(****************************************************************************) (* Pattern-matching when non inductive terms occur *) (* Dependent form of annotation *) Type <[n:nat]nat>Cases O eq of O x => O | (S x) y => x end. Type <[_,_:nat]nat>Cases O eq O of O x y => O | (S x) y z => x end. (* Non dependent form of annotation *) Type Cases O eq of O x => O | (S x) y => x end. (* Combining dependencies and non inductive arguments *) Type [A:Set][a:A][H:O=O]<[x][H]H==H>Cases H a of _ _ => (refl_eqT ? H) end. (* Interaction with coercions *) Parameter bool2nat : bool -> nat. Coercion bool2nat : bool >-> nat. Check [x](Cases x of O => true | (S _) => O end :: nat). (****************************************************************************) (* All remaining examples come from Cristina Cornes' V6 TESTS/MultCases.v *) Inductive IFExpr : Set := Var : nat -> IFExpr | Tr : IFExpr | Fa : IFExpr | IfE : IFExpr -> IFExpr -> IFExpr -> IFExpr. Inductive List [A:Set] :Set := Nil:(List A) | Cons:A->(List A)->(List A). Inductive listn : nat-> Set := niln : (listn O) | consn : (n:nat)nat->(listn n) -> (listn (S n)). Inductive Listn [A:Set] : nat-> Set := Niln : (Listn A O) | Consn : (n:nat)nat->(Listn A n) -> (Listn A (S n)). Inductive Le : nat->nat->Set := LeO: (n:nat)(Le O n) | LeS: (n,m:nat)(Le n m) -> (Le (S n) (S m)). Inductive LE [n:nat] : nat->Set := LE_n : (LE n n) | LE_S : (m:nat)(LE n m)->(LE n (S m)). Require Bool. Inductive PropForm : Set := Fvar : nat -> PropForm | Or : PropForm -> PropForm -> PropForm . Section testIFExpr. Definition Assign:= nat->bool. Parameter Prop_sem : Assign -> PropForm -> bool. Type [A:Assign][F:PropForm] Cases F of (Fvar n) => (A n) | (Or F G) => (orb (Prop_sem A F) (Prop_sem A G)) end. Type [A:Assign][H:PropForm] Cases H of (Fvar n) => (A n) | (Or F G) => (orb (Prop_sem A F) (Prop_sem A G)) end. End testIFExpr. Type [x:nat]Cases x of O => O | x => x end. Section testlist. Parameter A:Set. Inductive list : Set := nil : list | cons : A->list->list. Parameter inf: A->A->Prop. Definition list_Lowert2 := [a:A][l:list](Cases l of nil => True | (cons b l) =>(inf a b) end). Definition titi := [a:A][l:list](Cases l of nil => l | (cons b l) => l end). Reset list. End testlist. (* To test translation *) (* ------------------- *) Type Cases O of O => O | _ => O end. Type Cases O of (O as b) => b | (S O) => O | (S (S x)) => x end. Type Cases O of (O as b) => b | (S O) => O | (S (S x)) => x end. Type [x:nat]Cases x of (O as b) => b | (S x) => x end. Type [x:nat]Cases x of (O as b) => b | (S x) => x end. Type Cases O of (O as b) => b | (S x) => x end. Type Cases O of x => x end. Type Cases O of x => x end. Type Cases O of O => O | ((S x) as b) => b end. Type [x:nat]Cases x of O => O | ((S x) as b) => b end. Type [x:nat] Cases x of O => O | ((S x) as b) => b end. Type Cases O of O => O | (S x) => O end. Type Cases O of O => (O,O) | (S x) => (x,O) end. Type Cases O of O => (O,O) | (S x) => (x,O) end. Type nat>Cases O of O => [n:nat]O | (S x) => [n:nat]O end. Type Cases O of O => [n:nat]O | (S x) => [n:nat]O end. Type nat>Cases O of O => [n:nat]O | (S x) => [n:nat](plus x n) end. Type Cases O of O => [n:nat]O | (S x) => [n:nat](plus x n) end. Type Cases O of O => O | ((S x) as b) => (plus b x) end. Type Cases O of O => O | ((S (x as a)) as b) => (plus b a) end. Type Cases O of O => O | ((S (x as a)) as b) => (plus b a) end. Type Cases O of O => O | _ => O end. Type Cases O of O => O | x => x end. Type Cases O (S O) of x y => (plus x y) end. Type Cases O (S O) of x y => (plus x y) end. Type Cases O (S O) of O y => y | (S x) y => (plus x y) end. Type Cases O (S O) of O y => y | (S x) y => (plus x y) end. Type Cases O (S O) of O x => x | (S y) O => y | x y => (plus x y) end. Type Cases O (S O) of O x => (plus x O) | (S y) O => (plus y O) | x y => (plus x y) end. Type Cases O (S O) of O x => (plus x O) | (S y) O => (plus y O) | x y => (plus x y) end. Type Cases O (S O) of O x => x | ((S x) as b) (S y) => (plus (plus b x) y) | x y => (plus x y) end. Type Cases O (S O) of O x => x | ((S x) as b) (S y) => (plus (plus b x) y) | x y => (plus x y) end. Type [l:(List nat)]<(List nat)>Cases l of Nil => (Nil nat) | (Cons a l) => l end. Type [l:(List nat)] Cases l of Nil => (Nil nat) | (Cons a l) => l end. Type Cases (Nil nat) of Nil =>O | (Cons a l) => (S a) end. Type Cases (Nil nat) of Nil =>O | (Cons a l) => (S a) end. Type <(List nat)>Cases (Nil nat) of (Cons a l) => l | x => x end. Type Cases (Nil nat) of (Cons a l) => l | x => x end. Type <(List nat)>Cases (Nil nat) of Nil => (Nil nat) | (Cons a l) => l end. Type Cases (Nil nat) of Nil => (Nil nat) | (Cons a l) => l end. Type Cases O of O => O | (S x) => Cases (Nil nat) of Nil => x | (Cons a l) => (plus x a) end end. Type Cases O of O => O | (S x) => Cases (Nil nat) of Nil => x | (Cons a l) => (plus x a) end end. Type [y:nat]Cases y of O => O | (S x) => Cases (Nil nat) of Nil => x | (Cons a l) => (plus x a) end end. Type Cases O (Nil nat) of O x => O | (S x) Nil => x | (S x) (Cons a l) => (plus x a) end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)]<[_:nat]nat>Cases l of niln => O | x => O end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)] Cases l of niln => O | x => O end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases niln of niln => O | x => O end. Type Cases niln of niln => O | x => O end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases niln of niln => O | (consn n a l) => a end. Type Cases niln of niln => O | (consn n a l) => a end. Type <[n:nat][_:(listn n)]nat>Cases niln of (consn m _ niln) => m | _ => (S O) end. Type [n:nat][x:nat][l:(listn n)]<[_:nat]nat>Cases x l of O niln => O | y x => O end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases O niln of O niln => O | y x => O end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases niln O of niln O => O | y x => O end. Type Cases niln O of niln O => O | y x => O end. Type <[_:nat][_:nat]nat>Cases niln niln of niln niln => O | x y => O end. Type Cases niln niln of niln niln => O | x y => O end. Type <[_,_,_:nat]nat>Cases niln niln niln of niln niln niln => O | x y z => O end. Type Cases niln niln niln of niln niln niln => O | x y z => O end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases (niln) of niln => O | (consn n a l) => O end. Type Cases (niln) of niln => O | (consn n a l) => O end. Type <[_:nat][_:nat]nat>Cases niln niln of niln niln => O | niln (consn n a l) => n | (consn n a l) x => a end. Type Cases niln niln of niln niln => O | niln (consn n a l) => n | (consn n a l) x => a end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)]<[_:nat]nat>Cases l of niln => O | x => O end. Type [c:nat;s:bool] <[_:nat;_:bool]nat>Cases c s of | O _ => O | _ _ => c end. Type [c:nat;s:bool] <[_:nat;_:bool]nat>Cases c s of | O _ => O | (S _) _ => c end. (* Rows of pattern variables: some tricky cases *) Axiom P:nat->Prop; f:(n:nat)(P n). Type [i:nat] <[_:bool;n:nat](P n)>Cases true i of | true k => (f k) | _ k => (f k) end. Type [i:nat] <[n:nat;_:bool](P n)>Cases i true of | k true => (f k) | k _ => (f k) end. (* Nested Cases: the SYNTH of the Cases on n used to make Multcase believe * it has to synthtize the predicate on O (which he can't) *) Type <[n]Cases n of O => bool | (S _) => nat end>Cases O of O => true | (S _) => O end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)]Cases l of niln => O | x => O end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)]<[_:nat]nat>Cases l of niln => O | (consn n a niln) => O | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)]Cases l of niln => O | (consn n a niln) => O | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)]<[_:nat]nat>Cases l of niln => O | (consn n a niln) => O | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)]Cases l of niln => O | (consn n a niln) => O | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)]<[_:nat]nat>Cases l of Niln => O | (Consn n a Niln) => O | (Consn n a (Consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)]Cases l of Niln => O | (Consn n a Niln) => O | (Consn n a (Consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. (* Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] <[_:nat](Listn A O)>Cases l of (Niln as b) => b | (Consn n a (Niln as b))=> (Niln A) | (Consn n a (Consn m b l)) => (Niln A) end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] Cases l of (Niln as b) => b | (Consn n a (Niln as b))=> (Niln A) | (Consn n a (Consn m b l)) => (Niln A) end. *) (******** This example rises an error unconstrained_variables! Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] Cases l of (Niln as b) => (Consn A O O b) | ((Consn n a Niln) as L) => L | (Consn n a _) => (Consn A O O (Niln A)) end. **********) (* To test tratement of as-patterns in depth *) Type [A:Set] [l:(List A)] Cases l of (Nil as b) => (Nil A) | ((Cons a Nil) as L) => L | ((Cons a (Cons b m)) as L) => L end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)] <[_:nat](listn n)>Cases l of niln => l | (consn n a c) => l end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)] Cases l of niln => l | (consn n a c) => l end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)] <[_:nat](listn n)>Cases l of (niln as b) => l | _ => l end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)] Cases l of (niln as b) => l | _ => l end. Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)] <[_:nat](listn n)>Cases l of (niln as b) => l | x => l end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] Cases l of (Niln as b) => l | _ => l end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] <[_:nat](Listn A n)>Cases l of Niln => l | (Consn n a Niln) => l | (Consn n a (Consn m b c)) => l end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] Cases l of Niln => l | (Consn n a Niln) => l | (Consn n a (Consn m b c)) => l end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] <[_:nat](Listn A n)>Cases l of (Niln as b) => l | (Consn n a (Niln as b)) => l | (Consn n a (Consn m b _)) => l end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] Cases l of (Niln as b) => l | (Consn n a (Niln as b)) => l | (Consn n a (Consn m b _)) => l end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases (niln) of niln => O | (consn n a niln) => O | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type Cases (niln) of niln => O | (consn n a niln) => O | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type <[_,_:nat]nat>Cases (LeO O) of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m h) => (plus n m) end. Type Cases (LeO O) of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m h) => (plus n m) end. Type [n:nat][l:(Listn nat n)] <[_:nat]nat>Cases l of Niln => O | (Consn n a l) => O end. Type [n:nat][l:(Listn nat n)] Cases l of Niln => O | (Consn n a l) => O end. Type Cases (Niln nat) of Niln => O | (Consn n a l) => O end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases (LE_n O) of LE_n => O | (LE_S m h) => O end. Type Cases (LE_n O) of LE_n => O | (LE_S m h) => O end. Type Cases (LE_n O) of LE_n => O | (LE_S m h) => O end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases (niln ) of niln => O | (consn n a niln) => n | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type Cases (niln ) of niln => O | (consn n a niln) => n | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases (Niln nat) of Niln => O | (Consn n a Niln) => n | (Consn n a (Consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type Cases (Niln nat) of Niln => O | (Consn n a Niln) => n | (Consn n a (Consn m b l)) => (plus n m) end. Type <[_,_:nat]nat>Cases (LeO O) of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m (LeO x)) => (plus x m) | (LeS n m (LeS x y h)) => (plus n x) end. Type Cases (LeO O) of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m (LeO x)) => (plus x m) | (LeS n m (LeS x y h)) => (plus n x) end. Type <[_,_:nat]nat>Cases (LeO O) of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m (LeO x)) => (plus x m) | (LeS n m (LeS x y h)) => m end. Type Cases (LeO O) of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m (LeO x)) => (plus x m) | (LeS n m (LeS x y h)) => m end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)] <[_,_:nat]nat>Cases h of (LeO x) => x | x => O end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)] Cases h of (LeO x) => x | x => O end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)] <[_,_:nat]nat>Cases h of (LeS n m h) => n | x => O end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)] Cases h of (LeS n m h) => n | x => O end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)] <[_,_:nat]nat*nat>Cases h of (LeO n) => (O,n) |(LeS n m _) => ((S n),(S m)) end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)] Cases h of (LeO n) => (O,n) |(LeS n m _) => ((S n),(S m)) end. Fixpoint F [n,m:nat; h:(Le n m)] : (Le n (S m)) := <[n,m:nat](Le n (S m))>Cases h of (LeO m') => (LeO (S m')) | (LeS n' m' h') => (LeS n' (S m') (F n' m' h')) end. Reset F. Fixpoint F [n,m:nat; h:(Le n m)] :(Le n (S m)) := <[n,m:nat](Le n (S m))>Cases h of (LeS n m h) => (LeS n (S m) (F n m h)) | (LeO m) => (LeO (S m)) end. (* Rend la longueur de la liste *) Definition length1:= [n:nat] [l:(listn n)] <[_:nat]nat>Cases l of (consn n _ (consn m _ _)) => (S (S m)) |(consn n _ _) => (S O) | _ => O end. Reset length1. Definition length1:= [n:nat] [l:(listn n)] Cases l of (consn n _ (consn m _ _)) => (S (S m)) |(consn n _ _) => (S O) | _ => O end. Definition length2:= [n:nat] [l:(listn n)] <[_:nat]nat>Cases l of (consn n _ (consn m _ _)) => (S (S m)) |(consn n _ _) => (S n) | _ => O end. Reset length2. Definition length2:= [n:nat] [l:(listn n)] Cases l of (consn n _ (consn m _ _)) => (S (S m)) |(consn n _ _) => (S n) | _ => O end. Definition length3 := [n:nat][l:(listn n)] <[_:nat]nat>Cases l of (consn n _ (consn m _ l)) => (S n) |(consn n _ _) => (S O) | _ => O end. Reset length3. Definition length3 := [n:nat][l:(listn n)] Cases l of (consn n _ (consn m _ l)) => (S n) |(consn n _ _) => (S O) | _ => O end. Type <[_,_:nat]nat>Cases (LeO O) of (LeS n m h) =>(plus n m) | x => O end. Type Cases (LeO O) of (LeS n m h) =>(plus n m) | x => O end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)]<[_,_:nat]nat>Cases h of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m (LeO x)) => (plus x m) | (LeS n m (LeS x y h)) =>(plus n (plus m (plus x y))) end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)]Cases h of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m (LeO x)) => (plus x m) | (LeS n m (LeS x y h)) =>(plus n (plus m (plus x y))) end. Type <[_,_:nat]nat>Cases (LeO O) of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m (LeO x)) => (plus x m) | (LeS n m (LeS x y h)) =>(plus n (plus m (plus x y))) end. Type Cases (LeO O) of (LeO x) => x | (LeS n m (LeO x)) => (plus x m) | (LeS n m (LeS x y h)) =>(plus n (plus m (plus x y))) end. Type <[_:nat]nat>Cases (LE_n O) of LE_n => O | (LE_S m LE_n) => (plus O m) | (LE_S m (LE_S y h)) => (plus O m) end. Type Cases (LE_n O) of LE_n => O | (LE_S m LE_n) => (plus O m) | (LE_S m (LE_S y h)) => (plus O m) end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)] Cases h of x => x end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)]<[_,_:nat]nat>Cases h of (LeO n) => n | x => O end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)] Cases h of (LeO n) => n | x => O end. Type [n:nat]<[_:nat]nat->nat>Cases niln of niln => [_:nat]O | (consn n a niln) => [_:nat]O | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => [_:nat](plus n m) end. Type [n:nat] Cases niln of niln => [_:nat]O | (consn n a niln) => [_:nat]O | (consn n a (consn m b l)) => [_:nat](plus n m) end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] <[_:nat]nat->nat>Cases l of Niln => [_:nat]O | (Consn n a Niln) => [_:nat] n | (Consn n a (Consn m b l)) => [_:nat](plus n m) end. Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] Cases l of Niln => [_:nat]O | (Consn n a Niln) => [_:nat] n | (Consn n a (Consn m b l)) => [_:nat](plus n m) end. (* Alsos tests for multiple _ patterns *) Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] <[n:nat](Listn A n)>Cases l of (Niln as b) => b | ((Consn _ _ _ ) as b)=> b end. (** Horrible error message! Type [A:Set][n:nat][l:(Listn A n)] Cases l of (Niln as b) => b | ((Consn _ _ _ ) as b)=> b end. ******) Type <[n:nat](listn n)>Cases niln of (niln as b) => b | ((consn _ _ _ ) as b)=> b end. Type <[n:nat](listn n)>Cases niln of (niln as b) => b | x => x end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(LE n m)]<[_:nat]nat->nat>Cases h of LE_n => [_:nat]n | (LE_S m LE_n) => [_:nat](plus n m) | (LE_S m (LE_S y h)) => [_:nat](plus m y ) end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(LE n m)]Cases h of LE_n => [_:nat]n | (LE_S m LE_n) => [_:nat](plus n m) | (LE_S m (LE_S y h)) => [_:nat](plus m y ) end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(LE n m)] <[_:nat]nat>Cases h of LE_n => n | (LE_S m LE_n ) => (plus n m) | (LE_S m (LE_S y LE_n )) => (plus (plus n m) y) | (LE_S m (LE_S y (LE_S y' h))) => (plus (plus n m) (plus y y')) end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(LE n m)] Cases h of LE_n => n | (LE_S m LE_n ) => (plus n m) | (LE_S m (LE_S y LE_n )) => (plus (plus n m) y) | (LE_S m (LE_S y (LE_S y' h))) => (plus (plus n m) (plus y y')) end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(LE n m)]<[_:nat]nat>Cases h of LE_n => n | (LE_S m LE_n) => (plus n m) | (LE_S m (LE_S y h)) => (plus (plus n m) y) end. Type [n,m:nat][h:(LE n m)]Cases h of LE_n => n | (LE_S m LE_n) => (plus n m) | (LE_S m (LE_S y h)) => (plus (plus n m) y) end. Type [n,m:nat] <[_,_:nat]nat>Cases (LeO O) of (LeS n m h) =>(plus n m) | x => O end. Type [n,m:nat] Cases (LeO O) of (LeS n m h) =>(plus n m) | x => O end. Parameter test : (n:nat){(le O n)}+{False}. Type [n:nat]Cases (test n) of (left _) => O | _ => O end. Type [n:nat] Cases (test n) of (left _) => O | _ => O end. Type [n:nat]Cases (test n) of (left _) => O | _ => O end. Parameter compare : (n,m:nat)({(lt n m)}+{n=m})+{(gt n m)}. Type Cases (compare O O) of (* k O | (* k=i *) (inleft _) => O | (* k>i *) (inright _) => O end. Type Cases (compare O O) of (* k O | (* k=i *) (inleft _) => O | (* k>i *) (inright _) => O end. CoInductive SStream [A:Set] : (nat->A->Prop)->Set := scons : (P:nat->A->Prop)(a:A)(P O a)->(SStream A [n:nat](P (S n)))->(SStream A P). Parameter B : Set. Type [P:nat->B->Prop][x:(SStream B P)]<[_:nat->B->Prop]B>Cases x of (scons _ a _ _) => a end. Type [P:nat->B->Prop][x:(SStream B P)] Cases x of (scons _ a _ _) => a end. Type Cases (O,O) of (x,y) => ((S x),(S y)) end. Type Cases (O,O) of ((x as b), y) => ((S x),(S y)) end. Type Cases (O,O) of (pair x y) => ((S x),(S y)) end. Type Cases (O,O) of (x,y) => ((S x),(S y)) end. Type Cases (O,O) of ((x as b), y) => ((S x),(S y)) end. Type Cases (O,O) of (pair x y) => ((S x),(S y)) end. Parameter concat : (A:Set)(List A) ->(List A) ->(List A). Type <(List nat)>Cases (Nil nat) (Nil nat) of (Nil as b) x => (concat nat b x) | ((Cons _ _) as d) (Nil as c) => (concat nat d c) | _ _ => (Nil nat) end. Type Cases (Nil nat) (Nil nat) of (Nil as b) x => (concat nat b x) | ((Cons _ _) as d) (Nil as c) => (concat nat d c) | _ _ => (Nil nat) end. Inductive redexes : Set := VAR : nat -> redexes | Fun : redexes -> redexes | Ap : bool -> redexes -> redexes -> redexes. Fixpoint regular [U:redexes] : Prop := Cases U of (VAR n) => True | (Fun V) => (regular V) | (Ap true ((Fun _) as V) W) => (regular V) /\ (regular W) | (Ap true _ W) => False | (Ap false V W) => (regular V) /\ (regular W) end. Type [n:nat]Cases n of O => O | (S ((S n) as V)) => V | _ => O end. Reset concat. Parameter concat :(n:nat) (listn n) -> (m:nat) (listn m)-> (listn (plus n m)). Type [n:nat][l:(listn n)][m:nat][l':(listn m)] <[n,_:nat](listn (plus n m))>Cases l l' of niln x => x | (consn n a l'') x =>(consn (plus n m) a (concat n l'' m x)) end. Type [x,y,z:nat] [H:x=y] [H0:y=z]<[_:nat]x=z>Cases H of refl_equal => <[n:nat]x=n>Cases H0 of refl_equal => H end end. Type [h:False]Cases h of end. Type [h:False]Cases h of end. Definition is_zero := [n:nat]Cases n of O => True | _ => False end. Type [n:nat][h:O=(S n)]<[n:nat](is_zero n)>Cases h of refl_equal => I end. Definition disc : (n:nat)O=(S n)->False := [n:nat][h:O=(S n)] <[n:nat](is_zero n)>Cases h of refl_equal => I end. Definition nlength3 := [n:nat] [l: (listn n)] Cases l of niln => O | (consn O _ _) => (S O) | (consn (S n) _ _) => (S (S n)) end. (* == Testing strategy elimintation predicate synthesis == *) Section titi. Variable h:False. Type Cases O of O => O | _ => (Except h) end. End titi. Type Cases niln of (consn _ a niln) => a | (consn n _ x) => O | niln => O end. Inductive wsort : Set := ws : wsort | wt : wsort. Inductive TS : wsort->Set := id :(TS ws) | lift:(TS ws)->(TS ws). Type [b:wsort][M:(TS b)][N:(TS b)] Cases M N of (lift M1) id => False | _ _ => True end. (* ===================================================================== *) (* To test pattern matching over a non-dependent inductive type, but *) (* having constructors with some arguments that depend on others *) (* I.e. to test manipulation of elimination predicate *) (* ===================================================================== *) Parameter LTERM : nat -> Set. Mutual Inductive TERM : Type := var : TERM | oper : (op:nat) (LTERM op) -> TERM. Parameter t1, t2:TERM. Type Cases t1 t2 of var var => True | (oper op1 l1) (oper op2 l2) => False | _ _ => False end. Reset LTERM. Require Peano_dec. Parameter n:nat. Definition eq_prf := (EXT m | n=m). Parameter p:eq_prf . Type Cases p of (exT_intro c eqc) => Cases (eq_nat_dec c n) of (right _) => (refl_equal ? n) |(left y) (* c=n*) => (refl_equal ? n) end end. Parameter ordre_total : nat->nat->Prop. Parameter N_cla:(N:nat){N=O}+{N=(S O)}+{(ge N (S (S O)))}. Parameter exist_U2:(N:nat)(ge N (S (S O)))-> {n:nat|(m:nat)(lt O m)/\(le m N) /\(ordre_total n m) /\(lt O n)/\(lt n N)}. Type [N:nat](Cases (N_cla N) of (inright H)=>(Cases (exist_U2 N H) of (exist a b)=>a end) | _ => O end). (* ============================================== *) (* To test compilation of dependent case *) (* Nested patterns *) (* ============================================== *) (* == To test that terms named with AS are correctly absolutized before substitution in rhs == *) Type [n:nat]<[n:nat]nat>Cases (n) of O => O | (S O) => O | ((S (S n1)) as N) => N end. (* ========= *) Type <[n:nat][_:(listn n)]Prop>Cases niln of niln => True | (consn (S O) _ _) => False | _ => True end. Type <[n:nat][_:(listn n)]Prop>Cases niln of niln => True | (consn (S (S O)) _ _) => False | _ => True end. Type <[n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)]nat>Cases (LeO O) of (LeO _) => O | (LeS (S x) _ _) => x | _ => (S O) end. Type <[n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)]nat>Cases (LeO O) of (LeO _) => O | (LeS (S x) (S y) _) => x | _ => (S O) end. Type <[n,m:nat][h:(Le n m)]nat>Cases (LeO O) of (LeO _) => O | (LeS ((S x) as b) (S y) _) => b | _ => (S O) end. Parameter ff: (n,m:nat)~n=m -> ~(S n)=(S m). Parameter discr_r : (n:nat) ~(O=(S n)). Parameter discr_l : (n:nat) ~((S n)=O). Type [n:nat] <[n:nat]n=O\/~n=O>Cases n of O => (or_introl ? ~O=O (refl_equal ? O)) | (S x) => (or_intror (S x)=O ? (discr_l x)) end. Fixpoint eqdec [n:nat] : (m:nat) n=m \/ ~n=m := [m:nat] <[n,m:nat] n=m \/ ~n=m>Cases n m of O O => (or_introl ? ~O=O (refl_equal ? O)) | O (S x) => (or_intror O=(S x) ? (discr_r x)) | (S x) O => (or_intror ? ~(S x)=O (discr_l x)) | (S x) (S y) => <(S x)=(S y)\/~(S x)=(S y)>Cases (eqdec x y) of (or_introl h) => (or_introl ? ~(S x)=(S y) (f_equal nat nat S x y h)) | (or_intror h) => (or_intror (S x)=(S y) ? (ff x y h)) end end. Reset eqdec. Fixpoint eqdec [n:nat] : (m:nat) n=m \/ ~n=m := <[n:nat] (m:nat)n=m \/ ~n=m>Cases n of O => [m:nat] <[m:nat]O=m\/~O=m>Cases m of O => (or_introl ? ~O=O (refl_equal nat O)) |(S x) => (or_intror O=(S x) ? (discr_r x)) end | (S x) => [m:nat] <[m:nat](S x)=m\/~(S x)=m>Cases m of O => (or_intror (S x)=O ? (discr_l x)) | (S y) => <(S x)=(S y)\/~(S x)=(S y)>Cases (eqdec x y) of (or_introl h) => (or_introl ? ~(S x)=(S y) (f_equal ? ? S x y h)) | (or_intror h) => (or_intror (S x)=(S y) ? (ff x y h)) end end end. Inductive empty : (n:nat)(listn n)-> Prop := intro_empty: (empty O niln). Parameter inv_empty : (n,a:nat)(l:(listn n)) ~(empty (S n) (consn n a l)). Type [n:nat] [l:(listn n)] <[n:nat] [l:(listn n)](empty n l) \/ ~(empty n l)>Cases l of niln => (or_introl ? ~(empty O niln) intro_empty) | ((consn n a y) as b) => (or_intror (empty (S n) b) ? (inv_empty n a y)) end. Reset ff. Parameter ff: (n,m:nat)~n=m -> ~(S n)=(S m). Parameter discr_r : (n:nat) ~(O=(S n)). Parameter discr_l : (n:nat) ~((S n)=O). Type [n:nat] <[n:nat]n=O\/~n=O>Cases n of O => (or_introl ? ~O=O (refl_equal ? O)) | (S x) => (or_intror (S x)=O ? (discr_l x)) end. Fixpoint eqdec [n:nat] : (m:nat) n=m \/ ~n=m := [m:nat] <[n,m:nat] n=m \/ ~n=m>Cases n m of O O => (or_introl ? ~O=O (refl_equal ? O)) | O (S x) => (or_intror O=(S x) ? (discr_r x)) | (S x) O => (or_intror ? ~(S x)=O (discr_l x)) | (S x) (S y) => <(S x)=(S y)\/~(S x)=(S y)>Cases (eqdec x y) of (or_introl h) => (or_introl ? ~(S x)=(S y) (f_equal nat nat S x y h)) | (or_intror h) => (or_intror (S x)=(S y) ? (ff x y h)) end end. Reset eqdec. Fixpoint eqdec [n:nat] : (m:nat) n=m \/ ~n=m := <[n:nat] (m:nat)n=m \/ ~n=m>Cases n of O => [m:nat] <[m:nat]O=m\/~O=m>Cases m of O => (or_introl ? ~O=O (refl_equal nat O)) |(S x) => (or_intror O=(S x) ? (discr_r x)) end | (S x) => [m:nat] <[m:nat](S x)=m\/~(S x)=m>Cases m of O => (or_intror (S x)=O ? (discr_l x)) | (S y) => <(S x)=(S y)\/~(S x)=(S y)>Cases (eqdec x y) of (or_introl h) => (or_introl ? ~(S x)=(S y) (f_equal ? ? S x y h)) | (or_intror h) => (or_intror (S x)=(S y) ? (ff x y h)) end end end. (* ================================================== *) (* Pour tester parametres *) (* ================================================== *) Inductive Empty [A:Set] : (List A)-> Prop := intro_Empty: (Empty A (Nil A)). Parameter inv_Empty : (A:Set)(a:A)(x:(List A)) ~(Empty A (Cons A a x)). Type <[l:(List nat)](Empty nat l) \/ ~(Empty nat l)>Cases (Nil nat) of Nil => (or_introl ? ~(Empty nat (Nil nat)) (intro_Empty nat)) | (Cons a y) => (or_intror (Empty nat (Cons nat a y)) ? (inv_Empty nat a y)) end. (* ================================================== *) (* Sur les listes *) (* ================================================== *) Inductive empty : (n:nat)(listn n)-> Prop := intro_empty: (empty O niln). Parameter inv_empty : (n,a:nat)(l:(listn n)) ~(empty (S n) (consn n a l)). Type [n:nat] [l:(listn n)] <[n:nat] [l:(listn n)](empty n l) \/ ~(empty n l)>Cases l of niln => (or_introl ? ~(empty O niln) intro_empty) | ((consn n a y) as b) => (or_intror (empty (S n) b) ? (inv_empty n a y)) end. (* ===================================== *) (* Test parametros: *) (* ===================================== *) Inductive eqlong : (List nat)-> (List nat)-> Prop := eql_cons : (n,m:nat)(x,y:(List nat)) (eqlong x y) -> (eqlong (Cons nat n x) (Cons nat m y)) | eql_nil : (eqlong (Nil nat) (Nil nat)). Parameter V1 : (eqlong (Nil nat) (Nil nat))\/ ~(eqlong (Nil nat) (Nil nat)). Parameter V2 : (a:nat)(x:(List nat)) (eqlong (Nil nat) (Cons nat a x))\/ ~(eqlong (Nil nat)(Cons nat a x)). Parameter V3 : (a:nat)(x:(List nat)) (eqlong (Cons nat a x) (Nil nat))\/ ~(eqlong (Cons nat a x) (Nil nat)). Parameter V4 : (a:nat)(x:(List nat))(b:nat)(y:(List nat)) (eqlong (Cons nat a x)(Cons nat b y)) \/ ~(eqlong (Cons nat a x) (Cons nat b y)). Type <[x,y:(List nat)](eqlong x y)\/~(eqlong x y)>Cases (Nil nat) (Nil nat) of Nil Nil => V1 | Nil (Cons a x) => (V2 a x) | (Cons a x) Nil => (V3 a x) | (Cons a x) (Cons b y) => (V4 a x b y) end. Type [x,y:(List nat)] <[x,y:(List nat)](eqlong x y)\/~(eqlong x y)>Cases x y of Nil Nil => V1 | Nil (Cons a x) => (V2 a x) | (Cons a x) Nil => (V3 a x) | (Cons a x) (Cons b y) => (V4 a x b y) end. (* ===================================== *) Inductive Eqlong : (n:nat) (listn n)-> (m:nat) (listn m)-> Prop := Eql_cons : (n,m:nat )(x:(listn n))(y:(listn m)) (a,b:nat) (Eqlong n x m y) ->(Eqlong (S n) (consn n a x) (S m) (consn m b y)) | Eql_niln : (Eqlong O niln O niln). Parameter W1 : (Eqlong O niln O niln)\/ ~(Eqlong O niln O niln). Parameter W2 : (n,a:nat)(x:(listn n)) (Eqlong O niln (S n)(consn n a x)) \/ ~(Eqlong O niln (S n) (consn n a x)). Parameter W3 : (n,a:nat)(x:(listn n)) (Eqlong (S n) (consn n a x) O niln) \/ ~(Eqlong (S n) (consn n a x) O niln). Parameter W4 : (n,a:nat)(x:(listn n)) (m,b:nat)(y:(listn m)) (Eqlong (S n)(consn n a x) (S m) (consn m b y)) \/ ~(Eqlong (S n)(consn n a x) (S m) (consn m b y)). Type <[n:nat][x:(listn n)][m:nat][y:(listn m)] (Eqlong n x m y)\/~(Eqlong n x m y)>Cases niln niln of niln niln => W1 | niln (consn n a x) => (W2 n a x) | (consn n a x) niln => (W3 n a x) | (consn n a x) (consn m b y) => (W4 n a x m b y) end. Type [n,m:nat][x:(listn n)][y:(listn m)] <[n:nat][x:(listn n)][m:nat][y:(listn m)] (Eqlong n x m y)\/~(Eqlong n x m y)>Cases x y of niln niln => W1 | niln (consn n a x) => (W2 n a x) | (consn n a x) niln => (W3 n a x) | (consn n a x) (consn m b y) => (W4 n a x m b y) end. Parameter Inv_r : (n,a:nat)(x:(listn n)) ~(Eqlong O niln (S n) (consn n a x)). Parameter Inv_l : (n,a:nat)(x:(listn n)) ~(Eqlong (S n) (consn n a x) O niln). Parameter Nff : (n,a:nat)(x:(listn n)) (m,b:nat)(y:(listn m)) ~(Eqlong n x m y) -> ~(Eqlong (S n) (consn n a x) (S m) (consn m b y)). Fixpoint Eqlongdec [n:nat; x:(listn n)] : (m:nat)(y:(listn m)) (Eqlong n x m y)\/~(Eqlong n x m y) := [m:nat][y:(listn m)] <[n:nat][x:(listn n)][m:nat][y:(listn m)] (Eqlong n x m y)\/~(Eqlong n x m y)>Cases x y of niln niln => (or_introl ? ~(Eqlong O niln O niln) Eql_niln) | niln ((consn n a x) as L) => (or_intror (Eqlong O niln (S n) L) ? (Inv_r n a x)) | ((consn n a x) as L) niln => (or_intror (Eqlong (S n) L O niln) ? (Inv_l n a x)) | ((consn n a x) as L1) ((consn m b y) as L2) => <(Eqlong (S n) L1 (S m) L2) \/~(Eqlong (S n) L1 (S m) L2)> Cases (Eqlongdec n x m y) of (or_introl h) => (or_introl ? ~(Eqlong (S n) L1 (S m) L2)(Eql_cons n m x y a b h)) | (or_intror h) => (or_intror (Eqlong (S n) L1 (S m) L2) ? (Nff n a x m b y h)) end end. (* ============================================== *) (* To test compilation of dependent case *) (* Multiple Patterns *) (* ============================================== *) Inductive skel: Type := PROP: skel | PROD: skel->skel->skel. Parameter Can : skel -> Type. Parameter default_can : (s:skel) (Can s). Type [s1,s2:skel] [s1,s2:skel]<[s1:skel][_:skel](Can s1)>Cases s1 s2 of PROP PROP => (default_can PROP) | (PROD x y) PROP => (default_can (PROD x y)) | (PROD x y) _ => (default_can (PROD x y)) | PROP _ => (default_can PROP) end. (* to test bindings in nested Cases *) (* ================================ *) Inductive Pair : Set := pnil : Pair | pcons : Pair -> Pair -> Pair. Type [p,q:Pair]Cases p of (pcons _ x) => Cases q of (pcons _ (pcons _ x)) => True | _ => False end | _ => False end. Type [p,q:Pair]Cases p of (pcons _ x) => Cases q of (pcons _ (pcons _ x)) => Cases q of (pcons _ (pcons _ (pcons _ x))) => x | _ => pnil end | _ => pnil end | _ => pnil end. Type [n:nat] [l:(listn (S n))] <[z:nat](listn (pred z))>Cases l of niln => niln | (consn n _ l) => <[m:nat](listn m)>Cases l of niln => niln | b => b end end. (* Test de la syntaxe avec nombres *) Require Arith. Type [n]Cases n of (2) => true | _ => false end. Require ZArith. Type [n]Cases n of `0` => true | _ => false end.