(* The "?" of cons and eq should be inferred *) Variable list : Set -> Set. Variable cons : forall T : Set, T -> list T -> list T. Check (forall n : list nat, exists l : _, (exists x : _, n = cons _ x l)). (* Examples provided by Eduardo Gimenez *) Definition c A (Q : (nat * A -> Prop) -> Prop) P := Q (fun p : nat * A => let (i, v) := p in P i v). (* What does this test ? *) Require Import List. Definition list_forall_bool (A : Set) (p : A -> bool) (l : list A) : bool := fold_right (fun a r => if p a then r else false) true l. (* Checks that solvable ? in the lambda prefix of the definition are harmless*) Parameter A1 A2 F B C : Set. Parameter f : F -> A1 -> B. Definition f1 frm0 a1 : B := f frm0 a1. (* Checks that solvable ? in the type part of the definition are harmless *) Definition f2 frm0 a1 : B := f frm0 a1. (* Checks that sorts that are evars are handled correctly (bug 705) *) Require Import List. Fixpoint build (nl : list nat) : match nl with | nil => True | _ => False end -> unit := match nl return (match nl with | nil => True | _ => False end -> unit) with | nil => fun _ => tt | n :: rest => match n with | O => fun _ => tt | S m => fun a => build rest (False_ind _ a) end end. (* Checks that disjoint contexts are correctly set by restrict_hyp *) (* Bug de 1999 corrigé en déc 2004 *) Check (let p := fun (m : nat) f (n : nat) => match f m n with | exist a b => exist _ a b end in p :forall x : nat, (forall y n : nat, {q : nat | y = q * n}) -> forall n : nat, {q : nat | x = q * n}).