(* This used to refer to b instead of z sometimes between 8.4 and 8.5beta3 *) Goal True. Fail let T := constr:((fun a b : nat => a+b) 1 1) in lazymatch T with | (fun x z => ?y) 1 1 => pose ((fun x _ => y) 1 1) end. Abort. (* This should not raise a warning (see #4317) *) Goal True. assert (H:= eq_refl ((fun x => x) 1)). let HT := type of H in lazymatch goal with | H1 : HT |- _ => idtac end. Abort. Ltac f x y z := symmetry in x, y; auto with z; auto; intros; clearbody x; generalize dependent z. Print Ltac f. (* Error messages *) Ltac g1 x := refine x. Tactic Notation "g2" constr(x) := g1 x. Tactic Notation "f1" constr(x) := refine x. Ltac f2 x := f1 x. Goal False. Fail g1 I. Fail f1 I. Fail g2 I. Fail f2 I. Ltac h x := injection x. Goal True -> False. Fail h I. intro H. Fail h H.