888) *) (* The Fix and CoFix rules expect a subgoal even for closed components of the (co-)fixpoint *) Goal nat -> nat. refine (fix f (n : nat) : nat := S _ with pred (n : nat) : nat := n for f). exact 0. Qed. (* Submitted by Roland Zumkeller (bug #889) *) (* The types of metas were in metamap and they were not updated when passing through a binder *) Goal forall n : nat, nat -> n = 0. refine (fun n => fix f (i : nat) : n = 0 := match i with | O => _ | S _ => _ end). Abort. (* Submitted by Roland Zumkeller (bug #931) *) (* Don't turn dependent evar into metas *) Goal (forall n : nat, n = 0 -> Prop) -> Prop. intro P. refine (P _ _). reflexivity. Abort. (* Submitted by Jacek Chrzaszcz (bug #1102) *) (* le problème a été résolu ici par normalisation des evars présentes dans les types d'evars, mais le problème reste a priori ouvert dans le cas plus général d'evars non instanciées dans les types d'autres evars *) Goal exists n:nat, n=n. refine (ex_intro _ _ _). Abort. (* Used to failed with error not clean *) Definition div : forall x:nat, (forall y:nat, forall n:nat, {q:nat | y = q*n}) -> forall n:nat, {q:nat | x = q*n}. refine (fun m div_rec n => match div_rec m n with | exist _ _ => _ end). Abort. (* Use to fail because sigma was not propagated to get_type_of *) (* Revealed by r9310, fixed in r9359 *) Goal forall f : forall a (H:a=a), Prop, (forall a (H:a = a :> nat), f a H -> True /\ True) -> True. intros. refine (@proj1 _ _ (H 0 _ _)). Abort.