(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* rNat ->Prop := [a, b:rNat](compare a b EGAL)=INFERIEUR. Definition rltDec: (m, n:rNat){(rlt m n)}+{(rlt n m) \/ m=n}. Intros n m; Generalize (compare_convert_INFERIEUR n m); Generalize (compare_convert_SUPERIEUR n m); Generalize (compare_convert_EGAL n m); Case (compare n m EGAL). Intros H' H'0 H'1; Right; Right; Auto. Intros H' H'0 H'1; Left; Unfold rlt. Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR; Auto. Intros H' H'0 H'1; Right; Left; Unfold rlt. Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR; Auto. Apply H'0; Auto. Defined. Definition rmax: rNat -> rNat ->rNat. Intros n m; Case (rltDec n m); Intros Rlt0. Exact m. Exact n. Defined. Inductive rExpr: Set := rV: rNat ->rExpr | rN: rExpr ->rExpr | rNode: rBoolOp -> rExpr -> rExpr ->rExpr . Fixpoint maxVar[e:rExpr]: rNat := Cases e of (rV n) => n | (rN p) => (maxVar p) | (rNode n p q) => (rmax (maxVar p) (maxVar q)) end.