Require Import List. Check (fix F (A B : Set) (f : A -> B) (l : list A) {struct l} : list B := match l with | nil => nil | a :: l => f a :: F _ _ f l end). (* V8 printing of this term used to failed in V8.0 and V8.0pl1 (cf bug #860) *) Check let fix f (m : nat) : nat := match m with | O => 0 | S m' => f m' end in f 0. Require Import ZArith_base Omega. Open Scope Z_scope. Inductive even: Z -> Prop := | even_base: even 0 | even_succ: forall n, odd (n - 1) -> even n with odd: Z -> Prop := | odd_succ: forall n, even (n - 1) -> odd n. (* Check printing of fix *) Ltac f id1 id2 := fix id1 2 with (id2 n (H:odd n) {struct H} : n >= 1). Print Ltac f. (* Incidentally check use of fix in proofs *) Lemma even_pos_odd_pos: forall n, even n -> n >= 0. Proof. fix even_pos_odd_pos 2 with (odd_pos_even_pos n (H:odd n) {struct H} : n >= 1). intros. destruct H. omega. apply odd_pos_even_pos in H. omega. intros. destruct H. apply even_pos_odd_pos in H. omega. Qed. CoInductive Inf := S { projS : Inf }. Definition expand_Inf (x : Inf) := S (projS x). CoFixpoint inf := S inf. Eval compute in inf.