(* in clause pattern *) Require Vector. Check (fun n (x: Vector.t True (S n)) => match x in Vector.t _ (S m) return True with |Vector.cons _ h _ _ => h end). (* Notation *) Import Vector.VectorNotations. Notation "A \dots n" := (Vector.t A n) (at level 200). Check (fun m (x: Vector.t nat m) => match x in _ \dots k return Vector.t nat (S k) with | Vector.nil _ => 0 :: [] | Vector.cons _ h _ t => h :: h :: t end). (* N should be a variable and not the inductiveRef *) Require Import NArith. Theorem foo : forall (n m : nat) (pf : n = m), match pf in _ = N with | eq_refl => unit end. (* Check redundant clause is removed *) Inductive I : nat * nat -> Type := C : I (0,0). Check fun x : I (1,1) => match x in I (y,z) return y = z with C => eq_refl end.