Set Primitive Projections. Set Record Elimination Schemes. Module Prim. Record F := { a : nat; b : a = a }. Record G (A : Type) := { c : A; d : F }. Check c. End Prim. Module Univ. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Record Foo (A : Type) := { foo : A }. Record G (A : Type) := { c : A; d : c = c; e : Foo A }. Definition Foon : Foo nat := {| foo := 0 |}. Definition Foonp : nat := Foon.(foo). Definition Gt : G nat := {| c:= 0; d:=eq_refl; e:= Foon |}. Check (Gt.(e)). Section bla. Record bar := { baz : nat; def := 0; baz' : forall x, x = baz \/ x = def }. End bla. End Univ. Set Primitive Projections. Unset Elimination Schemes. Set Implicit Arguments. Check nat. Inductive X (U:Type) := { k : nat; a: k = k -> X U; b : let x := a eq_refl in X U }. Parameter x:X nat. Check (a x : forall _ : @eq nat (k x) (k x), X nat). Check (b x : X nat). Inductive Y := { next : option Y }. Check _.(next) : option Y. Lemma eta_ind (y : Y) : y = Build_Y y.(next). Proof. Fail reflexivity. Abort. (* Rules for parsing and printing of primitive projections and their eta expansions. If r : R A where R is a primitive record with implicit parameter A. If p : forall {A} (r : R A) {A : Set}, list (A * B). *) Record R {A : Type} := { p : forall {X : Set}, A * X }. Arguments R : clear implicits. Record R' {A : Type} := { p' : forall X : Set, A * X }. Arguments R' : clear implicits. Unset Printing All. Parameter r : R nat. Check (r.(p)). Set Printing Projections. Check (r.(p)). Unset Printing Projections. Set Printing All. Check (r.(p)). Unset Printing All. (* Check (r.(p)). Elaborates to a primitive application, X arg implicit. Of type nat * ?ex No Printing All: p r Set Printing Projections.: r.(p) Printing All: r.(@p) ?ex *) Check p r. Set Printing Projections. Check p r. Unset Printing Projections. Set Printing All. Check p r. Unset Printing All. Check p r (X:=nat). Set Printing Projections. Check p r (X:=nat). Unset Printing Projections. Set Printing All. Check p r (X:=nat). Unset Printing All. (* Same elaboration, printing for p r *) (** Explicit version of the primitive projection, under applied w.r.t implicit arguments can be printed only using projection notation. r.(@p) *) Check r.(@p _). Set Printing Projections. Check r.(@p _). Unset Printing Projections. Set Printing All. Check r.(@p _). Unset Printing All. (** Explicit version of the primitive projection, applied to its implicit arguments can be printed using application notation r.(p), r.(@p) in fully explicit form *) Check r.(@p _) nat. Set Printing Projections. Check r.(@p _) nat. Unset Printing Projections. Set Printing All. Check r.(@p _) nat. Unset Printing All. Parameter r' : R' nat. Check (r'.(p')). Set Printing Projections. Check (r'.(p')). Unset Printing Projections. Set Printing All. Check (r'.(p')). Unset Printing All. (* Check (r'.(p')). Elaborates to a primitive application, X arg explicit. Of type forall X : Set, nat * X No Printing All: p' r' Set Printing Projections.: r'.(p') Printing All: r'.(@p') *) Check p' r'. Set Printing Projections. Check p' r'. Unset Printing Projections. Set Printing All. Check p' r'. Unset Printing All. (* Same elaboration, printing for p r *) (** Explicit version of the primitive projection, under applied w.r.t implicit arguments can be printed only using projection notation. r.(@p) *) Check r'.(@p' _). Set Printing Projections. Check r'.(@p' _). Unset Printing Projections. Set Printing All. Check r'.(@p' _). Unset Printing All. (** Explicit version of the primitive projection, applied to its implicit arguments can be printed only using projection notation r.(p), r.(@p) in fully explicit form *) Check p' r' nat. Set Printing Projections. Check p' r' nat. Unset Printing Projections. Set Printing All. Check p' r' nat. Unset Printing All. Check (@p' nat). Check p'. Set Printing All. Check (@p' nat). Check p'. Unset Printing All. Record wrap (A : Type) := { unwrap : A; unwrap2 : A }. Definition term (x : wrap nat) := x.(unwrap). Definition term' (x : wrap nat) := let f := (@unwrap2 nat) in f x. Recursive Extraction term term'. (*Unset Printing Primitive Projection Parameters.*) (* Primitive projections in the presence of let-ins (was not failing in beta3)*) Set Primitive Projections. Record s (x:nat) (y:=S x) := {c:=x; d:x=c}. Lemma f : 0=1. Proof. Fail apply d. (* split. reflexivity. Qed. *)