(** Examples of extraction with manually-declared implicit arguments *) (** NB: we should someday check the produced code instead of simply running the commands. *) Require Coq.extraction.Extraction. (** Bug #4243, part 1 *) Inductive dnat : nat -> Type := | d0 : dnat 0 | ds : forall n m, n = m -> dnat n -> dnat (S n). Extraction Implicit ds [m]. Lemma dnat_nat: forall n, dnat n -> nat. Proof. intros n d. induction d as [| n m Heq d IHn]. exact 0. exact (S IHn). Defined. Recursive Extraction dnat_nat. Extraction Implicit dnat_nat [n]. Recursive Extraction dnat_nat. (** Same, with a Fixpoint *) Fixpoint dnat_nat' n (d:dnat n) := match d with | d0 => 0 | ds n m _ d => S (dnat_nat' n d) end. Recursive Extraction dnat_nat'. Extraction Implicit dnat_nat' [n]. Recursive Extraction dnat_nat'. (** Bug #4243, part 2 *) Inductive enat: nat -> Type := e0: enat 0 | es: forall n, enat n -> enat (S n). Lemma enat_nat: forall n, enat n -> nat. Proof. intros n e. induction e as [| n e IHe]. exact (O). exact (S IHe). Defined. Extraction Implicit es [n]. Extraction Implicit enat_nat [n]. Recursive Extraction enat_nat. (** Same, with a Fixpoint *) Fixpoint enat_nat' n (e:enat n) : nat := match e with | e0 => 0 | es n e => S (enat_nat' n e) end. Extraction Implicit enat_nat' [n]. Recursive Extraction enat_nat'. (** Bug #4228 *) Module Food. Inductive Course := | main: nat -> Course | dessert: nat -> Course. Inductive Meal : Course -> Type := | one_course : forall n:nat, Meal (main n) | two_course : forall n m, Meal (main n) -> Meal (dessert m). Extraction Implicit two_course [n]. End Food. Recursive Extraction Food.Meal.