Theorem t1 : forall (A : Set) (a : A) (f : A -> A), f a = a -> f (f a) = a. intros. congruence. Qed. Theorem t2 : forall (A : Set) (a b : A) (f : A -> A) (g : A -> A -> A), a = f a -> g b (f a) = f (f a) -> g a b = f (g b a) -> g a b = a. intros. congruence. Qed. (* 15=0 /\ 10=0 /\ 6=0 -> 0=1 *) Theorem t3 : forall (N : Set) (o : N) (s d : N -> N), s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s o)))))))))))))) = o -> s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s o))))))))) = o -> s (s (s (s (s (s o))))) = o -> o = s o. intros. congruence. Qed. (* Examples that fail due to dependencies *) (* yields transitivity problem *) Theorem dep : forall (A : Set) (P : A -> Set) (f g : forall x : A, P x) (x y : A) (e : x = y) (e0 : f y = g y), f x = g x. intros; dependent rewrite e; exact e0. Qed. (* yields congruence problem *) Theorem dep2 : forall (A B : Set) (f : forall (A : Set) (b : bool), if b then unit else A -> unit) (e : A = B), f A true = f B true. intros; rewrite e; reflexivity. Qed. (* example that Congruence. can solve (dependent function applied to the same argument)*) Theorem dep3 : forall (A : Set) (P : A -> Set) (f g : forall x : A, P x), f = g -> forall x : A, f x = g x. intros. congruence. Qed. (* Examples with injection rule *) Theorem inj1 : forall (A : Set) (a b c d : A), (a, c) = (b, d) -> a = b /\ c = d. intros. split; congruence. Qed. Theorem inj2 : forall (A : Set) (a c d : A) (f : A -> A * A), f = pair (B:=A) a -> Some (f c) = Some (f d) -> c = d. intros. congruence. Qed. (* Examples with discrimination rule *) Theorem discr1 : true = false -> False. intros. congruence. Qed. Theorem discr2 : Some true = Some false -> False. intros. congruence. Qed. (* example with implications *) Theorem arrow : forall (A B: Prop) (C D:Set) , A=B -> C=D -> (A -> C) = (B -> D). congruence. Qed. Set Implicit Arguments. Parameter elt: Set. Parameter elt_eq: forall (x y: elt), {x = y} + {x <> y}. Definition t (A: Set) := elt -> A. Definition get (A: Set) (x: elt) (m: t A) := m x. Definition set (A: Set) (x: elt) (v: A) (m: t A) := fun (y: elt) => if elt_eq y x then v else m y. Lemma gsident: forall (A: Set) (i j: elt) (m: t A), get j (set i (get i m) m) = get j m. Proof. intros. unfold get, set. case (elt_eq j i); intro. congruence. auto. Qed. (* bug 2447 is now closed (PC, 2014) *) Section bug_2447. Variable T:Type. Record R := mkR {x:T;y:T;z:T}. Variables a a' b b' c c':T. Lemma bug_2447: mkR a b c = mkR a' b c -> a = a'. congruence. Qed. Lemma bug_2447_variant1: mkR a b c = mkR a b' c -> b = b'. congruence. Qed. Lemma bug_2447_variant2: mkR a b c = mkR a b c' -> c = c'. congruence. Qed. End bug_2447. (* congruence was supposed to do discriminate but it was bugged for types with indices *) Inductive I : nat -> Type := C : I 0 | D : I 0. Goal ~C=D. congruence. Qed.