(* Before loading Program, check non-anomaly on missing library Program *) Fail Program Definition f n (e:n=n): {n|n=0} := match n,e with 0, refl => 0 | _, _ => 0 end. (* Then we test Program properly speaking *) Require Import Arith Program. Require Import ZArith Zwf. Set Implicit Arguments. (* Set Printing All. *) Print sigT_rect. Obligation Tactic := program_simplify ; auto with *. About MR. Program Fixpoint merge (n m : nat) {measure (n + m) (lt)} : nat := match n with | 0 => 0 | S n' => merge n' m end. Print merge. Print Zlt. Print Zwf. Open Local Scope Z_scope. Program Fixpoint Zwfrec (n m : Z) {measure (n + m) (Zwf 0)} : Z := match n ?= m with | Lt => Zwfrec n (Zpred m) | _ => 0 end. Next Obligation. red. Admitted. Close Scope Z_scope. Program Fixpoint merge_wf (n m : nat) {wf lt m} : nat := match n with | 0 => 0 | S n' => merge n' m end. Print merge_wf. Program Fixpoint merge_one (n : nat) {measure n} : nat := match n with | 0 => 0 | S n' => merge_one n' end. Print Hint well_founded. Print merge_one. Eval cbv delta [merge_one] beta zeta in merge_one. Import WfExtensionality. Lemma merge_unfold n m : merge n m = match n with | 0 => 0 | S n' => merge n' m end. Proof. intros. unfold merge at 1. unfold merge_func. unfold_sub merge (merge n m). simpl. destruct n ; reflexivity. Qed. Print merge. Require Import Arith. Unset Implicit Arguments. Time Program Fixpoint check_n (n : nat) (P : { i | i < n } -> bool) (p : nat) (H : forall (i : { i | i < n }), i < p -> P i = true) {measure (n - p)} : Exc (forall (p : { i | i < n}), P p = true) := match le_lt_dec n p with | left _ => value _ | right cmp => if dec (P p) then check_n n P (S p) _ else error end. Require Import Omega Setoid. Next Obligation. intros ; simpl in *. apply H. simpl in * ; omega. Qed. Next Obligation. simpl in *; intros. revert H0 ; clear_subset_proofs. intros. case (le_gt_dec p i) ; intro. simpl in *. assert(p = i) by omega. subst. revert H0 ; clear_subset_proofs ; tauto. apply H. simpl. omega. Qed. Program Fixpoint check_n' (n : nat) (m : {m:nat | m = n}) (p : nat) (q:{q : nat | q = p}) {measure (p - n) p} : nat := _.