(* Submitted by Robert Schneck *) Parameters A B C D : Prop. Axiom X : A -> B -> C /\ D. Lemma foo : A -> B -> C. Proof. intros. destruct X. (* Should find axiom X and should handle arguments of X *) assumption. assumption. assumption. Qed. (* Simplification of bug 711 *) Parameter f : true = false. Goal let p := f in True. intro p. set (b := true) in *. (* Check that it doesn't fail with an anomaly *) (* Ultimately, adapt destruct to make it succeeding *) try destruct b. Abort. (* Used to fail with error "n is used in conclusion" before revision 9447 *) Goal forall n, n = S n. induction S. Abort. (* Check that elimination with remaining evars do not raise an bad error message *) Theorem Refl : forall P, P <-> P. tauto. Qed. Goal True. case Refl || ecase Refl. Abort. (* Submitted by B. Baydemir (bug #1882) *) Require Import List. Definition alist R := list (nat * R)%type. Section Properties. Variable A : Type. Variable a : A. Variable E : alist A. Lemma silly : E = E. Proof. clear. induction E. (* this fails. *) Abort. End Properties. (* This used not to work before revision 11944 *) Goal forall P:(forall n, 0=n -> Prop), forall H: 0=0, P 0 H. destruct H. Abort. (* The calls to "destruct" below did not work before revision 12356 *) Variable A0:Type. Variable P:A0->Type. Require Import JMeq. Goal forall a b (p:P a) (q:P b), forall H:a = b, eq_rect a P p b H = q -> JMeq (existT _ a p) (existT _ b q). intros. destruct H. destruct H0. reflexivity. Qed. (* These did not work before 8.4 *) Goal (exists x, x=0) -> True. destruct 1 as (_,_); exact I. Abort. Goal (exists x, x=0 /\ True) -> True. destruct 1 as (_,(_,H)); exact H. Abort. Goal (exists x, x=0 /\ True) -> True. destruct 1 as (_,(_,x)); exact x. Abort. Goal let T:=nat in forall (x:nat) (g:T -> nat), g x = 0. intros. destruct (g _). (* This was failing in at least r14571 *) Abort. (* Check that subterm selection does not solve existing evars *) Goal exists x, S x = S 0. eexists. Show x. (* Incidentally test Show on a named goal *) destruct (S _). (* Incompatible occurrences but takes the first one since Oct 2014 *) change (0 = S 0). Abort. Goal exists x, S 0 = S x. eexists. destruct (S _). (* Incompatible occurrences but takes the first one since Oct 2014 *) change (0 = S ?x). [x]: exact 0. (* Incidentally test applying a tactic to a goal on the shelve *) Abort. Goal exists n p:nat, (S n,S n) = (S p,S p) /\ p = n. do 2 eexists. destruct (_, S _). (* Was unifying at some time in trunk, now takes the first occurrence *) change ((n, n0) = (S ?p, S ?p) /\ ?p = ?n). Abort. (* An example with incompatible but convertible occurrences *) Goal id (id 0) = 0. Fail destruct (id _) at 1 2. Abort. (* Avoid unnatural selection of a subterm larger than expected *) Goal let g := fun x:nat => x in g (S 0) = 0. intro. destruct S. (* Check that it is not the larger subterm "g (S 0)" which is selected, as it was the case in 8.4 *) unfold g at 1. Abort. (* Some tricky examples convenient to support *) Goal forall x, nat_rect (fun _ => nat) O (fun x y => S x) x = nat_rect (fun _ => nat) O (fun x y => S x) x. intros. destruct (nat_rect _ _ _ _). Abort. (* Check compatibility in selecting what is open or "shelved" *) Goal (forall x, x=0 -> nat) -> True. intros. Fail destruct H. edestruct H. - reflexivity. - exact Logic.I. - exact Logic.I. Qed. (* Check an example which was working with case/elim in 8.4 but not with destruct/induction *) Goal forall x, (True -> x = 0) -> 0=0. intros. destruct H. - trivial. - apply (eq_refl x). Qed. (* Check an example which was working with case/elim in 8.4 but not with destruct/induction (not the different order between induction/destruct) *) Goal forall x, (True -> x = 0) -> 0=0. intros. induction H. - apply (eq_refl x). - trivial. Qed. (* This test assumes that destruct/induction on non-dependent hypotheses behave the same when using holes or not Goal forall x, (True -> x = 0) -> 0=0. intros. destruct (H _). - apply I. - apply (eq_refl x). Qed. *) (* Check destruct vs edestruct *) Goal forall x, (forall y, y = 0 -> x = 0) -> 0=0. intros. Fail destruct H. edestruct H. - trivial. - apply (eq_refl x). Qed. Goal forall x, (forall y, y = 0 -> x = 0) -> 0=0. intros. Fail destruct (H _ _). (* Now a test which assumes that edestruct on non-dependent hypotheses accept unresolved subterms in the induction argument. edestruct (H _ _). - trivial. - apply (eq_refl x). Qed. *) Abort. (* Test selection when not in an inductive type *) Parameter T:Type. Axiom elim: forall P, T -> P. Goal forall a:T, a = a. induction a using elim. Qed. Goal forall a:nat -> T, a 0 = a 1. intro a. induction (a 0) using elim. Qed. (* From Oct 2014, a subterm is found, as if without "using"; in 8.4, it did not find a subterm *) Goal forall a:nat -> T, a 0 = a 1. intro a. induction a using elim. Qed. Goal forall a:nat -> T, forall b, a 0 = b. intros a b. induction a using elim. Qed. (* From Oct 2014, first subterm is found; in 8.4, it failed because it found "a 0" and wanted to clear a *) Goal forall a:nat -> nat, a 0 = a 1. intro a. destruct a. change (0 = a 1). Abort. (* This example of a variable not fully applied in the goal was working in 8.4*) Goal forall H : 0<>0, H = H. destruct H. reflexivity. Qed. (* Check that variables not fully applied in the goal are not erased (this example was failing in 8.4 because of a forbidden "clear H" in the code of "destruct H" *) Goal forall H : True -> True, H = H. destruct H. - exact I. - reflexivity. Qed. (* Check destruct on idents with maximal implicit arguments - which did not work in 8.4 *) Parameter g : forall {n:nat}, n=n -> nat. Goal g (eq_refl 0) = 0. destruct g. Abort. (* This one was working in 8.4 (because of full conv on closed arguments) *) Class E. Instance a:E. Goal forall h : E -> nat -> nat, h (id a) 0 = h a 0. intros. destruct (h _). change (0=0). Abort. (* This one was not working in 8.4 because an occurrence of f was remaining, blocking the "clear f" *) Goal forall h : E -> nat -> nat, h a 0 = h a 1. intros. destruct h. Abort. (* This was not working in 8.4 *) Section S1. Variables x y : Type. Variable H : x = y. Goal True. destruct H. (* Was not working in 8.4 *) (* Now check that H statement has itself be subject of the rewriting *) change (x=x) in H. Abort. End S1. (* This was not working in 8.4 because of untracked dependencies *) Goal forall y, forall h:forall x, x = y, h 0 = h 0. intros. destruct (h 0). Abort. (* Check absence of useless local definitions *) Section S2. Variable H : 1=1. Goal 0=1. destruct H. Fail clear n. (* Check that there is no n as it was in Coq <= 8.4 *) Abort. End S2. Goal forall x:nat, x=x->x=1. intros x H. destruct H. Fail clear n. (* Check that there is no n as it was in Coq <= 8.4 *) Fail clear H. (* Check that H has been removed *) Abort. (* Check support for induction arguments which do not expose an inductive type rightaway *) Definition U := nat -> nat. Definition S' := S : U. Goal forall n, S' n = 0. intro. destruct S'. Abort. (* This was working by chance in 8.4 thanks to "accidental" use of select subterms _syntactically_ equal to the first matching one. Parameter f2:bool -> unit. Parameter r2:f2 true=f2 true. Goal forall (P: forall b, b=b -> Prop), f2 (id true) = tt -> P (f2 true) r2. intros. destruct f2. Abort. *) (* This did not work in 8.4, because of a clear failing *) Inductive IND : forall x y:nat, x=y -> Type := CONSTR : IND 0 0 eq_refl. Goal forall x y e (h:x=y -> y=x) (z:IND y x (h e)), e = e /\ z = z. intros. destruct z. Abort. (* The two following examples show how the variables occurring in the term being destruct affects the generalization; don't know if these behaviors are "good". None of them was working in 8.4. *) Goal forall x y e (t:x=y) (z:x=y -> IND y x e), e = e. intros. destruct (z t). change (0=0) in t. (* Generalization made *) Abort. Goal forall x y e (t:x=y) (z:x=y -> IND y x e), e = e /\ z t = z t. intros. destruct (z t). change (0=0) in t. (* Generalization made *) Abort. (* Check that destruct on a scheme with a functional argument works *) Goal (forall P:Prop, (nat->nat) -> P) -> forall h:nat->nat, h 0 = h 0. intros. destruct h using H. Qed. Goal (forall P:Prop, (nat->nat) -> P) -> forall h:nat->nat->nat, h 0 0 = h 1 0. intros. induction (h 1) using H. Qed. (* Check blocking generalization is not too strong (failed at some time) *) Goal (E -> 0=1) -> 1=0 -> True. intros. destruct (H _). change (0=0) in H0. (* Check generalization on H0 was made *) Abort. (* Check absence of anomaly (failed at some time) *) Goal forall A (a:A) (P Q:A->Prop), (forall a, P a -> Q a) -> True. intros. Fail destruct H. Abort. (* Check keep option (bug #3791) *) Goal forall b:bool, True. intro b. destruct !b. clear b. (* b has to be here *) Abort. (* Check clearing of names *) Inductive IND2 : nat -> Prop := CONSTR2 : forall y, y = y -> IND2 y. Goal forall x y z:nat, y = z -> x = y -> y = x -> x = y. intros * Heq H Heq'. destruct H. Abort. Goal 2=1 -> 1=0. intro H. destruct H. Fail (match goal with n:nat |- _ => unfold n end). (* Check that no let-in remains *) Abort. (* Check clearing of names *) Inductive eqnat (x : nat) : nat -> Prop := reflnat : forall y, x = y -> eqnat x y. Goal forall x z:nat, x = z -> eqnat x z -> True. intros * H1 H. destruct H. Fail clear z. (* Should not be here *) Abort. (* Check ok in the presence of an equation *) Goal forall b:bool, b = b. intros. destruct b eqn:H. (* Check natural instantiation behavior when the goal has already an evar *) Goal exists x, S x = x. eexists. destruct (S _). change (0 = ?x). Abort.