(* Test apply in *) Goal (forall x y, x = S y -> y=y) -> 2 = 4 -> 3=3. intros H H0. apply H in H0. assumption. Qed. Require Import ZArith. Goal (forall x y z, ~ z <= 0 -> x * z < y * z -> x <= y)%Z. intros; apply Znot_le_gt, Zgt_lt in H. apply Zmult_lt_reg_r, Zlt_le_weak in H0; auto. Qed. (* Test application under tuples *) Goal (forall x, x=0 <-> 0=x) -> 1=0 -> 0=1. intros H H'. apply H in H'. exact H'. Qed. (* Test as clause *) Goal (forall x, x=0 <-> (0=x /\ True)) -> 1=0 -> True. intros H H'. apply H in H' as (_,H'). exact H'. Qed. (* Test application modulo conversion *) Goal (forall x, id x = 0 -> 0 = x) -> 1 = id 0 -> 0 = 1. intros H H'. apply H in H'. exact H'. Qed. (* Check apply/eapply distinction in presence of open terms *) Parameter h : forall x y z : nat, x = z -> x = y. Implicit Arguments h [[x] [y]]. Goal 1 = 0 -> True. intro H. apply h in H || exact I. Qed. Goal False -> 1 = 0. intro H. apply h || contradiction. Qed. (* Check if it unfolds when there are not enough premises *) Goal forall n, n = S n -> False. intros. apply n_Sn in H. assumption. Qed. (* Check naming in with bindings; printing used to be inconsistent before *) (* revision 9450 *) Notation S':=S (only parsing). Goal (forall S, S = S' S) -> (forall S, S = S' S). intros. apply H with (S0 := S). Qed. (* Check inference of implicit arguments in bindings *) Goal exists y : nat -> Type, y 0 = y 0. exists (fun x => True). trivial. Qed. (* Check universe handling in typed unificationn *) Definition E := Type. Goal exists y : E, y = y. exists Prop. trivial. Qed. Variable Eq : Prop = (Prop -> Prop) :> E. Goal Prop. rewrite Eq. Abort. (* Check insertion of coercions in bindings *) Coercion eq_true : bool >-> Sortclass. Goal exists A:Prop, A = A. exists true. trivial. Qed. (* Check use of unification of bindings types in specialize *) Variable P : nat -> Prop. Variable L : forall (l : nat), P l -> P l. Goal P 0 -> True. intros. specialize L with (1:=H). Abort. Reset P. (* Two examples that show that hnf_constr is used when unifying types of bindings (a simplification of a script from Field_Theory) *) Require Import List. Open Scope list_scope. Fixpoint P (l : list nat) : Prop := match l with | nil => True | e1 :: nil => e1 = e1 | e1 :: l1 => e1 = e1 /\ P l1 end. Variable L : forall n l, P (n::l) -> P l. Goal forall (x:nat) l, P (x::l) -> P l. intros. apply L with (1:=H). Qed. Goal forall (x:nat) l, match l with nil => x=x | _::_ => x=x /\ P l end -> P l. intros. apply L with (1:=H). Qed. (* The following call to auto fails if the type of the clause associated to the H is not beta-reduced [but apply H works] (a simplification of a script from FSetAVL) *) Definition apply (f:nat->Prop) := forall x, f x. Goal apply (fun n => n=0) -> 1=0. intro H. auto. Qed. (* The following fails if the coercion Zpos is not introduced around p before trying a subterm that matches the left-hand-side of the equality (a simplication of an example taken from Nijmegen/QArith) *) Require Import ZArith. Coercion Zpos : positive >-> Z. Variable f : Z -> Z -> Z. Variable g : forall q1 q2 p : Z, f (f q1 p) (f q2 p) = Z0. Goal forall p q1 q2, f (f q1 (Zpos p)) (f q2 (Zpos p)) = Z0. intros; rewrite g with (p:=p). reflexivity. Qed. (* A funny example where the behavior differs depending on which of a multiple solution to a unification problem is chosen (an instance of this case can be found in the proof of Buchberger.BuchRed.nf_divp) *) Definition succ x := S x. Goal forall (I : nat -> Set) (P : nat -> Prop) (Q : forall n:nat, I n -> Prop), (forall x y, P x -> Q x y) -> (forall x, P (S x)) -> forall y: I (S 0), Q (succ 0) y. intros. apply H with (y:=y). (* [x] had two possible instances: [S 0], coming from unifying the type of [y] with [I ?n] and [succ 0] coming from the unification with the goal; only the first one allows to make the next apply (which does not work modulo delta) working *) apply H0. Qed. (* A similar example with a arbitrary long conversion between the two possible instances *) Fixpoint compute_succ x := match x with O => S 0 | S n => S (compute_succ n) end. Goal forall (I : nat -> Set) (P : nat -> Prop) (Q : forall n:nat, I n -> Prop), (forall x y, P x -> Q x y) -> (forall x, P (S x)) -> forall y: I (S 100), Q (compute_succ 100) y. intros. apply H with (y:=y). apply H0. Qed. (* Another example with multiple convertible solutions to the same metavariable (extracted from Algebra.Hom_module.Hom_module, 10th subgoal which precisely fails) *) Definition ID (A:Type) := A. Goal forall f:Type -> Type, forall (P : forall A:Type, A -> Prop), (forall (B:Type) x, P (f B) x -> P (f B) x) -> (forall (A:Type) x, P (f (f A)) x) -> forall (A:Type) (x:f (f A)), P (f (ID (f A))) x. intros. apply H. (* The parameter [B] had two possible instances: [ID (f A)] by direct unification and [f A] by unification of the type of [x]; only the first choice makes the next command fail, as it was (unfortunately?) in Hom_module *) try apply H. unfold ID; apply H0. Qed. (* Test coercion below product and on non meta-free terms in with bindings *) (* Cf wishes #1408 from E. Makarov *) Parameter bool_Prop :> bool -> Prop. Parameter r : bool -> bool -> bool. Axiom ax : forall (A : Set) (R : A -> A -> Prop) (x y : A), R x y. Theorem t : r true false. apply ax with (R := r). Qed. (* Check verification of type at unification (submitted by Stéphane Lengrand): without verification, the first "apply" works what leads to the incorrect instantiation of x by Prop *) Theorem u : ~(forall x:Prop, ~x). unfold not. intro. eapply H. apply (forall B:Prop,B->B) || (instantiate (1:=True); exact I). Defined. (* Fine-tuning coercion insertion in presence of unfolding (bug #1883) *) Parameter name : Set. Definition atom := name. Inductive exp : Set := | var : atom -> exp. Coercion var : atom >-> exp. Axiom silly_axiom : forall v : exp, v = v -> False. Lemma silly_lemma : forall x : atom, False. intros x. apply silly_axiom with (v := x). (* fails *) reflexivity. Qed. (* Check that unification does not commit too early to a representative of an eta-equivalence class that would be incompatible with other unification constraints *) Lemma eta : forall f : (forall P, P 1), (forall P, f P = f P) -> forall Q, f (fun x => Q x) = f (fun x => Q x). intros. apply H. Qed. (* Test propagation of evars from subgoal to brother subgoals *) (* This works because unfold calls clos_norm_flags which calls nf_evar *) Lemma eapply_evar_unfold : let x:=O in O=x -> 0=O. intros x H; eapply trans_equal; [apply H | unfold x;match goal with |- ?x = ?x => reflexivity end]. Qed. (* Test non-regression of (temporary) bug 1981 *) Goal exists n : nat, True. eapply ex_intro. exact O. trivial. Qed. (* Test non-regression of (temporary) bug 1980 *) Goal True. try eapply ex_intro. trivial. Qed.