(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* nat) (x:nat) := f x. Extraction test2. (* let test2 f x = f x *) Definition test3 (f:nat -> Set -> nat) (x:nat) := f x nat. Extraction test3. (* let test3 f x = f x __ *) Definition test4 (f:(nat -> nat) -> nat) (x:nat) (g:nat -> nat) := f g. Extraction test4. (* let test4 f x g = f g *) Definition test5 := (1, 0). Extraction test5. (* let test5 = Pair ((S O), O) *) Definition cf (x:nat) (_:x <= 0) := S x. Extraction NoInline cf. Definition test6 := cf 0 (le_n 0). Extraction test6. (* let test6 = cf O *) Definition test7 := (fun (X:Set) (x:X) => x) nat. Extraction test7. (* let test7 x = x *) Definition d (X:Type) := X. Extraction d. (* type 'x d = 'x *) Definition d2 := d Set. Extraction d2. (* type d2 = __ d *) Definition d3 (x:d Set) := 0. Extraction d3. (* let d3 _ = O *) Definition d4 := d nat. Extraction d4. (* type d4 = nat d *) Definition d5 := (fun x:d Type => 0) Type. Extraction d5. (* let d5 = O *) Definition d6 (x:d Type) := x. Extraction d6. (* type 'x d6 = 'x *) Definition test8 := (fun (X:Type) (x:X) => x) Set nat. Extraction test8. (* type test8 = nat *) Definition test9 := let t := nat in id Set t. Extraction test9. (* type test9 = nat *) Definition test10 := (fun (X:Type) (x:X) => 0) Type Type. Extraction test10. (* let test10 = O *) Definition test11 := let n := 0 in let p := S n in S p. Extraction test11. (* let test11 = S (S O) *) Definition test12 := forall x:forall X:Type, X -> X, x Type Type. Extraction test12. (* type test12 = (__ -> __ -> __) -> __ *) Definition test13 := match @left True True I with | left x => 1 | right x => 0 end. Extraction test13. (* let test13 = S O *) (** example with more arguments that given by the type *) Definition test19 := nat_rec (fun n:nat => nat -> nat) (fun n:nat => 0) (fun (n:nat) (f:nat -> nat) => f) 0 0. Extraction test19. (* let test19 = let rec f = function | O -> (fun n0 -> O) | S n0 -> f n0 in f O O *) (** casts *) Definition test20 := True:Type. Extraction test20. (* type test20 = __ *) (** Simple inductive type and recursor. *) Extraction nat. (* type nat = | O | S of nat *) Extraction sumbool_rect. (* let sumbool_rect f f0 = function | Left -> f __ | Right -> f0 __ *) (** Less simple inductive type. *) Inductive c (x:nat) : nat -> Set := | refl : c x x | trans : forall y z:nat, c x y -> y <= z -> c x z. Extraction c. (* type c = | Refl | Trans of nat * nat * c *) Definition Ensemble (U:Type) := U -> Prop. Definition Empty_set (U:Type) (x:U) := False. Definition Add (U:Type) (A:Ensemble U) (x y:U) := A y \/ x = y. Inductive Finite (U:Type) : Ensemble U -> Type := | Empty_is_finite : Finite U (Empty_set U) | Union_is_finite : forall A:Ensemble U, Finite U A -> forall x:U, ~ A x -> Finite U (Add U A x). Extraction Finite. (* type 'u finite = | Empty_is_finite | Union_is_finite of 'u finite * 'u *) (** Mutual Inductive *) Inductive tree : Set := Node : nat -> forest -> tree with forest : Set := | Leaf : nat -> forest | Cons : tree -> forest -> forest. Extraction tree. (* type tree = | Node of nat * forest and forest = | Leaf of nat | Cons of tree * forest *) Fixpoint tree_size (t:tree) : nat := match t with | Node a f => S (forest_size f) end with forest_size (f:forest) : nat := match f with | Leaf b => 1 | Cons t f' => tree_size t + forest_size f' end. Extraction tree_size. (* let rec tree_size = function | Node (a, f) -> S (forest_size f) and forest_size = function | Leaf b -> S O | Cons (t, f') -> plus (tree_size t) (forest_size f') *) (** Eta-expansions of inductive constructor *) Inductive titi : Set := tata : nat -> nat -> nat -> nat -> titi. Definition test14 := tata 0. Extraction test14. (* let test14 x x0 x1 = Tata (O, x, x0, x1) *) Definition test15 := tata 0 1. Extraction test15. (* let test15 x x0 = Tata (O, (S O), x, x0) *) Inductive eta : Type := eta_c : nat -> Prop -> nat -> Prop -> eta. Extraction eta_c. (* type eta = | Eta_c of nat * nat *) Definition test16 := eta_c 0. Extraction test16. (* let test16 x = Eta_c (O, x) *) Definition test17 := eta_c 0 True. Extraction test17. (* let test17 x = Eta_c (O, x) *) Definition test18 := eta_c 0 True 0. Extraction test18. (* let test18 _ = Eta_c (O, O) *) (** Example of singleton inductive type *) Inductive bidon (A:Prop) (B:Type) : Type := tb : forall (x:A) (y:B), bidon A B. Definition fbidon (A B:Type) (f:A -> B -> bidon True nat) (x:A) (y:B) := f x y. Extraction bidon. (* type 'b bidon = 'b *) Extraction tb. (* tb : singleton inductive constructor *) Extraction fbidon. (* let fbidon f x y = f x y *) Definition fbidon2 := fbidon True nat (tb True nat). Extraction fbidon2. (* let fbidon2 y = y *) Extraction NoInline fbidon. Extraction fbidon2. (* let fbidon2 y = fbidon (fun _ x -> x) __ y *) (* NB: first argument of fbidon2 has type [True], so it disappears. *) (** mutual inductive on many sorts *) Inductive test_0 : Prop := ctest0 : test_0 with test_1 : Set := ctest1 : test_0 -> test_1. Extraction test_0. (* test0 : logical inductive *) Extraction test_1. (* type test1 = | Ctest1 *) (** logical singleton *) Extraction eq. (* eq : logical inductive *) Extraction eq_rect. (* let eq_rect x f y = f *) (** No more propagation of type parameters. Obj.t instead. *) Inductive tp1 : Type := T : forall (C:Set) (c:C), tp2 -> tp1 with tp2 : Type := T' : tp1 -> tp2. Extraction tp1. (* type tp1 = | T of __ * tp2 and tp2 = | T' of tp1 *) Inductive tp1bis : Type := Tbis : tp2bis -> tp1bis with tp2bis : Type := T'bis : forall (C:Set) (c:C), tp1bis -> tp2bis. Extraction tp1bis. (* type tp1bis = | Tbis of tp2bis and tp2bis = | T'bis of __ * tp1bis *) (** Strange inductive type. *) Inductive Truc : Set -> Type := | chose : forall A:Set, Truc A | machin : forall A:Set, A -> Truc bool -> Truc A. Extraction Truc. (* type 'x truc = | Chose | Machin of 'x * bool truc *) (** Dependant type over Type *) Definition test24 := sigT (fun a:Set => option a). Extraction test24. (* type test24 = (__, __ option) sigT *) (** Coq term non strongly-normalizable after extraction *) Require Import Gt. Definition loop (Ax:Acc gt 0) := (fix F (a:nat) (b:Acc gt a) {struct b} : nat := F (S a) (Acc_inv b (S a) (gt_Sn_n a))) 0 Ax. Extraction loop. (* let loop _ = let rec f a = f (S a) in f O *) (*** EXAMPLES NEEDING OBJ.MAGIC *) (** False conversion of type: *) Lemma oups : forall H:nat = list nat, nat -> nat. intros. generalize H0; intros. rewrite H in H1. case H1. exact H0. intros. exact n. Defined. Extraction oups. (* let oups h0 = match Obj.magic h0 with | Nil -> h0 | Cons0 (n, l) -> n *) (** hybrids *) Definition horibilis (b:bool) := if b as b return (if b then Type else nat) then Set else 0. Extraction horibilis. (* let horibilis = function | True -> Obj.magic __ | False -> Obj.magic O *) Definition PropSet (b:bool) := if b then Prop else Set. Extraction PropSet. (* type propSet = __ *) Definition natbool (b:bool) := if b then nat else bool. Extraction natbool. (* type natbool = __ *) Definition zerotrue (b:bool) := if b as x return natbool x then 0 else true. Extraction zerotrue. (* let zerotrue = function | True -> Obj.magic O | False -> Obj.magic True *) Definition natProp (b:bool) := if b return Type then nat else Prop. Definition natTrue (b:bool) := if b return Type then nat else True. Definition zeroTrue (b:bool) := if b as x return natProp x then 0 else True. Extraction zeroTrue. (* let zeroTrue = function | True -> Obj.magic O | False -> Obj.magic __ *) Definition natTrue2 (b:bool) := if b return Type then nat else True. Definition zeroprop (b:bool) := if b as x return natTrue x then 0 else I. Extraction zeroprop. (* let zeroprop = function | True -> Obj.magic O | False -> Obj.magic __ *) (** polymorphic f applied several times *) Definition test21 := (id nat 0, id bool true). Extraction test21. (* let test21 = Pair ((id O), (id True)) *) (** ok *) Definition test22 := (fun f:forall X:Type, X -> X => (f nat 0, f bool true)) (fun (X:Type) (x:X) => x). Extraction test22. (* let test22 = let f = fun x -> x in Pair ((f O), (f True)) *) (* still ok via optim beta -> let *) Definition test23 (f:forall X:Type, X -> X) := (f nat 0, f bool true). Extraction test23. (* let test23 f = Pair ((Obj.magic f __ O), (Obj.magic f __ True)) *) (* problem: fun f -> (f 0, f true) not legal in ocaml *) (* solution: magic ... *) (** Dummy constant __ can be applied.... *) Definition f (X:Type) (x:nat -> X) (y:X -> bool) : bool := y (x 0). Extraction f. (* let f x y = y (x O) *) Definition f_prop := f (0 = 0) (fun _ => refl_equal 0) (fun _ => true). Extraction NoInline f. Extraction f_prop. (* let f_prop = f (Obj.magic __) (fun _ -> True) *) Definition f_arity := f Set (fun _:nat => nat) (fun _:Set => true). Extraction f_arity. (* let f_arity = f (Obj.magic __) (fun _ -> True) *) Definition f_normal := f nat (fun x => x) (fun x => match x with | O => true | _ => false end). Extraction f_normal. (* let f_normal = f (fun x -> x) (fun x -> match x with | O -> True | S n -> False) *) (* inductive with magic needed *) Inductive Boite : Set := boite : forall b:bool, (if b then nat else (nat * nat)%type) -> Boite. Extraction Boite. (* type boite = | Boite of bool * __ *) Definition boite1 := boite true 0. Extraction boite1. (* let boite1 = Boite (True, (Obj.magic O)) *) Definition boite2 := boite false (0, 0). Extraction boite2. (* let boite2 = Boite (False, (Obj.magic (Pair (O, O)))) *) Definition test_boite (B:Boite) := match B return nat with | boite true n => n | boite false n => fst n + snd n end. Extraction test_boite. (* let test_boite = function | Boite (b0, n) -> (match b0 with | True -> Obj.magic n | False -> plus (fst (Obj.magic n)) (snd (Obj.magic n))) *) (* singleton inductive with magic needed *) Inductive Box : Type := box : forall A:Set, A -> Box. Extraction Box. (* type box = __ *) Definition box1 := box nat 0. Extraction box1. (* let box1 = Obj.magic O *) (* applied constant, magic needed *) Definition idzarb (b:bool) (x:if b then nat else bool) := x. Definition zarb := idzarb true 0. Extraction NoInline idzarb. Extraction zarb. (* let zarb = Obj.magic idzarb True (Obj.magic O) *) (** function of variable arity. *) (** Fun n = nat -> nat -> ... -> nat *) Fixpoint Fun (n:nat) : Set := match n with | O => nat | S n => nat -> Fun n end. Fixpoint Const (k n:nat) {struct n} : Fun n := match n as x return Fun x with | O => k | S n => fun p:nat => Const k n end. Fixpoint proj (k n:nat) {struct n} : Fun n := match n as x return Fun x with | O => 0 (* ou assert false ....*) | S n => match k with | O => fun x => Const x n | S k => fun x => proj k n end end. Definition test_proj := proj 2 4 0 1 2 3. Eval compute in test_proj. Recursive Extraction test_proj. (*** TO SUM UP: ***) Module Everything. Definition idnat := idnat. Definition id := id. Definition id' := id'. Definition test2 := test2. Definition test3 := test3. Definition test4 := test4. Definition test5 := test5. Definition test6 := test6. Definition test7 := test7. Definition d := d. Definition d2 := d2. Definition d3 := d3. Definition d4 := d4. Definition d5 := d5. Definition d6 := d6. Definition test8 := test8. Definition test9 := test9. Definition test10 := test10. Definition test11 := test11. Definition test12 := test12. Definition test13 := test13. Definition test19 := test19. Definition test20 := test20. Definition nat := nat. Definition sumbool_rect := sumbool_rect. Definition c := c. Definition Finite := Finite. Definition tree := tree. Definition tree_size := tree_size. Definition test14 := test14. Definition test15 := test15. Definition eta_c := eta_c. Definition test16 := test16. Definition test17 := test17. Definition test18 := test18. Definition bidon := bidon. Definition tb := tb. Definition fbidon := fbidon. Definition fbidon2 := fbidon2. Definition test_0 := test_0. Definition test_1 := test_1. Definition eq_rect := eq_rect. Definition tp1 := tp1. Definition tp1bis := tp1bis. Definition Truc := Truc. Definition oups := oups. Definition test24 := test24. Definition loop := loop. Definition horibilis := horibilis. Definition PropSet := PropSet. Definition natbool := natbool. Definition zerotrue := zerotrue. Definition zeroTrue := zeroTrue. Definition zeroprop := zeroprop. Definition test21 := test21. Definition test22 := test22. Definition test23 := test23. Definition f := f. Definition f_prop := f_prop. Definition f_arity := f_arity. Definition f_normal := f_normal. Definition Boite := Boite. Definition boite1 := boite1. Definition boite2 := boite2. Definition test_boite := test_boite. Definition Box := Box. Definition box1 := box1. Definition zarb := zarb. Definition test_proj := test_proj. End Everything. (* Extraction "test_extraction.ml" Everything. *) Recursive Extraction Everything. (* Check that the previous OCaml code is compilable *) Extraction TestCompile Everything. Extraction Language Haskell. (* Extraction "Test_extraction.hs" Everything. *) Recursive Extraction Everything. Extraction Language Scheme. (* Extraction "test_extraction.scm" Everything. *) Recursive Extraction Everything. (*** Finally, a test more focused on everyday's life situations ***) Require Import ZArith. Extraction Language OCaml. Recursive Extraction Z_modulo_2 Zdiv_eucl_exist. Extraction TestCompile Z_modulo_2 Zdiv_eucl_exist.