Require Omega. (* Submitted by Xavier Urbain 18 Jan 2002 *) Lemma lem1 : (x,y:Z) `-5 < x < 5` -> `-5 < y` -> `-5 < x+y+5`. Proof. Intros x y. Omega. Qed. (* Proposed by Pierre Crégut *) Lemma lem2 : (x:Z) `x < 4` -> `x > 2` -> `x=3`. Intro. Omega. Qed. (* Proposed by Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *) Lemma lem3 : (x,y:Z) `x = y` -> `x+x = y+y`. Proof. Intros. Omega. Qed. (* Proposed by Jean-Christophe Filliâtre: confusion between an Omega *) (* internal variable and a section variable (June 2001) *) Section A. Variable x,y : Z. Hypothesis H : `x > y`. Lemma lem4 : `x > y`. Omega. Qed. End A. (* Proposed by Yves Bertot: because a section var, L was wrongly renamed L0 *) (* May 2002 *) Section B. Variables R1,R2,S1,S2,H,S:Z. Hypothesis I:`R1 < 0`->`R2 = R1+(2*S1-1)`. Hypothesis J:`R1 < 0`->`S2 = S1-1`. Hypothesis K:`R1 >= 0`->`R2 = R1`. Hypothesis L:`R1 >= 0`->`S2 = S1`. Hypothesis M:`H <= 2*S`. Hypothesis N:`S < H`. Lemma lem5 : `H > 0`. Omega. Qed. End B. (* From Nicolas Oury (bug #180): handling -> on Set (fixed Oct 2002) *) Lemma lem7: (A: Set) (i:Z) `i<= 0` -> (`i<= 0` -> A) -> `i<=0`. Intros. Omega. Qed. (* Adapted from an example in Nijmegen/FTA/ftc/RefSeparating (Oct 2002) *) Require Omega. Section C. Parameter g:(m:nat)~m=O->Prop. Parameter f:(m:nat)(H:~m=O)(g m H). Variable n:nat. Variable ap_n:~n=O. Local delta:=(f n ap_n). Lemma lem6 : n=n. Omega. Qed. End C. (* Problem of dependencies *) Require Omega. Lemma lem7 : (H:O=O->O=O) H=H -> O=O. Intros; Omega. Qed.