(** Examples of code elimination inside modules during extraction *) Require Coq.extraction.Extraction. (** NB: we should someday check the produced code instead of simply running the commands. *) (** 1) Without signature ... *) Module A. Definition u := 0. Definition v := 1. Module B. Definition w := 2. Definition x := 3. End B. End A. Definition testA := A.u + A.B.x. Recursive Extraction testA. (* without: v w *) (** 1b) Same with an Include *) Module Abis. Include A. Definition y := 4. End Abis. Definition testAbis := Abis.u + Abis.y. Recursive Extraction testAbis. (* without: A B v w x *) (** 2) With signature, we only keep elements mentionned in signature. *) Module Type SIG. Parameter u : nat. Parameter v : nat. End SIG. Module Ater : SIG. Include A. End Ater. Definition testAter := Ater.u. Recursive Extraction testAter. (* with only: u v *)