Unset Strict Universe Declaration. Module withoutpoly. Inductive empty :=. Inductive emptyt : Type :=. Inductive singleton : Type := single. Inductive singletoninfo : Type := singleinfo : unit -> singletoninfo. Inductive singletonset : Set := singleset. Inductive singletonnoninfo : Type := singlenoninfo : empty -> singletonnoninfo. Inductive singletoninfononinfo : Prop := singleinfononinfo : unit -> singletoninfononinfo. Inductive bool : Type := | true | false. Inductive smashedbool : Prop := | trueP | falseP. End withoutpoly. Set Universe Polymorphism. Inductive empty :=. Inductive emptyt : Type :=. Inductive singleton : Type := single. Inductive singletoninfo : Type := singleinfo : unit -> singletoninfo. Inductive singletonset : Set := singleset. Inductive singletonnoninfo : Type := singlenoninfo : empty -> singletonnoninfo. Inductive singletoninfononinfo : Prop := singleinfononinfo : unit -> singletoninfononinfo. Inductive bool : Type := | true | false. Inductive smashedbool : Prop := | trueP | falseP. Section foo. Let T := Type. Inductive polybool : T := | trueT | falseT. End foo. Inductive list (A: Type) : Type := | nil : list A | cons : A -> list A -> list A. Module ftypSetSet. Inductive ftyp : Type := | Funit : ftyp | Ffun : list ftyp -> ftyp | Fref : area -> ftyp with area : Type := | Stored : ftyp -> area . End ftypSetSet. Module ftypSetProp. Inductive ftyp : Type := | Funit : ftyp | Ffun : list ftyp -> ftyp | Fref : area -> ftyp with area : Type := | Stored : (* ftyp -> *)area . End ftypSetProp. Module ftypSetSetForced. Inductive ftyp : Type := | Funit : ftyp | Ffun : list ftyp -> ftyp | Fref : area -> ftyp with area : Set (* Type *) := | Stored : (* ftyp -> *)area . End ftypSetSetForced. Unset Universe Polymorphism. Set Printing Universes. Module Easy. Polymorphic Inductive prod (A : Type) (B : Type) : Type := pair : A -> B -> prod A B. Check prod nat nat. Print Universes. Polymorphic Inductive sum (A B:Type) : Type := | inl : A -> sum A B | inr : B -> sum A B. Print sum. Check (sum nat nat). End Easy. Section Hierarchy. Definition Type3 := Type. Definition Type2 := Type : Type3. Definition Type1 := Type : Type2. Definition id1 := ((forall A : Type1, A) : Type2). Definition id2 := ((forall A : Type2, A) : Type3). Definition id1' := ((forall A : Type1, A) : Type3). Fail Definition id1impred := ((forall A : Type1, A) : Type1). End Hierarchy. Section structures. Record hypo : Type := mkhypo { hypo_type : Type; hypo_proof : hypo_type }. Definition typehypo (A : Type) : hypo := {| hypo_proof := A |}. Polymorphic Record dyn : Type := mkdyn { dyn_type : Type; dyn_proof : dyn_type }. Definition monotypedyn (A : Type) : dyn := {| dyn_proof := A |}. Polymorphic Definition typedyn (A : Type) : dyn := {| dyn_proof := A |}. Definition atypedyn : dyn := typedyn Type. Definition projdyn := dyn_type atypedyn. Definition nested := {| dyn_type := dyn; dyn_proof := atypedyn |}. Definition nested2 := {| dyn_type := dyn; dyn_proof := nested |}. Definition projnested2 := dyn_type nested2. Polymorphic Definition nest (d : dyn) := {| dyn_proof := d |}. Polymorphic Definition twoprojs (d : dyn) := dyn_proof d = dyn_proof d. End structures. Section cats. Local Set Universe Polymorphism. Require Import Utf8. Definition fibration (A : Type) := A -> Type. Definition Hom (A : Type) := A -> A -> Type. Record sigma (A : Type) (P : fibration A) := { proj1 : A; proj2 : P proj1} . Class Identity {A} (M : Hom A) := identity : ∀ x, M x x. Class Inverse {A} (M : Hom A) := inverse : ∀ x y:A, M x y -> M y x. Class Composition {A} (M : Hom A) := composition : ∀ {x y z:A}, M x y -> M y z -> M x z. Notation "g ° f" := (composition f g) (at level 50). Class Equivalence T (Eq : Hom T):= { Equivalence_Identity :> Identity Eq ; Equivalence_Inverse :> Inverse Eq ; Equivalence_Composition :> Composition Eq }. Class EquivalenceType (T : Type) : Type := { m2: Hom T; equiv_struct :> Equivalence T m2 }. Polymorphic Record cat (T : Type) := { cat_hom : Hom T; cat_equiv : forall x y, EquivalenceType (cat_hom x y) }. Definition catType := sigma Type cat. Notation "[ T ]" := (proj1 T). Require Import Program. Program Definition small_cat : cat Empty_set := {| cat_hom x y := unit |}. Next Obligation. refine ({|m2:=fun x y => True|}). constructor; red; intros; trivial. Defined. Record iso (T U : Set) := { f : T -> U; g : U -> T }. Program Definition Set_cat : cat Set := {| cat_hom := iso |}. Next Obligation. refine ({|m2:=fun x y => True|}). constructor; red; intros; trivial. Defined. Record isoT (T U : Type) := { isoT_f : T -> U; isoT_g : U -> T }. Program Definition Type_cat : cat Type := {| cat_hom := isoT |}. Next Obligation. refine ({|m2:=fun x y => True|}). constructor; red; intros; trivial. Defined. Polymorphic Record cat1 (T : Type) := { cat1_car : Type; cat1_hom : Hom cat1_car; cat1_hom_cat : forall x y, cat (cat1_hom x y) }. End cats. Polymorphic Definition id {A : Type} (a : A) : A := a. Definition typeid := (@id Type). Fail Check (Prop : Set). Fail Check (Set : Set). Check (Set : Type). Check (Prop : Type). Definition setType := ltac:(let t := type of Set in exact t). Definition foo (A : Prop) := A. Fail Check foo Set. Check fun A => foo A. Fail Check fun A : Type => foo A. Check fun A : Prop => foo A. Fail Definition bar := fun A : Set => foo A. Fail Check (let A := Type in foo (id A)). Definition fooS (A : Set) := A. Check (let A := nat in fooS (id A)). Fail Check (let A := Set in fooS (id A)). Fail Check (let A := Prop in fooS (id A)). (* Some tests of sort-polymorphisme *) Section S. Polymorphic Variable A:Type. (* Definition f (B:Type) := (A * B)%type. *) Polymorphic Inductive I (B:Type) : Type := prod : A->B->I B. Check I nat. End S. (* Check f nat nat : Set. *) Definition foo' := I nat nat. Print Universes. Print foo. Set Printing Universes. Print foo. (* Polymorphic axioms: *) Polymorphic Axiom funext : forall (A B : Type) (f g : A -> B), (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g. (* Check @funext. *) (* Check funext. *) Polymorphic Definition fun_ext (A B : Type) := forall (f g : A -> B), (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g. Polymorphic Class Funext A B := extensional : fun_ext A B. Section foo2. Context `{forall A B, Funext A B}. Print Universes. End foo2. Module eta. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Printing Universes. Axiom admit : forall A, A. Record R := {O : Type}. Definition RL (x : R@{i}) : ltac:(let u := constr:(Type@{i}:Type@{j}) in exact (R@{j}) ) := {|O := @O x|}. Definition RLRL : forall x : R, RL x = RL (RL x) := fun x => eq_refl. Definition RLRL' : forall x : R, RL x = RL (RL x). intros. apply eq_refl. Qed. End eta. Module Hurkens'. Require Import Hurkens. Polymorphic Record box (X : Type) (T := Type) : Type := wrap { unwrap : T }. Definition unwrap' := fun (X : Type) (b : box X) => let (unw) := b in unw. Fail Definition bad : False := TypeNeqSmallType.paradox (unwrap' Type (wrap _ Type)) eq_refl. End Hurkens'. Module Anonymous. Set Universe Polymorphism. Definition defaultid := (fun x => x) : Type -> Type. Definition collapseid := defaultid@{_ _}. Check collapseid@{_}. Definition anonid := (fun x => x) : Type -> Type@{_}. Check anonid@{_}. Definition defaultalg := Type : Type. Definition usedefaultalg := defaultalg@{_ _}. Check usedefaultalg@{_ _}. Definition anonalg := (fun x => x) (Type : Type@{_}). Check anonalg@{_}. Definition unrelated@{i j} := nat. Definition useunrelated := unrelated@{_ _}. Check useunrelated@{_ _}. Definition inthemiddle@{i j k} := let _ := defaultid@{i j} in defaultalg@{k j}. (* i <= j < k *) Definition collapsethemiddle := inthemiddle@{i _ j}. Check collapsethemiddle@{_ _}. End Anonymous.