Require Eqdep_dec. (* Check the behaviour of Injection *) (* Check that Injection tries Intro until *) Lemma l1 : forall x : nat, S x = S (S x) -> False. injection 1. apply n_Sn. Qed. Lemma l2 : forall (x : nat) (H : S x = S (S x)), H = H -> False. injection H. intros. apply (n_Sn x H0). Qed. (* Check that no tuple needs to be built *) Lemma l3 : forall x y : nat, existS (fun n : nat => {n = n} + {n = n}) x (left _ (refl_equal x)) = existS (fun n : nat => {n = n} + {n = n}) y (left _ (refl_equal y)) -> x = y. intros x y H. injection H. exact (fun H => H). Qed. (* Check that a tuple is built (actually the same as the initial one) *) Lemma l4 : forall p1 p2 : {0 = 0} + {0 = 0}, existS (fun n : nat => {n = n} + {n = n}) 0 p1 = existS (fun n : nat => {n = n} + {n = n}) 0 p2 -> existS (fun n : nat => {n = n} + {n = n}) 0 p1 = existS (fun n : nat => {n = n} + {n = n}) 0 p2. intros. injection H. exact (fun H => H). Qed. (* Test injection as *) Lemma l5 : forall x y z t : nat, (x,y) = (z,t) -> x=z. intros; injection H as Hxz Hyt. exact Hxz. Qed. (* Check the variants of injection *) Goal forall x y, S x = S y -> True. injection 1 as H'. Undo. intros. injection H as H'. Undo. Ltac f x := injection x. f H. Abort. Goal (forall x y : nat, x = y -> S x = S y) -> True. intros. try injection (H O) || exact I. Qed. Goal (forall x y : nat, x = y -> S x = S y) -> True. intros. einjection (H O). instantiate (1:=O). Abort. Goal (forall x y : nat, x = y -> S x = S y) -> True. intros. einjection (H O ?[y]) as H0. instantiate (y:=O). Abort. (* Test the injection intropattern *) Goal forall (a b:nat) l l', cons a l = cons b l' -> a=b. intros * [= H1 H2]. exact H1. Qed. (* Test injection using K, knowing that an equality is decidable *) (* Basic case, using sigT *) Scheme Equality for nat. Goal forall n:nat, forall P:nat -> Type, forall H1 H2:P n, existT P n H1 = existT P n H2 -> H1 = H2. intros. injection H. intro H0. exact H0. Abort. (* Test injection using K, knowing that an equality is decidable *) (* Basic case, using sigT, with "as" clause *) Goal forall n:nat, forall P:nat -> Type, forall H1 H2:P n, existT P n H1 = existT P n H2 -> H1 = H2. intros. injection H as H. exact H. Abort. (* Test injection using K, knowing that an equality is decidable *) (* Dependent case not directly exposing sigT *) Inductive my_sig (A : Type) (P : A -> Type) : Type := my_exist : forall x : A, P x -> my_sig A P. Goal forall n:nat, forall P:nat -> Type, forall H1 H2:P n, my_exist _ _ n H1 = my_exist _ _ n H2 -> H1 = H2. intros. injection H as H. exact H. Abort. (* Test injection using K, knowing that an equality is decidable *) (* Dependent case not directly exposing sigT deeply nested *) Goal forall n:nat, forall P:nat -> Type, forall H1 H2:P n, (my_exist _ _ n H1,0) = (my_exist _ _ n H2,0) -> H1 = H2. intros * [= H]. exact H. Abort. (* Injection does not projects at positions in Prop... allow it? Inductive t (A:Prop) : Set := c : A -> t A. Goal forall p q : True\/True, c _ p = c _ q -> False. intros. injection H. Abort. *) (* Injection does not project on discriminable positions... allow it? Goal 1=2 -> 1=0. intro H. injection H. intro; assumption. Qed. *)