(**********************************************************************) (* Test call to primitive printers in presence of coercion to *) (* functions (cf bug #2044) *) Inductive PAIR := P (n1:nat) (n2:nat). Coercion P : nat >-> Funclass. Check (2 3). (* Check that notations with coercions to functions inserted still work *) (* (were not working from revision 11886 to 12951) *) Record Binop := { binop :> nat -> nat -> nat }. Class Plusop := { plusop : Binop; zero : nat }. Infix "[+]" := plusop (at level 40). Instance Plus : Plusop := {| plusop := {| binop := plus |} ; zero := 0 |}. Check 2[+]3. (* Test bug #2091 (variable le was printed using <= !) *) Check forall (A: Set) (le: A -> A -> Prop) (x y: A), le x y \/ le y x. (* Test recursive notations in cases pattern *) Remove Printing Let prod. Check match (0,0,0) with (x,y,z) => x+y+z end. Check let '(a,b,c) := ((2,3),4) in a. (* Check printing of notations with mixed reserved binders (see bug #2571) *) Implicit Type myx : bool. Check exists myx y, myx = y. (* Test notation for anonymous functions up to eta-expansion *) Check fun P:nat->nat->Prop => fun x:nat => ex (P x). (* Test notations with binders *) Notation "∃ x .. y , P":= (ex (fun x => .. (ex (fun y => P)) ..)) (x binder, y binder, at level 200, right associativity). Check (∃ n p, n+p=0). Check ∃ (a:=0) (x:nat) y (b:=1) (c:=b) (d:=2) z (e:=3) (f:=4), x+y = z+d. Notation "∀ x .. y , P":= (forall x, .. (forall y, P) ..) (x binder, at level 200, right associativity). Check (∀ n p, n+p=0). Notation "'λ' x .. y , P":= (fun x => .. (fun y => P) ..) (y binder, at level 200, right associativity). Check (λ n p, n+p=0). Generalizable Variable A. Check `(λ n p : A, n=p). Check `(∃ n p : A, n=p). Check `(∀ n p : A, n=p). Notation "'let'' f x .. y := t 'in' u":= (let f := fun x => .. (fun y => t) .. in u) (f ident, x closed binder, y closed binder, at level 200, right associativity). Check let' f x y (a:=0) z (b:bool) := x+y+z+1 in f 0 1 2. (* In practice, only the printing rule is used here *) (* Note: does not work for pattern *) Module A. Notation "f ( x )" := (f x) (at level 10, format "f ( x )"). Open Scope nat_scope. Check fun f x => f x + S x. Open Scope list_scope. Notation list1 := (1::nil)%list. Notation plus2 n := (S (S n)). (* plus2 was not correctly printed in the two following tests in 8.3pl1 *) Print plus2. Check fun n => match n with list1 => 0 | _ => 2 end. Unset Printing Allow Match Default Clause. Check fun n => match n with list1 => 0 | _ => 2 end. Unset Printing Factorizable Match Patterns. Check fun n => match n with list1 => 0 | _ => 2 end. Set Printing Allow Match Default Clause. Set Printing Factorizable Match Patterns. End A. (* This one is not fully satisfactory because binders in the same type are re-factorized and parentheses are needed even for atomic binder Notation "'mylet' f [ x ; .. ; y ] := t 'in' u":= (let f := fun x => .. (fun y => t) .. in u) (f ident, x closed binder, y closed binder, at level 200, right associativity). Check mylet f [x;y;z;(a:bool)] := x+y+z+1 in f 0 1 2. *) (* Check notations for functional terms which do not necessarily depend on their parameter *) (* Old request mentioned again on coq-club 20/1/2012 *) Notation "# x : T => t" := (fun x : T => t) (at level 0, t at level 200, x ident). Check # x : nat => x. Check # _ : nat => 2. (* Check bug 4677 *) Check fun x (H:le x 0) => exist (le x) 0 H. Parameters (A : Set) (x y : A) (Q : A -> A -> Prop) (conj : Q x y). Check (exist (Q x) y conj). (* Check bug #4854 *) Notation "% i" := (fun i : nat => i) (at level 0, i ident). Check %i. Check %j. (* Check bug raised on coq-club on Sep 12, 2016 *) Notation "{ x , y , .. , v }" := (fun a => (or .. (or (a = x) (a = y)) .. (a = v))). Check ({1, 2}). (**********************************************************************) (* Check notations of the form ".a", ".a≡", "a≡" *) (* Only "a#", "a≡" and ".≡" were working properly for parsing. The *) (* other ones were working only for printing. *) Notation "a#" := nat. Check nat. Check a#. Notation "a≡" := nat. Check nat. Check a≡. Notation ".≡" := nat. Check nat. Check .≡. Notation ".a#" := nat. Check nat. Check .a#. Notation ".a≡" := nat. Check nat. Check .a≡. Notation ".α" := nat. Check nat. Check .α. (* A test for #6304 *) Module M6304. Notation "'for' m 'from' 0 'to' N 'updating' ( s1 ) {{ b }} ;; rest" := (let s1 := (fix rec(n: nat) := match n with | 0 => s1 | S m => let s1 := rec m in b end) N in rest) (at level 20). Check fun (a b : nat) => let res := 0 in for i from 0 to a updating (res) {{ for j from 0 to b updating (res) {{ S res }};; res }};; res. End M6304.